• Published 14th May 2022
  • 953 Views, 11 Comments

Soaring Shadows - Asterid

When Scootaloo is given a project for school to learn her family history, she learns that her father is one of the most wanted criminals in Equestria. Perhaps the love of his daughter will be enough to redeem the former King of Shadows.

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Where Were You?

Chapter 1 – Where were you?

Celestia sat at her desk rereading the note she had just received from her former protégé, Twilight Sparkle. She had just sent the youngest of the Four Princesses of Equestria a royal summons for herself and all her friends, stating their presence was required in Canterlot. She had managed to buy some time before they arrived, but she would need to work fast. Charging her horn, Celestia concentrated as hard as she could and released the teleportation spell, summoning her still sleeping sister to her room. Luna landed on the marble floor with a thud, her sleep mask still in place as she continued to snore, little drops of drool escaping her lips on every exhale.

Really, sister, Celestia thought, You could sleep through a manticore stampede and be none the wiser.

“Sister,” Celestia called gently, “Time to get up.”

“mumble mumble…pancakes…” Was the only response form the Princess of the Night.

“Luna, wake up,” Celestia said more firmly, “I need your assistance and time is of the essence.

“If the sun is still up,” Luna grumbled, charging her horn, banishing her sleep mask and summoning a large cup of coffee, “The world better be ending.”

“Not quite,” Celestia replied with a smile, “But, there is a matter which requires our immediate attention.”

“There’s very little you wouldn’t be able to handle on your own,” Luna replied, becoming more alert with each sip of the life-giving liquid, “What could possibly require us both.”

“There is someone we need to speak with and it will require the combined magic of both of us to accomplish it.” Celestia replied, pressing a small button on the underside of her desk, “Hang on tight.”

Without any further warning, both Diarchs of Equestria fell through a large trap door built into the floor, landing on a large fun slide. As they spun and corkscrewed through the bowels of the castle, Celestia held her forehooves over her head laughing maniacally while Luna sat straight faced, taking the occasional sip of her coffee.

As they reached the end, The Princesses found themselves in Celestia’s private magic lab deep beneath the dungeons. Beakers of neon-colored liquids bubbled over small burners as books on nearby shelves seemed to reorganize themselves and shuffle at random. Walking past the various apparatuses, Celestia led Luna to a large vault door with warnings written in every language known to Equestria.

“The Dark Vault?” Luna asked, setting her coffee cup on a nearby table, “What are we up to, sister. Tis a place of hate and suffering the likes of which would make the Keepers of Tartarus cower in fear.”

“I know, Luna,” Celestia said, undoing the many magical locks on the vault door, “However there are two items we must withdraw from here.”

“And those are?” Luna requested.

“Starswirl’s Tome of Forbidden Spells,” Celestia said, removing the final seal and opening the door, “And the horn of King Sombra.”

“The Horn – WHY in this or any of the other 9 realms would you have the horn of Sombra!” Luna shouted, instantly using the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“To ensure he was never able to be resurrected.” Celestia answered, retrieving a black bound book from a shelf just inside the doorway.

“And what do you intend to do with it?” Luna demanded, stomping her hoof.

“Resurrect him,” Celestia deadpanned.

YOU WHAT!?” Luna shrieked.

“He has information that is needed,” Celestia said, turning to face her sister, “Twilight and her friends will be here in a few hours and I intend to have those answers that are needed before they get here. Now, are you going to help me or not!”

Amazed by level of emotion her sister was showing, Luna could only nod her head in agreement as the two of them continued further into the vault. Arriving at a trio of cylindrical tubes, each was large enough to fit a pony and filled with blue liquid. On the left was the slumbering body of Queen Chrysalis. On the right was the magically drained form of Tirek. In the center tube was a twisted piece of crystalline horn which radiated an intense red light. Tapping her horn against the glass of the center tube, the liquid drained away and the shard of horn fell harmlessly to the ground.

“Sister, he is a monster. Irredeemable and unconscionable.” Luna begged, “What could be so important.”

“He may be the father of the filly known as Scootaloo,” Celestia said, wrapping the horn in the aura of her magic, “And by law, if that is true, he is eligible for the chance to earn his freedom.”

Leaving the Dark Vault, the two Princesses once again secured the locking mechanisms before going to a side room. Magical symbols were carved into every surface, glowing a deep blue. Using her magic, Celestia carved a circle into the floor, double ringed in runes and magical symbols. Placing the horn in the center of the circle, Celestia gestured for her sister to stand by her side.

“While I power the containment circles,” Celestia instructed, igniting the energy in her horn, “I need you to draw him back to life. Once that is done and he answers our questions, we can work on containing his evil.”

