• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 212 Views, 7 Comments

H.V.I Weather Research Labs: Fallout - 21RoadsWasTaken

Yes, go ahead and cause a nuclear catastrophe. I'm sure that will save our ever-crumbling reputation...

  • ...

----- Logs 4: Surge -----

HVI Weather Research Labs: FALLOUT

----Chapter 4: Surge ----

Twilight recovered many confidential papers as she could and mostly of them were just logs, the list of employees (excluding the senior employees), safety protocols and etc. She put the recovered papers to her bag and continued to search if there were anything left in the area. She'd found some papers that were scattered near the windows and she picked it up and she read it silently.

------ HVI Weather Research Labs Site 2// //// 07/15/2080 -----

It's been a nice 4 years for the site 2 without any major or minor accidents. The reputation of Howling Vortex Industries had grown over the years and finally free from the debts, now their reactor power business and research center is growing to the point that the Quantum Science Inc invited them to join to their next collaboration project with Nuroxa Inc, Innovation Inc, Pinewood Builders, Eclipse Research Institute and Time Labs.

Inside the facility, employees are doing their work as usual and everything is running smoothly as expected.
Inside the core control room, nothing is really going on. The employees inside the control room is just cooling the core down. Some of the employees are sitting and chatting peacefully while the others are watching the core.
Inside the core chamber, the reactor core is being cooled down using liquid nitrogen. You don't have to worry about liquid nitrogen getting to the lower part of the core chamber as its evaporates quickly. Everything is fine in a minute... Not until the coolants above the reactor core stopped. The reactor control team wasn't aware for a minute until one guy did notice that the core temperature is rising. He looked at the coolant panels, the coolants are on but still the core temperature is rising up. He tried to turn off and on the coolants but to no avail it didn't work. He's way more curious now, he went to the window where he could see what the hell is happening. Finally he knew what the heck happened and to why the core temperature is rising. He notified his workmates that the coolant is not working and told them to cool down the core down by any means possible, he went to the phone and called the coolant control room.

------- Coolant control room -------

A man was just sitting there in peace while listening to the music while also reading his favorite book, he was about to flip a page until a phone ringing interrupted him. He groaned and gets up from his chair and he picks up the phone.

"This is coolant control room, how may I help you?" He said

"This is William from core control room, uh... I know this might sound strange but the coolant stopped working however the panel says it's still online? Can you check the coolant whether its still online?" He replied

"The fuck do you mean online? It's always been online since the very first day and besides I always notify you whether the coolant will be put on maintenance." he yelled

"Can you atleast run a diagnostics?" he said

"Okay..." he replied

Then he dropped the phone, he groaned and followed his orders since they're from the core control room, he can't risk the core getting bonkers again. He started to run a diagnostics to the coolant receivers whether there may be a minor complications or serious complications. He just hoped that it was just a minor problem. But boy he was wrong, when the diagnostics was finished the result were shocking. He was flabbergasted from what he saw. The coolant receivers were malfunctioned but its not just one coolant but four coolant receivers were malfunctioned. He continued to run diagnostics to search for problems and what caused it. Turns out that the coolant valves were too old that the internal parts stopped working and have to be replaced immediately or it will fall apart. He immediately shut off the coolants and hopefully he made a right decision.
He immediately called the head manager to inform him what is going on to the coolant.

------- Storage room area -------
(Note: in the real game there's no storage room area, no cargo bay and no coolant control rooms, I just made it up and the only thing exists on HVI Weather Research Labs: Fallout are Core Control Room, Generators room, Maintenance Area, Labs Area (You'll see where the coolant is but unfortunately there are no control rooms that controls the coolant) , Food Court, Security Center, Fitness Center
Conqueror is just checking the cargos that had been delivered yesterday and checking off lists of items that are already present in the area. After he finished the checklists he went to inspect the newly arrived cargos in the cargo bay. After he's finished he went up to the cafeteria to rest a little bit and after that he will write a report and submit it to the Facility Director. After he rested for a bit he stood up from his seat and about to went down to the main lobby until he was called.

