> The Unknown Daughter's Reunion:Part 1 > by Disembodied_Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Preface > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: the planet Earth. The year: 896 New Moon (1,966 by the Modern Era equestrian calendar, and 3,038 by the calendar of the 'ones lost') Inside the halls of an information hub and research complex, ponies carried on as they always had; conversing with one another, and studying the universe around them. Reports from their various colonies, ships, and probe's; sent their sensor readings back to the hub, for analysis and collation. This complex, was more ornate than most facilities were across the 'empire'. This facility specifically, had the personal favor of their empress, as well as the ponies throughout the star systems. Ponies at this time, had made homes on multiple worlds over the past couple of centuries. Many of the busts and artwork present at the complex, were made by her very hooves & horn. Creations crafted from her memory; To keep fresh in their minds what they were searching for, there. What they were searching for was; Her Family, her old home. Her origin. Even as she had changed due to the many events that had befallen her, she had longed to see her mother and aunt again. To know they were well... And hoping that they would forgive her transgressions as the simple minded fragment of magic & darkness that she had begun as. Also, that they would be proud of her for becoming a princess in her own rite. Her subjects; happy and flourishing. she had worked so very hard these many centuries..... Believing that if her family ever needed aide, she would be there for them. Where, even the incredible distance, and lack of their awareness of her existence....would not hinder her. Ponies are always there for their families and friends, and she was no exception. For she was now the alicorn of the Night & Stars. An alicorn of rebirth and new beginnings, Of the Dark and the Light. Long ago, she had left the moniker 'Nightmare Moon' behind, and had adopted the name New Moon. Despite her new name, she never hid her origin from her subjects. Never hid her transgressions, her sorrow, defeats, lessons, isolation, and regrets. 'The harder the lesson, the more cherished the experience gained' she always said. After some time had passed on Earth, when the First City had become many, a pony with an exceptional talent for writing and story crafting, had novelized the tale. That tale was eventually dramatized into an eleven-part visual performance, one that the empress (princess at the time) fully endorsed. So well detailed and received it was, that it became part of the curriculum in schooling. Bearing it all; From the falling of a princess into despair, to the introduction of the 'ones lost' and their civilization; it was an instant timeless-classic. One which even centuries after their passing, the ponies who performed in those roles still maintain a renewing fan following due to their performances. Nopony today doesn't know the name Calm Shade, whom portrayed Princess Luna, Nyxe Pool, whom was the voice and personification of 'The Nightmare', nor Steel Blade, as the voice of 'The Benefactor'. ..... > Chapter 1: Eyes unfurled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside an office at the complex, his flank firmly planted in a well-worn chair in front of an information terminal; sat Magnifying Glass. Sifting and compiling data like any other day from this particular automated survey vessel, he worked. However these past days, he was more invigorated than usual. At last, it had begun relaying the detailed scans of the world they had remotely steered it towards. This particular vessel, had taken a circuitous path towards the faint yet constant emissions of a field of magical energy amongst the stars. Previously, once it had reached and passed through the field's perimeter, they were at a loss as to where to further send it. There were a number of suns there, with planets and subsequent moons around them. But which one should they check first? Then one day, after a lazy walk down the main archway of the complex after lunch, they once again looked upon the old equestrian flag, noting; one sun - one moon. Having no better clues to follow, the ponies went that route in their search. So after waiting an agonizing couple of weeks for ultra long-range scans to track orbits to complete, one sun was found to have only a single world in its orbit, with a single moon orbiting it. As the survey vessel was assigned its new destination, with bated breath; they all waited.... Now that it had achieved orbit, that wait was returning dividends. "Atmosphere... Oxygen-Nitrogen-Carbon Dioxide-trace elements...." Magnifying Glass murmured to himself absentmindedly as he read the atmospheric sampling results. As he scrolled across the low resolution orbital scans; "Organic life?... Plants-Lower lifeforms likely-Large fauna...." "...wait.." "STRUCTURES!!!" Shouted Magnifying Glass. With that outburst, he had set off the sounds of a stampede of hooves rushing toward his office. "Glass!, What do you see?!" asked Autumn Wind. Living up to her name, she was the first one into his office. Somehow beating the stampede, despite being half-way across the complex. 'Did I really shout that loudly? Who cares, this is a landmark day!' he thought. "S-Structures Buildings Construction Towns Cities, Look!" Magnifying Glass babbled in a strangled voice, loosing his composure. Expanding the image display to take up the entirety of the screen. His eyes were getting misty, threatening to overflow into tears of joy. Ponies pressed in closer, squinting at the massive screen, as if to try to make the displayed picture clearer. "Oh, my stars! Is, is that??" asked Sure Trajectory, next to him pointing to one area in particular. Glass, enlarged that portion to fill the screen, and what they saw caused the rest of the ponies to gasp. They couldn't be positive with this set of wide-area scans, but there was something, something blurry caught by the scan; In the sky, gold in color, between a city and a massive cloud formation, over a grassland. That 'something', looked to have proportions that of a pegasus... "this, is huge" whispered Star Struck, his voice carrying a haunted lilt to it. The air increasingly filled with murmurs, as the office space packed with ponies. Meanwhile, Magnifying Glass merely slumped into his chair, all strength seaming to leave him. 'We did it... everypony? your highness? Oh by the stars and moon, we found it!' The next few weeks were a flurry of intense activity at the complex. Restlessness, and ponies passed out at their terminals became the norm. Meetings for prioritizing where to focus the surveys being conducted, happened twice every day. The pouring over the orbital visual stills, thermal topographical mapping, and magic spectrograms, never seemed to stop. Nopony inside there was out of the loop, but to those outside, they were never more tight-lipped. Nopony was going to let slip Anything that would reach the empress's ears until they were sure it wouldn't crush her hopes. As, to her, 'This' was nearly a millennia in the making, that 'Right-Now' was the culmination of centuries of waiting. They needed a veritable 'Mountain of evidence' before they could be sure that this was it. Finally, after the better part of a month had elapsed... they were sure. They were ready to fashion their report, which would be not only for their cherished empress, but for all of the ponies everywhere to hear; 'The search was successful' Now at last, most of them could get their rest again at night. While the others; Another 5 days of reviewing drafts of their report, was their marathon, including choice reference data for every part of the report. It was time. "I've scheduled the audience with her