• Published 14th May 2022
  • 953 Views, 11 Comments

Soaring Shadows - Asterid

When Scootaloo is given a project for school to learn her family history, she learns that her father is one of the most wanted criminals in Equestria. Perhaps the love of his daughter will be enough to redeem the former King of Shadows.

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Family History and Other Fun Subjects

Author's Note:

Authors Note: Just in case anyone gets confused, moving forward, Scootaloo's name is being changed to Scoatalow.

Chapter 5 – Family History and Other Fun Subjects

The first week of Sombra’s “rehabilitation” had fallen into a comfortable pattern. He would be awoken every morning at five am and taken to the training salle to begin drilling with his fellow guards. As a Crystal Pegasus, his unique use of gravitational forces allowed him to begin learning not only the standard Pegasus combat style but also how to use weapons like a Unicorn. After a hearty breakfast of oatmeal and fruit, the guards would then be stationed around the castle on a rotating basis. After a late afternoon lunch, Sombra would typically be instructed to personally guard Princess Twilight as she “tutored” the fillies known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. All of this was a thinly disguised reason for Sombra to help Scoatalow, as she asked to be called, with her Family Appreciation Day project.

He had told her stories of her grandparents’ lives, ruling the Crystal empire a thousand years ago. He regaled her with tales of epic battles where the Imperial soldiers fought hoof, horn, and wing against the fierce raiders of the Northern Caribou tribes. He even embarrassed her with stories of his own love story with her mother, all under the watchful eye of Twilight Sparkle.

After being dismissed for the night, Sombra would walk the three fillies home, usually stopping at the orphanage last so as to spend just that little bit of extra time with his daughter. Before returning to the castle for the evening, he would typically wrap the orange filly in a tight hug before kissing her on the forehead and wishing her sweet dreams. Stopping at Sugar Cube Corner just before closing, Sombra would usually get himself a small slice of berry cake and a cup tea for his dinner before retiring back to his quarters for the night.

As dawn lit the morning sky on Saturday, Sombra was allowed to sleep in on the weekend as part of his schedule rotation. A small knock at his chamber door woke him from a pleasant dream of happiness and family. Grumbling softly, the dark stallion crawled out of bed before walking to the door and opening it.

“If someone isn’t dying, I will be very upset,” Sombra groused before seeing Twilight waiting at his door.

“I do not believe that tone or attitude is deserved, Prince Sombra,” Major Domo said, “Her highness has requested your presence in the throne room as soon as you are ‘presentable’.”

“Thank you, I will be down shortly,” Sombra replied, gently closing the door.

After quickly straightening his mane, tail and feathers, Sombra quickly made his way down to the throne room and waited to be announced. As the guards waved him in, he entered quickly and knelt before the raised throne Twilight sat upon.

“You requested my presence, Princess Twilight,” He said.

“Yes, Prince Sombra,” Twilight said, looking down from her throne, “As you are Scoatalow’s father, you are needed to finalize her name change.”

“I would be glad to help my daughter, princessa,” Sombra asked with a smile, “Have you heard back from Celestia about there being a second princess in Ponyville?”

“She hasn’t responded yet,” Twilight replied, stepping daintily from the dais and walked up to the stallion, “There shouldn’t be an issue though. Come along, Sombra, we need to collect Scoatalow before we go to the Mayor’s office.”

As the Princess continued walking out of the room, she left a stunned Sombra in her wake. Rushing off to follow her, Sombra tried to keep his erratic heartbeat under control.

“Must we be so formal, princessa,” He asked, finally catching up to her.

“I believe we have been a little too familiar as of late, Prince Sombra,” Twilight said, trying to be as stern as she could be, “I have also been overly lenient in regards to your allowed visitation with your daughter. So, a little formality is needed I believe.”

“Have I don’t something to offend you, Princess Twilight,” Sombra asked, stepping into her path.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight sat on the ground and tried to compose herself.

“No, you haven’t Sombra,” She sighed, “But, there has been talk that I am too close to both you and your daughter considering I am your warden.”

“There may be over a thousand years since I have been around the court,” Sombra said with a grin, “But tongues will continue to wag over the juiciest of pieces of palace gossip. You should pay no heed to idle chatter.”

“But if idle chatter is heard by the right people, I would no longer be responsible for your redemption,” Twilight said.

“Do you really think my cousins will overrule your decision?” Sombra asked, “This is an issue concerning your citizens, not theirs.”

“But Celestia was my teacher,” Twilight said, a slightly crazed look in her eyes, “Her approval is the most important thing.”

Princessa, my cousin does not want to be placed upon the pedestal you’ve placed her on,” Sombra replied, “I mean, I could tell you stories about what she was like back when she was a little pink haired filly who dreamed of going on grand adventures.”

Seeing the large stallion laughing at her former mentor caused a scandalized look to appear on Twilight’s face.

“Let’s hurry up and pick up Scoatalow,” Twilight growled, as she stomped off towards the orphanage, “My son is coming home today and I wanted to meet him at the train station.”

“Oh yes, the young dragon who helped thwart Somnumbula’s attempt to retake the empire,” Sombra said, “Truly a hero after my own heart.”

“Are you being sarcastic or trying to insult my son?” Twilight hissed.

“I would never insult a child,” Sombra said, “You, your friends and your son showed great courage in defying that tyrant and I am proud to have met you all.”

