• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 486 Views, 22 Comments

A Nefarious Invasion - Actbat12

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The Comet Commences

Tonight was unlike any other! Especially given such an event like this happened only once every eighty-six years. A good number of citizens from Canterlot City had gathered up onto the hills just north of their home to gaze up upon the starless night sky and watch the barrage of comets passing by. It was truly a once in a lifetime sight! What better way was there to spend it with family and friends? A group of seven teens would certainly agree to that idea.

"Wowza! Lookie at that one, Dash!" Pinkie Pie excitedly exclaimed as she grabbed a hold of her friend and pointed towards the passing comet in the night sky. "It's so bright and pretty!" Her eyes were glued to the visible object while Rainbow merely chuckled in response. "Yeah, that one is pretty awesome. I'm still waiting to see a REAL big one though. I'm talking humongous! Now that would be cool." Pinkie only nods her head to Rainbow's comment as she continues to watch the event. Many more were starting to pass by and it just made the night shine all the brighter.

"I highly doubt we'll see one at such a large size, Rainbow." Twilight would speak up from behind the two. "By the time they're passing by most of them have been eroded by the pressures of space and other factors. So, they're not all that big. We're just seeing the small bits." Now it was time for Sunset to interject as she came into the pile.

"Yeah, if you consider comets the size of houses to be small." Twilight gives her friend a look before adjusting her glasses. "Well, considering the kinds that have come close to hitting the Earth in its past and potentially causing great damage, then yes I do consider those to be small." Sunset merely replies with a grin on a face. She absolutely did that on purpose just to rile Twilight up.

"While I do find the sight be very lovely and hanging out with you all is always a treat, how much longer are we going to be out here? It's getting windy and chilly." Rarity spoke up as she sat close by with Fluttershy and Applejack. "I hope we stay out here all night!!" Pinkie shouted out with glee. That earned an eyeroll from Rarity whereas Applejack spoke up. "Now sugarcube, ya know we can't be doing that. We gotta get our rest for class tomorrow. Otherwise we'll all be actin' like zombies! We don't want that, now do we?" Rainbow grins in response and gives an answer even though it wasn't necessary.
"Not unless acting like a zombie gets the school to temporarily shut down! Having a little vacation time would be great." All of them let out a chuckle together. It was moments like these that made life worth living. Just hanging out with the people you cared about and enjoying their time.

Fluttershy would silently lean towards Rarity before asking a question. "Do you um, ever look up into the night sky and wonder if there's life out there?" Rarity raises a brow before turning her attention towards Fluttershy. "Truthfully, not really. Why do you ask, darling?" Fluttershy goes quiet for a moment as she seems to ponder on how to say it. A delicate finger points towards Sunset as she's enjoying her chat with Twilight.

"Well, Sunset's from another world. O-Or another dimension to be more accurate. Sometimes it just gets you to think. Um, well maybe just me but..." The thought was exciting and horribly terrifying at the same time. Rarity gave a smile as she leaned in and wrapped her arm around her friend. "I didn't think about it like that but you make a good point. Perhaps somewhere out there is other life. Who's to say though? How about we just enjoy the show for now, hmm?" Fluttershy nods her head in agreement as she rests alongside her friends.

~Somewhere in Deep Space, Six Months Earlier~
"ARRGGHHHH!! How much LONGER are we going to be stuck on this STUPID rock for, Lawrence??!" The robotic maniac Dr. Nefarious shouted as he kicked upon the asteroid he found himself and his butler trapped upon. All it did was kick up a bit of dust, which didn't do much to better his mood. Another sob parted from his mechanical plates as he just kind of angrily walked in circles before ultimately falling down to his knees and putting his hands over his eyes. This was it, wasn't it? He was doomed to live out the rest of his days on this stupid rock forever until he eventually just ran out of power and died. All because of a stupid little lombax squishie and his tincan friend! It wasn't right! It wasn't fair! He should have won! He was so close in fact! So much of Solana had already been robotized into his finest creations! They would have been his citizens, his followers! Nefarious would have finally felt like he belonged somewhere in this orvus-forsaken universe. He wouldn't feel like such a...such a freak anymore. One more sob came out as Nefarious kicked his legs up in a vain attempt to deal with all the boiling rage and anger he felt.

