• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 487 Views, 22 Comments

A Nefarious Invasion - Actbat12

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Chapter 4 - A Vile Alliance

Sunset along with her three other friends burst through the door of the emergency room. All three of them were clearly out of breath. Poor Fluttershy looked like she was about to pass out while Sunset and Applejack were able to handle themselves a little better. Sunset's gaze fell upon Pinkie who sat right side by side with Twilight and Rarity. All of them deeply concerned for Rainbow Dash.

"How...is...she? Is she...okay?" Sunset managed to pant out as she approached the trio. Rarity was the first one to speak up. "They're stabilizing her right now. We uh, we don't know how long it'll take though." By now the three had sat themselves down on the opposite end. "Well, what kind of condition was she in? How bad was it when ya'll brought her here?" Applejack questioned in the hope of figuring it out. Not that it would do much good but she needed it.

"The blast was big. I'm sure you all heard it even from Fluttershy's home! Thankfully it looked like she wasn't caught in the centerfold of the explosion. She was far back enough so the radius was only strong enough to knock her away. Otherwise..." Twilight trailed off not even daring to say that last bit. It was on everyone's mind. Had Rainbow been any closer then there wouldn't have even been a body to recover. The thought alone sent a shiver down everyone's spine. A deep sigh would part from Sunset's lips as she rested her back against the chair. Her foot would start to impatiently tap against the ground as she lost herself to her thoughts.

The three of them had rushed out of Fluttershy's home when they heard that ginormous explosion off in the distance and the following panicked text from Rarity about Rainbow. The three had been in such a rush that they all completely forgot about Sonata and left her by herself. This was not good. The woman would rub at her temples as she attempted to think out their next move. How were they going to handle this? Could they handle this? Should she try and contact Princess Twilight back in Equestria? Would she even have the time for that--

Sunset is taken out of her thoughts as Fluttershy places a comforting hand upon her shoulder. The animal lover can tell this is going to eat at her. It will for everyone unfortunately. Sunset is able to throw Fluttershy a small smile however as her attention turns towards the nearby door. They were just going to have to wait until they received new information. For a time the room became eerily silent as no one knew what to say or what kind of conversation to start. Finally, Applejack was the one to speak up.

"What are we gonna do about this, ya'll?" Her voice was quiet as she looked around the room and to the rest of her friends. No one could really give an answer. They just didn't know what they were up against. Something as broken as that robot was evidently still powerful enough to effortlessly wreck an entire city block and take one of their friends out of commission!

All eyes would soon fall upon Sunset as they hoped for an answer. Eventually she would deliver one. "Right now, we need to make sure Rainbow Dash is okay and..." A rather lengthy yawn would part from the red-headed girl's lips before continuing. "...I can get into touch with Princess Twilight. Maybe she can lend a hoove--er, hand." Just as she was about to stand up Sunset found herself stumbling back as the tiredness quickly settled in. Thankfully Fluttershy and Applejack caught her and had her carefully sit back down. All of them were dreadfully tired after everything they'd been through. Especially Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie.

"I um, I don't think you're going to make it too far Sunset. We're all pretty tired." Fluttershy gestured towards Rarity and Pinkie who both were already starting to slumber off. A frown would soon emerge from Sunset as she too felt her eyelids getting heavy. She tried to fight it off but sadly there was no stopping the body when it just needed some rest. She would let out a defeated sigh before quietly nodding her head.

"Fine. I'll just...take a little nap. Then I'll get the journal and..." Sunset didn't even get to finish her sentence as she slumbered off with her friends. Maybe the doctors would wake them up with some good news...

Adagio jolted up out of shock and ended up hitting her left arm against the steering wheel. A searing amount of pain skyrocketed through her arm causing the siren to let out a cry. It felt so sore! Oh, and a headache was quickly coming on as well. What in the world happened? Her mind was foggy and for a moment she didn't seem to recognize her surroundings. It slowly but surely dawned upon her though that she was still within their van and judging by the look of it their mode of transportation was completely wrecked. A look forward indicated that she had crashed the van into a tree some time ago. "Uuggh..." Slowly but surely did her memories return. She was driving...a big explosion...she lost control and...here she was waking up. For a moment her blood ran cold and wondered if Aria and that metallic being was still within the van as well. Carefully removing her belt buckle Adagio peeked towards the back. Nothing. Neither of them was present. The back of the van was filled with nothing but disregarded battery packs and a pair of broken doors.

