• Published 14th Apr 2022
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The Unknown Daughter's Reunion:Part 1 - Disembodied_Pony

Grown from that of a fragment of magic and bitterness, the unintended offspring voyages to see it's family again from across the cosmos

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Chapter 5: Counsel

The empress sat at her table in her chambers sipping tea. Seated across from her was her best friend of the last five decades, Whistle Wind, an earth pony that Moon had known since Whistle was but a foal. For reasons which still surprised her, Whistle looked up to Moon as more of a big sister than a ruler. The two forming a kind of kinship that only came about once a generation, usually.
But despite the welcome company, Moon couldn't keep her mind on the usual conversation that came with such visits. Finding herself coming back Whistle's expectant expression on her muzzle.

"Hmm? I'm sorry, Whistle.. I didn't catch what you asked?" Prompting her to repeat what she said

"I said 'are you going to tell me the real reason you invited me by?' Because I can tell that the upcoming performance on Garden Glade is not what's on your mind" The flutist said with a smirk

"I'm sorry Whistle. *sigh* Is it really so blatant?" Moon asked. With Whistle's poignant nod, she continued "I suppose it can't be helped then." after a pause, she continued
"I've been pouring over the details in how I am going to approach the Princesses. Be it direct, indirect by proxy, official, unofficial. Everything from engaging in some from of diplomatic protocol, to throwing myself at their hooves. All of the options colored by the reality of that I'm a ruler, and as such, my ponies likely watching the event unfold... It being much more than a personal and private family matter."
With a heavy sigh, she concluded "Some times Whistle, rule can be a downright unpleasant thing. Even with my many centuries of experience behind it."
Thinking on it a bit and shaking her head, she asked;
"What would my ponies think of me if I had lost my composure and begged for their forgiveness and acceptance, blubbering like a little filly wishing to stay up late?"

"Hmh, they'd be surprised, for sure. But I'm sure they'd come around. We all know what this means to you, and thank our lucky stars that we don't find ourselves in your position." She chuckled sporting a supportive smile, trying to keep the mood light.

"Putting myself in your shoes, with what I know... I know that I wouldn't just pop in with a wave saying 'Hi, remember me Mom? Don't worry though, I'm not a jerk anymore, how have you been?'" Both mares getting a laugh from the picture she painted

"Indeed. I'd be apprehended on sight, possibly blasted once again." Laughing softly, despite the dire happenstance.

"Tell me, what have you come up with on the..." waving her hoof in a circular motion "more indirect route?" Whistle asked

"Ah" Thinking a moment, Moon continued "I'd have to train a few ponies in protocol to act as an envoy and ambassador on my, and the empire's behalf. A new position, as we've never had need of such beforehoof." Thinking for a moment longer, she added "Somewhere along the process, once the princesses are comfortable, they could deliver an introductory message from me. I was thinking along the lines of a recorded visual message, as text can be rather dubious in its interpretation. Also, that seeing and hearing someone in pony allows for more 'subtle detail' in the message being delivered. The princesses being able to read body language and expressions, discerning my intentions and more."

"Ah, I like that! That could work." Whistle replied

"Yes, however my message would have to be perfectly crafted..." She thought worriedly

"Pshaw. A bit of practice and effort, and It'll be fine" Whistle waived away the empress's troubles. Being a flutist with a few decades of experience performing under her saddle, she was more than comfortable with presentation, herself.

"I'll tell you what... I'll help you with it. Writing, and even the recording. Don't worry." Whistle assured her big sis.

Elsewhere, in an office at the Interstellar Space Flight Engineering center;

Steady Wing just wanted to pull his mane out, reviewing the first concept build specs for the flagship.

'Wha?! Why are? I don't believe this! Why are ALL of the concept builds sporting Jump Engines?! All of them! They're not even bulleted as 'future implementation' or even 'optional'. They're just 'there', like they'd never considered a ship design without them.' He thought to himself, laden with exasperation.

"I'm getting to the bottom of this right now. Perhaps they simply 'forgot' to properly note these? If not, I'm going to bust some flanks!" He remarked aloud. And with that, he marched, not flew, but marched out of his office, and down the hall towards the first designer on his list.
Holding onto the last tethers of patience, he thought 'Give them a chance to explain this Nonsense Steady, give them a chance... Oh, but Empress help them if they've forgotten Already, what we're designing this ship to encounter.'

Preparing in his mind what he was going to say to them, he thought aloud;
"There's going plenty of space in the ship for the engines at a later date, but they shouldn't be implemented as even a concept at this early stage. It's entirely possible that a revised engine design will be so entirely different, that any considerations for them we make now will be pointless... an entire retrofit being needed in the future...ugh" mumbling to himself as he went.

'At least the sensor arrays on board were well thought out. They'll be invaluable for gauging the locals' customs and temperament before sending anypony down to the surface to make contact...' he imagined, setting his mood to be in a better state in order to address his designers. His pace slowing from a march into a walk.

As it was for right now, some chat's with his lead designers, were imminent.

Inside the royal gardens, behind the castle of the empress. Ponies were sneaking around in the brush, being as quiet as they could, while preparing their ambushes. With a blast of a stun spell, a guard collapsed down to the ground with a thud, alerting many of the others around that something was amiss.
Resulting in a number of tackles, an indiscriminate flurry of retaliatory stun blasts, and few pegasi taking to the air in combat of kicks and battering heads with wings.

When it was over, Shadow Blade trotted out to declare the victor of the mock battle.

"Victory goes to the infiltrators!" He said

The results eliciting a number of cheers and groans of disappointment from the participants.

"That being said, what did you do wrong?" Shadow asked of both parties.

"I was caught by surprise, and didn't use a silent takedown, opting instead for a stun blast." Gleaming Shield volunteered

Shadow, nodding his head, turned to the guard that received the blast, having recovered from the low power spell.

"I didn't see her, where was she?" A couple other ponies filling him in on her location. Looking over to where she had hid "Hrmm Shoot, I don't know. How could I have spotted her? It's a good position."

Nodding, Shadow replied "It is. Your only real defense against such a thing, would be not to approach it alone. Mentally make note of it and return with at least one other guard. In such a situation as an infiltrator taking advantage of such a hiding spot, and attacking a guard coming to check the emplacement; a second guard will be able to compensate when they're forced to engage. Whichever guard is their target, the second guard will be able to respond and pin them."

"Now, Level Lance, you're next..." he continued

"I, think she's still out cold, Sir" Storm Cloud sheepishly replied in her stead

"..and why is -That-?" He replied with an edge to his tone at the end.

"M-my aim was off..."

"Yes it was. Now, Knowing what you need to improve on already, you will take her to the infirmary and stay by her side until she is fit for duty." With an eye twitch, he followed it up with "following that, you will wash the dishes in the galley after every meal for one week. Perhaps developing better hoof-eye coordination in the process."

After going through the rest of the results of the battle practice with his guards, he addressed them all:

"The empress is going to need us more than ever in these coming months. Expanding our station beyond it's previously defined scope. Though we have never encountered an enemy combatant, and hopefully never will.. We need to be ready for it should the need ever arise.
When the empress, or anypony else makes landfall on Equus, we will be at their side. Making sure that they are safe to do their duties. As it is Our Duty, and Our Privilege as protectors and officers of Her Highness's Ceremonial Guard!" Shadow Blade finished, Saluting his guardsponies.

The others returning the salute: "Yes Sir! For our Friends and Families, we serve!" in unison.

Brandishing a proud smile, he dismissed for the time being: "Dismissed! Get some lunch."