With a surge of magical energy, the rings of runes and symbols surrounding the horn shone brightly and began to spin counter to each other. Igniting her own horn, Luna focused on the magical signature of the Former King. Chanting in a long dead language, Luna pulled and struggled, jockeying for control of Sombra’s soul. With a fierce grunt, Luna mentally pulled as hard as she could and dragged him back to life.

Lying before them, surrounded by the strongest magical barriers known to Magic itself, was Sombra. But at the same time, it was not the same monarch that the Princesses remembered sealing away in the ice. Where as Sombra was formerly a massive Unicorn stallion, the being in front of them was a Pegasus they didn’t recognize. His grey fur was lighter, not the dark almost black they were accustomed to. His Cutie Mark remained unchanged, but as he opened his eyes, the princesses realized they were an intense icy blue as opposed to the blood red they had come to hate.

“Celestia, Luna,” The Pegasus asked, his voice a rich baritone laced with a faint Northern accent, “You look so much older. What has happened?”

“You know us?” Luna asked.

“Of course, I know you,” Sombra said, “Though it is a distant relation, we are family. Why do you act as if I were a stranger?”

“Sombra…”Celestia said, “What year is it. Truthfully.”

“It is the 30th year of the rule of your mother, Queen Cosma.” Sombra said, stretching his wings, “You should know this.”

“That was over 1000 years ago,” Luna whispered, “What was the last thing you remember?”

“Before or after I was ‘selected’ to become host to the Umbrum,” Sombra asked, his head hung low.

“Before?” Celestia asked confused at his question.

“That would be the court magicians summoning me to their lair under the east tower of my father’s palace,” Sombra growled, “Where the carved off my wings and sacrificed them to the Umbrum to transform me into that…thing. After that there are only flashes…horrible things I was forced to do in the name of the Darkness.”

“Forced?” Luna demanded, “What do you mean forced! You are the single most despicable creature in Equestrian History.”

“No,” Said a voice, deep an slimey, “That would be me.”

“Who are you!” Celestia shouted, “Show yourself!”

Slowly, a deep, maniacal laugh began to echo through the chamber. Rising as shadowy mist from Sombra’s own shadow was the terrifying form of The Shadow King, his horn glowing red.

“I am the monster you feared.” He said, “I am the villain. Not this mewling coward.”

“I am confused,” Luna said.

“We are bound by deep magic from before the creation.” The Shadow King said, “You dragged him back from the land of Death, and I hitched a ride.”

“Then I will send you back where you belong!” Luna shouted, launching a blast of fiery energy at the shadowy being.

“No!” Sombra shouted as the blast launched both himself and the Shadow King against the wall of the barrier.

“That shouldn’t have happened!” Luna shrieked, as she saw a massive wound appear on the Pegasus’s body while the Unicorn remained untouched.

“Told you we were linked,” The Shadow King mocked, “He’s leaking pretty bad here, might need to get him patched up.”

“Sister, I will continue powering the containment circle,” Celestia commanded, her eyes beginning to glow a fiery red, “While I do that, I need you to go outside, teleport to the infirmary, and retrieve Dr. Dire Need before returning.”

Nodding to her sister, Luna rushed from the room and disappeared in a flash of dark blue light. Glaring at the vile monster locked within the magic circle, a deep growl began to come from Celestia’s throat.

You are truly the vile monster we accuse you of being,” She said coldly, falling into the Royal Canterlot voice, “You purposefully provoked my sister into attacking you, knowing that Sombra would be injured instead of yourself. Why!

“I was bored,” The Shadow King said nonchalantly, buffing his forehoof on his chest, “Now, why did one who is nominally my equal decide to resurrect me from the land beyond.”

“There are answers that we need from you,” Celestia hissed, her mane becoming a raging inferno.

“And what makes you think I would be amenable to answering your questions,” He asked, “You imprisoned me within the tundra of the far north for over a thousand years. Your protégé killed me when she activated the crystal heart. Then, you drag me from the cold harsh eternity where I tormented this worthless excuse for a stallion for over three years. So, I ask again, why would I help you?”

“Because…” Sombra wheezed, the open wound on his chest gushing blood as he struggled to his feet, “And with no horn to bring us back…we will both be gone forever.”

“You would give your lives for these…Equestrians?!” The Shadow King scoffed, “They seek to conquer our kingdom, to grind us beneath their hooves and make us subservient to their will.”

With a flash of light, Luna arrived outside the room again, a bewildered female Unicorn held firmly in the grip of her magic.

“I apologize for the delay, Dr. Need was less than compliant with our summons.” Luna said.

“You dragged me out of a consultation with Prince Blueblood,” The Unicorn in question said, “I told you I would be along shortly.”

“And we said it was an emergency and that you were being summoned by our sister to save a life.” Luna growled.

