> Hogwarts: year 1 > by GRYFFINDOR123456 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > the letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draco and I were hanging out in his parents’ back garden. It was a warm, sunny day in July. My uncle, Lucius Malfoy was reading the Daily Prophet, checking news if my father, Lord Voldemort, would return. My aunt, Narcissa Malfoy was baking delicious treats that Draco and I could smell from the window. My mother, Bellatrix Lestrange, was also reading the Daily Prophet. My parents had split up when I was born, but my father wanted me to become a Death Eater, just like my mother and my uncle. My mother was his right-hand woman. When I was born, he engraved the dark mark on my left arm. No one apart from the grown-ups knew. But that’s enough about me. Draco and I were playing our favourite game, cat and mouse where we’d take turns chasing each other in circles. Uncle Lucius laughed. 2 owls swooped in, dropping 2 letters. Draco and I caught them. “It’s the Hogwarts letter!” cried Draco. “I’m in!” “Same,” I said. Mum laughed. “Now you can learn real magic.” “I don’t think Hogwarts is the right school,” said Lucius. “Better Pigfarts or Durmstrang.” “Oh don’t send him away,” said Narcissa, coming out with a plateful of heart-shaped cookies. “Every British wizard or witch has been sent to Hogwarts.” “There are mudbloods at Hogwarts,” argued Lucius. “It’ll taint him.” “Well, what do you think, Bella?” asked Narcissa. Mum smiled. “Well, Sunset’s going to Hogwarts. Tom loved it there. Anyway, Crabbe and Goyle’s kids are going. And Zabini.” “Blaise is going?!” I cried. “Oh my gosh! I can’t wait!” Blaise and I were born in the same hospital, on the same day, at the same time, 16th October 1989. We’ve been best friends since the day we were born, and my mum knew his mum. I ripped open the letter, reading it to myself. “Well,” said Lucius. “Tomorrow is 1st August. Let’s go tomorrow to Diagon Alley.” “I’ll write to Lucia Zabini and ask to meet us at Diagon Alley,” said Narcissa. Mum nodded. “You’d better stay here tomorrow,” said Narcissa. “Don’t want you to go to Azkaban.” “Cissy,” said Mum. “As your older-” “Mum!” I cried. “Sunset,” she said. “That’s enough. Why don’t you and Draco go inside and read your letters?” “Yes, mum,” I said meekly, as Draco and I headed inside. > Diagon Alley > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We walked into Diagon Alley. Mum handed me a small bag of money that would last about 4 years. Draco and I headed into Madame Malkin’s robes. Blaise was inside. I leapt into his arms. I was so happy to see him, finally. Blaise prised me away from him gently. Blaise and I started to date 2 years ago. We stood on stools, as the assistant put on robes and adjusted them. The door swung open. A boy with black hair and brilliant green eyes came in. “One minute!” shouted the assistant. She helped me down. “Hogwarts?” she asked the boy. “These 3 are too.” “What house do you think you’ll be in?” asked Draco. “Hopefully Slytherin. Imagine if you were Hufflepuff.” “Draco, that’s enough,” I said quietly. “I hope I'm on the Quidditch team,” Draco bragged. “I’m good.” “Oh shut up,” I said. Blaise got down his new robes in his bag. The boy got on the stool next to Draco. We paid and left the shop. We then went to Ollivander’s to get our wands. After that, we went to get our pets. I bought a Crup, as I love dogs, while Blaise bought an Owl. Draco came out. “Well?” asked Blaise. “I’m going to meet Crabbe and Goyle,” said Draco. “See you!” I looked at Blaise. “For God’s sake,” I said. “Crabbe and Goyle. Such a bad influence on him.” I kissed Blaise. He smiled gently, brushing my red-gold hair out of my face. > the Hogwarts express > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blaise, Draco and I went into Platform 9 and 3/4. A great red, steam train was there, and lots of students were getting on, saying goodbye, etc. Narcissa smiled. “I’ll see you at Christmas, Sunset, and Draco.” “Why?” I asked. “Where’s mum?” “She was caught,” said Narcissa. “By the Ministry, while you were in Diagon Alley. She’s in Azkaban. I warned her, I told her. She didn’t listen. Now, behave yourselves, you 2.” “Yes, mum,” groaned Draco. He spotted Crabbe and