highness. Who's going with you to present the report, Field?" asked Silver Glider. "Aurora, Meadow, Machination, and Thunder" The earth pony replied, putting the finishing touches in the report's reference links. "Machination?, you're such a sweetheart!" She teased. "Yeah, well... Over the past 3 weeks, I swear he only went home for normalcy's sake, and only slept two hours at most even then" Open Field chuckled. "Too true. Every time I finished collating his data, I'd turn around to find another parcel waiting for me." "It's no surprise that he slept for 2 days straight" Open Field replied, shaking his head with a smile "Speaking of, how much of my recovery rest can I expect to get before her highness will see us?" "Three days. We're slotted in our usual afternoon time. So..." a devious smile making its way across her muzzle; "She won't see this coming! I just hope she eats a light lunch that day" She finished. "O-ho, you're incorrigible!" Field exclaimed, breaking out into a laughing fit over Glider's antics. "What did she ever do to deserve this!" "Well, you know what they say; with great responsibility and power, comes great burden!" The two devolved into laughter over their good natured conspiracy, decompressing after the many weeks of strain. > Chapter 2: Audience > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the First City, ponies walked at a leisurely pace, soaking in the history. Ponies would visit regularly to reconnect with their roots, despite their advancements. After all, this is where all of their family lines began. The city keeping it's quaint charm and most aesthetics over the centuries. Beyond the city's outer ring wall, It's outskirts surrounded by orchards on all sides, as it had always been. The ponies there still harvesting their fruits the old fashioned way, as they have been for generations. In the heart of the city, stood the empress's castle & gardens. Where she lived, heard petitioners, took visitors, and received reports in pony when requested. This day was like many that came before, and would see again. Or, at least it was so far. In the throne room, sitting at the head of the room, the empress was mulling over the day in her mind; 'hmm, a petitioner about a supposed claim jumping, quite rare indeed, two reports; one on the further development in jump gate rings, the other on replication efficiency... Two young foals sightseeing the castle, and my friends Raspberry Jam & Bee Keeper coming to visit.' 'I'll always be amazed that Bee never has a hitchhiker from her hives on her' chuckling softly to herself as her assistant trotted into the court. "Ah Scribble, what is next on our day?" She asked. "Five minutes until lunch, ma'am" Scribble Pen replied. "Wonderful, care to join me in sampling some of Raspberry's latest?" Moon asked. "Ha, Why else would I be here five minutes early prompting of lunch? I already issued the request for extra toast" Scribble smiled. "Then, let us be off to the dining hall!" Both promptly walking toward the far end of the court room, a jar floating besides her. Lunch was pleasant as always, the conversation this time comprising largely of Scribble's needling of her son to find a nice mare and bring her some grandfoals. 'Universal constant; The more things change, the more they stay the same' she recounted with a nostalgic smile. On the way back from lunch, she met a few new ponies admiring the artwork in the halls. One of them visiting Earth from one of the longer established colonies. An earth pony stallion, on his fourth visit to Earth, his second visit to the Castle. She thought she recalled him, as he had such vivid turquoise eyes. After recounting the stories of a few artworks with him, she bid him farewell and walked to the throne room. Settling in, she let her mind wander. Considering the time spent since she last took a consort... 'It's been quite a while since I last partook in the close presence of one of my subjects' A serene smile forming upon her face as she recalled the wonderful moments they blessed her with. Her revere interrupted by the sound of hooves approaching the throne room, Scribble calling to her. "Your highness, may I present: Open Field, Meadow Blossom, Thunder Cloud, Aurora Burst, and Machination Solver, of the Origin Project Information Center" Scribble introduced. "Welcome, my little ponies" She addressed them. Inside however she was getting the impression that they had something most interesting to report this time around. Typically it was only Open Field, and Meadow Blossom together that delivered the status reports. That and she could read that behind their composed demeanor, there was barely contained excitement behind their eyes. 'They must have made some noticeable progress' she prepared herself. "Your Highness, Our survey vessel successfully navigated to it's appointed destination, and subsequently achieved stationary orbit..." Open Field began, as Meadow reached into her saddle bag and pulled out an display projector, placing upon the carpet and tapping it with a hoof to begin the visual portrayal of the presentation. Displaying animations of the pathway of the vessel. "...analyzing the contents of the atmosphere, beginning geographical surveys, tracking and identifying fauna present. Machination?" Prompting the stallion to take over for this part, as it was his speciality. Nodding and bowing, "Your highness, the planet possesses an extraordinary variation of life forms. From the simplest of vegetation, to higher life forms..." He went on. Trying his hardest to remain clinical & factual. When what he wanted the most to do was rear up, kick his front legs and spill all of the beans! 'Wait for it. Wait for it!' reigning himself in "...many of them with at least some level of magical connection and ability due to that region of space which that world inhabits. Aurora?" Passing the proverbial ball to his next colleague. With the display showing simple graphical animatics, the empress was yet to see any real life pictures of this world as of yet. Keeping the secret just a few precious moments more. The presentation being put together like a surprise party, their hooves on the proverbial light-switch, bubbling with excitement like foals loaded with to much sugar. Meanwhile, the empress was a little excited as well, as their energy was infectious. consciously she thought 'They're getting closer, I can feel it. All the waiting and searching... we're on the right trail. We have to be. One step closer to home..' "Ma'am, scans have proven the existence of lay-lines of magical energy, in a stable formation as well...." Aurora continued, the display illustrating a cross section of one of the lines. A short enough segment displayed as to not give any of it's layout, should the empress recognize its shape and layout. "...giving proficient magic users ability to cast most power ranges of spells. Meadow?" Her grin nearly causing Meadow to loose her cover. 