• Published 7th Mar 2022
  • 476 Views, 89 Comments

The Mississippi Voyager - Alden MacManx

The beginning of exploration along the interior American river system starting about two years after The Event. What can be found?

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Chapter 11: Mass Race To The Quater

8 June 2017, 0800, SE of the junction of the Delaware and Kansas Rivers, Lecompton, KS

Captain Crane carefully maneuvered the Mississippi Voyager so the bow gangplank was lined up to the remains of the boat ramp that went into the Kansas River there, just downstream of the wreckage of the FR 1029 bridge. The Kansas River bed showed signs of a severe flood from just a little upstream of where they were all the way downstream to Kansas City. Bridges down, banks eroded, a lot of uprooted trees that had drifted downstream to the Missouri River, which had made the return trip to New Orleans back in April dicier than usual.

Once the bow was lined up, Howard activated the winches for the bow gangplank, which slowly rose up, then down, settling with a BONG against the boat ramp’s remaining asphalt. He shut down the engines and dropped the anchors, holding the converted barge in position so the scientist’s gear could be unloaded. Looking out the control room window, he could see his deck crew, with the assistance of the science team and a couple of KC folk who came along for the ride, getting Bays One and Two open, ready to get the vehicles and gear out.

Looking more down, he could see the Flight Team members getting ready to head out, they being Frack and Bernie from his own crew, Silverwing the pegasus and Cloudseeker the griffon from Kaycee, and the griffon from the survey team, Jimmy Joe Farris, a chemical engineering student before the Event, now a cross between a kestrel forward and a tiger aft. Howard opened a window to hear Doctor Laura’s instructions.

“Now, call in your observations, map out what roads to take, then and only then will you make contact. Silverwing, you let Twogogglehat know we’re here and let him be the one to tell you when to land. We don’t want to offend the residents,” the yellow and red unicorn counseled the team.

Frack tapped a hoof, irritated by Laura’s ultra-cautious manner. He had not liked it since they left New Orleans the month before. “Doctor, if you don’t mind, we’ve been over this so many times already, it’s been engraved on my synapses! Now, unless you want to get caught in the suction of our takeoff, get under cover and let us get to work!” he snapped, trying his best not to go Gunny on her.

Bernie just gave Laura a fang-filled malicious smile as she tapped Frack with a wing. She was trying to restrain her temper as well. “Shall we start soaring to see strangers?” she hissed, enhancing the sibilants as she gave Laura a Glare that would register a six on the Lunar Light Intensity Scale. She hadn’t got along with the astrogeologist, either. The other three put Frack and Bernie between themselves and the unicorn.

For all of Laura’s skill in geology and science, one thing she lacked was ‘people skills’. Frack and Bernie had their desired effect on her, that being to intimidate the unicorn into silence. She just turned and went into the Lounge. “Nicely done, Frack. Now, get a move on. Wasting daylight!” Howard called down to the group.

The five fliers looked up at the Captain. “Will do, Skipper! Call you when we get there!” Frack called up before telling the others, “Let’s take wing!” The fivesome took off, following FR 1209 northbound.

The rest of the science team, along with several members of the ship’s crew, managed to get first the number-one truck and trailer, then the number-two set, out of the forward cans, linked, and parked on the boat ramp, ready to go. By then, the flight team had made it to the target, Frack giving a description of the wreckage to the west, but fortunately the roads to the east were passable enough to get to the destination, definitely getting the attention of the Kettles as they circled the compound before landing.

“I know you said there were ponies that could fly. Up until now, I didn’t believe you. I apologize for wronging you in my mind,” Pa said humbly to Chief Twogogglehat.

“Not to worry, Mister Kettle,” Twogogglehat rumbled. “There are many more marvels to be seen, and I’m not just talking about the various species of ponies and others.”

“I look forward to seeing them,” Pa said as the five touched down close to where he stood.

Frack took the lead, as had been agreed upon. “Hey, Chief! Who’s your friend?” he called out as the fliers walked up to the huge buffalo.

After introductions all around, Frack got right to business. “One thing we need to establish is just how much land are you going to claim out here? Once your boundaries are established, we can start working on what to do with the meteor metal.”

“You mean the Heaven Stones, right?” Pa asked. At Frack’s nod, Pa went on. “Linn Road to the west, US 59 to the east, 39th Street to the south, 54th street to the north. Inside those boundaries, I claim exclusivity for me and mine. Outside, it’s as God wills, not I.”

Frack blinked in surprise at the swift outlining of borders. “You seem to be a very determined pony, Mister Kettle. I am authorized to say that the World Seafarer’s Union AND the Kingdom of Louisianne will recognize those boundaries,” he said before sighing. “Here’s hoping others will respect them as well.”

Silverwing stepped forward then. “The Kansas City Sioux Nation will also recognize your stated boundaries, Mister Kettle, as well as pledging assistance in your future plans,” she said.

“The Chief has already assured me of that, and I believe him. Now, what is it that all of you want from around here? The Heaven Stones?” Pa asked.