Goyle. “Can I go, I’ve seen Crabbe and Goyle!” Narcissa rolled her eyes. “Well, goodbye, then.” She helped us put our trunks on the train. “And Blaise, you’re always welcome in our home,” she said. Draco, Blaise and I got on. We walked to a compartment, where Crabbe, Goyle and a girl whose face looked like a pug were sitting. “Draco!” simpered the girl. “Pansy,” he said. “This is my cousin, Sunset,” he said. “And our friend, Blaise.” “Hope to be Slytherin, I guess?” asked Pansy. “Yep,” I replied. “Entire family are in Slytherin.” “Did you hear that Harry Potter is on the train?” said Pansy. “Really?” replied Draco. “I didn’t know.” “It’ll be interesting to meet him,” said Crabbe. “So you can bully him, the poor boy!” I retorted. “Isn’t that what Slytherins are meant to do?” asked a girl in the doorway. “I’m Millicent Bulstrode.” “NO!” Blaise and I shouted in unison. “We’re meant to be cunning, resourceful and loyal! Not be mean and horrible!” cried Blaise. “At least that’s what my dad told me when I was young. He died when I was 7. He was a Slytherin too, but he had respect for people. And it seems Sunset has the same morals, don’t you?” “I don’t have the same beliefs as my parents,” I said. “I believe everyone is responsible for everyone else. As J.B Priestley said, We are all members of one body... But men will be taught in fire, blood, and anguish. . It’s from An Inspector Calls. Have you heard of it?” “Whatever it is, it’s nonsense,” said Draco. “Y’know, J.B Priestley does have a point,” said Blaise, standing up for me. Draco hit me across the face. I cried out. “You little socialist!” he shouted. “Stop,” said Blaise. “Please. I’m tired of you fighting.” “You’re probably a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff,” sneered Draco. “Weak, pathetic.” “Don’t call my girlfriend that!” shouted Blaise. He turned to me. “You okay, Sunset?” “I’m fine,” I said shakily. “But,” continued Blaise. “I’m sorry, Sunset. But I do agree with Draco. Although I think we should respect everyone, I believe we should look after ourselves.” “What about the poor?” I cried. “What, like Weasley?” barked Draco. “Stop antagonising her, Draco,” said Blaise. “I’m going to find Potter,” said Draco. “Come, Crabbe and Goyle. And Sunset, I’m throwing you out.” “I guess we’ll have to split,” I said. “No,” said Blaise. “If it gets worse, yes, but not yet. I promise it’ll be okay.” He hugged me. “But if you’re staying, then we’ve got to split.” “Okay,” he said. “You have a point.” As the train came to a halt, a voice spoke over the intercom. Please leave your luggage and meet Hagrid. We will collect it. We got off the train. “Hey, Hagrid!” shouted the boy in the shop. “Harry, yer okay!” shouted the giant. “Come, Firs’ years!” We got into boats. I was in a boat with a girl called Twilight Sparkle, Violet Baudelaire and of course, Blaise. Draco sped past with Crabbe and Goyle. And then, there was the castle, finally. “Wow,” said Violet. “It’s huge.” I nodded. “Sunset, you okay?” asked Blaise. “I’m fine,” I said. “Just thinking about what Draco said.” “Ignore him,” said Blaise. “He’s a bitch for calling you weak. You’re not weak or pathetic. You’re the strongest, bravest, person I know.” I leaned my head on my shoulder. “What if I’m a Gryffindor? Do you think my dad will kill me?” “I don’t know,” said Blaise honestly. “But if you are, I’m always by your side.” “Thanks, Blaise,” I said, blushing. > The sorting hat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hagrid led us into the Great Hall, where we were met by a tall, stern, woman whose grey hair was tied in a tight bun and who wore glasses. “This is Professor McGonagall,” said Hagrid. “Professor McGonagall, the firs’ years.” “Trevor!” shouted a nerdy-looking boy who had lost his toad. The double doors swung open, as Professor McGonagall led us down to the hat. “Abbott, Hannah!” she cried. A rosy-faced girl in blonde pigtails stumbled forward, as Professor McGonagall put the hat on. “HUFFLEPUFF!” cried the hat. She took off the hat and scurried off to the Hufflepuff table. I zoned out, as more people were sorted. I noticed Rainbow Dash was a Gryffindor, Violet, a Ravenclaw, and Applejack, a Hufflepuff. I was waiting for my turn. They called out Potter’s name, which