• Published 29th Jun 2022
  • 340 Views, 3 Comments

Hogwarts: year 1 - GRYFFINDOR123456

The Equestria Girls characters and ASOUE characters are starting their first year at Hogwarts and are ready for a new trial

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first day(part 1)

It was potions with the Slytherins first that morning. I walked into the potions lab, where Blaise was sitting. I hurried over to where he was sitting. “Hey,” he said softly.
“Hi, Blaise,” I replied.
We smiled, as his soft brown eyes met my icy cyan ones. We began kissing, a bit hesitantly at first in case someone was watching us, but no one was. We kept kissing. We were in love with each other, I was sure of that. We might have been in different houses, separated for life, but we both knew that wouldn’t stop us from loving each other. Best friends until the end of time, we were. It was love that made us what we were, and even though I was in Gryffindor, he was in Slytherin, he was my best friend, my lover, my boyfriend. We might be 11 years old, but it didn’t stop me from being in love with him. Every time I looked into his eyes, I could see he felt the same way as me. We didn’t care, not one bit.

More students came in. We jumped apart, blushing furiously. I saw Ron and Harry sit at the back, Hermione at the front. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle sat next to Harry, shooting a glare at him.

As everyone in Gryffindor and Slytherin came in, Harry and Ron began chatting. “Hush!” cried Hermione. “Professor Snape is coming!”

Professor Snape came in, his black cloak billowing out behind him. He closed the door, sweeping his cloak as he glided to his desk, like a bat, his black eyes piercing into the eyes of each of the students. He took the register, his eyes boring into Harry’s eyes. Harry put his hand to his forehead, assuming that was where his scar was.

He began asking Harry questions, that he didn’t know the answers to. I looked at Hermione, whose hand was quivering as she was desperate to answer the questions.

“And that’s 10 points off Gryffindor for cheek, Potter,” said Snape. “Put your hand down Miss Granger.”
Hermione looked a bit disappointed. Draco smirked. I shot a glare at Draco.

Today we were looking at the strength potion. Blaise and I were partners. I got out my potions book, flicking to the strength potion page. I saw the ingredients on the table. “Let’s do this,” said Blaise determinedly.
I nodded in agreement.

After an hour, Professor Snape came around to each table. I overheard that Harry and Ron messed up, Neville and Seamus got the wrong page, Hermione one mistake, Draco the same, and then he came to our table.
“This is perfect!” he cried when he looked inside Blaise’s cauldron. “20 points to both of you,” he said quietly.
“It’s all Sunset,” said Blaise.
“Don’t be silly,” I said. “You did some parts. Like finding the ingredients, stirring, and correcting me when I nearly put in the wrong ingredient.”

The bell rang. I put a vial of the potion on Snape’s desk. “Evanesco,” I muttered, waving my wand over the cauldron.

“Come on,” said Harry. “It’s Charms.”
I hugged Blaise. “I’ll see you at break,” I whispered.
He nodded.

I followed Hermione to Charms, with the Ravenclaws.
Flitwick paired me with a girl called Violet Baudelaire, and we would look at the theory of the levitation charm.
I looked behind me to see Harry and Seamus chatting. I exchanged looks with Hermione, who shot a hard look at Harry and Seamus.

“Can anyone tell me what the motion for the levitation charm is?” asked a squeaky voice. We looked, where a very small wizard stood on his desk.
Hermione, a girl with purple and pink hair who wore glasses, me and Violet raised our hands.
“Miss Shimmer?” he asked.
“The swish and flick,” I stated. Hermione looked disappointed.
“Excellent,” he said. “10 points to Gryffindor. Okay, Miss Granger, can you tell me the name of the spell?”
“Wingardium Leviosa!” she babbled.
“10 points to Gryffindor!” he cried. “Excellent. Miss Dash, quieten down with Mr Potter.”

The bell rang. “Recess!” bellowed Rainbow Dash.

Everyone ran out of the classroom. Blaise was waiting for me.

We went onto the lawn and sat down
“Hey,” he said gently.
“It’s a nice day, for September, isn’t it?” I replied.
“Very,” he replied.
“Uh, Blaise,” I said, taking off my guitar case. “I’ve written a song. It’s about us. It’s called Just Us. Um, do you... wanna hear it?”
“I’d love to,” he replied, smiling.
I took out my guitar, tuning it. I played a few notes. I took a deep breath and began to play.
There was a time I didn’t what to think
Of you
There was a time I didn’t know
But you showed me the way
That you’re mine
and I’m yours
But I’m yours(oh-oh-oh)
But I’m yours(oh-oh-oh)
Until we split up
I don’t think it’s likely we’ll split up
It’s just us
Just us(ooh-ooh)
I see you in my heart
Every day, every night
I think I’m in love(in love) with you again
I think I’ve fallen for you
But do you feel the same for me?

It’s just us
“That’s amazing, Sunset!” he cried. “Sunset, I think I do feel the same way,” he said quietly.
I smiled. “Thanks, Blaise,” I said shyly.
He kissed me. “Come on, it’s Defence Against the Dark Arts!”

Blaise and I walked into the class. “Hey, Sunset!” cried Rainbow Dash. “Come and sit with me!”
“Sorry,” I said. “I promised Blaise I’d sit with him.”
“Oh, okay,” said Rainbow Dash. “I guess I’ll sit with my new friends, Ron and Harry.”
Blaise and I sat at the front. Professor Quirrel came in from his office.
“G-g-good m-m-m-morning children,” he stuttered.

No one was listening to Quirrel. He just talked at us and didn’t make any sense. Well, not to me, which was unusual, because I understood almost everything. Maybe next in our next Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. The noise level grew. I heard students chatting. “You okay, Sunset?” whispered Blaise. “Is it too loud?”
“Yeah,” I whispered.

The bell rang.
“Herbology!” cried Neville.

Author's Note:

Well, this relationship won’t last. I assure you.
colours for the mane 7
Pinkie pie
Rainbow Dash