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And so it Begins

Opening theme:

*Zoey’s POV*

It was just another day in Tokyo for my friends and I but what we didn’t know, our lives were about to get more magical. Not only that, secrets would be revealed. I soon spotted Renee and Corina talking about something.

"Hey look, it's Zoey." Renee pointed out to Corina when she saw me.

I spoke "Hey Renee, I heard that a new Mew Mew had appeared."

"You heard right Zoey." Corina said.

I spoke "One's a gryphon."

The gryphon Mew Mew was heading to Cafe Mew Mew.

I sneeze, accidentally knocking a few invisible feathers loose.

I ask "Uh Corina, are you molting?"

"Sorry I tried dealing with it earlier but was in a rush to get here I forgot." Corina said.

I chuckle "No worries Corina, spring time is the worst for cats, wolves and birds since they lose their winter fur or feathers."

I help Corina with the molting, removing dead feathers and realigning the healthy ones.

“Thanks for the help, Zoey.” Corina says.

I respond "No problem, Corina."

Dren jump scares me just before I turn around.

Dren spoke “Hi Zoey.”

I spoke "God damn it, Dren! You know I hate being scared! And you nearly scared Anzu."

"Oh, hello Dren." Corina greeted.

Dren spoke “I'm sorry Zoey.”

"It's okay, it's not like he really scared me." Replied Renee.

I spoke "It's okay, it was a harmless joke."

Dren spoke “Right.”

I spoke "Yep, just a joke."

Danyelle was carrying a Bluestar doll in her backpack.

"What you get there Danyelle?" Corina asked.

Danyelle spoke "Just a doll, nothing more."

"It looks adorable." Bridget said.

"Really did you make it or buy it?" Corina asked.

Danyelle spoke "I bought it."

"Wow." Corina said.

Danyelle blushes as she spoke "Thanks girls."

The ground started to shake suddenly.

I shout "Watch out!"

A bright light had engulfed Bridget, Kiki, Tarb and Sardon already.

I spoke "I feel strange for some...."

"What's happening to us?" Renee asks.

Danyelle yells "I have no idea!"

The group vanishes one by one.

I had no idea that all seven of us were in for a surprise when we along with Dren, Tarb and Sardon were yanked off our world and flung into a new one.

*Danyelle’s POV*

*Unknown location*

I groan in pain before getting up and looking around.

I shook Renee awake first.

I ask “Where are we?"

My doll had become a real cat. Not only that, the Mews Mews had become something akin to Beastmen. Zoey was no longer able to hide her cat ears and tail. The trio of Cyniclons had also changed but they retained their powers. Dren was now a cat, Tarb was now a monkey and Sardon was now a fox. Heck, Bridget was also a fox.

Zoey mewls in pain as she got back up before shaking the dust off her now visible wings.

Zoey spoke “I think we might be in a forest but... It looks so scary....”

Sardon groans in pain.

Sardon spoke “Dren, you have five seconds to get off me before I hurt you...”

I spoke “It looks so spooky... GAH! Zoey! Quit being such a scaredy cat! Go cling to Dren!”

Zoey whines “I hate spooky places!”

Anzu cries since she was scared.

Renee groans "Did anyone get the license plate of that truck?"

Bridget spoke "I'm really scared..."

Corina asks "Anyone seen Kiki or Tarb?"

I spoke "I thought they were with Sardon!"

The violet haired male retorts "Don't look at me!"

I groan "Stupid is as stupid does..."

Sardon asks "Are you saying I'm the stupid one?"

I slap Sardon on the back of the head.

Sardon asks "Ow! What was that for?"

I spoke "Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake-up call."

Zoey giggles at what I had said.

I spoke "Okay, first thing's first. We find the brats before they get hurt or worse."

Corina asks "Should I fly up and have a look?"

I spoke "Bad idea Birdie, this forest is dangerous. Plus we have to stick together."

A bright blonde haired female spoke "She means Kiki and Tarb."

Zoey asks "Who are you?"

The bright blonde haired female spoke "I forgot what my original name was so you might as well call me Lucy."

Zoey spoke "Okay Lucy."

A salmon pink haired male was out cold on the floor.

Lucy spoke "My memory's a bit fuzzy though..."

The male soon woke up since Lucy shook him awake.

Zoey spoke "Let's go find Kiki and Tarb..."

Kiki spoke "We're over here!"

The group head over to where the two teens were.

Lucy asks "Are those...?"

I spoke "Ponies? Yeah, they are..."

Zoey spoke "Oh cool."

I spoke "Yeah but I don't think they know we're here..."

Renee spoke "True."

Zoey spoke "Uh girls, there's another brown haired female."

Renee looks at the winged female.

The brown haired female spoke "You might as well call me Korra since I can't remember my real name."

Zoey growls a bit since she saw a cruel mare. Renee was also growling. Korra's wings ruffle since she was annoyed.

My tail was thrashing about since I was scared about the safety of my friends.

Zoey asks "Danyelle, is that Nightmare Moon?"

I growl "Yeah... We have to stop her!"

Zoey growls "But how?"

Korra spoke "Counting those six mares, there's 20 of us and one moon bitch."

I spoke "Right!"

Zoey growls "Someone should protect Anzu though..."

Renee spoke "I'll sit this out, I'd rather not put my unborn children in danger."

Zoey spoke "Good idea Renee."

The wolfgirl spoke "Thanks."

To be continued....

Author's Note:

This is my first attempt at a story on here so no hate comments please.

MLP belongs to Hasbro, Tokyo Mew Mew belongs to Mia Ikumi, Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima, Legend of Korra belongs to Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, Bluestar belongs to Erin Hunter, Brand New Animal belongs to Studio Trigger, OCs are mine