Lawrence, his robotic butler, on the other hand? He was doing pretty okay. He paid his boss little to no attention as he happily strung his guitar to create a small melody for himself. The butler did not mind his fate all that much. Well, with the sole exception of being trapped here with Dr. Nefarious of course. Dealing with him while he was organic was fine enough but his change into a robot had certainly worsen him in multiple departments. Primarily the annoying habits had somehow been amped up to over a hundred. If he were capable of it Lawrence would have rolled his eyes at his boss' display. It just goes to show the difference between a genuine robot and one like Nefarious. Despite his robotic shell, Nefarious will always have the emotions and reactions of an organic. For a moment he took a bit of pity onto the doctor. Behind all the supervillainy, it was kind of sad really.

Said thoughts were quickly set aside however as his scanners picked up on something nearby. Lawrence looked beyond his boss to see what it was and was pleasantly surprised to see another asteroid. In fact it was heading straight towards them. He started to open his mouth to speak but closed it upon seeing Dr. Nefarious was still throwing his temper tantrum off in his little corner and completely ignorant of what was coming. The asteroid was heading directly for the spot Nefarious cushioned himself too and knowing him, he'd no doubt get hit by it if Lawrence didn't immediately speak up. A hand goes to his chin as he ponders. Does he speak up and let the doctor hurriedly over to the other side? Or just let fate take its course? Well, the only reason they survived so far was thanks to him teleporting them away mere seconds before the Biobliterator exploded. Who's to say it wasn't the doctor's fate to be crushed? Besides, getting to enjoy the silence of the galaxy as he drifts through it peacefully would be quiet enjoyable. The butler opts to just....stand there and play his guitar.
An enraged scream comes from Nefarious as he finally gets up and stomps his foot down. "Will you QUIT PLAYING that instrument!! It's going to drive me MAD!!" Even now the doctor has still yet to notice the incoming second asteroid.
"A little too late for that, sir." Lawrence quipped. "Besides, you won't have to listen to it in I'd say about ten more seconds?" A nonexistent metal brow arches up in response as a look of confusion washes onto the doctor. "Say what now?" He's genuinely confused by that. The butler merely points his finger behind Nefarious. The doctor turns and promptly lets out the most horrified scream he can muster as the second asteroid finally makes direct contact and shatters the both of them. The poor doctor is sent hurtling off and spinning away, kicking and screaming for dear life.


The butler looks down at his guitar before looking back up towards his employer. Well, former employer. He certainly won't hire him back after this. That is if they ever see each other again. Lawrence opts to just simply give a wave of his hand towards Nefarious as the two drift further and further apart.


Dr. Nefarious pathetically cried out as he could do nothing but viciously kick and spin as the universe just made him drift further into the darkness of space. Lawrence would continue to watch until the doctor was nothing more than a little speck in the distance and then finally, he was gone. He would look around for a moment and situate himself better on what was left of the original asteroid. It looked like the butler was thinking his decision over right now.

"Hmm. Well I do say, things are much quieter now. I like it." Thus he would contently play his instrument to his mechanical heart's content as the robotic butler drifted off into the direction of the Polaris Galaxy.

The mad doctor on the other hand? Well, he was going in the opposite direction. To a galaxy that didn't even know if alien life was out there....

A sigh parted from Adagio's lips as she rested in the driver's seat of their small van. A look to her right and Aria was swiping through their single phone out of sheer boredom. Out of the three she was the least to use it on a regular basis. Excited little noises could be heard from behind as Sonata watched the passing comets from the back of the open van. Her legs dangled off the edge as she observed each and every pretty comet going through. "Come on girls! You're missing out! They're so bright and pretty!" Sonata would comment as she turned her head to look at her fellow sirens. Adagio would merely roll her eyes in response while Aria gave a grunt to show she at least acknowledged Sonata. She wasn't getting up from her seat though that's for sure.

