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Intermission 3: Chatting with Malafor

As food got prepared by Spike for lunch, Fluttershy approached Malafor.

"Um...excuse me...Mr. Malafor sir. A moment of your time...if you don't mind?" Fluttershy asked.

"I suppose I have time for a few questions. I will answer them to the best of my abilities. We are alone, so I will answer your questions with the utmust truth." Malafor said.

"Um...I suppose the first question is...what do you plan to do once the story ends?" Fluttershy asked.

"I will return home of course. That much was easy to guess." Malafor said.

"And what of your daughter? Will she go with you? Because I have a feeling...your about to do something with her that to you, is the only way you can get her to obey your commands." Fluttershy said.

"It's not about my commands. I promised my daughter I would take her to our world of origin. I just did not tell her that I would be demanding her to stay behind and explore our home world. It...is the only way she can still be with the dragon that has captured her heart once I am dead. And I don't have much more time." Malafor said.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Fluttershy asked.

"My choice was to keep the portal to Spyro's world open, despite what it would do to my body. I chose this, because my daughter...she does not have the same ability that I do." Malafor said. "When I die, the portal between our worlds will close forever, and I refuse to let my daughter and her boyfriend be forever seperated. It is better that she does not know that I am running out of time because I had chosen her happiness over my own life. But to be honest, Fluttershy, it is a sacrifice I am willing to make." He explained. "I can't deny my father's tyrant reign. I will not deny that I have had similar thoughts while trapped in the Mystic Lands." Malafor then turned to the pegasus. "...Which is why it is better that my daughter does not develop the same thoughts that plague our bloodline. I've seen how much being with Spyro has deterred her. Made her find something else to have her thoughts deter to. Her mother died during childbirth, 'tis sad but true. I am certain that my daugher will not suffer this same fate. But in order to make sure of that, she must be with her boyfriend and in our world of origin." The giant dragon stated.

"...You choose her happiness over your own life, because you don't want her to continue your bloodline's legacy." Fluttershy noted.

"I only ask you do one thing as a promise to a dying dragon." Malafor said. "Make sure my daughter never finds out that her being with Spyro is what took my life." He added before leaving the room.

"...I promise..." Fluttershy said before flying to catch up with him.