• Published 7th Mar 2022
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The Mississippi Voyager - Alden MacManx

The beginning of exploration along the interior American river system starting about two years after The Event. What can be found?

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Chapter 15: The Battle of Lecompton, Phase Three: The Aftermath.

Monday, 26 June 2017, Mississippi Voyager, 1130 hours

Impedimenta, Genghis, Long Tom, Veggie Stew and Gar sat on one side of the long table in the Lounge, while Captain Crane, First Officer Crowne, Engineer Frack, Doctor Macombe, Ma and Pa Kettle, and from Kansas City, Silverwing sat on the other side. Negotiations and discussions had been going on since 0900, and a concordance was being reached.

“So, for those of you wanting to stay up here, I know a spot not far away,” Pa Kettle said sternly to the former dragon team. “I will be perfectly happy to help you set up, teach you how to farm and such, but you have got to depend on yourselves. I’ll happily help those who ask for help, but I will not put up with freeloading ponies. Do you all understand?” He glowered at the ponies.

“We understand, Mister Kettle,” Impedimenta said quietly. “Out of the twenty-five in the troupe, ten of us will be staying here, myself included. Those of us staying, well, we swore allegiance to Zvezda back in Pittsburgh or on the way here, and with what has happened to her, we don’t feel right leaving her be.

“We welcome your assistance until we can go on our own. Four earth ponies, a pegasus, a griffin, one hippogriff, two unicorns and a diamond dog will stay here. We just have to come up with housing.”

“We can provide some sturdy tents, and we will help you build better shelter before the snow flies, plus a storm shelter,” Ma Kettle said. “We hope to call you ‘good neighbors’ soon enough, but you will pardon us when I say you’re going to have to earn it.”

Genghis spoke up after some coffee. “We will work hard to earn that title, Miz Kettle,” he said slowly but surely. “If this area proves to be a magnet for those who wish to take the meteor metal, my skills as a warrior may prove good to have.”

“We will be glad to have them,” Pa declared. “Now, if I recall right, the rest of you are thinking of splitting between Kansas City and Saint Louis, with one wanting to go to New Orleans. Silverwing, will the ponies there accept those who want to go?

Silverwing nodded, her mane flying about some. “Of course! We can always use more hooves. We have plenty of room, as does Saint Louis. They just have to remember one thing, there are more of us than there are of them. Since the ponies of both former cities live closer together, we’re all sure we can handle any troublemakers.”

“One thing I want to know is,” Frack asked, “what about Vladimir? What do you think his reaction will be when he finds out?”

Genghis snorted, as did Gar. They were both from Cincinnati. “Vladimir is going to have an absolute conniption fit,” Genghis said. “He might get so upset, he will destroy his lair before he settles. I hope Neb gets the rest of the ponies clear before they all get annihilated.”

“Neb is his main assistant, right?” Howard asked.

“Yes, like I am to Zvezda,” Impedimenta said. “Nebulous Nimbus is good at his job. Heck, all of us aides to dragons are well-matched.”

“We’ve met Coronavirus and Casimir in Saint Louis,” Julia told the ponies. “I have to agree with what you said. Those two get along well together.”

“Futility and hopelessness in tandem,” Frack muttered.

“Dumb and dumberer as a team,” Lucien added.

“How right you are!” Impedimenta, Genghis and Gar said simultaneously.

“If’n ah may ask, just why did Casimir and Coronavirus come to this world from Equestria?” Lucien asked.

“The lure of easy treasure, easy pickings, and few, if any, other dragons. Casimir is Zvezda’s younger brother, and while he didn’t have the wit to do things on his own, he was loyal to his big sister and would follow her,” Impedimenta explained. “She tolerated him, because he did have some use. Not much, but some.”

Julia snorted around a mug of coffee. “I’ve known people like that before the Event. Limited use, but find where they’re good at and keep them there, they will be an asset, not a liability.”

Gar spoke up. “Pardon me for asking, First, but what did you do Before?” she asked.

“I worked tugboats, both river and oceangoing, out of New Orleans. From deckhand to Captain. When this idea was sounded out, I was second on the sign-up list to join on to the venture,” Julia explained. She then pointed at Howard. “He was first. What did you do, Gar?”

“Retired Army Special Forces, due to disablement from Afghanistan. Waking up whole, in this form, is a lot better than being wheelchair-bound in Wheeling, West Virginia. I fell in with Vladimir when I got to Cincinnati and was offered a place to not be alone. I took him up and lived well for some time, right, Genghis?” Gar said.

Genghis nodded. “The more competent a pony is, the better their life. Not to say the bottom of the stack lived poor, just less well than the top. Vladimir’s arrival was a blessing, getting the scattered ponies to work together. When Attila took one step too far, I took his place and all was well. Now, though, I would not trust Vladimir with a bent paperclip. I like the idea of how to let him know. Much safer for us that way.”