'Do it Meadow, drop the bomb!' Aurora's eyes practically screamed. Clearing her throat, Meadow Blossom began; "Which brings us to the higher life forms present. The most advanced, being able to cast magic, manage the weather, and engineer advanced construction." With that, the display immediately showed a picture of Canterlot Mountain, city attached to it's side, a cloud shadowing a small portion of its uppermost peak. They went with a tight low-angle shot taken from the lower hemisphere on a clear day, specifically for this reveal. Following that reveal, there was a small thump from the throne as one of the empresses shoes bounced off of the carpeted floor. All four of their faces turning to the empress to witness her reaction. It was as they expected: Sitting there stunned, wings out, eyes wide, mouth gaping, one naked hoof trying to find purchase as if it could in the air that surrounded it. "... ...w" For moments, all language was beyond her. It was as if the entire universe had stopped. She knew this place! Had seen it for so many centuries from afar, as well as on that fateful night. Though she didn't know the city's name, she knew of it. Knew that it replaced the old city & castle she remembered so well by Everfree. Now she just stared unblinkingly, as if it would disappear as soon as she did. Finally, she moved. Stepping down from the throne and slowly approaching the screen, stopping just before her muzzle would disrupt the image. "y-you have found it?" she asked timidly. "Yes, your highness. We're as positive as we can possibly be. Equus." "A-and the ponies?" she queried farther. "Alive and well, as far as we can tell. Many other creatures as well. Griffons, Dragons, Minotaurs, and many more." Machination interjected She was afraid to inquire, but couldn't help herself as but to ask; "Alicorns?" "Unknown at present. As rare as they are, it's very unlikely that they would happen to appear on the scans made over a very few weeks." Open Field suggested "However, we noted a very high concentration of magic in the mountain city. As is here in the First City; I'd postulate that they'd be there, if anywhere" Aurora proposed. "My stars... I" Moon, beginning to get choked up. Suddenly, her horn flared, sweeping all four of her little ponies into her embrace. Squeezing them tightly, as a stream of thank you's & tears burst forth. After many moments like that, she finally let them out of her smothering wing hug. Calmed down some, and regaining her composure, she spoke "I must thank each and every one of your staff personally. This means more to me than I can possibly express with words alone." "Well your highness, I hope you'll forgive me in taking the liberty. As, I invited the staff to join us. They're patently waiting in the hall, as I didn't want to spoil the surprise" Open Field said with a grin. Her head rearing up and turning toward the door "Oh! Of course!" Trotting towards the double doors at a brisk pace with a bounce in her step, she flung the doors open wide. "My Wonderful Little Ponies, Thank You So Much, Thank you!" and she proceeded to go down the hall thanking each and every one. A flurry of kisses on their heads, nuzzles, and hugs. When she had reached the other end of the hall, she addressed them all. "I would like to invite you all to join me, here at the castle tomorrow evening, for a dinner in your honor" The cheers dwindled into pleasant conversation with varying ponies into the evening. Scribble trotting off to begin the preparations. Though she'd never admit it openly, Scribble lived for days like this. She loved being the miracle maker, and pulling a impromptu banquet out of thin air in 24 hours was the perfect opportunity to shine. That next morning, even the empress awoke early to begin replicating the decorations, and a few extra tables, chairs, and serving-ware for the dining hall. Even carrying them in herself as well. She knew well enough to keep out of the chefs manes 'Too many chefs in the kitchen, spoils the soup' she chuckled. Though she did offer to wash a few pots and pans once most of the preparations were done. The kitchen staff insisting that, as the host, she had to make her own preparations as well, and that they had it covered. After taking some time to schedule a few hearings with a couple of her advisors, herself, and freshening up, she went downstairs see if dine preparations were ready. Sure enough, Scribble had done it again, in bringing it altogether. After about an hour, ponies began arriving. The ceremonial guards directing them to the dining hall where her eminence greeted them and offered punch. Once everypony arrived, the dinner began. The empress herself refilling their glasses, the wait staff refilling the pitchers and bringing the entree's. Over dinner they spoke of what they had seen, their work, and asked when she was going to head there. Asking if they could come along. Her response was that 'of course they could join her' and that she had already scheduled appearances with her advisors to make ready the journey. She in turn, asking Field how he was going to break the news to the rest of the ponies. She chuckled in his surprise that she was leaving the responsibility to him. Her reasoning being that it was he and his staff that deserved all of the accolades for their discovery, and that she would not take that from her ponies. "Hahaha, is this in response to making it into a surprise and springing it on you like we did?" Open Field laughed "Oh no no no. Though, I might have to think up something special to reward you for that presentation" she mused. "I'd advise getting in touch with Word Smith, or perhaps Feather Pen to draft a press release, as ponies wont have a frame of reference for your report as I had. However, you are pressed for time, as I have an appointment scheduled with my advisors in 3 days concerning this, and I did't spoil the news by telling them what the appointment is about. As such, they have to have heard your release by then. 3 days" "3 da...? ...what were those names again?" Tapping his ear to activate his communicator, he mumbled a few words to it, setting a reminder for himself. "I sure hope they're not too busy, or I'll have to owe them a favor" Open Field grumbled "I wager they would drop whatever they are working on, for this one. You are not the only ponies passionate about things such as this" Moon soothed. "True, this Is big" he acquiesced After the dinner concluded and everypony went home, Moon went to her chambers to retire. After finally getting to bed she found she couldn't sleep, her mind a buzz with how she was going to eventually approach them. 'Should I send an entourage with a speaker on my behalf? Slowly ease them into it, before my appearance? For them to know my ponies first, as they are a reflection of me and my rule? Perhaps a recorded message would be better, else they think I would be attempting subterfuge otherwise?' After a midnight snack, she found she still couldn't sleep. Since she used a sleep spell the previous night, she wouldn't use one again so soon. They were notoriously habit forming, and she had already kicked that habit before, twice if she counted Luna Laying there with the occasional sigh passing her lips, she tossed and turned. In all of these centuries, she had imagined talking to them, what she would say thousands of times. But as to how to approach them? She had never considered. Now that the time was approaching, she was at a loss. Partaking of a second/near-morning snack, and with her mind weary, she finally passed into slumber, sleeping late into the day. > Chapter 3: Words like Wildfire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside a cozy cottage, Lime Wedge was making herself some lunch on her day off. Having finished harvesting the latest ripe limes yesterday, enjoying the peace and relaxation. *bleep bleep* .. *bleep bleep* .. *bleep bleep* .. *bleep bleep* The comm ringing Lime strode over to the panel built into the wall at tapped the panel, Lotus Blossom's excited face appearing. "Hi Lotus" greeted Lime. "Have you Heard!?" the usually sedate pony practically hollered "Hm? Heard what?" Lime responded "The news bulletin! The extra special news bulletin!" "Ah, no. I catch up on those while I'm making breakfast" Lime dismissed "No. Not this one. It can't wait!" "Surely it will still be there tomorrow morning?" Lime countered, trying to keep her sense of normalcy intact. "You have to watch it right now. Before somepony ruins it for you! This is big. Huge!" "but I was just in the middle of making a sandwich?" she whined "To mulch with the sandwich Lime! Get off the comm with Me, and watch it Right Now. Please, trust me!" "all right, all right" Lime sighed, reaching a hoof up to the panel "Remember, Extra Special News Bul-" Lotus's words being cut off. 