took 5 minutes to sort, the longest to be sorted. Then more names. And more names. Then they called my name. Blaise nudged me. I was visibly shaking as I went to the sorting hat. Professor McGonagall placed the hat on my head. “Ah,” said the hat. “The Dark Lord’s child. Your parents want you to be like them, but you don’t want to, am I right?” I nodded. “Okay,” said the hat. “I see you’re a smart, resourceful child, but you’re brave and you’re not afraid of saying your views. You’re creative and kind. Hmmmmm... Where to put you?” Some silence. “GRYFFINDOR!” Blaise groaned. As I walked past him, he grasped my hand. “Meet me on the lawn tomorrow break,” he whispered. > dorm mates > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new Gryffindors followed Percy Weasley into the common room. “Girls on the right, boys on the left,” he said. I followed the girls to the dormitory. There was Hermione Granger, me, Rainbow Dash, Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown and Kellah Morris. We went into the dormitory, 6 beds were arranged in a semi-circle. Hermione went straight for the one by the door. Parvati and Lavender were giggling, so didn’t even notice we were choosing beds. I went for the one next to Hermione. Rainbow Dash went for the one next to me. Kellah looked a bit confused. She took the bed next to Rainbow Dash, leaving the furthest two beds for Lavender and Parvati. “Hey,” said Rainbow Dash, breaking the silence between Hermione, her, Kellah and me. “I’m Rainbow Dash. Half-blood, both my parents were Slytherins. Dad is muggle-born, y’know, Bow Hothoof, and my mom is Windy Whistles. She’s a pureblood. I think they’re slightly disappointed that I’m in Gryffindor, y’know... Anyway, I’m real sporty.” “Are you American?” asked Parvati. “Yeah,” replied Rainbow Dash. “Well, I spent my elementary school years in America but spent middle school here in England. My mom’s British. My dad’s American. What about you guys?” Hermione sighed. “I’m Hermione Granger. My parents are dentists. They’re muggles,” she said. “I’m a big reader.” “Unlucky!” cried Rainbow Dash. “I’m a big reader too, Hermione!” I cried. “Sunset Shimmer. My parents are Slytherins. Death Eaters. Y’know, they forced me to become a Death Eater when I was born, did you know that?” “Are you 2 even listening?” asked Hermione. “Uhhh,” replied Lavender, “We’re chatting about fashion,” “Yuck,” said Kellah. “I’m Kellah Morris. I love animals, a bit disaster-prone, if you might say? You won’t curse me, Sunset?” “I don’t want to be like my parents,” I said quietly. “I just want to be myself, not be under the pressure of my parents.” “We all know what it’s like to be under parent pressure,” said Hermione. “Yeah,” said Rainbow Dash. “I saw you talking to one of the Slytherins-” “That’s Blaise,” I said. “He’s my boyfriend. I’ve known Blaise since I was born.” Hermione looked at her bedside table clock. “Let’s sleep,” she said. “Lessons tomorrow,” She closed the curtains around her bed. > first day(part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was potions with the Slytherins first that morning. I walked into the potions lab, where Blaise was sitting. I hurried over to where he was sitting. “Hey,” he said softly. “Hi, Blaise,” I replied. We smiled, as his soft brown eyes met my icy cyan ones. We began kissing, a bit hesitantly at first in case someone was watching us, but no one was. We kept kissing. We were in love with each other, I was sure of that. We might have been in different houses, separated for life, but we both knew that wouldn’t stop us from loving each other. Best friends until the end of time, we were. It was love that made us what we were, and even though I was in Gryffindor, he was in Slytherin, he was my best friend, my lover, my boyfriend. We might be 11 years old, but it didn’t stop me from being in love with him. Every time I looked into his eyes, I could see he felt the same way as me. We didn’t care, not one bit. More students came in. We jumped apart, blushing furiously. I saw Ron and Harry sit at the back, Hermione at the front. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle sat next to Harry, shooting a glare at him. As everyone in Gryffindor and Slytherin came in, Harry and Ron began chatting. “Hush!” cried Hermione. “Professor Snape is coming!” Professor Snape came in, his black cloak billowing out behind him. He closed the door, sweeping his cloak as he glided to his desk, like a bat, his black eyes piercing into the eyes of each of the students. He took the register, his eyes boring into Harry’s eyes. Harry put his hand to his forehead, assuming that was where his scar was. He began asking Harry questions, that he didn’t know the answers to. I looked at Hermione, whose hand was quivering as she was desperate to answer the questions. “And that’s 10 points off Gryffindor for cheek, Potter,” said Snape. “Put your hand down Miss Granger.” Hermione looked a bit disappointed. Draco smirked. I shot a glare at Draco. Today we were looking at the strength potion. Blaise and I were partners. I got out my potions book, flicking to the strength potion page. I saw the ingredients on the table. “Let’s do this,” said Blaise determinedly. I nodded in agreement. After an hour, Professor Snape came around to each table. I overheard that Harry and Ron messed up, Neville and Seamus got the wrong page, Hermione one mistake, Draco the same, and then he came to our table. “This is perfect!” he cried when he looked inside Blaise’s cauldron. “20 points to both of you,” he said quietly. “It’s all Sunset,” said Blaise. “Don’t be silly,” I said. “You did some parts. Like finding the ingredients, stirring, and correcting me when I nearly put in the wrong ingredient.” The bell rang. I put a vial of the potion on Snape’s desk. “Evanesco,” I muttered, waving my wand over the cauldron. “Come on,” said Harry. “It’s Charms.” I hugged Blaise. “I’ll see you at break,” I whispered. He nodded. I followed Hermione to Charms, with the Ravenclaws. Flitwick paired me with a girl called Violet Baudelaire, and we would look at the theory of the levitation charm. I looked behind me to see Harry and Seamus chatting. I exchanged looks with Hermione, who shot a hard look at Harry and Seamus. “Can anyone tell me what the motion for the levitation charm is?” asked a squeaky voice. We looked, where a very small wizard stood on his desk. Hermione, a girl with purple and pink hair who wore glasses, me and Violet raised our hands. “Miss Shimmer?” he asked. “The swish and flick,” I stated. Hermione looked disappointed. “Excellent,” he said. “10 points to Gryffindor. Okay, Miss Granger, can you tell me the name of the spell?” “Wingardium Leviosa!” she babbled. “10 points to Gryffindor!” he cried. “Excellent. Miss Dash, quieten down with Mr Potter.” The bell rang. “Recess!” bellowed Rainbow Dash. Everyone ran out of the classroom. Blaise was waiting for me. We went onto the lawn and sat down “Hey,” he said gently. “It’s a nice day, for September, isn’t it?” I replied. “Very,” he replied. “Uh, Blaise,” I said, taking off my guitar case. “I’ve written a song. It’s about us. It’s called Just Us. Um, do you... wanna hear it?” “I’d love to,” he replied, smiling. I took out my guitar, tuning it. I played a few notes. I took a deep breath and began to play. “There was a time I didn’t what to think Of you There was a time I didn’t know But you showed me the way That you’re mine and I’m yours But I’m yours(oh-oh-oh) Forever But I’m yours(oh-oh-oh) Until we split up I don’t think it’s likely we’ll split up It’s just us Just us(ooh-ooh) I see you in my heart Every day, every night I think I’m in love(in love) with you again I think I’ve fallen for you But do you feel the same for me? It’s just us ” “That’s amazing, Sunset!” he cried. “Sunset, I think I do feel the same way,” he said quietly. I smiled. “Thanks, Blaise,” I said shyly. He kissed me. “Come on, it’s Defence Against the Dark Arts!” Blaise and I walked into the class. “Hey, Sunset!” cried Rainbow Dash. “Come and sit with me!” “Sorry,” I said. “I promised Blaise I’d sit with him.” “Oh, okay,” said Rainbow Dash. “I guess I’ll sit with my new friends, Ron and Harry.” Blaise and I sat at the front. Professor Quirrel came in from his office. “G-g-good m-m-m-morning children,” he stuttered. No one was listening to Quirrel. He just talked at us and didn’t make any sense. Well, not to me, which was unusual, because I understood almost everything. Maybe next in our next Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. The noise level grew. I heard students chatting. “You okay, Sunset?” whispered Blaise. “Is it too loud?” “Yeah,” I whispered. The bell rang. “Herbology!” cried Neville. > The first day(part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bell rang. “Herbology!” cried Neville. “The what?” asked Harry. “That’s Biology in the muggle world,” I said. We walked into Greenhouse one. “Devil’s snare,” said Professor Sprout. “Okay, I’m gonna let you work out the best way to subdue them. Choose your own groups, if you may.” “Hey, Sunset!