Adagio reclined further into her seat as her mind wandered back through the previous few decades. It was almost laughable with how utterly hard she had hit rock bottom. Once a grand and powerful siren to a lesser but still threatening human and now.....they were as weak as the monkeys that populated this realm. A hand moved to clutch her chest, where her proud gem that granted her all of her power and allowed her to feed once rested. Now they were all cracked, broken. Unable to be used. Instead of thriving off of negative emotions and going silent for a while as they'd done in the past the sirens had no choice but to adapt to human culture and....eat food. With their mouths. Urgh!

Adagio had the hardest time adjusting, Aria didn't seem to care all that much so long as she had something to eat, and Sonata had long ago adopted both methods just out of pure enjoyment. As she said it herself, 'Why pick one or the other when you can just do both?'

The worst part about it all? Here she was living out in a van! Like...like some kind of hobo! All because of Sunset Shimmer and her little friend group. A hand rested against her cheek as she stared out the driver's window. Alas, there's no use in thinking over past events. The mistakes have been made and nothing can be done to correct them. All she can do now is continue to endure this world with her sisters and hopefully climb her way back up the ladder until she's on top of the food chain once more. Or at the very least in a moderately comfortable position. Adagio will take whatever she can get at this point.

"Oooh, that one's pretty close. That one too! And uh...." Sonata found herself going quiet as her eyes locked onto a particular one. The trail it made didn't match the others and in fact it was going in the opposite direction than the rest of the comets passing by. "Uh, hey girls?" An audible groan comes from Aria. "What is it, Sonata? I'm not getting up from my seat." Sonata takes another glance up just to make sure what she's seeing is actually happening. Yup, that comet is definitely falling and more importantly looks like its going to fall not too far away from them. "One of the comets are coming down! It looks like it's gonna touch down in the forest!" Now that was able to catch both of their attention and soon Adagio and Aria would join Sonata and observe. She was indeed telling the truth and the trio watched as the comet flew by and touched down into the nearby forest. There wasn't much of an impact but piles of smoke were already starting to fill the area.
"I must admit, you don't see that all too often." Adagio would turn to Sonata whom had the most excited look upon her face. Oh no. She knew that look. Before she could even shut whatever idea came into her mind down, Sonata was already on her feet and jogging towards it. She turned herself around and trotted backwards for a bit as she called for her sisters.

"Come on! Let's go touch it. It'll be fun!" Now it was Adagio's turn to groan while Aria merely shook her head. "Hey! It'll beat the boredom for a bit, won't it?" Sonata argued. She wasn't wrong either. Regardless if the two followed her or not, Sonata started to make her way deeper into the forest. Aria grumbled to herself before getting onto her two feet and walking. "I better trail after her so she doesn't get eaten by a bear or something." Adagio scoffs. "Oh please, she's more likely to trip over a root and break a foot than get eaten." After a little bit of debating Adagio would get onto her feet as well and follow.

Everything hurt. Literally every part of his body hurt. At least the parts that were left anyway. It has been an endless amount of screaming as his body was picked up by this planet's gravitational pull and thus sent hurtling downward toward solid ground. During his descent he had lost his right arm and his glass dome had considerably cracked. Other parts of his body were becoming much looser thanks the sheer strain that had been put upon them. He could feel the joints in his left leg starting to give out and soon enough he'd lose that part too. His torso felt the same. If Dr. Nefarious couldn't find himself some mechanical parts very soon he'd be unable to go anywhere. He'd simply fall apart and from there his fate would be sealed. He'd die on some miserable planet after spending so much time doing nothing but watching the universe fly by him. The doctor grunted as he tried to move forward, claws gripping at any tree branches to help keep himself balanced. Each and every single one broke as the heat he produced from his body melted through them. Smoke rolled off as his body as he lumbered forward. The doctor could feel his knee giving out. Another few steps and he'd only have one working leg and all he could see for miles were trees. This was it, wasn't it? This was going to be how he died.