'I wonder whats got her tail in such an uproar?' Lime thought while she tapped a few more places to bring up the news feeds. There in the list of the seven unwatched, was one at the top labeled 'Extra Special News Bulletin: Origin Project Discoveries' Tapping that one, it began to play; "Hello again everypony, I'm Buzz Word, and I'm incredibly excited to bring to you all, the group from the Origin Project Center. We have with us: Open Field, Meadow Blossom, Thunder Cloud, Aurora Burst, and Machination Solver. And boy howdy, have they got news! Open Field?" "Thank you Buzz. *Ahem* Nearly Two months ago today, our primary survey ship passed through a field of strong magical energy in space that we were tracking....." Inside the office of Steady Wing at the Interstellar Space Flight Engineering, the pegasus was transfixed by the screen he was watching. "...Iconic mountain city which the empress herself has confirmed its likeness. As you can see, Earth ponies, Unicorns, Pegasi, going about their daily lives, as well as routine pegasi flight squads..." 'So this is why her highness sent me a summons... I'm going to have a ship to design..... I'm going to need all their data on the magic energy field' He thought. With a wing, he scribbled a note without looking away from the screen for more than 2 seconds. When the feed came to its end, he pressed a button on his desk. "Alloy, you heard? Prepare to shelve everything for right now. Yes. Ostentatious in its capabilities: sensors, shields, transporters, redundancies. And, fit for the empress in elegance, and hopefully, new friends to impress. Yes, new drydock too" Closing the comm link, he sat there for a couple of moments, a large grin spreading across his muzzle. He then literally flew out of his chair, out his office, and landed onto the highest cabinet in the design room. "Has anypony yet to see the news bulletin? If you haven't, drop what you're doing, and watch it. We need everypony on the same page." Looking around at his colleagues with the biggest smile he ever wore. "We've been hooved the sweetest kind of project to ever drop into our laps: Prepare to design the greatest flagship we've ever imagined!" The entire floor erupting into cheers and singing & dancing. This to engineers, was like candy to foals. Stuff of dreams, come to life. Flittering back into his office, he sat down and tapped another button. "Ether, Send a letter to the Terraforming group, Hydroponics and Gardening division, titled Dream Job, contents as follows" Chuckling for a few moments, he began to transcribe what he'd need from the terraformers group to the virtual assistant, his speech being converted to text for their perusal. Once the letter was sent, he laid back in his chair. 'This is going to be a grueling number of weeks, but it's going to be worth it when everypony walks the halls of the ship.' After a few more moments of reverie, he snapped back up in his chair; "Ether, connect me to Aurora Burst at the Origin Project Information Center" He commanded, all the while he continuously scribbled more notes. As much as he loved the stuff, paper was far faster when making notes than tech was. On a world far away from earth, a comm panel was playing the bulletin. What started as a single pony clicking the latest arrival from the sub space relay, became a magnet snagging more and more ponies as they passed by, eventually forming a small throng. "...We wish the empress our best, and thank her for this opportunity to connect families together, no matter the distance!" Open Field concluded with pride, standing with his colleagues. Buzz Word, concluding the broadcast, her bottom lip trembling; "Tha *ahem* Thank you all for watching, a-and, give your mother, father, brother or sister a hug for me. *sniff*" And with a bow from them all, the feed ended. Now no longer transfixed by the screen, ponies began to murmur amongst themselves. One younger mare, grabbed her friend that was standing next to her, by the shoulders. "Do you know what this means?!" she asked "Uh, yes? I think so Posy?" "Then why are not freaking out Lily?!" "Umm?" Lily was lost at this point. "It's the Empress's Mom! What if she comes here?! What if she wants to visit and see the place?!" Posy now beginning to shake her as if it would make something click "Then, we'd be happy to have her visit?" Lily prompted as other ponies started to notice the scene Posy was making. "V-Visit!? L-look at this place, it's nowhere NEAR ready for a visit from Royalty's Parents! The, the grass is only planted in the town center, we're still waiting for the seed harvest for more! The Orchards are only 5% complete, Crop gardens are still limited to the greenhouses, Piles of Rocks and Gravel Everywhere, and We Haven't Even Gotten That Giant Bolder Out of the West Road!" Posy was now in a full panic. Other ponies around them beginning to look uneasy, worried she may have a point. "True, but c'mon, the colony has only been up and running for twenty-two years, this is pretty normal stuff" Lily was always the more level headed one of the pair. "Twenty-Two Years, Twenty-Two Years and This Place Is A MESS! If my MOM came and saw my room look like this, and I had twenty-two YEARS to clean it up, My Flank would be so red you wouldn't be able to see my Cutie Mark!!" Posy now screaming in wide-eyed panic. Lily's response was simply "*snerk*" first one, then another, then four. And with each one Posy finding herself harder and harder to stay panicked. Until finally they both burst out in guffaws at the silliness of the meltdown Posy just had. The ponies around them joining in the laughter. Wiping the tears from her eye's "Okay okay. Maybe I over reacted, but surely we can get this place spruced up a bit?" Posy reasoned "Sure, how about tomorrow we start chiseling away that bolder. Since we can't speed up the seeds any more than we have, we can start there?" Lily offered "Sounds like a plan, anypony else in?" And with a number of nods, she smiled "Great, I'll replicate the jackhammers!" > Chapter 4: Second Best > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting with her advisors, was causing her mood and expression to begin to sag. When it began, she was chipper and ready to hop onto a ship and pop over to Equus in a day. A regular occurrence in her kingdom....everywhere else. In this situation however, it was turning out to be an impossibility. "...this unknown, was the deciding factor as to why the survey ship was automated, unponied, and built without the inclusion of jump engines. Us having no idea how to expect stronger magic fields would impact the technology. Resulting in the ship having to travel there the old fashioned way with conventional FTL engines. The time spent waiting for the slow transit, outweighed the cost in time for having to replace a lost ship, and then wait again for an imposed slow second journey." "There was just so much on the line to risk loosing the ship, should the unknown have unintended side effects with the technology's Mere Presence. For all we know, a field like that could work like a unicorn shoving their horn into the fold actuator, and casting a spell. The result being: the ship doing anything from partially de-phasing, to coming apart randomly and exploding, or possibly, teleporting to any random place in the galaxy...which is a terrifying thought for anypony to be in, let alone your eminence!" "I, I can't risk such an outcome. It's not worth it, nothing is. *sigh* I-If this means my position is at an end....I, I'll understand, your highness.." his ears wilting and him sagging into the chair with a defeated posture. Sighing sadly, Moon replied "No no Steady Wing. You points are all valid. I remember my first time passing through the jump gates... I had to wait