As the Doctor ignited her horn and turned toward the obviously injured Sombra, he held up a hoof to stop her.

“I refuse any treatment until this…demon agrees to answer whatever questions he is asked.” Sombra wheezed.

“You would die and leave your daughter an orphan?” Luna asked, shocked at the stallions reaction.

“My child died…a thousand years ago…when this monster killed her and her mother.” Sombra said, collapsing to the ground as the pain become too much.

“Who said I killed them?” The Shadow King laughed, a superior smirk on his face.

“I saw it happen as you banished the Empire.” Sombra cried, tears streaming down his muzzle.

“What you saw was the two of them fading into the shadow of my magic,” The Shadow King taunted, “I banished them through time and space.”

“Where did you send them!” Sombra shouted, lunging at the shadowy monster.

Before the injured stallion was able to attack his inner demon, The Shadow King dematerialized and returned to the shadow he was created from. With a pained shout, Sombra collided with the side of the magical barrier, a large smear of blood hanging in the air before it burned away.

“I believe I can answer your questions Sombra,” Celestia said, “Please let the doctor treat you. Luna, please open the tome and find Starswirl’s Ritual for Demon Binding.”

Receiving a nod from both Sombra and Luna, Dr. Dire Need began layering the many spells needed to close the wound on Sombra’s chest, healing the skin and regrowing the fur in short order. Collecting the spell book in her magic, Luna began leafing through the ancient pages until her eyes fell upon the spell in question.

“We need the creatures true name,” Luna stated.

“You will never get it from me.” The Shadow King laughed, safe from the confines of Sombra’s shadow.

“Somnumbula,” Sombra said, “The last thing I heard when he was summoned was his name, Somnumbula of the Somber Shadows.”

Somnumbula of the Somber Shadows, I, Luna Princess of the Night and Custodian of the Moon, do hereby bind your essence and being to the Stallion known as Prince Sombra of The Crystal Empire,” Luna commanded, her magic tracing tribal symbols into the air as they wound themselves around Sombra’s Forehooves, “His word is your command, his life yours to protect, from now until the end of his days. SO MOTE IT BE!

With a stamp of her hoof, the magical symbols became white markings tattooed into the grey fur on Sombra’s legs. In a flash of light, Somnumbula was dragged into existence as similar symbols were branded into his legs.

“Thank you, Luna,” Celestia said, turning to Sombra, “Dear cousin, if I remove the barriers, will you consent to a civilized conversation with us at our table for a meal?”

“I would be delighted,” Sombra said, kneeling to the Equestrian Diarchs, “I do hope though that this conversation will entail the location of our family.”

With a nod, everyone left the room and found themselves enveloped in the dual magics of Celestia and Luna before being transported to the throne room. With a short salute, Dire Need left the room to return to the infirmary as the Prince and Princesses left the throne room through a side door.

“Radiant Sentry,” Celestia said, motioning to one of her day guards, “When Princess Twilight Sparkle and her retinue arrive, please lead them to the royal dinning room to meet with us.”

“Ma’am,” said the Unicorn in question, snapping a sharp salute.

Walking through the palace to the dining room, the three royal Ponies exchanged small talk before arriving at the opulent dining room. The large table had room enough for at least fifty ponies, twenty-five to each side. Walking to the far end of the table, they each took a seat on one of the large cushions set on the ground behind each place setting. Ringing a small bell at her side, Celestia summoned her royal servers who cam in bearing hot tea, cakes and cucumber sandwiches.

“To business, dear cousin,” Sombra said, carefully taking a teacup using the primary feathers of his wing, “Please, tell me where my daughter is.”

“It happened roughly thirteen years ago,” Celestia began, nibbling a small piece of cake she had served herself, “A mare was found on the outskirts of the town of Ponyville, a foal held tightly to her barrel. She was severely injured and was rushed to the hospital, but it was too late for her. The only thing we were able to get from her was the foal’s name, Scootaloo.”

“Equestrians…” Sombra grunted, “The correct pronunciation is Scoatalow. In the language of the Empire it means precious one. Breaking Dawn and I were always told we would be unable to have children. When Scoatalow was born, we thought it a miracle and treated her as our greatest gift. Did she live?”

“Yes,” Celestia said, “She was placed in the Tender Care Orphanage in Ponyville and has been living there ever since. Had I known she was your daughter, I would have attempted this sooner so you would be able to meet.”

“Why was she not adopted?” Sombra asked between bites of cucumber sandwich.

“From what she has told me, it is due to her being unable to fly.” Luna said, “I have become close to her and her friends over the years since my return.”

“I am to assume that there have been no Crystal Pegasi that were able to teach her?” Sombra asked, “It is a very different process as we are heavier than non-Empire ponies.”