“Yes, it is,” Howard said from his place at the table. “Just wish we could have a camera there to see what happens.”
“Can’t blame you for that, Captain,” Frack said with a smile. “Knowing my big brother, he has something fiendish planned. Just what, I don’t know.”

“After lunch, you’re going to break camp and move up here, right?” Pa asked Impedimenta.

“Correct, Mister Kettle,” Impedimenta told the earth pony. “We all will go back to the camp, break it down, and come back to here. We’ll cross the river and make camp on the north side. Tomorrow, you show us where you want us to be and we will start. Those who do not want to stay will remain near the Voyager until it is ready to leave. We’ll want to act swiftly to get crops in before the cool comes.”

“Crops in and housing up,” Veggie Stew added. “I would suggest a longhouse at first, and tackle smaller houses next year. A longhouse with a big cellar.”

“With Husky here, he can dig a big, strong enough cellar with your help, Stew,” Impedimenta said in response, referring to the diamond dog who will be staying. “Mister Kettle, where can we find building materials?”

Pa thought some before replying. “Trees, sod, logs are easy to find. Modern-type wood and beams will be harder to get.”

Ma spoke up then. “Pa, what about the sheep ranch up on Linn Road? Last we looked, the house was reasonably intact. It should be big enough for those staying for a while at least until they can build a proper place closer to the dragon tree. The only reasons we built new is that the farmhouse where we are got flattened by debris and J.J. is a good student, remembering what J.S. taught him.”

“Hays Brothers? All the sheep ran off, but you’re right, the buildings are still there. What you say, Ped? We take you there for the first camp before finding another place?”

Impedimenta looked at those who came with her to the meeting. After a few seconds, she gave her response. “Sounds good to us, Mister Kettle. We know where there is a lot of good wood available for house building, but… it’s the remains of the flatboats we used to get down the Ohio River. The wood is stashed on the west side of the Mississippi about a mile downstream of the junction. Getting it here will be difficult.”

Howard, Julia, Lucien and Frack put their heads together virtually and had a quick conference, their gems glowing with use. After a moment or two, the conclave broke and Howard looked at the former dragon force. “On the advice of Her Majesty Queen Marie, who has been listening in on our conference, she says we can offer a service. We can bring the lumber here, along with some ‘offerings’ for the dragon, in exchange for twenty pounds of meteor metal, to be delivered to New Orleans on or before this date in twenty-eighteen. What say you that?”

Everypony at the table looked startled at the offer. “Twenty pounds by next year? I’m sure we can do that,” Impedimenta said. “What will she offer to Zvezda?”

“Gems and jewelry that can be recovered from where they can be found. Think Zvezda would go for it?” Howard asked.

Impedimenta did not hesitate. “Yes. Her pile in Pittsburgh is big enough for her to sleep on. Shallow layer, but big enough. Stuff like that will get her favor.”

The discussion was interrupted then by the ringing of a bell. Lunch had been set up, and Jason sounded the call. The group stopped talking to get on the serving line. True to his skill, Jason had made a lunch spread such that everypony found something to enjoy. The groups headed back home after lunch in an optimistic mood.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017 0700 hours CST

Nebulous Nimbus woke to the buzzing of his crystal ball, the two-toned sound indicating it was from Zvezda, or more properly Impedimenta. The dragons used the balls, but it takes a trained unicorn to operate them. “What you want, Ped? What’s news?” Neb yawned.

“Neb, be sure Vladimir is listening to WSU radio in one hour, at nine your time. He will be receiving a message he will not like. Be sure you are well clear of him when he hears it. You’re a friend, and I don’t want you hurt, got it?” Impedimenta said in the most severe tones Neb has ever heard from her.

“Sure, sure. I’ll be sure he’s listening. What is this all about?” Neb asked.

“You’ll find out. It’s a follow-up from the WSU about what’s been going on out here. Try to be in Dayton by then. Or Covington. Got it?”

By then, Neb was wide awake. “Oh, I got it. What happened?” he asked, but he was talking to a dead circuit. He tried to make a return call, but it was ignored.

The frizzy-maned unicorn broke into a cold sweat. For Impedimenta to behave the way she just did, the news could not be good. He went to Vlad’s lair, made sure the dragon was awake and breakfasted, the WSU station was on, then he made an excuse to go out and check on the progress of several chores, what with Genghis being gone, somepony had to keep an eye on matters, and he was that somepony. Making sure the crystal ball, trail supplies, a portable world-band radio and some other necessaries were packed in his saddlebags, Neb made tracks not for the day’s work sites, but to the farming stations west of the city center, where the station Vladimir used as a lair was. He just hoped it was far enough away. The in-city repair work was clear of the potential blast radius.