two years for my first jump." Thinking back "All the testing I had to participate in to measure the effect my alicorn magic would have to it...to this day, I still have to self-impose a no-casting rule while they are activated" she chuckled. "Technology can do amazing things, but it does not take kindly to stray energy." "As is with casting, Any unicorn worth their salt knows to not pour energy into a spell or an array with nowhere for it to go." She finished "Thank you, your highness" Steady Wing, feeling better that he hadn't just committed career-seppuku. "What we Can do right now, is place a jump gate safely outside the field's perimeter. Allowing a ship without jump engines to arrive there instantaneously, pass through the field with conventional engines, and sail to Equus in a little over a week. Essentially putting Equus, less than two weeks away. Though.... It'll be a few months wait before the gate comes online...but once it does..." Steady offered Digressing further, he continued; "When we know more, me might be able to at least put a couple of gates inside the field, removing the travel time inside the field as well. Right now however, the field's perimeter is... not understood, transitional, a high-density flux, from what I can make from the data collected so far. Like the surface of a bubble, though it doesn't pop." the wheels in his head beginning to turn "As a matter of fact, the wait for the gate to come online will give us time to study it a bit more. And I'll sleep a bit easier knowing more about it." Steady Wing rambled Shadow Blade, of the ceremonial guard, chimed in "Yes, though I hear that you'll be having your hooves full in the mean time. Something about a space luxury liner?" He grinned. "Wh.. Well....Yes, though I wouldn't go quite that far as to call it -That-." Steady Wing stumbled over his words, feeling a bit exposed having his dream project called out. "Oh sure, sure" The earth pony waved Wing's defense away. He could see the other stallion practically drooling at the mere mention of his project. "Hmhmhmm. Work hard and play hard, Wing? Though I'd be lying if I said I was not curious as to what you'll surprise us with" Moon good naturedly poked him. Sturdy Wing immediately jumping in "Ooh, You're gonna love it, your highness. Just love it! It's gonna ha-" Cutting himself off as to not scuttle his reveal before it even happened. "You'll see! *giggle*" He was giddy, Oh he just wanted to rear up and kick his front legs with glee. The others in the room chucking at the stallion's enthusiasm. Lightning Bolt, a pegasus from the Energy Harvesting division chimed in "Whatever he's got up his fetlocks, We'll be able to cover. Between the collection arrays, and the stock pile we keep on hoof, it'll be more than enough to cover as much as a fleet of ships, and a half dozen gates. Presuming they're entirely replicated from energy." He said without even disguising his pride. In the empire, energy was anything but a scarce commodity. As for a couple generations now, solar collection arrays were continuously being erected, harvesting the energy from natural fusion reactors: suns. At a considerable distance from, they converted wide spectrum light, and some heat, into exploitable energy. Stored in a stabilized & locked crystalline form; Physically transportable, to be unlocked and used elsewhere, whether it be aboard a ship, shipyard, at home on Earth, or on any colonies. At this, Moon sat back and beamed with a pride of her own for her ponies. Every once in a while, she was taken aback by what her ponies had achieved. What they had accomplished with the comparatively meager means they inherited from the 'ones lost'. Ah, She remembered what the world was like back then... resources always scarce due to their nature... But now, it's so very different. In so many ways, reversed........ Shaking her head to clear her nostalgia, she found she was being address by Coral Cove, whom oversaw the materials production & shipyards/drydocks. "Ah, wonderful Cove. However, will this not interrupt deliveries to other divisions already awaiting supplies?" She replied "While it would otherwise, Lightning Bolt assured us, already scheduled in fact, increased energy provisions. So, we'll be operating at 300% typical output for the next couple of months." Cove responded, all the while Bolt continued to smile proudly. He loved being on top of his game. "As soon as we get the materials requests for whatever they're building, it'll be on the way to them immediately. Or, in the case of the ship building, straight to the drydocks." Cove continued. "Woohoo! Erm, uh, sorry" Steady Wing apologized, Laughter filling the room at his outburst. "Well, then, if there is nothing more to add?" Moon prompted "I hereby order this meeting adjourned. Be well, and my thoughts be with you, my little ponies" Moon concluded. With that everypony got up and hurriedly headed out of the conference room. Their hearts and minds set on the task at hoof, energized by the endeavor. With a contented sigh, Moon thought; 'I still haven't come to a consensus on what I'm going to do. My little ponies have me beat of that one. Perhaps the wait will do me favor, in that I won't rush into this haphazardly?' If only the universe were so simple, that I could just rush in and everything still work out perfectly.' with a rueful chuckle 'If it were ever that simple, I'd have never existed, likely having been born an unremarkable birth, and having a normal life. And this world... the mind reels' She pondered. That if the universe was that way instead, how entirely different would the they have been, would they even still had the same forms? Could they have been ponies instead, or something even more different? 'No, I'm not going down that rabbit hole again. I've been down it too many time before, and I don't have the time for it again right now. I have an important task ahead. One that I can not bungle.' Pulling her thoughts back to the present and future, she rolled the options around in her mind once more as she returned to the throne room, the day returning to it's usual exercise of rule. > Chapter 5: Counsel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The empress sat at her table in her chambers sipping tea. Seated across from her was her best friend of the last five decades, Whistle Wind, an earth pony that Moon had known since Whistle was but a foal. For reasons which still surprised her, Whistle looked up to Moon as more of a big sister than a ruler. The two forming a kind of kinship that only came about once a generation, usually. But despite the welcome company, Moon couldn't keep her mind on the usual conversation that came with such visits. Finding herself coming back Whistle's expectant expression on her muzzle. "Hmm? I'm sorry, Whistle.. I didn't catch what you asked?" Prompting her to repeat what she said "I said 'are you going to tell me the real reason you invited me by?' Because I can tell that the upcoming performance on Garden Glade is not what's on your mind" The flutist said with a smirk "I'm sorry Whistle. *sigh* Is it really so blatant?" Moon asked. With Whistle's poignant nod, she continued "I suppose it can't be helped then." after a pause, she continued "I've been pouring over the details in how I am going to approach the Princesses. Be it direct, indirect by proxy, official, unofficial. Everything from engaging in some from of diplomatic protocol, to throwing myself at their hooves. All of the options colored by the reality of that I'm a ruler, and as such, my ponies likely watching the event unfold... It being much more than a personal and private family matter." With a heavy sigh, she concluded "Some times Whistle, rule can be a downright unpleasant thing. Even with my many centuries of experience behind it." Thinking on it a bit and shaking