“Then I am glad you will be there for her to teach her what is needed.” Celestia said with a smile.

With a knock at the door, the Court Crier walked in along with two trumpeters.

“Announcing, Her Royal Highness, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and Duchess of Ponyville, along with The Elements of Harmony.”

Rising to his feet, Sombra bowed to the mares as they entered before walking up to Twilight.

“I do not believe we have been introduced,” He said, putting on his most charming smile as he took her hoof and missed it gently, “I am Prince Sombra, second born son of King Darkest Knight. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“How unfortunate that you would be named after a sadistic, xenophobic monster who tried to enslave an entire empire,” Twilight growled, “And how unfortunate that you have the same cutie mark as that monster.”

Charging her horn, Twilight blasted Sombra across the room where he soon found himself embedded in the far wall. As he slumped to the ground, a shadowy corona slowly receded back into the ground.

Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia shouted, drawing her former student’s attention, “What is the meaning of this!

I could ask you the same thing!” Twilight shouted back, flaring her wings, “You’re sitting here drinking tea with a walking war crime!”

“Twilight, Celestia, please calm yourselves and everything will be explained,” Luna said, wrapping both her sister and friend in the aura of her magic before forcing them to a seat at the table, “Girls, if you would care to join us.”

Shaking his head to clear away the disorientation from the attack, Sombra carefully walked back to the table and took his seat once again as well. All of the Mane 6 chose to sit on the opposite side of the table from him.

“I apologize for my actions, Princesses, however, Sombra is a villain.” Twilight said, “And then to have him begin…flirting with me…I lost my temper.”

“Believe me, if I was flirting with you, you would know it, Princessa,” Sombra said, a hard expression on his face, “I do need to correct you though. The beast known as Somnumbula is a monster and a villain. I am merely a pony used in a sacrifice to an Eldritch deity.”

“And what proof do you have of that?” Applejack shouted, slamming her hoof on the table, “You look mighty similar to that brain washin’ varmint.”

“Similar, but not the same,” Sombra said, fluttering his wings, “Somnumbula is a Unicorn. I am a Pegasus. I lost a great many things when he was inflicted on me.”

“Enough of this,” Rainbow growled, “I got only one question for you, scumbag. Where were you! Almost 14 years your daughter has been alone. What do you got to say to that!”

“That…is something that pains me to know end,” Sombra replied, covering his face with his hooves, “A lot of this story is so fantastical it is hard to believe, but on my honor as a Prince of the Crystal Empire, it is entirely true.”

And so, Sombra told the story of his possession, the exile of the Crystal Empire and the banishment of his family by Somnumbula. The girls were quick to question this had it not been for the interjection of Celestia and Luna. He went on to tell of his death and subsequent resurrection as well as the ritual forcing Somnumbula into his control.

“Ladies, I know that you have no reason to believe me,” Sombra finished, “But, I have been brought back by my cousins Celestia and Luna in the hopes that I could be redeemed. That redemption starts with my daughter. So please, tell me, where is my darling Scoatalow.”

“Who the Tartarus is Scoatalow?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh, oh, oh, I know,” Pinkie said, bouncing in her seat, “That’s probably some like super special Crystal Empire way of saying Scootaloo’s name!”

“It will take some getting used to, saying this weird Equestrian version of her name,” Sombra said, “But yes, I am speaking of my daughter Scootaloo.”

“Well, your Highness,” Rarity said, “She’ is currently-“

Without warning, Rarity found her muzzle wrapped in the magical aura of Twilight’s power. Glaring at her fashionist friend, Twilight fixed her most intimidating glare at the stallion.

“Why should we trust you,” She asked, “This could just be an end run to gain your freedom by using a filly that my friends and I have come to care about deeply.”

“What would you suggest, Princessa,” Sombra said, bowing to Twilight, “Ask what you will of me and I will do it.”

As the girls and the princesses began shouting at Twilight, she slammed her hoof on the table top before letting out an ear piercing whistle.

“Enough!” She shouted, before addressing Sombra, “Fluttershy, I want you and Rarity to collect the fillies and take them home. After you are securely away, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie and I will leave on a different train going to Ponyville. Sombra will be staying at the Palace of Friendship and will only have monitored visitations with Scootaloo. Should I decide he is being honest and is capable of doing so, he will once again become Scootaloo’s primary caregiver. Until he has received my personal recommendation, not Celestia’s or Luna’s, but Mine, she will remain at the orphanage. Is that understood.”

“If this is what I must do to once again become part of my daughter’s life, I will agree to whatever provisions you request, your Highness.” Sombra said, “She is more important than my freedom would ever be.”

Author's Note:

This one's going to be a little longer and darker than Love of a Family. I'm hoping to alternate between the two when I post.