“I am having a very difficult time understanding you, Sombra,” Twilight scoffed, “When we defeated you in the Crystal Empire –“

“I think that is the key issue here isn’t it, Princessa,” Sombra said, “You never defeated me. You defeated the twisted monster that was thrust upon me. I admit that we have only truly known each other for about a week at this point, but am I really so similar to him.”

“You aren’t,” Twilight conceded, “In fact, over the past week, I’ve seen that you are a hard worker, caring father, and a good stallion. I’m beginning to think that I may have misjudged you.”

“Just beginning?” Sombra said with a smirk.

“Yeah,” Twilight joked back, stroking a wing along the stallions back, “Can’t be too easy on you now, can I?”


Sitting at her desk, working through a large stack on non-urgent correspondence, Celestia looked out the open window, enjoying the beautiful day. Picking up a small scroll from her favorite protégé, Celestia carefully broke the seal before reading over the small letter. As the Solar Diarch set the letter aside, she smiled for a few seconds before the impact of the words became clear. Focusing her magic, Celestia once again forcibly summoned her sister. Luna landed with a muffled ‘thump’ on Celestia’s large bed as she popped awake, pulling the sleep mask from her face.

“What new emergency can only be handled by us personally, sister,” Luna asked, glaring at Celestia.

“Your snark is neither needed or appreciated, Luna,” Celestia scoffed, “I need you help though. Twilight is about to make a life changing mistake and we need to stop her. And since Spike is not supposed to be getting home until later this afternoon, I will need you help powering a teleportation spell to get to Ponyville.”

“What has your neurotic not-daughter done this time?” Luna asked, shaking her head to clear the cobwebs.

“Scootaloo has requested the Twilight help her assume her birth name,” Celestia answered, ignoring Luna’s playful jab, “And they are going to Mayor Mare’s office this morning.”

“And this is a bad thing how?” Luna asked.

“Sootaloo’s true name is Princess Scoatalow Sapphire Dawn,” Celestia replied, a near manic look in her eyes.

“And this is bad a bad thing because…oh. OH!” Luna exclaimed, “We have to hurry. What do you need me to do?”

“Synchronize your magic with mine.” Celestia replied, “We will need a lot of power to reach Ponyville from here.”

Charging their magical powers, their multicolored auras began shifting and swirling until the sisters disappeared in a flash of light. Reappearing in an equally impressive flash, the sisters found themselves in the crumbling ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters.

“We may have missed the mark just a bit, dear sister,” Luna said, flaring her wings, “I believe we may want to fly the rest of the way before it’s too late.”

“Agreed, Luna,” Celestia replied, extending her own wings, “I shall fly to town hall while you fly to Twilight’s Palace. Hopefully one of us will find her before it’s too late.”

Leaping into the air, the two sisters soared towards town before separating and flying to their agreed destinations. Zeroing in on the conical spire of town hall, Celestia flapped her wings as hard as she could, intent on keeping Twilight from making the greatest mistake of her young life. Diving through air, Celestia landed with a thud on the front porch before bursting through the double doors.

“Princess Celestia!” Called the lime green Earth pony mare seated at the reception desk, “How wonderful to see you-“

“I apologize for being short with you, my little pony,” Celestia answered, raising a wing to silence her, “But, I have little time to waste. I must ask, has Princess Twilight Sparkle, Prince Sombra and the filly named Scootaloo come in today?”

“Oh yes,” The receptionist said with a smile, “They should just be completing their meeting with Mayor Mare. Her office is just down the hallway there.”

“Thank you, I will show myself in,” Celestia said with a nod before rushing down the hall.

Coming to a large double oak door, Celestia burst into the office only to see Mayor Mare placing a small stamper back into her desk.

“Celestia, cousin, how wonderful to see you on this most beautiful day,” Sombra said, placing a wing gently around Scoatalow, “The mayor has just finalized the paperwork for young Scoatalow to take back her birth name. Please, join us to celebrate this most joyous occasion.”

“I’m too late…” Celestia whispered, “Sombra, Twilight, I must ask, what does Scoatalow’s name change paperwork say exactly.”

“I can answer that,” Scoatalow said, her tiny wings fluffing up as she stood up straighter, “I am now Princess Scoatalow Sapphire Dawn.”

“Just as a I feared,” Celestia replied before turning to both Sombra and Twilight, “I am sorry to say this, my friends, but you have made a most dire of mistakes. There is an old law, instituted after our parent’s deaths, that states a Princess may not be placed in the care of an orphanage and must be raised by a member of the peerage. Young Scoatalow cannot return to the orphanage any longer. As such, it will fall to either myself, Luna, Twilight or yourself, Sombra, to raise her.”

“Did you know this, Sombra?” Twilight hissed, turning on the lone stallion in the room.

“Whoa, slow down, Princessa,” Sombra said, raising his forehooves, “This is all news to me. I give you my word as a Prince of Equestria that I had no idea this law was in place. I wanted to earn my redemption, not just in your eyes but in the eyes of all of our people.”

Staring into his eyes, Sombra felt like Twilight Sparkle was trying to look into his very soul.

“I believe you, Sombra,” Twilight huffed before getting down to Scoatalow’s level, “Your old enough now, Scoatalow, to have a say in this matter. So I’m going to ask you, take a minute and decide, who would you like to take care of you.”