• Member Since 5th May, 2012
  • offline last seen April 26th


Forever known as Mr. Diddelz

Comments ( 85 )

Interesting. Will be tracking!

1284842 Be patient. There needs to be buildup:pinkiecrazy:

I don't usual go for gore, but it looks like you might actually be telling a story, so keep..on writing. This will most likely be the only gore story I will be watching.

This was bumped up. I'm going to report you to an admin.

This is going to be awesome, I just know! Fav'd and upvoted!

you guys put some pressur eon me to write a good chapter. Just if you don't like a particular update, bear with me.:twilightsheepish:

*wonders what could have killed an entire Changeling Hive*? A biological weapon? A love famine?

Looks like something killed the complete hive as the queen went out for dinner. Flesh eating bacterias? Could Celestia be worried that this mysterious disease might affect ponykind as well? Stay tuned for the next amazing chapter of Project: Chrysalis! :yay:

1288333 Ooooh this is fun. People making predictions!

I love the amount of detail you've put in the changeling's biology, though both an exoskeleton and a regular skeleton seems like overkill. Unless this means something... Where's my thinking cap?

It is good,
but a feeling tells me that Celestia is behind it all.

My guess is that the queen died, and The Hive could not function without her.

Damn, Celly. Overkill much? I'm getting a tad confused about where this story is going. Research labs, specimens, random mutations. Is this turning into a Resident Evil crossover or am I seeing things?

1303204 I don't know much about resident evil but everything will be tied together in due time. I next chapter more of the mystery wil be pulled back...and more will be added:trollestia:

O.o :trollestia: That is all.


1317010That's just the tip of the iceberg. I want my readers to feel like how I felt at the end of Frankenstein

Delicious Changeling, lol.

I'm wondering what Celestia has to cover up though. It's obvious that some weird and dark stuff is going on in the lab but for what reason? Looking forward to the next chapter.

Sorry for the long wait. School got in the way, you know how it is.

And that's what you get when you breed Xenomorphs, Changelings and the Thing. Great chapter, though I wonder what'll happen next

1354163Thanks. John Carpenter's The Thing is a good film.

1357308 Indeed. It's my favorite horror / science fiction movie ever. Have you watched the remake,prequel, whatever?

1358406I've seen the original 1950s one, the john carpenter version, and the 2011 remake/prequel. I have not however read the book it was all based on, I think it's "Who Goes there?"

1360481 you have no idea how long I've been trying to track both the book and the '50's version down. Hell, I had to jump through hoops just to get the Carpenter version...

1360579I don't know about the book but I watched the Thing from another world (1952) was on netflix. Im not sure if it is anymore.

1361260 Netflix doesn't work here... Belgium sucks :rainbowlaugh:

Finally an update...I know right?

.22 doesn't pierce? Damn. How thick is its armor?
This is just a stray thought here but wouldn't a creature that has both an exoskeleton and an inner skeleton be rather heavy?

1390811Well I'm no biologist but 1. Keratin is a very strong material. 2. The armor could be a lattice type structure for maximum strength and minimum weight. 3. Same for the bones. 4. The creature has large physical strength. That's my analysis. Any biologists out there?

1390832 Nope, not a biologist here. But if the creature has a large physcial strength, it would probably still be slow as hell. High strength equeals dense muscles, which would slow it down again. So I think the keratin thing would make the most sense, though I'm not too sure about the lattice structure. Seems very unnatural. But we're talking about an unnatural creature :derpytongue2:

By the way, what do you call that thing?

1391363You'll read...that's an awkward phrase but yeah

Yay! Another Chapter! Dont' forget to like, dislike, favorite, defavorite, and above all comment. It's what keeps me going. I know you're out their! I don't delete comments. And as always, Thanks for the support!:pinkiesmile:

So it was Chrysalis? Didn't think that. I kind of thought that it would be some older prototype Changeling. Also, you killed Pinkie. Bad author, you should be ashamed of yourself :flutterrage:

But at least she died quick and hopefully painless. And do I spy an Avengers quote?

1412656Wasn't thinkinh\g about that quote while writing. Guess I did it subconsciously. And you don't know how long I debated whether to kill Pinkie. I love her so very much, but my aim is to created a pathos; I want my audience to be upset.

Duh soo obvious change ... i never get it why ppl make characters soo stupid

1467760Cause it fits our purposes...I dunno.

Either Rarity's gotten infected by something (which I doubt to be honest) or Chrysalis infiltrated the group. I think it's the last one though.

Also, this is relevant.

1468692Haha! That was pretty good. Never seen that before.

1468692There's also something else you might not have noticed...

1476543 Probably. I tend to miss things so I reread the chapter and here's my theories.
1: Chrysalis is actually Celestia's child. Her disguise/true form/whatever is a white alicorn and for some reason only Celestia can penetrate her forcefield. It would also explain why Celestia was so reluctant to respond

2: Rarity's supposed exchange could be a decoy. Fluttershy just notes that her coat feels strange and that she feels cold. Rarity had been dragged along a cold floor for a while so that could explain why she feels cold and disheveled.

3: Rarity's leg. Applejack blasted off Chrysalis's hind leg before she got away and now Rarity's injured her leg as well. This could mean that Rarity has been replaced by Chrysalis but you didn't mention which of Rarity's legs had been injured, so I'm a bit hesitant about it now. Also, where would the real Rarity and that doctor pony be? Chrysalis simply didn't have time enough to devour them/get rid of them, so...

I dunno, maybe I'm looking too deep into this stuff.

1478762It's amazing how much a reader can pick up, and the author can see their own story in a different light. I applaud you. Interesting theories.

Don't worry. It's not over yet.

No pony or Changeling messes with Fluttershy:flutterrage:

So it seems Chrysalis did have enough time to devour Rarity. Oh well. I wonder if she actually does taste like marshmallows.
Awaiting the next chapter, I hope against hope for a happy ending. Well, maybe not 'happy' but I think you know what I mean.

1522519Thanks for your support! Sorry for this chapter. Personally I don't like how it turned out. But oh well. I have a reall good one in the works though.

Time to get back in gear! I've been dissatisfied with the last few chapters. I hope you like this one e'erbody! Gotta earn those favorites and likes ya'll have given me!:yay:

Also the next chapter I think you will really like.:ajsmug:

I wonder what the signifance of the toy is. Also, did Chrysalis crawl in through the toilet? Would have been half funny, half disturbing if so.

I'm also wondering if that scientist with the bad leg fell behind on purpose. No sacrifice greater than someone else's right?

Correct me if I'm wrong but we're down to seven ponies, right? The Chairpony, Antlion, Celestia and four of the mane six. Who will live to tell the tale, if any survive at all.

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