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Mind if I join your group?” “Yeah, sure,” I replied. “But Blaise is with me.” “Sooooo,” said Rainbow Dash. “How do we-?” “Lemme think,” I replied. “Don’t like light... so to subdue it, I think we should light a fire or use Lumos.” “We haven’t even learnt Lumos!” protested Rainbow Dash. I pointed my wand at the Devil’s Snare, doing a non-verbal spell. “But that’s NEWT standard!” cried Blaise. “Is it?” I asked. “Oh meh. Like it matters.” “She’s really powerful,” said Rainbow Dash in awe. “Oh well done, Miss Shimmer!” cried Professor Sprout. “Good work! 20 points to Gryffindor and 10 points to Slytherin!” Rainbow Dash grinned. “We need you in our house. You and Hermione get so many points!” I blushed. “Thanks.” The bell rang. “FLYING LESSONS!” shouted Rainbow Dash and Harry. I covered my ears. “Guys!” I cried. “Could you just keep it down?” “She has Autism,” said Blaise. “I don’t like to see my girlfriend hurt. She doesn’t like loud noises. Shh, Shh, Sunset. It’s gonna be okay.” Blaise held me close. I leaned my head against his. “Come on,” said Rainbow Dash. “Let’s go to our flying lesson.” The flying lesson was on the grass quad, where 2 lines of broomsticks were. Madame Hooch was pacing up and down. Blaise smiled, as he went over to the Slytherin Side. I stood next to Hermione. Blaise winked at me. “Now, hold your hands over your brooms,” shouted Madame Hooch, “And say ‘up!’” “UP!” we all cried. Harry’s broom leapt into his hand. Mine and Draco’s also leapt into our hands. Ron’s hit him in the face and Hermione’s didn’t even move. “Now climb on,” barked Hooch, “But don’t move.” We all climbed on our brooms but Neville began to rise, due to nerves. “NEVILLE!” I shouted. Neville’s broom shot into the sky then he landed face down, on his arm. He groaned. “Broken arm,” muttered Hooch. “If anyone flies, they’ll be expelled before they can even say ‘Quidditch!’ Understood?” We all nodded. Draco noticed Neville left his remembrall and picked it up. “Give it here, Malfoy!” cried Harry. “No,” said Draco. “I’ll think I’ll-” I moved forward. “Draco, give it over. It doesn’t belong to you.” I said. Draco whipped around to face me. “Are you defending Potter and Longbottom?” “I am!” I retorted. “Because they’re in my house. I’m a Gryffindor, and we support each other!” Draco pulled out his wand. “Sectumsempra!” he shouted, aiming his wand at my abdomen. I couldn’t even defend myself. Time dilated. I looked down, as blood bloomed from my stomach. I clutched it, collapsing. Blaise went over to me. “Draco, what did you do?” he cried. “How did you know that spell?” “My dad taught me it,” replied Draco. Blaise knelt beside me. “Sunset,” he said. “Hangfire. You need help.” Rainbow Dash stood up. She ran for help. I looked at Blaise. My abdomen was on fire like my insides had been ripped out. “Blaise,” I said softly. “Please. Stay with me.” He held my hand. “It’s not your fault,” he said. “You did your best.” I screamed as the agonising pain grew. “Blaise, I don’t know if I can hang on any longer!” I cried. Draco kicked off from his broom, throwing the remembrall. Harry followed, catching the remembrall in one hand. Rainbow Dash came down with Professor McGonagall. “What happened?” she asked. “Draco used dark magic,” said Harry. “He provoked him!” cried Hermione Blaise held my head. “Professor, can you help? Please.” I was breathing rapidly. “Blaise, promise me. Slytherin must win.” I whispered. “For our families. Make them proud.” I groaned. I think I’m about to die. I turned over, my head rolling to one side. I was still. Blaise POV “NO!” I shouted. “NO!” My eyes were stinging with tears. I let go of Sunset. Her