"Sir! Someone is calling you." The security guard yelled

"Aye, who is calling me?" he said after turning around to the guard

"Its from the coolant control and he said its urgent" The security guard replied back

Now this one is unexpected. In four years working in here its the first time he heard urgent. He suspect something is wrong or worse, he was ready for it. He gulped down and he approach the security guard.

"Follow me sir" The guard said

He followed the guard to his office and they went to his telephone. He sighed and picked up the telephone.

"Hello? This is Conqueror Head Manager of the maintenance team, can you tell me what's going on?" He said while his heart is beating fast and little nervous.

"This is Parley from coolant control, so straight to the point the coolant receivers have malfunctioned and I've already run a diagnostics and it said that the internal parts are too old and cannot hold any longer. Any moment it can break down or even worse!" Parley said

"When did this happen?" Conqueror asked

"At exactly 12:04 pm, the core control employees have reported it first." He replied back

"Alright thank you for the info, I'll be there in a moment." he said before putting down the telephone

He could not believe it, the coolant receivers stopped working. Right now they are superheating the reactor core and they can't let the core go into meltdown state, he can't let that happen again just like what happened to the site 1. He thanked the guard for borrowing the telephone and he sprinted down to the main lobby to call Cromwell and inform him right away.

Cromwell was currently checking the pipes near the generator rooms and near the rail tracks to see if there are any leakage, well for now there was none. He looked at his watch and it was already end of his shift, he decided to call off for the day and walked through the sides of the train tracks. He reached the cargo bay within a minute, he climb up through the stairs and headed to the exit. He stopped at the exit door for cargo bay area and about to pressed the button, unfortunately, the door opened and there he met Conqueror face to face.

"Oh, hey Con! You look tired, maybe you should rest for a while." he said

"Look, I know you're about to go home but this is really urgent and I ask you to help me." he said while panting

"Anything for a friend." he said before giving him a big smile

"Okay, the coolants malfunctioned and right now we are superheating the reactor core. We have to fix it as soon as possible." he said

Cromwell smile quickly faded when he heard from him that the coolant malfunctioned.

"Goddammit, alright I'll call our available maintenance employees and I'll notify the others as well." he said before running to the opposite direction to call any available employees.

Conqueror headed to the core control room to see how are they're doing. He went inside to the core control room and everything is not fine. He was greeted by the staffs inside and nodded as a response he looked at the control panel and the core is starting to look bad. The rotation speed of the reactor core is dangerously fast, stabilization sphere is weak, Core Temperature is critical and the current temperature of the reactor core is at 3256 degree celsius. He asked them if the stabilization towers power is lowered they nodded in response. If they have an alternative cooling method to be able to cool the core down they won't be in here in the first place but the HVI didn't bother think it through or they just forgot to put it.

Cromwell and his team arrived at the scene and now they are now starting to fix the coolant receivers. They started to build a platform connecting to the main platform, the reason is that the bottom part is mostly liquid nitrogen meaning if someone falls down they'll die. They carefully constructed a platform so that they can reach the coolant receivers so they can able to fix it.

------ 12:36 P.M 07/15/2080 ------

The core temperature has already reached at 3320 degrees celsius, the repair has now started, Cromwell and his team are doubling their efforts to repair the coolant receivers as fast as possible. While Conqueror is formulating a plan for Cromwell and his teams. The rest of the core control team are just sitting ducks, they can't do anything except to watch. They're sweating really hard that they're watching the core getting heated up. They just hoped that the repair team can repair it in time.

------ 12:42 P.M 07/15/2080 ------

The core temperature has already reached 3391 degrees celsius. The repair team barely had any progress. The repair team are now disassembling parts of the coolant receivers.

------ 12:55 P.M 07/15/2080 ------

The core temperature has already reached 3487 degrees celsius. The repair team has now making progress as they are now replacing the coolant receiver no. 1 a replacement.

------ 1:00 P.M P.M 07/15/2080 ------

The core temperature has already reached at 3502 degrees celsius. The repair team has already finished repairing the coolant receiver no.1 and now repairing the no.2, they notified the core control room personnels that they had already repaired the 1st coolant receiver the room was filled by joy and a relief that they're now making progress but it was cut short when they heard this.