her head, she asked; "What would my ponies think of me if I had lost my composure and begged for their forgiveness and acceptance, blubbering like a little filly wishing to stay up late?" "Hmh, they'd be surprised, for sure. But I'm sure they'd come around. We all know what this means to you, and thank our lucky stars that we don't find ourselves in your position." She chuckled sporting a supportive smile, trying to keep the mood light. "Putting myself in your shoes, with what I know... I know that I wouldn't just pop in with a wave saying 'Hi, remember me Mom? Don't worry though, I'm not a jerk anymore, how have you been?'" Both mares getting a laugh from the picture she painted "Indeed. I'd be apprehended on sight, possibly blasted once again." Laughing softly, despite the dire happenstance. "Tell me, what have you come up with on the..." waving her hoof in a circular motion "more indirect route?" Whistle asked "Ah" Thinking a moment, Moon continued "I'd have to train a few ponies in protocol to act as an envoy and ambassador on my, and the empire's behalf. A new position, as we've never had need of such beforehoof." Thinking for a moment longer, she added "Somewhere along the process, once the princesses are comfortable, they could deliver an introductory message from me. I was thinking along the lines of a recorded visual message, as text can be rather dubious in its interpretation. Also, that seeing and hearing someone in pony allows for more 'subtle detail' in the message being delivered. The princesses being able to read body language and expressions, discerning my intentions and more." "Ah, I like that! That could work." Whistle replied "Yes, however my message would have to be perfectly crafted..." She thought worriedly "Pshaw. A bit of practice and effort, and It'll be fine" Whistle waived away the empress's troubles. Being a flutist with a few decades of experience performing under her saddle, she was more than comfortable with presentation, herself. "I'll tell you what... I'll help you with it. Writing, and even the recording. Don't worry." Whistle assured her big sis. Elsewhere, in an office at the Interstellar Space Flight Engineering center; Steady Wing just wanted to pull his mane out, reviewing the first concept build specs for the flagship. 'Wha?! Why are? I don't believe this! Why are ALL of the concept builds sporting Jump Engines?! All of them! They're not even bulleted as 'future implementation' or even 'optional'. They're just 'there', like they'd never considered a ship design without them.' He thought to himself, laden with exasperation. "I'm getting to the bottom of this right now. Perhaps they simply 'forgot' to properly note these? If not, I'm going to bust some flanks!" He remarked aloud. And with that, he marched, not flew, but marched out of his office, and down the hall towards the first designer on his list. Holding onto the last tethers of patience, he thought 'Give them a chance to explain this Nonsense Steady, give them a chance... Oh, but Empress help them if they've forgotten Already, what we're designing this ship to encounter.' Preparing in his mind what he was going to say to them, he thought aloud; "There's going plenty of space in the ship for the engines at a later date, but they shouldn't be implemented as even a concept at this early stage. It's entirely possible that a revised engine design will be so entirely different, that any considerations for them we make now will be pointless... an entire retrofit being needed in the future...ugh" mumbling to himself as he went. 'At least the sensor arrays on board were well thought out. They'll be invaluable for gauging the locals' customs and temperament before sending anypony down to the surface to make contact...' he imagined, setting his mood to be in a better state in order to address his designers. His pace slowing from a march into a walk. As it was for right now, some chat's with his lead designers, were imminent. Inside the royal gardens, behind the castle of the empress. Ponies were sneaking around in the brush, being as quiet as they could, while preparing their ambushes. With a blast of a stun spell, a guard collapsed down to the ground with a thud, alerting many of the others around that something was amiss. Resulting in a number of tackles, an indiscriminate flurry of retaliatory stun blasts, and few pegasi taking to the air in combat of kicks and battering heads with wings. When it was over, Shadow Blade trotted out to declare the victor of the mock battle. "Victory goes to the infiltrators!" He said The results eliciting a number of cheers and groans of disappointment from the participants. "That being said, what did you do wrong?" Shadow asked of both parties. "I was caught by surprise, and didn't use a silent takedown, opting instead for a stun blast." Gleaming Shield volunteered Shadow, nodding his head, turned to the guard that received the blast, having recovered from the low power spell. "I didn't see her, where was she?" A couple other ponies filling him in on her location. Looking over to where she had hid "Hrmm Shoot, I don't know. How could I have spotted her? It's a good position." Nodding, Shadow replied "It is. Your only real defense against such a thing, would be not to approach it alone. Mentally make note of it and return with at least one other guard. In such a situation as an infiltrator taking advantage of such a hiding spot, and attacking a guard coming to check the emplacement; a second guard will be able to compensate when they're forced to engage. Whichever guard is their target, the second guard will be able to respond and pin them." "Now, Level Lance, you're next..." he continued "I, think she's still out cold, Sir" Storm Cloud sheepishly replied in her stead "..and why is -That-?" He replied with an edge to his tone at the end. "M-my aim was off..." "Yes it was. Now, Knowing what you need to improve on already, you will take her to the infirmary and stay by her side until she is fit for duty." With an eye twitch, he followed it up with "following that, you will wash the dishes in the galley after every meal for one week. Perhaps developing better hoof-eye coordination in the process." After going through the rest of the results of the battle practice with his guards, he addressed them all: "The empress is going to need us more than ever in these coming months. Expanding our station beyond it's previously defined scope. Though we have never encountered an enemy combatant, and hopefully never will.. We need to be ready for it should the need ever arise. When the empress, or anypony else makes landfall on Equus, we will be at their side. Making sure that they are safe to do their duties. As it is Our Duty, and Our Privilege as protectors and officers of Her Highness's Ceremonial Guard!" Shadow Blade finished, Saluting his guardsponies. The others returning the salute: "Yes Sir! For our Friends and Families, we serve!" in unison. Brandishing a proud smile, he dismissed for the time being: "Dismissed! Get some lunch." > Chapter 6: Calibrations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In an unexplored part of space, dozens of light years from Earth, a flash a light was emitted from a tiny object floating in the void. Hours later, another flash of light, this time dimmer than the last. Hours later still, a third, dimmer still. So the pattern repeated throughout the next day. Tracing the flashes of light to their source, a perfectly circular ring, nearly a kilometer in diameter could be seen. At a considerable distance from it, were a number of ships keeping at a safe distance. After a period of dormancy, the area inside the ring started to become opaque. A grey hue overcoming the light of stars visible through it's aperture. Then in a fantastic display of light, bolts of white light arced