• Published 1st Jun 2022
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Logic and Friendship. Roger! Roger! - Anaylze

The Remains of a CIS fleet stumble to a world filled with ponies.

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Chapter 21: We Require Reinforcements

Shining Armor led his army through the forest closer to the base's perimeter. The sounds of Battle were all around them in the forest now, as they approached another encampment. These droids had dug in trenches, and had a foxhole behind it with a large, 4-legged droid, which had a grey dome like head, 2 large red eyes, 2 small red eyes, and a long beak-like tube; or as anyone from the Clone Wars would call it, a Dwarf Spider Droid.

Shining raised his hoof to signal them to stop. He tried to think about what the best attack strategy would be. He rubbed his chin. Maybe they could have unicorns in the lead deploy magic shields and have ponies behind them throw spears? No, there was no guarantee that they would hurt that larger Droid. Maybe they could launch cannon balls at the droid with cannons? No, lugging multiple cannons through this terrain would be impossible. Maybe they could pull down trees on them and first the droid, and then while the others were distracted, take them by surprise!

Shining turned to his troops

"Okay, I think I have a plan. Steel Stud, Star Mane, I want you to take up positions behind that large tree on the right. Sapphire Spirit, Comet Ice, I want you to do the same behind that large tree on the left. When I give the signal, use your magic to pull the trees down on the big machine." He turned to face a Unicorn with a Bow and Arrow "Marble Arrow", when they are distracted, take out the yellow one, he seems to be in charge. Then we'll rush the remaining ones while they are in disarray. Understood?"

They nodded

"What's the signal?" Star Mane asked

"I'll whistle a bird call, now go soldiers!"

Within a minute the ponies were all in position.

Shining nodded to his troops and gave out a whistle.

The Droids paid no attention to this, but that they did pay attention to the 2 large trees that fell on the Dwarf Spider Droid and crushed it.

"What the?!" Began the Commander Battle Droid before an arrow shot through his head and pinned him against the tree.
"Attack!" Shining yelled, as he and his ponies charged in taking down the remaining B1s with ease.

"Good work every pony! Now let's get movi-" he was cut off by a sudden Blaster shot that went clear through a nearby soldier's head. "GET DOWN!" He yelled, as his guards took up positions behind the downed trees.

Shining retrieved his telescope and glanced through it from a small gap in the tree. There was a droid there all right, a BX-Series Commando Droid had taken up position in tree up ahead. He would've been almost impossible to see were it not for his white glowing eyes.

Of course, now that they knew where he was, he would be easy to deal with.

Shining reached out with his Magic and concentrated.

A purple aura appeared around the Droids weapon, and it was yanked from the tree, along with the droid holding it.
The droid landed on the fall, doing a roll and stopping in a crouched position, and pulled a long shiny blade off its back before lunging at Shining Armor. Shining barely had enough time to summon a magic sword of his own, and the two engaged in a short duel before a nearby pony stabbed it through its back with a spear.


Shining said, as he stored away his sword and continued walking forwards with his army.

The Princesses and the Mane 6 rounded a corner on the trail, nearing an entrance to the base clearing and coming to meet 2 Dwarf Spider Droid who they destroyed with beams of Magic quickly.

"There it is girls! Let's get into their command center!" Twilight said, as she glanced over at the ongoing battle between the Dragons and Droid Army. "And quickly!"

They hurried out of the clearing, only to be met with the sound of many blasters being primed and aimed.
They stopped dead in their tracks and turned to see a large battalion of B1s and B2s, with 2 large hovering brown vehicles (MTTs) behind them.

Celestia stepped up to the Commander Battle Droid who oversaw the platoon in front and spread her wings to their full wingspan.


The droid who she towered over, moved his head as if considering his options

The droid then shouted a simple, typical response

"Blast them'!"

"So much for diplomacy, sister." Luna joked as they began to deflect the incoming barrage of Blaster fire.
TA-175 stood at a terminal monitoring the fight against the Dragons, when his R5 Astro mech assistant rolled up and whistled at him in alarm.

"The Princesses have arrived at the base? Explain."

The droid beeped that they were at the rear of the base and engaging their garrison.

"Does not compute! Rear positions were secured! Contact Kraken, we require re-enforcements, activate my guards."
The Astro mech beeped an affirmative and rolled off to complete its assigned task.

TA-175, although he wasn't programmed to feel worried, was beginning to feel a bit of dread, of failure, and FAILURE DOES NOT COMPUTE!

The Droid returned being followed by B1 8 Security Droids and 4 Droidekas, and projected a hologram of Kraken.
"TA-175, report the status of the Battle?"

"The Equine's leaders have breached our rear defenses and have engaged our garrison. We require re-enforcements immediately if we are to succeed." He replied, with much regret in his voice.

"Re-enforcements will take time to prepare. In approximately 25 minutes I can have a landing craft deliver more Droids."

"The Battle situation is untenable; we will not be able to repel them for that long. I have failed."

"This is unfortunate, withdraw yourself and your forces from Battle, we will deploy pre-built command outposts around Equestria and seize it from the edges inwards."

"By your command" TA-175 responded and the transmission closed. He turned to a nearby OOM Pilot Droid "start my ship"

"Start your what?" The droid asked, obviously mishearing his order

“My ship. Prepare my Shuttle for immediate departure."

"Oh, sorry! Uh, Roger, Roger!" Droid said running off with its partner to prepare the Sheathipede Class Shuttle they had docked for emergency purposes.

TA-175 turned to face his security forces.

"I want 2 B1s and a Droidekas to remain here with me, and the rest of you to engage the enemy for as long as possible.
"Roger, Roger!"

OOM-340 finally made it back to the base with his squad mates, and just about had sensory overload. There were dead droids everywhere, and Dragons engaging in battle with the other remaining Droids.

"Uh, sir? Are you okay? Do need a reboot?" A B1 asked, waving a hand in front of his faceplate.

"Uh, no. Um…" he said, trying to think about what to do. Even as an independently thinking unit, he still wasn't prepared for situations like this.

"Stay here, and… help defend the base." He said to the Dwarf Spider Droid and the B1. He then pointed to the B1 who was missing his right arm. "You, come with me, we're going in for some quick repairs and orders, we can't function like this.
He stepped inside the front entrance to the base and was met with a ton of B1s and B2s inside who all immediately raised their blasters at him

"Ah! Don't shoot! I'm on your team!" He shouted

"Halt. Why are you here?" A B1 asked

"I was ordered back to base by the Commander!"

He replied.

The Droids parted so he could enter.

He raced upstairs to find TA-175 and his R5 unit rapidly downloading information from terminals before deleting it.
"Sir? What's going on?"

"Battle situation is untenable. We must withdraw. Defend the base until I am finished."

"Me and my fellow Droid here need repairs, I can barely walk!"

TA-175 stared at them with his white photoreceptors, almost giving them an "I really don't care" look before saying
"Quickly obtain repairs. Then back to the front for you." He said sternly, returning to his task.

OOM-340 and his squamates entered the repair ward, greeted by an R4 Unit, who beeped at them to sit down and asked them what they needed.

"I need my legs repaired"

OOM-340 said, gesturing to the hole in his abdomen"

"I need a new arm" his squad mate said, pointing at the loose wiring hanging from the connection where his arm should've been.

The Astro mech rushed off to the Spare parts bay, returning with plating, wiring, circuit boards and a spare right arm, before quickly getting to work.

"Is this going to hu-OWW! Watch what you're doing!" OOM-340 complained, as the droid began to slice away damaged parts and weld in new ones.

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