"Warning! Core at 3500 degrees celsius. A core surge is expected within the next 40 seconds. Facility is now at code yellow. All personnel must evacuate the core chamber and control rooms immediately!" The A.I announcer said

The siren blares at the control room. The core control staffs immediately vacate the control room until there was no one left a blast door closes the entrance to prevent the shockwave and the explosion. Then they waited for the next 40 seconds until Boom. There was an explosion at the core control room, the blast doors was lifted and now the entrance is available again. They went inside and it was a mess.

The room was a disaster, loose wires, wall crack and even a debris from a broken wall revealing some wires that were burnt into crisps. Core controls are still responsive and the temperature on the reactor? Its heating up faster. Why? its because of the core shield sphere is very weak that the reactor core can store up even more heat thanks to the stabilization towers.

"Danger! Severe facility damage detected. Initiating facility wide automated repair." the A.I said

But it failed... As always expected

"Facility wide automated repair failure. Core Temperature is too high to conduct repairs. Please lower the temperature to below 3000 degrees celsius." The A.I added

To make it worse the stabilization towers were affected as well and they're in pretty a bad shape and the core is heating up faster than earlier.

------ 1:28 P.M 07/15/2080 ------

The core temperature has already reached 4024 degrees celsius. The coolant receiver no.2 has now finished, 2 to go.
Conqueror quickly called Parley through telephone and orders him to open the coolants 1 and 2, he obliged and turns it on.
William quickly pressed the buttons for coolant 1 and 2 to cool down the core down unfortunately the temperature is still going up.

------ 1:48 P.M 07/15/2080 ------

The core temperature has already reached 4274 degrees celsius. The coolant receiver no.3 is halfway done. The Security team ordered an immediate evacuation for the scientific personnels but the scientific head and vice head insisted must remain and help them. Pershing and Sheridan went to the core control room to assist them to increase the workforce.

------ 2:37 P.M 07/15/2080

The core temperature has already reached 4523 degrees celsius. The coolant receiver no.3 is done repairing now they're onto the last one. Hopefully they can make it in time. The staffs that remained in the main area prayed that they can make it in time. Conqueror is just sitting there and is in deep thoughts but it was interrupted when he saw Pershing and Sheridan are standing besides him and by the looks of their faces he knew it was a bad news.

So did you estimated how long will the sphere will be able to hold out? he asks

"We able to estimated it but unfortunately... it appears that we are already in a pickle." Pershing said it in dissapointing tone

"The sphere can only hold out for 5000 degrees celsius and I don't think we have enough time to cool down the core unless luck is on our side" Sheridan said nervously

"Well... I have a high hopes for Cromwell and his team that they'll be able to finish it on time." He said confidently

Pershing and Sheridan sat down besides him and waited patiently.

------ 2:59 P.M 07/15/2080 ------

The reactor core temperature has now reached 4987 degrees celsius and its nearing the meltdown point. The repair status for the coolant receiver no.4 is already finished. By the time 3:00 P.M hits the repair is done, Parley immediately turn the coolants 3 and 4 online. William noticed it on the panel and quickly pressed both of the buttons. All four coolants was finally turned on... But unfortunately they were too late.

The Reactor Core temperature had exceeded to the melting point right after the repairs were done. The facility felt a small earthquake but thank god no one hurts.

"Attention all personnel, the reactor temperature has reached a supercritical level of 5000 degrees celsius. At this time, we recommend you activate all of the reactor cooling systems imme-" the A.I said before getting cut off by a loud Bang.

To be continued...

Comments ( 3 )

Enjoy and I'm sorry if I haven't uploaded a single story for a months the reason behind it is that I'm way too busy last month because of studies, hope you understand it. Once again please enjoy and have a good day/night!

When is the new chapter coming up?

Sorry for the inactivity on my story but I'm eager to finish my story, unfortunately, I'm focusing on my school work and assignments, please be patient!

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