At nine a.m. Vladimir was listening to the radio as he sorted through his horde, contemplating addition of the products of the meteor metal. An unusual sound came from the radio, something harsh and blaring, before Captain Frick came on the air.

“It’s three p.m. in Maasvlakte, two p.m. in London, ten a.m. in Halifax, and in Cincinnati, it’s six forty-two, and time for a special alert for that city.

“Vladimir, this is to let you know your mission to get metal from the meteor that landed a few months ago is an abject failure. Your artillery strike never made it off the ground, Impedimenta, Genghis and everyone else defected from you to the WSU, and just to let you know, Casimir and Coronavirus have been working for the Saint Louis colony since March. They helped him gather your tithe, which I hope you’re enjoying. Zvezda has been neutralized, and is now watching over the crater. If you want to speak to her, you are welcome, under flag of truce, to fly in and speak with her, if you can. Any offensive actions will be harshly repelled.

“This is your only warning. If you and your cities wish peaceful trade with the outside world, we of the WSU will willingly do so. Any treachery will be met with equal or greater harshness.

“Oh, Capo has a message for you, Vladimir,” Frick said before a flutter of wings was heard as the macaw landed on the mic stand.

“You’re cooked, you’re cooked, you brainless schnook! You’re cooked, you’re cooked, you brainless schnook!” Capo squawked into the microphone before fluttering off.

Frick came back onto the radio. “Thank you, Capo, for that illuminating message. A podcast describing the attempt to take the meteor metal is being assembled now, putting together reports from several ponies, including the Kettles, a family who took possession of the area of the crater back in early May and know how to use the raw ore. We have not mentioned them by their request, but now they have given permission. They also say anyone trying to take what land they have claimed as their own will be met with harsh resistance.

“WSU radio now returns to their regularly scheduled broadcasting. Back to DJ WSU.”

The cloud of thick, black smoke that rose from several air vents surrounding Vladimir’s lair blanketed Cincinnati until almost noon before dispersing.

Thursday, 29 June 2017, 1100 hours, Lecompton, KS.

Everypony had gathered at the boat ramp on the north bank of the Kansas River, the crew of the Voyager, the former dragon force, the residents of the Kettle Kamp, and the science team. The Voyager was about to set sail, heading back to Kansas City to refuel, drop off those of the former invasion team who wished to resettle there, and go to Saint Louis before returning to New Orleans for a brief refit.

The science team had opted to remain at the Kettle Kamp, conducting research on the meteor metal. About thirty pounds of ore had been gathered and was to be brought back, some going to Kansas City to be worked on, some to New Orleans and the rest to Maasvlakte. The science team took the time to refuel their truck, the Voyager crew having reclaimed theirs, plus an additional barrel of diesel that would have to last them until the next riverboat made it there.

Of the attack force, Impedimenta, Genghis, Long Tom, Long Eyes, Veggie Stew, a large brawny diamond dog who goes by the name ‘Husky’, Quick Claw the griffin, and three earth ponies from Genghis’ war squad had opted to stay there in Kansas. They had moved into the former sheep ranch the day before, and were still trying to make it livable. They had a long way to go, but it kept them dry at night.

“The Mississippi Ranger will be here in about a week or so, to see how you’re doing and help out if needed. Captain McClelland is a decent sort, and if you need anything, she will do her best to get it to you. As for us, I can’t say when we will be back. More than likely, we’re going to be sent up the Ohio River. As for the planking, I’m sure either the Ranger or the Star will bring it,” Hayward told the group.

“I have an idea, Captain,” Julia said. “The Ranger is near Saint Louis. Why not ask them to go downriver to the Ohio, find the wood, and bring it up? Should postpone their arrival here by ten days at most. Something to bounce up to the Colonel, right?”

Howard nodded. “Good idea. What do you all say?” he asked, waving a wing at the crowd.

Laura was the first to speak. “Send me an email message and I can pass it on. Hopefully, the Ranger has something we can use for a radio system.”

“If not, the Star will. It’s still down in New Orleans. I’ll call down there and inform Command you can use such a thing. I’m sure they can come up with something,” Howard told the group. “Now, all aboard!”

The crew and passengers filed up the starboard gangplank onto the Voyager, the KC crowd in the Lounge, the Saint Louis group in their staterooms, plus the one who wants to go to New Orleans. She was born and raised there, and was in Louisville for a business trip when the Event happened. She didn’t care that there was a Queen in charge, she just wanted to go home.

The gangplank was withdrawn, the gasifier had already been started, and the anchors slowly raised from the river bottom, letting the Voyager go with the current, to Kansas City, where a refueling stop and a break there before heading back to New Orleans.

Author's Note:

And so completes the meteor metal arc. Now, for me to take a bit of time to confirm where I want to go next, and get started on it. If you like what you have read so far, won't you write and tell me? How else am I going to improve my game unless I know what I'm doing worng?

See you next time!