eyes were wide open. “She’s gone, Blaise,” said Rainbow Dash. I gently closed Sunset’s eyes. She was beautiful. And kind, like a princess. She had my heart, and I had hers. “Potter,” said Professor McGonagall. “Come!” Harry went up with McGonagall. I was still kneeling by her body. I was never going to see her. I was never going to have a life. She loved me, I knew that. She wrote a song for me. > true love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLAISE POV I looked down at her broken body. It is impossible to bring someone back from the dead. But how did Belle manage in Beauty and the Beast? If she could do it, I could too. I could bring my girlfriend back to life and everything would be alright. I began to sob. A single tear fell onto her cheek. I kept sobbing, a few tears falling onto her wounds. The blood upon her robes began to lessen until it was no more. She was healed. Or it seemed like it. The only way I would know is if she said something. Her eyes were still closed. Then something astonishing happened. Her cyan eyes fluttered open. Weakly, but she was alive. “Sunset!” I cried. I hugged her, as she rose up, kissing me. Both of us were crying, like really crying happily, as we buried our faces in each other’s robes. Draco snarled. She smiled, as we were still in each other’s embrace. I brushed her long red-gold hair out of her face. “The only thing that matters to me,” I said softly, “Is that you’re here with me.” “I love you, Blaise,” she said softly. “You do realise that this won’t last,” I said. “There’ll be a time when we’ll have no choice but to split up simply because we’re in different houses.” “It’s not fair,” she whispered. “I know,” I whispered back. “I know.” We took our heads out of each other’s robes. We were still hugging each other. > Troll Trouble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset POV Time passed rapidly. It was Halloween, also the day of the Wingardium Leviosa test. I went into the charms classroom, sitting next to Violet. “You know,” said Violet. “You’d love my younger brother, Klaus,” she said. “Loves books. Very quiet, studious. Brave. You’d get on like a house on fire.” I smiled. “Hmm,” I said. Professor Flitwick began to speak. “Okay, let’s see you do it, children!” “Wingardium Leviosa!” I cried, swishing my wand over the feather. The white feather rose off the table and into the air. “Yes!” cried Violet, high-fiving me. “You did it!” “20 points to Gryffindor,” said Flitwick. I lowered the feather. “Go on, Violet.” Violet raised her wand. Bang. We turned to see Seamus Finnigan had blown up his feather. At the next table, I saw Ron and Hermione fighting. “It’s Leviohsah!” cried Hermione. “Not Leviohsa!” Ron snarled. “Oh go on then,” he growled. “If you’re so clever!” Hermione raised her wand. “Wingardium Leviosa!” she cried, the feather rising off her desk. Hermione crossed her arms smugly. Ron glared at her. “Oh well done, Miss Granger!” cried Flitwick. “20 points to Gryffindor!” The bell rang for dinner. Ron stormed out. Harry and Ron were discussing the lesson. Hermione brushed past them, in tears. “Ron,” I said. “I think she heard you.” Everyone went in the Great Hall. We were all eating peacefully, when Quirrel came in, panting. “TROLL!” he shouted. “TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!” I looked at Harry. “Harry!” I hissed. “Hermione doesn’t know!” A piece of chocolate flew at Draco’s face. “Silence!” shouted Dumbledore. “Go to the common room in an orderly fashion. Prefects, lead the way.” Violet and Twilight seemed to be thinking along the same lines. Twilight nodded, as Harry grabbed Ron, as we ran towards the Dungeon. “NO!” shouted Twilight. “It’s going in the girls’ lavatory!” “I’m going in,” I said. “I’m an Animagus. I’ll fight it.” “Sunset, no!” cried Harry. “You’re not going alone. We’ll do this together. This is Hermione we’re talking about. We have to help her.” “At the very least, I’ll distract it,” I said. “Come on!” We ran into the girls’ toilets. Hermione was backing away, squeaking. I transformed into my Animagus, a royal bengal tiger. I roared, bounding towards the troll. “What do we do?” asked Harry. “Sunset’s distracting it,” said Twilight, as she and Violet went towards Hermione. The troll smashed