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Cuteness Overload

School of Friendship: Entrance

“Okay they all left.” Sonic concluded as he saw a note on the Friendship School front door, saying how Twilight and her friends went to Manehattan for a quick trip.

“Welp I’m stuck here with nothing to do for awhile, so i might as well just do what I used to do… watch everypony while being hidden!” He exclaimed holding a finger up in the air.

With that said he ran off in the direction of Sugarcube Corner, passing by many Ponies who were caught off guard by the sudden wind.

He then ran by the dessert shop, making his way to where the Ponyville Schoolhouse was hiding in a bush. He then pulled out binoculars from nowhere, before using them to scan the town but unfortunately he got bored pretty quick.

“Well this sucks.” But suddenly out of nowhere something ran into him, causing His entire body to fly out of the bush along with whatever hit him.

He flopped onto the ground, laying on his back feeling the fur of three individuals. He opened his eyes to see a yellow Earth Pony with a red mane and pink bow, a white Unicorn with a pink and lilac mane and a orange Pegasus with Purple mane.

But to his surprise the three of them were fillies… well not really he kind of already figured that out, but you know what I mean.

Anyway the three Fillies opened their eyes staring right into Sonic’s, both parties didn’t make any sudden movements or noise, just blinking at each other for a few moments. But eventually the Fillies hopped off him staring with wide eyes, while Sonic sat up looking back at them but he was more normal.

“Did you three crash into me?” He asked dumbly, making them tense up.

None of them said anything for a few seconds, before the Earth Pony finally did so. “Yeah we did, we’re so sorry!”

Then the Unicorn spoke up next. “We were just having fun by running through any bushes we came across, but didn’t realise there was somepony in there!”

Finally the Pegasus talked. “We promise we didn’t mean it!”

Sonic who had listened just continued to stare before chuckling, then full on laughing causing confusion amongst the three fillies. “Hey cheer up, look at me I’m fine just a little surprised that you ended up running into me, but it didn’t hurt.”

They then looked surprised, as if they had just witnessed a major event. “Wait you’re really ain’t upset?”

“No… why would I be?” Sonic asked with curiosity.

“It’s because everytime we do something like dat, we end up making Ponies angry or annoyed.” Sonic had sympathy go through his face for the three of them.

“But you’re just kids, it’s just something normal for you to do.” The Unicorn nodded in agreement.

“Well most don’t see it that way.” They all hung their heads to which Sonic had his sympathy grow even more.

Then suddenly he had an idea to cheer them up. “Hey Y’know what? Why don’t I hang out with you three for today, how does that sound?”

The three Fillies immediately lit up with bright smiles and big eyes. ‘Oh my Celestia, they are so adorable I think I’m gonna die!’

Sonic just stood there with a goofy grin, waiting to see what would happen. “So where are we gonna go first?” He asked, but as soon as he finished saying it he was immediately grabbed by the trio and dragged across the floor.

“Holy Crap!” Was all he could say as they continued forward down the path.

CMC Clubhouse

After being dragged all the way from the Schoolhouse, Sonic was finally able to sit up inside of the wooden like room he was in and overall he was stunned by what he saw, it was definitely something that was built out of a kid’s imagination multiplied by three.

The three Fillies looked at him excited. “So what do ya think?” The Earth Pony asked him, to which he finally spoke after processing what’s happened in the past few minutes.

“Okay first off I have to ask… How are you three that strong?!” That made them flinch but Sonic changed immediately to a much more calm tone. “Second did you three make this place? Cause it’s really cool.” He asked in wonder.

“It was once owned by mah Sister Applejack, but she later gave it to us and ever since then, we’ve been having so much fun!” Sonic smiled at that.

“Nice to finally be meeting the Sister of ’Cowgirl’ but can you tell me your names please?” He requested to which they smiled once more.

“Ahm Applebloom!”

“I’m Sweetiebelle!”

“And I’m Scootaloo!”

They then breathed in unison. “And we are the… CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS YAY!!!”

Sonic had to cover his ears for how loud they were, but once they stopped yelling he took his hands of his ears smiling at the trio. “Aside from that loud introduction, those are really nice names.”

They smiled back at him to which Sweetiebelle walked up to him. “What’s your name?” He gave a grin as he pointed a thumb at himself.

“Sonic, my name is Sonic.” They all liked the anwser until Applebloom gasped at something.

“Ya don’t have a cutie mark!” This confused Sonic because he knew he couldn’t get one at all, after all he is a different species.

“Um I’m pretty sure I don’t get one at all.” The three of them looked shocked but then snapped out of it.