Getting out of the car door Adagio was greeted with the bright sun which forced her to close her eyes for a moment as they adjusted themselves. It was dark when she had been driving but it was clearly daytime now. Just how long had she been out for? The siren stumbled as she walked and attempted to get a reading of her current surrounding. The most obvious thing of interest was a large warehouse not too far from where the van had crashed. It didn't look at all in good condition though. Not a single parked car or truck in any direction either. Her head turned as she got a view of the turn that led back out onto the main road. Getting a closer look told her she was in the more forest aspect of Canterlot City. Perhaps just on the outskirts of it.

The sound of the van clanking and clicking alerted Adagio and she backed away. What now? How could this day get even worse for her at this point? Adagio regretted thinking that because soon the hood of the van would slam open and...a cat sized spider-like drone would climb its way out with various mechanical pieces stuck to its body. Its body was no doubt cobbled together from metal and junk. Adagio froze when the thing turned to look at her and from the front two exposed wires were produced that gave off sparks. Another step back was taken. If she had to take a guess it was the rough equivalent to a taser. What was she to do? Adagio was in no condition to fight a thing like that. She was tired and in pain! To her surprise however the drone did not approach and instead used one of its cobbled gear legs to point towards the direction of the warehouse. A few more sparks were produced from the exposed wires. The siren's brows furrowed in response before her attention shifted to the road and then to the warehouse. She wouldn't make it if she attempted to flee...

With a heavy defeated sigh parting from her lips Adagio started to limp her way towards the warehouse with the drone clanking behind her. The first thing that came to her attention was the giant hole in the side of the building. It definitely looked like it had been burned through so no doubt Aria and this metallic creature had been responsible for it. The siren was already dreading what may happen next. Another thing to note was that there were even more of these drones working and going around the place. Some of them were working to fix the gaping hole that allowed them easy access inside. Others were in fact building more of themselves. It was as impressive as it was terrifying. That broken glitchy mess of a robot no doubt had to have been behind this. The drone in the back would join a few others before taking charge and leading Adagio along.

She would be led to a busy office area where many drones were reconfiguring the entire place, dismantling and bringing anything they could to a certain someone. The siren did her best to show no fear and composed herself as best she could as she entered the area. Countless wires and cords were strung about the place and being hooked up to the one that started this whole mess. The mad doctor was still missing quite a large amount of his body parts but he seemed to be in much better condition than earlier. There were very little exposed wiring and sparks emitting from him now as he was being patched up by the drones. Adagio squinted slightly as he seemed to be working on something that was sprawled across the table. Tilting her head slightly allowed her to see a pair of boots. Aria's boots. A little electronic noise coming from the drone beside Adagio alerted the doctor of their presence. The wrench he had in his single hand was thrown aside as he prepared to turn himself around.

"So, you survived the crash? Excellent! You are of greater use to me while still alive and kicking."

The siren's eyes widen when she realized the robot just spoke english. All throughout the night it had been rambling off a language that just couldn't be understood. Now it was speaking perfect english. "How did you...?" Adagio didn't even get to finish her sentence before Nefarious interrupted her with the answer.

"After the crash, I ordered the controlled squishie to take me inside so I could get these pathetically simple computers up and running again. After which it was the simple process of downloading information into my systems." The doctor huffed. "Of all the planets to crash land onto and it had to be one as primitive as this..." Nefarious would grumble to himself before turning his attention back to Aria as he performed his...operations.

"How long was I out for?" Adagio would question as she took a moment to look around. There were quite a lot of these drones already as they went about remaking the warehouse. "Six hours. It's about ten in the morning right now." The doctor waved his hand around for a moment before focusing on his creation. "You work fast." Adagio commented with an impressive tone. The notion was enough to make Nefarious chuckle. "All I needed to do was build the first one. With their self-recreation protocols I'll have this entire warehouse fit to serve me! Then my vengeance can begin..." A curious brow would arch at the comment and Adagio would take a careful step forward.