Anger filtered through his wires as he prepared to give out one final screech in defiance to the universe that seemed so determined to break him. But then something...something came to his attention. He heard noises. Something was approaching him. Nefarious tried to focus but it was proving to be difficult. His vision was blurry thanks to one of his red optics being cracked. He attempted to move forward in the vain hope that someone could help him in his broken state. He didn't want to die out here. Not like this.

"You two are a bunch of slowpokes!" Sonata would call out as she looked behind her. Adagio and Aria were indeed following her but the pair were definitely taking their sweet time. The blue siren would continue on her way eager to see the comet that had fallen and cure the common boredom all three of her sisters were feeling right now. But as she got closer to where she assumed it had fallen, Sonata stopped. She swore she could have felt her heart skip a couple of beats as she saw what was directly in front of her. It was...it was like a thing out of one of those human horror films. A broken creature of great size and made of metal lumbered its sparking and glitching form forward akin to that of a zombie. It looked like it was literally falling apart as it walked. It's height easily surpassed that of a normal human. It looked like it was almost nine feet tall! The worst part of it all? It saw her. Its red optics shined in the darkness of the night and seemed to almost bore itself into Sonata's soul. Never in her life had she felt more afraid than right now as she slowly backed up. She dared not utter a single peep.

"UY-UYO! Lehp e-e-eem! LEH-H-H-H-HP!" It's alien tongue was not understood as Sonata continued to stagger backwards, frightened for her life. She attempted to turn and run but the robotic being lunged forward in a last ditch effort for aid. It couldn't be allowed to run away. He needed it. He had to get its help! But alas all the action really did was frighten Sonata right onto her back. She fumbled and tried to get back onto her feet but the robot threw its arm out to grab at her leg and pull her closer. A violent scream came from Sonata as she felt its still burning metallic claws grip and burn her flesh, steam emitting from the contact. With a single tug she was brought to him and lifted up as though she weighed nothing to the metallic giant. By now Adagio and Aria had rushed to the scene upon hearing the very real scream coming from their sister. The sight before them caused both to look on in complete horror.

"A-Adagio, Aria! He-Help!!"

The pair of sisters gave glances towards each other and then towards their third before...turning around and fleeing. Panic and fear filled the poor siren as she found herself unable to do anything but kick and wiggle in a vain attempt to free herself. The broken doctor ignored it however as he continued to attempt to communicate to any of these organics. He screeched, he yelled, before ultimately feeling his voice box giving out. It was too glitchy and broken to function any further. His grip around Sonata's leg tightened causing pain to shoot up into her body. Another cry parted from her lips. Soon she would be face to face with the half-broken machine. Its enraged expression said nothing good.

Communication wasn't going to work. They couldn't understand him. Not to mention his power was getting dangerously low. He'd be shutting down here in mere moments. His gaze fell upon the squishie within his grasp. If he was going to die here then he was at least going to take out one last squishie before he....

And then his leg finally gave out. A robotic screech emerged as Dr. Nefarious tumbled down onto the ground, his grasp upon Sonata easing up and she'd find herself being flung just a few short inches away from him. The siren hit the ground with a painful thud to her side and let out one last cry. Even with all the pain Sonata still managed to slide herself further away from this metallic monster. Her terrified gaze dared not leave it as she backed away to safety. She watched as it pitifully attempted to bring itself back up again but it seemed to almost look like it was dying. The parts of its body that glowed in the night started to quickly fade away. The mad doctor gave one last look and an attempted glitched screech before letting his head fall to the ground...and going offline. Sonata slowly but surely picked herself back up and not once did she turn back to look at him as she fled towards the van and her sisters.