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Ripto’s Rage: First Steps into Avalar

After Spyro had a more proper meal, all those present were waiting on more story.

“So after a few weeks of learning about the dragon realms, as me, Spyro, and Sparx were out playing in the Artisan’s Homeworld, it started to rain.” Cozy Glow said.

“Whose Sparx?” Rainbow Dash asked. The nearby Dragonfly buzzed and the cyan Pegasus. “…Fluttershy, a little help here?” Rainbow Dask asked.

“I-I’m afraid I couldn’t understand a thing. How bizarre.” Fluttershy said

“Sparx said ‘That would be me’.” Cozy Glow said. “I…had to learn a lot about Dragonflies to understand him.” She added.

“Guess they must be different in Spyro’s world.” Fluttershy said.

“I believe my homeworld’s dragonflies don’t talk like the ones from Spyro’s world.” Cozy Glow said. “But that’s something to touch upon later.” She added. "But for now, I think it's best to start with the beginnings of my Avalar adventure. As stated before, it had suddenly started to rain as me and my brother played." She added.

"Are you alright, Cozy Glow?" Spyro asked his adoptive sister as he, Sparx, and the baby pegasus filly. "The rain came out of nowhere." He added.

"Twanks to you bwothew, I'm more then dwy." Cozy Glow said with a smile.

"We should try one of the portals to go somewhere nice and sunny for a while." Spyro said. Sparx buzzed and pointed out a portal to Dragon Shores. "Dragon Shores, good eye Sparx! Let's head there." The purple dragon said before heading into the portal with Cozy Glow still on his back and Sparx following close behind.

"Back up a minute." Rainbow Dash interuped. "How did you end up in Avalar if you were going to Dragon Shores?" She asked.

"Well about that..." Cozy Glow started back up the story.

Though the trio had used the portal to go to Dragon Shores, the portal somehow spat them out somewhere that was most certainly NOT Dragon Shores, next to a mole, a cheetah, and a mysterious other creature.

"Hey, which way is the beach?" Spyro asked, but noticed the strange looks. "What? Have you guys never seen a Dragon before?" He asked.

"Bwo is dwagon; why we not on beach?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Oh my god what is that on your back?" The cheetah asked before suddenly the entire group got blasted.

"Well well well, why didn't you invite me to the party?" A male voice rang out. Cozy glow spotted a mysterious trio of creatures: One bipidal creature holding a club, one quadroped creature that had some kind of device attached to it, and one small creature holding a sceptor. "Are you trying to hide something from me?" The small creature asked after smelling around and then noticed Spyro.

"Hey meanie, did you twy to blow us up?" Cozy Glow asked before getting onto Spyro's back.

"A DRAGON?! YOU BROUGHT A DRAGON TO AVALAR?!" The small creature exclaimed.

"What's wwong with Spywo being a Dwagon?" Cozy Glow asked.

That...is just too cute... The mysterious friendly creature that got hit by the blast thought before suddenly a fairy took the sceptor.

"Crush, get my sceptor!" The smaller creature said to the club wielding creature who tried to hit the fairy. When Crush failed, the four legged creature chomped on the sceptor before swallowing it on instinct. "GULP YOU IMPICILE, YOU SWOLLOWED MY SCEPTOR!" The smaller creature yelled. "I'll deal with you later." He added before riding away on Gulp with Crush following close behind.

"Who was that mean guy?" Spyro asked.

"That was Ripto, and he's been causing all kinds of problems here in Avalar. But there will be time for all that later." The mysterious friendly creature said before handing over some kind of book. "Here, take this guidebook, it'll help you navigate our world." The creature said before she, the mole, and the cheetah ran off.

"Mean shorty guy almost huwt me..." Cozy Glow said.

"Don't worry Cozy Glow, I'm not about to let that jerk Ripto get away with that." Spyro said before heading off through Glimmer.

"While we were in Glimmer, we managed to meet this bear named Moneybags who became quite the thorn in our side as he forced Spyro to pay gems for lots of things over the course of our adventures." Cozy Glow said. "But that's not really something that we should focus on right now. Moneybags has already gotten comeuppance several times over as it is." She added.

"Sounds like something we'll hear about later." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah something like that. So we manged our way through Glimmer, got the first of the tailsmans of Avalar, and managed to get to Summer Forest where Elora properly introduced herself to us. She identified herself as a Faun which none of the dragons knew about before. Officially making Spyro the first dragon to come across one." Cozy Glow said.

"I gotta know though: How tall was Ripto?" Smolder asked.

"I'd say he is more or less around Spike's height." Cozy Glow said.

"Wait he's not that much bigger than I am? How in the wide wide world of everything did he somehow manage to come back FIVE TIMES in that case?" Spike asked.

"Hey, I'm wondering that myself." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh we thought was dead for good after the two times it seemed like he died during this adventure; and I'll get to those later; but both times he somehow managed to escape death both times. And I highly doubt we've seen the last of him even after the fifth time." Cozy Glow stated.

"Yikes...the little guy seems very persistent I'll give him that much." Rainbow Dash said.

"Again, that's information for later." Cozy Glow said.

"Can we break? I need to check the school for the cutie mark crusaders." Rainbow Dash said and then went off to the school.

"...I bet she's going to tell them about Cozy Glow's little...amnesia thing while she's at it." Rairty said.

"Should we consider her amnesia a good thing or a bad thing, Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked.

"Well...that depends. On one hoof, she obviously did some terrible things such as trying to drain all of the magic out of Equestria, but on the other hoof..." Celestia said as she looked over to Cozy Glow.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders...they sound nice." Cozy Glow said. Twilight just noticed that Cozy Glow's Cutie Mark had changed and was now apparently a Dragon Egg. At least it looked like a Dragon Egg.

"...An argument could be made that the pony with who we are talking about is a much different pony then the one who left this world." Celestia noted.

"Her cutie Mark." Twilight noted.

"What about it?" Celestia said.

"Twilight's right, Cozy Glow's Cutie Mark is different: It's now some form of Dragon Egg; maybe like the ones from Spyro's World." Starlight said. "But I've never heard of a Pony's cutie mark changing like this before..." She added.

"Her cutie mark was tied to her special talent, so I'm guessing that because she lost all memory of who she was before, her original cutie mark vanished, and a new cutie mark took it's place later." Chancellor Neighsay said.

"That would make a lot of sense actually. This is our first time dealing with a Pony whose lost all semblence of memory of their former self, been age regressed, and then had to have worked their way back to where they were before." Twilight said.

"That's just freaky...I know I detested cutiemarks, but one cannot just make them disappear." Starlight said.

"Like Chancellor Nieghsay theorizes, the vanishing of her old mark must be due to her amnesia; I have no doubts that if and when she gets her memory back her old cutie mark will show up somehow." Twilight said.

"...Question: Is it right for me to suddenly worry when Cozy Glow's memory returns?" Starlight asked.

"...No..." Celestia said simply.

Author's Note:

Does it bother anyone else that four of the nine games from the classic era spyro games have Ripto as the main villain? That's almost half of the games as a whole.