• Published 16th Jul 2022
  • 288 Views, 18 Comments

DINKY'S VLOG - Partycannon_

Hi everypony! My name is Dinky and welcome to my VLOG! I have a ton of stuff to talk about, I'll see you soon!

  • ...



Dinky turned on the camera and sat back in her chair, she had bags under her eyes. A lot of the boxes in the background were unpacked but still littered the ground. She put up a cat poster and a few books with fantastical cover art were put on the shelves.

"Welcome back to my vlog. Today we are breaking the formula, I will be making a documentary on my MOM!" the filly had a mischievous grin. "But she won't know that I'm filming," Dinky whispered.

"You see my mom, Derpy, is very camera shy. If I can record her without letting her know then she shouldn't be shy," the filly smiled. Dinky opened a drawer in her desk and slapped a fake mustache on her muzzle, the mustache fell off a second later.

"Derpy Hooves was born on-" Dinky muffled her voice as she spoke into her hoof. "AND she became the greatest mother when she had her first child," the unicorn smirked. "Now hear from her very own daughter," she turned in her chair and put her hoof on her muzzle but then started looking around with confusion. She turned back to the view with a small smirk.

"My mom is the greatest, she tells me she loves me every night. She plays with me when she isn't busy and she always listens. This one time after- um, anyways we went to the park and we played all day. She packed some sandwiches and we ate nothing but sandwiches all day. After that we started living with my grandma, she always spoiled me. She bought me tons of stuff including a laptop. Now I only want one thing, a new friend!" Dinky smile grew. "Oh, and a cat. I really want a cat," the filly softly clapped her hooves.

"Right, this is supposed to be about mom. Oops!" the filly giggled at herself and she picked up the view.

The view faced down and it started moving, first was the carpet then was a tile floor, then was a rug. She stuffed the view in the couch cushions in an attempt to camouflage the camera, the angle of the shot was decent but parts of the screen were covered. The recording showed a very plane living room, a rug laid on the ground, some family pictures littered the walls with a few windows. The filly stood at the side of the frame and scooted to where she thought a good spot to stand might be.

"MOM! MOOM!" the filly yelled with a giddy smile.

"Just a minute!" a female voice echoed in the house.

The filly giggled as she could hardly hold still. Dinky's eyes lit up as Derpy entered the frame. The mare had a large smile as she landed and the filly held back her laughter.

"What, is, your, name?" Dinky said awkwardly while on the edge of bursting into giggles.

Derpy tilted her head slightly. "Alright my little muffin, what did you do?" the mare picked up her child as she burst into laughter.

"I DID NOTHING!" the filly yelled and she continued to giggle.

"Really?" Derpy smirked and she started tickling Dinky's stomach with her muzzle.

The filly couldn't stop her laughter and she began tickling her mom as well, both ponies tired themselves out quickly from their giggling. They finished in a warm hug with huge smiles on their faces.

"I love you mom," Dinky rubbed her head in her mother's fur.

"I love you too my little muffin," Derpy's smile grew.

A knocking came from a door and both heads turned to face outside of view, Derpy looked back to her daughter and kissed her on the head, she got up and trotted offscreen while Dinky sat quietly, she looked up to where her mom went while her curiosity burned but turned away quickly.

"Hi, its Pinkie Pie! you remember me from the other day?" said a mare offscreen.

"Oh yes, please come in. I have muffins in the oven," Derpy said offscreen.

Both mares trotted into the living room and Dinky moved her body facing away from the guest subconsciously.

"I'm throwing a party at the library today, it's a surprise party! Both of you are welcome to join, afterwards we were all going to watch Princess Celestia raise the sun," Pinkie said with a smile.

"Sounds like a blast," Derpy clapped her hooves softly. "Don't you think so Dinky?" the pegasus tilted her head at the filly.

"Mmm," Dinky nodded with a frown.

Ding, with a sound from the kitchen Derpy trotted off leaving Pinkie and her daughter in the living room. Pinkie looked around and spotted the camera, she smiled and held up a pretend microphone to her mouth as she approached the filly.

"Dinky, what is the state of the weather?" Pinkie held out the pretend microphone to the filly.

The unicorn turned back and everything clicked as a wide grin dawned her face. "Well, Pinkie Pie, we will have clear sky's all day- wait, what is this," Dinky held a hoof up to her ear. "Oh no, it seems it's RAINING KITTENS!" the filly faked a frown but giggled anyways.

"Oh no! What ever can we do?" Pinkie played along.

"We have to pet all of them," Dinky narrowed her eyes to the camera.

Derpy trotted in with a paper plate full of muffins and watched the two perform.

"But how? There is so many?" Pinkie fake fainted.

One of Derpy's eyes wondered to the couch and she tilted her head.

"We will have to build a machine," The filly puffed out her chest.

Derpy dropped the plate of muffins as she blushed. She began to hide her face as it turned completely red.

"M-Mom?" Dinky looked around Pinkie.