the sinks and cubicles. I circled the troll. “Come on!” shouted Twilight to Harry. “Think!” Harry climbed onto the troll’s back. Relieved, I returned to my human form. Harry stuck his wand up the troll’s nose. Twilight and Violet were trying to calm Hermione down. “WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!” bellowed Ron, making the troll’s club fly in the air and onto the troll’s head. The troll fell to the ground. “Ew,” said Harry. “Troll bogeys.” I pulled out a tissue. “Here,” I said. Harry nodded. He wiped the bogeys off his wand. Professor Snape, Professor Quirrel and Professor McGonagall came in. “Oh my,” said Professor McGonagall. “Professor,” said Hermione. “I went looking for the troll. I read all about them and these guys, they saved me. Sunset used a rather complicated spell to distract the troll. If they hadn’t come, I would be dead.” “You goose, Hermione Granger,” said Professor McGonagall. “5 points off Gryffindor for your stupidity. However, for your bravery, 10 points to Gryffindor each, and 10 points to Ravenclaw each.” I looked at Ron and Harry. “Seriously?” asked Harry. “Deadly serious,” replied Professor McGonagall. When we returned to our common rooms, Hermione was waiting for us. Sometimes defeating a mountain troll can strike up the most unusual friendships. > Interlude: Before GRYFFINDOR Vs SLYTHERIN match > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset POV I looked at Blaise, as his dark eyes met mine. He smiled, as we walked towards the Quidditch pitch. Gryffindor vs Slytherin. “Who will you cheer for?” asked Blaise. “Slytherin, of course,” I said. “My parents are Slytherin.” I put my mouth to his ear. “I’m also a Death Eater,” I whispered. “I know lots of magic. But I didn’t have the strength to stop my cousin. I think he hates me for being a Gryffindor.” Blaise smiled. “It doesn’t matter to me,” he whispered. “I still love you.” I grinned. “Come on, Blaise. Let’s get seats.” We went to the front, where the best seats were. > Gryffindor vs Slytherin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer. Blaise and I sat down together, holding hands. I saw Harry warming up, flying his broom around. The match had already started; I saw Oliver Wood save a goal. Angelina Johnson was passing to Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell. Harry was showing off his skills. Neville held a 8 the wrong way around. Hermione and Ron gave him 10s. “Harry, the snitch!” I shouted. Harry zoomed off to find the little golden ball. One of the beaters hit the quaffle at Oliver Wood, knocking him out, and the quaffle bounced back and hit me in my still healing wound. My wound opened up, as I fell to my knees, clutching my abdomen. Blaise looked at me, my eyes wide with pain. My knees gave way, as I fell. Blaise ran to break my fall. My wound was on fire. Blaise took me into his arms, running down to the Infirmary. My health was precarious; it was starting to deteriorate. Madam Pomfrey took one look at me, taking me into her arms, placing me on the hospital bed. My vision began to grey. I think I might die. Blaise knelt beside me, his face blotchy from his crying. I saw Madam Pomfrey wave her wand then everything went black. Harry Potter. My broomstick began to jerk. I looked at the staff stand and saw Snape mouthing something. I looked at Hermione, she and Ron disappeared and she set fire to Snape’s robes. The Snitch. I raced towards the Slytherin seeker as we fought for the snitch. I had an idea. I opened my mouth to catch the snitch, then when the whistle blew, I spat the snitch out. I heard cheers, then I saw Blaise Zabini run towards us, his face red from crying. “Sunset is in danger,” he said. Sunset Shimmer. My body floated above. I saw myself lying there, with Madam Pomfrey stitching up my wound. Was I dead? I saw a bright light in a tunnel, the ghost of my grandfather, Marvolo Riddle was standing there. “Great-Grandfather?” I asked. “Sunset,” said Marvolo Riddle. “I am so disappointed in you. You were sorted into Gryffindor.” ”But, it’s not my fault!” I protested. “You have a choice, Sunset,” he said. “Die, or return.” ”Return,” I replied. I fell through the air and I was back in my body. I opened my eyes, my wound sewn up. I was going to live.