across its surface in a jagged formation, then faded back into the blackness of space. The grey hue fading back to clarity. "Horseapples! I was sure we had it that time!" Lightning Bolt cursed "Hah! Ah, Sometimes I welcome failure, just so I can witness your reaction Bolt" Quick Spark teased. "Oh, Cram it, Spark. I can't wait to get this thing going, just so I don't have to put up with your nagging! I swear you'd sabotage this thing just to get an extra couple days at driving me Crazy!" Bolt fired back. "Oh you'd know it." She said sauntering past him. "How about I re-adjust the inhibitors to form a lovely little cascade, give us plenty of quality time together?" She suggested, batting her eyes. "Don't. you. even. Joke, about that. We'd not only be stuck out here for another three months, but after that, cast out of the engineering core!" "Worth it!" She loved pushing his buttons and getting him riled up. "That's IT!" Bolt shouted, throwing his pad against the deck plate so hard it shattered. "I've had it with you!" Stomping over to her radiating an much fury as a pony could, steam puffing from his flaring nostrils. Spark just stood her ground with a stance that practically screamed 'bring it!, and sported a devious grin. Once he reached her, he picked her up by the shoulders... and kissed her as hard as he could. Pulling back, he whispered something into her ear that made her giggle conspiratorially. Turning off the monitor feed, Light Splitter, the engineering project manager, rolled his eyes. "I don't need to be seeing where This goes." he said aloud. Having been working with them for a number of years now, he knew when to give the married couple their privacy. 'I'm not going to be getting any work out of them for -at least- the next two hours' he thought. He swore that those two had the most unusual relationship he'd ever seen. They were both brilliant individually, but together? They practically made miracles happen. That's why they were placed on this project specifically, time was of the essence, and they could get the jump gate going faster than anypony else. But at the cost of having to give them some hooves-off time here and there. This, right now, was one of those hooves-off times. Who'd have thought that they were as madly infatuated with each other now, as when they first met fourteen years ago? Especially when they worked and sounded like they all but absolutely despised each others presence? The few ponies that tried to break up the 'hostilities' found themselves walking into 'something else' entirely. "Bwahaahaa" He laughed aloud. 'Likely learned a few things from those two, that weren't engineering related!' "Speaking of," He said, opening up a comm channel. An earth pony mare appearing on the screen, smiling happily at seeing him again. "Hi Honey!" "Hi sweetheart..." He greeted, giving her the 'bedroom eyes' and a seductive grin. "Uh oh! Let me guess, inspiration struck again?" she laughed "Maaaybe.." He lead her on "You know, it's been three months... How about I ask the infamous couple for a few 'tips', and when I get back, we test them out?" Her eyes glazing over some, and beginning to blush, she cooed "you work with the best ponies, darling." "c'mon, it's just practice. Don't be so nervous!" Whistle Wind pushed the empress into the edge of the frame. A note pad jostling next to her held in her magic. "I feel ridiculous. You promise this is just a practice run?" Moon asked her "Your the empress, Moon. I'm sure you could intervene in anything I could conspire" Whistle laughed "Oh you would be surprised what my little ponies could accomplish despite my best efforts. Remember what I told you about the kingdom's three hundredth anniversary?" Moon reminded her "Hah, yes. They bugged your study! and surprised you with a live performance of the songs you listened to most in there. I wish I was there for that one." She laughed Closing her eyes "The resulting cultural contamination persists to this day as a result. I blame myself." She shook her head with resignation. "At least they were good songs, imagine how mortified you'd have been if they performed 'whatever' they found?" "Still, I wish I could have left them in the past, where they came from." Moon acquiesced "Well... They were songs from your foalhood, of sorts. I know how it goes. I still have a soft spot for some that are objectively terrible" Whistle laughed "Now, I want you sit there on the divan, and read what we've put together to the recorder. Treat it like an audience of strangers at first. Then an audience of your ponies, and so fourth. We'll work up the it being your family, okay?" Whistle directed Sitting on the divan, taking a deep breath, and letting it back out, she nodded. From off frame Whistle pointed to her, prompting her to begin. "Your Royal Highness's. I hope this message finds you well, and your ponies and rule prosperous." "I approach you now, a very different creature than the one in your memories. Having been forced to become more than what I was through circumstances, the journey...." Whistle smiled as her 'big sis' continued. What she was unaware of, was that Whistle was going to be giving the envoys all of the recordings that they were making. To use the one they thought would be the best. This was for her sis's family, so a rehearsed and stiff presentation just wouldn't cut it, it needed to be more. Candid, personal, and heart felt. At the shipyard and construction complex just outside the SOL system, Steady Wing was walking the decks of the most impressive thing they've ever made. His staff joining him to enjoy the fruits of their labors. In it's construction, they spared no expense in resources bringing it to fruition. Coming to the arboretum, they looked at all the trees planted, and grass growing on the ground over the sealed deck plating. Enough synthetic soil to fill a couple regular sized houses was used to give the roots a natural and healthy hold. Earth pony ingenuity and talent, already having them established and thriving in their new home. Turning his attention upward, he pointed out to his staff; the overhead irrigation system. Designed to provide even occasional heavy rains for the trees and plants there. Walking to the Captains cabin, and the Royal Chambers, he gave them a sneak peak of something few others would get the chance to see over the years to come. Heading up to, and entering the bridge, they looked over the various consoles and command stations. Testing out the captains chair, one of his designers tried his best to be commanding. Earning a number of snickers from the rest. Over the past couple weeks, they came to a consensus on what to name the flagship. Defined by its design purpose, and first mission, they named it: the Homecoming. There, in the newest and largest to date, dry dock; the final touches were being completed: Data uploading to the memory storage, and speech recognition for this ships unique features were being fined tuned. > Chapter 7: Condition Green > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What in Tartarus are you DOING Bolt?! The feedback is still fluctuating all over the place! Get your head out from between your legs, and tighten it down!" Quick Spark yelled. "You first!" "..bucking, kicking, blasted.." Lightning Bolt grumbled as his hooves hammered on the panel. "Hurry up, lame flanks!" She kept on "Yeah, yeah" he replied, adjusting parameters as fast as his hooves would work. "What is taking...Okay, better! Keep it coming!" She continued "Yes.. yes.. almost there..." "C'monnnn..." Bolt said aloud, as if urging the thing, his jaw clenched. The ship around them rumbling from the emissions, even at this distance from the gate. "GOT IT!!" Quick Spark screamed All at once, the grey colored mass of energy inside the ring, pulled out at the center forming a long cone. It's