“That does make sense.” Sweetiebelle stated making Scootaloo roll her eyes.

“Welp since I’ve basically been kidnapped or foalnapped by three Fillies, might as well spend the time with them.” Sonic spoke with a chuckle making the three of them look at him surprised.

“Really? Ya mean it?!” Applebloom asked for clarification.

Sonic nodded. “Absolutely! After all, the others are gone for a while to Manehatten so I might as well spend some time having fun!”

The trio of Fillies jumped up and down excitedly, going around Sonic in circles which made him chuckle at how adorable it was.

He finally stood up although being taller than the Three Ponies, it didn’t scare them all too much. “So what’s first?” He asked to which they grinned towards each other all too familiar looks.

Top of a Hill

“Are you girls sure this is safe?” Sonic asked with worry as he was in a cart on top of a hill, but the CMC just smiled.

“Don’t worry! We’ve done all kinds of crazy things before, which got us into trouble but it was worth it!” Scootaloo exclaimed making the Hedgehog more nervous.

“Okay then, I’ll trust yo—“ He couldn’t finish as the cart was pushed down the hill, as the CMC hopped in with him.

“Next stop the Clubhouse!” Sweetiebelle called out.

“You mean next stop Ohio!” Sonic added which went unnoticed.

The cart got faster as they kept going downhill, not once stopping. They then stopped going down the hill, traveling across the straight path that led to the Clubhouse. “Look we’ll be fine!” Applebloom spoke up gesturing to the group.

Sonic was still nervous. “Yeah but we could potentially hit a tree!” They then crashed into something as they all flew forwards, crashing onto the ground with Sonic laying on his back with Sweetiebelle on top of him, and Applebloom and Scootaloo on either side of Sonic.

“Told ya.” Sonic commented opening his eyes to see Sweetiebelle on top of him, she felt soft and look cute.

She opened her eyes staring right back into his for a few seconds before hopping off of him. “Sorry!” She blushed in embarrassment.

Sonic waved his hand. “Eh don’t worry about it! Besides we’re fine at least, and I was right we crashed into a tree!”

Both Applebloom and Scootaloo who finally got up looked towards where Sonic was looking, and saw that he was in fact right and that the cart had indeed crashed into a tree like he predicted. “I think I should be called the prediction master!” He commented.

“Well there goes that plan! What else are we gonna do to have fun?” Scootaloo asked largely bummed out.

Sonic placed a finger to his chin thinking about what else they could do, which led to him coming to a conclusion.

“I’ve got an idea.” He told them causing their eyes to lock onto him.

“What is it?” Applebloom asked.

Sonic just continued smiling at them with excitement, knowing that this’ll keep them from being bored.

Castle of Friendship

The Mane six had returned from Manehatten not too long ago and they were all exhausted, but one thing was for sure that Applebloom, Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo had disappeared.

“Do ya think they’re here?” Applejack asked Twilight who responded to her friend.

“Probably, after all they do come here from time to time for a bit of fun… and mischief, but it’s all fun and games at the end of the day.” This made Applejack smile.

“I just hope that Sweetiebelle didn’t get too reckless.” Rarity spoke up making the group nod.

“I’m sure they’re fine! Besides they’ve done so many crazy things before, that this all normal for me.” Rainbow Dahs added.

They all then came up to Sonic’s room with Twilight knocking on the door lightly. “Sonic are you in there? We’re just wondering if you saw where the CMC went today?”

There was no answer that came from the other side, but she discovered that the door was open slightly. Pushing it open lightly she walked in with her horn lit, and came across something she never thought she’d see.

Sleeping on the bed was Sonic who was on his back, Scootaloo and Applebloom were under his arms curled up snuggling against his body, and finally Sweetiebelle who was asleep on top of Sonic.

The Mane six all gasped silently in surprise but fell into awe as it was too cute. “Let’s just leave them be, they must’ve had a fun day to have fallen asleep like that.” Fluttershy suggested to which they all agreed.

They turned to leave but not after Twilight looked back into the room smiling and saying one last thing. “Good Night.” She then closed the door and left.

Author's Note:

Just to say this now but these chapters will be small contained stories, that don't last too long because there’s only so much I could do with multiple characters.

Oh and if you were wondering what Sonic thought of, it was just fun little things for them to do at the castle, so no need to ask what it was they did.

Anyway here are the choices.

Also please tell me how you feel about these chapters, because I honestly don’t know what anyone thinks about this story in general.

Anyway see you next time.

(Also I’m not great at at writing how Applejack and The Apple family speak so don’t bring it up.)