"Yes well, you said I was of 'great use' to you? Hmm?" If she can worm her way out of a bad situation such as this then Adagio will happily take that chance. Being useful to someone means being on their good side for the time being. Another chuckle would part from Nefarious' plating as his single red eye glanced over to the siren. "As I was downloading the information I needed on this miserable backwater planet, I looked into the history of this city. What I found wasn't what I expected. Magic? Demons? Sirens? It was quite surprising. More importantly, your little gang has magic if I am correct?" The siren couldn't hold back the frustrated look upon her face at the question.

"Formerly." She regretfully informed. "Sunset Shimmer and her little friends took it away from us. The ones that were chasing after the van in fact." A metallic noise would emit from the doctor as he brought his hand to his chin in thought. "So, the fast squishie I wrecked also has access to this magic." Adagio would nod her head. "All of them do at this point." The clanking of Nefarious' finger against his chin echoed throughout the room as he pondered to himself. "Which makes them perfect candidates for robotification!" A sinister smile would form itself onto his plating while Adagio looked on with intrigue. "Now that is something I'd like to see." She couldn't help but comment as Nefarious erupted into a fit of maniacal laughter. He's twisted himself around in order to be face to face with Adagio now. "I'm positive that you would! There is no greater satisfaction than seeing the person you hate the most be knocked down to their knees! Even better when they're forced to serve you unconditionally! It's quite a wonderful feeling! Eha ha ha ha ha haaaa!"

The doctor would take a moment to catch his breath(?) before speaking once more. How odd for a robot to do. "You understand this place more than I do and more importantly this Sunset squishie and her little friends. No doubt they're going to coil themselves into my operations and failure can NOT be tolerated. Not in the state I'm currently in..." His red eye would bore into Adagio's. "I may not be able to bring you your magic back but I can give you the opportunity for something just as sweet. Revenge! To destroy that wretched squishie and more importantly bring her under our control! As I have done to your little member here..." His tone dipped into something far more sinister as he gestured towards Aria. Carefully did Adagio approach and upon seeing his work her eyes widened.

Both of Aria's arms were currently being replaced with mechanical counterparts as the drones brought in piece after piece to be grafted to Aria. All of her hair had been shaved off and the top half of her head opened up to allow wiring and other bits of machinery to be implemented into it. A look down at her breathing chest indicated that yes, she was still alive during all of this. Adagio didn't know if she should be terrified or incredibly impressed by the display and thus did her best to keep her expression neutral. The doctor would be the one to break the silence filling the room.

"My usual robotification process is far less...gruesome. However I do not have access to my normal tech and thus have to make do with manually replacing the body parts." Nefarious spoke as he picked up a wiring to hook it into Aria's left mechanical arm.

"Is she still in there?" Adagio questioned.

"Very much so. It can see but can do nothing about it. My chip inserted itself into the brain and has full control over its motor functions. Once I have more access to tech I can have my creation work independently without my constant commands. It was a rush job after all." Adagio was unable to take her sights off of her fallen member as she watched the doctor work away. A truly vile thought would soon come to mind which made the siren smile.

"And this fate is something you can deliver onto Sunset and her friends?" Nefarious would stop for a moment to give the most wicked grin he could muster with his broken plating. "Oh, most certainly!" Adagio would soon join him with that same wicked grin.

"Then how can I be of service to you, mister...?"

"Dr. Nefarious."

"Well, you certainly live up to that name already. Adagio Dazzle." The siren would introduce herself to the robot. "It'll be a pleasure working with you."

The doctor would erupt into a fit of laughter at the prospect of gaining an ally. The more he can bring himself back up to his former glory the better off he'll be! Soon this city won't know what hit it!

Author's Note:

Hi! Hello! I just want to thank you all for enjoying my little crossover story here. It means a lot to me knowing people enjoy it so far! ^w^