un-seeable target pinpointing a location dozens of light years away, locking on. Bolts of arcing light began forming across the surface of the cone like electric vines, coalescing at its tip in a point of light as bright as a microscopic sun. The cone's shape, becoming blunter and blunter by the moment as the blinding tip was pulled backwards towards the ring. Once the bright point of light reached the center of the rings diameter, it split into a ringed shape of its own, getting wider and wider. Coming into contact with the surface of the gate's inner perimeter, it faded to a very soft glow. "YESS!!" Both Spark and Bolt cheered in unison. Bolt slumping as his tension subsided 'we did it' A moment later, he was tackled out of his chair, pinned under his 'wonderful and obnoxious' wife. As they stared into each others eyes, sounds of cheering and hoof stomping made its way through the bulkheads. "Sounds like we don't have to give them the good news?" Spark presumed "Mhm-mhm, cmere you..." He said As they were about to kiss, their comm's beeped. Grunting in annoyance, they tapped their ear pieces. "Yeah?" "Congratulations You Two! Amazing work as always!" Light Splitter congratulated them. "Thanks, Light." Bolt said "A couple hours fine tuning, and it'll be smooth as butter sir" Spark added "You two are incredible. Take your time, lovebirds. You've earned it. Light Splitter out" The comm channel closing, Spark looked back to her husband; "speaking of smooth, c'mere!" A couple days later, word arrived of the Gate's completion and going On-Line. In the week that followed, over four hundred tests were performed of passage through it; back, to back, to back. Starting with simple probes, and ending with fully ponied ships. Many jumping on the chance to journey so close to the fabled world they heard so much about. Now, cleared for the empress's flagship's passage; All was go. In that time, her highness finished her tutelage of her envoy ponies. Instilling into them all that she could recall of protocol and etiquette from Luna's days. It might be a tad rusty and dated, but it was the best she had at her disposal. At the same time, Her Highness's personal flight crew familiarizing themselves with the flagship; had taken it for a few return trips to various colonies. Steady Wing, as the supervising engineer; jumping at the opportunity to provide quick tours of his beauty. At least, when he was not taking measurements and tweaking the dampeners. Spending a lot of time in the 'resonance hot spots', he was constantly making the tiniest adjustments to the dampeners. Attempting to make it completely silent and smooth at all speeds. Returning from is pre-mission test-flight to the 'Equus gate', as it came to be called... It assumed orbit above Earth, awaiting her highness, her envoy, and guards; arrival. Stepping into the sun light, Moon walked forward to her shuttlecraft, Ceremonial Guard Captain: Shadow Blade at her side. A hundred things on her mind; she stopped for a moment. Looking back on her castle, she asked herself: 'When I return, will I still look upon this sight as I always have?' Turning her head forward again, she continued on. As she walked up the ramp, she observed the other guards and envoys filing into the other craft. As she sat down and buckled in, she couldn't help but to think: 'I have done this hundreds of times before, yet this time? It feels different' Taking a deep breath, she looked out the window, over the skyline of the First City. 'My little ponies, lend me your strength?' she silently asked One by one, the fleet of shuttlecraft lifted off and rose into the sky. > Chapter 8: Zero Hour > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming closer to the flagship, they all took in it's grand size. Five times larger than any ship built to date. Moon thought 'My little ponies made a village into a ship! well nearly.' This was exciting, she couldn't deny After making two passes around it, the shuttlecraft made their way to the landing bay. Seeing the captain and bridge crew waiting in the bay as they came in, the craft came to stop on the locking pads. Once all of the craft were inside, the outer door closed. Once the outer door was sealed, the pilots were cleared to open the shuttlecraft's doors and deploy the ramps. Her highness unbuckled her harness, and followed Shadow Blade out to greet the crew. Standing in front was Captain Solar Wind, behind him, Comets Trail; his second in command, In line was Commander Diamond Cut, navigator Trajectory, engineering ensign Warm Glow, ensign Trail Blazer, and ensign Forest Path "Your highness, I welcome you aboard the Homecoming. We are at your service eminence" the captain greeted her "Thank you captain, It's a pleasure to be here. How do you like your new ship? I hear tell they put nearly everything into it they could find?" she asked "That, they did. We could even find a pin on your moon from here with the sensors they installed! In fact, we found a couple traces of plastics a considerable distance from the old landing site" "That brings back such sweet memories. When my ponies first set hoof there, I was so proud!" "Hopefully we'll make you some more this voyage. Another landmark occasion; the first of the empire to set hoof in a nation of other ponies" he offered nodding "I have no doubt captain." Moon had known the captain for many years now, having offered him the position as her personal flight crew captain. Before this, he's captain'd transport ships across the empire for over a decade, running passengers and supplies between the colonies. "If you'd follow me your highness, we'll give you the grand tour!" As the group left the landing bay, the rest of the ponies were dismissed and made their way to their quarters which would be their homes for the coming weeks, perhaps months. After the tour, her highness was shown to her personal chambers. Where she parted ways with the captain and crew. Walking through the door, she walked around the rooms and investigated the furnishings 'Truly, they spared nothing with this ship' she thought, in awe at the size of her chambers. Though slightly smaller than the one in her castle, it was by no means less extravagant. This in fact not being an exception. In her tour, she was shown an example of a typical crew quarters. The interior space nearly that of a home, each. The crew, returning onto the bridge, looked to the captain as he issued the order; "Make to break orbit, lay in the course for the Equus Gate." he commanded. The bridge officers tapping away at their consoles, the grand ship turned away for the green and blue planet, toward the blackness of space. Watching her highness's shuttle lift off and into the sky; Ponies across the empire wished her good luck. "There she goes.. And all of our best wishes go with her." "Buzz? Aw, c'mere Buzz." Indistinct words came from off camera "No, nopony is going to mind a few tears on camera. You're fine, come on out here." A teary eyed Buzz Word slowly walked into frame. Blowing loudly into a handkerchief. "..iit's just so beautiful!" she croaked out "It sure is" Her co-host smiled, looking at the pinpoints in the sky, on the monitor Across space, even at distant colonies, ponies watched the feed live. Only a few hundred milliseconds delay between what was happening, and what they were seeing. "Do you think they'll show the ship? I hear it's amazing!" a stallion asked, just to get a hoof to his leg "How can you think of ships at a time like this?" the hoofing mare asked "What do you mean?" he asked, offended "This is such a beautiful moment, and your thinking about ships" she chastised him "It is a beautiful moment. And now I want to see the amazing ship she's going to get there on." he defended himself Shaking her head, she looked back at the monitor 'Good luck, your highness!' she wished her