"I-I," Derpy trotted backwards until she bumped into a wall, the pegasus then turned away and ran out of the room.

"Mom!? Uh, Pinkie Pie turn off the camera!" Dinky began to chase after her mom with a worried expression.

"Okey Dokey!" Pinkie trotted to the view.



The view was of Dinky in her room just as before. The window was open and the lighting outside was growing more orange. Dinky looked down as her hooves couldn't stop fiddling.

"Hey, small update... Um, everything is okay with me and my mom. I just uh, didn't understand how uncomfortable the camera made her. Like I knew she was camera shy, I-I just..." the filly continued to fiddle as a hefty sigh came from her. "Not everyone likes to be recorded. I thought that everypony enjoyed it, just some were more shy then others.. I didn't know.." Dinky sniffed.

"My mom forgave me," Dinky grew a small smile. "But she told me to make sure that if I record somepony that they would be okay with it. Which of course I would make sure!" the filly looked at the camera with a very serious expression. "I don't want others to feel uncomfortable.." she continued her fiddle as she looked down again.

Dinky stopped her fiddling and just stared at the table, after a few seconds a tear began to form. She held a hoof up to her mouth and whispered to herself counting to ten while the tear ran down her fur. After she reached the final number, she rubbed the tear away and smiled at the camera.

"I guess I can't do a documentary on my mom so instead we will have to do one on second best pony! ME!" Dinky giggled. The filly opened one of the drawers of her table and pulled out a pair of pink glasses, she put it on with a smirk. "Dinky, what do you enjoy to do in your free time?" the unicorn took off the glasses and rotated herself slightly.

"Well I.." another tear began running down her face. "I.. I promised I would never hurt another pony, never again!" she began to cry, she put her hoof up to her mouth, she closed her eyes and whispered to herself counting from one to ten. She opened her eyes and looked at the camera, "I-It's not working," the filly sniffed as her eyes poured more tears.

The door opened swiftly and an extremely concerned Derpy rushed in, she picked up her daughter and hugged her tightly as the filly's tears continued to flow. "It's okay.. It's okay.. Shh, everything is gonna be okay.." Derpy rubbed Dinky's back, the pegasus reached over the view.



The view shook slightly, it showed Dinky looking up to the camera in the living room, the filly's eyes had dark bags under them but her smile pierced the stratosphere.

"D-Did I do it right?" a familiar voice came from behind the view.

"Yeah mom, its recording!" Dinky jumped.

"Today we will be doing a documentary on the best pony in the whole wide world!" said the voice behind the camera.

Dinky blushed but moved her hooves in excitement. "ASK ME A QUESTION, ASK ME A QUESTION!" the filly yelled.

"Hmm, did you enjoy the party tonight?" said the mare behind the camera with a small giggle.

"IT WAS AWESOME! But not as awesome as just hanging out with my mom!" the filly's smile grew. "NEXT QUESTION!" The filly yelled.

"Okay, okay. Um, what do you want the most right now?" the voice asked.

"A new fri-" Dinky brought a hoof up to her chin in thought. "For this moment to NEVER END!" the filly chuckled.

"Really, not even a cat?" the mare giggled.

"NEXT QUESTION!" the filly yelled.

"If you got a cat, what color would you want it to be?" the voice asked.

"WHITE!" Dinky yawned.

"Why white?" the mare tilted the camera but moved it back.

"BEEECAUSE!" the filly jumped.

"Because why?" the voice giggled.

"Because white cats are super cute!" the filly yawned again.

"Dinky, can you show us how a cat sleeps?" said the mare mischievously.

"Sure!" Dinky trotted in a circle and fell on her back with a loud thud, the view jerked as a grey hood came from behind the screen but paused as loud snoring came from the filly.

The view got set on the couch facing the cushions. minutes pass then suddenly a loud CLASH came from somewhere in the house and a few seconds later the view got turned to the rest of the living room. A grey mare sat on the floor with a frying pan as a hat, the mare blushed as she rubbed the back of her head with her hoof.

"Hello, I'm Derpy," the mare gave a genuine smirk.

"Sorry about my daughter, she can get a little loud when she gets tired. Oh, and don't worry about the noise, when she falls asleep she doesn't wake up," Derpy chuckled. "She is just the best, isn't she? I would give her the world if she asked for it," the mare blushed.

"Dinky.. I-I love you soo much.." Derpy began to cry as she hugged herself. "I know things are hard right now but we have to keep moving forward. Things will get better," the mare smiled wholeheartedly at the screen while her eyes were filled to the brim with tears. "I-It's okay to cry, I'll be there. I always will!"


Author's Note:

Description: A video about the best mom in the world! None can match her pure awesomeness! I am SOO lucky to have her! :derpytongue2: WAIT THERE ARE EMOTES?

Have you ever spent so much time on a project that you wonder how you will even top it for the next one? Yeah I don't think I can top this story anytime soon.

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!