“We would also like to establish friendship ties with you and yours, Mister Kettle,” Silverwing said. “Seeing as you are close neighbors, let’s see how we can help each other.”

“What she said,” Frack said, pointing a wing at Silverwing.

“I think we can come up with something to trade,” Pa said. “Shall we go inside and talk about it?”

“With your permission, I would like to take my herd north then west,” Twogogglehat rumbled. “We want to see what other damage has been done, and what will be needed to restore matters to rights.”

Pa nodded, agreeing with the big buffalo’s ideas. “You go right on ahead, Chief. Know that you and yours will always be welcome on Kettle lands. May it not rain too hard on your inspection,” he told the Chief.

“Rain we like. Storms, not so much. We’ll be back in a few days. May the Great Spirit watch over you and yours,” the Chief said before taking his leave, the other buffalo falling in line, including Wakinya, who quickly said good-bye to JJ and Pepper before hurrying to catch up with the herd.

“And may the Good Lord watch over you as well,” Pa Kettle said as he watched the seven buffalo head north.

Within an hour, the two trucks arrived, with the rest of the science staff and two of the ship’s crew, they being Captain Crane and Crewman Tereshkov. While the science staff got set up, the crew sat with the Kettles, including Frack and Bernie. First order of business was the first gift, a large well-made shortwave radio, with equine-friendly controls. With a little tuning, WSU Radio was soon heard, along with DJ WSU.

“So this is the organization you work for?” Pa asked after listening to the hourly news bulletin.

Captain Crane handled the reply. “Engineers Frack and Bernie do, along with my Third Officer. The rest of us, and the boat, work for the Kingdom of Louisianne and Queen Marie Laveau. Don’t worry, the Queen has no interest in taking anything of yours, Mister Kettle. She has her territory.”

“Same with the World Seafarer’s Union,” Frack added. “If you want to join up with the WSU, they will listen. But, in no way will they force themselves upon you. It’s not how they operate.”

“Three colonies have joined with the WSU, in Kansas City, Saint Louis and Memphis. A fourth, Natchez, has the option to, but does not have to decide until next March,” Bernie added. “Each colony gives what they can to the WSU in exchange for trade and commerce with the outside world.”

“For instance, Kansas City has specialized in the making of potions of all sorts, mainly healing, but a plethora of others are available,” Captain Crane said to the listening ponies, who admittedly looked a little incredulous at the mention of the word ‘potions’.

“What sort of potions are you talking about?” Ma asked.

“Primarily healing, but antitoxins, antibiotics, strength adders, speed adders, and some other types are available as well. We will leave some healing potions and a first aid kit with you, one our ship’s doctor assembled just this morning,” Howard told the family.

“Another gift for you are manuals we have put together, detailing what each of the pony subspecies can do, and providing basic instructions on how to best utilize your capabilities. It looks like you have figured out the basics already,” Aaron said as he took three large binders out of his pack and set them down in front of the family. “Red cover is for unicorns, green for Earth ponies, and blue explains about pegasi.”

“You folk are bending over backwards in your efforts to show kindness to us,” Pa said slowly. “We notice that and just want you all to know that within our borders, I reign supreme. Outside the lands I have outlined, do as you will. Getting started here is okay, I just expect the survey teams to go elsewhere to excavate the Heaven Stones. Camping here will be just fine, too. Can we ask for some help getting the house built? We do what we can, but it’s a lot for the four of us.”

“How about after lunch?” Howard suggested. “Aaron was brought along just for that purpose, while my Second and Third officers will fly here after watch change to pitch in and help.”

“Do you mind if I inspect the goods you have here, Mister Kettle?” Aaron asked. “Ever since I Returned, I’ve done a lot of construction work. I would like to know what you have and what you have done, so I can pick up from there.”

“I’ll show you around, Mister Aaron!” JJ said. “I learned a lot from my dad, but doing it all pretty much by myself is a challenge!”

Aaron stood up. “Time’s a-wasting! Let’s get started!” Together, the diamond dog and unicorn got up and headed towards the partially-built house.

9 June 2017, 2000 hours, outside of Mansfield, Missouri

Zvezda and Impedimenta set up the crystal ball comm link while camp was being set for the night. Once the link was set up and Vladimir appeared in the crystal, Zvezda made her report, which ended with, “I have to thank you once again for your suggestion to follow the roads here. We’re making better progress than I hoped.”

“Zvezda, there’s a reason why you’re my number two, and that’s because you listen to suggestions. I know I’m not always right, and you know that you are the same. Live and learn, right?” Vladimir said to his second-in-command.

“Unlike another we both know, who tends to forget to think about consequences. Why did you put him with Coronavirus?” Zvezda asked.

“Because all the others who had the capability turned down working with Casimir. Then again, Corona’s not the brightest flame in the fire, either. At least they have sent me my tithe, and it exceeded my expectations. The stuff he sent is excellent!” Vladimir replied, holding up a pawful of jewelry that had arrived from Saint Louis two days before.

“After the browbeating you gave him a couple of months ago, I’m just glad he’s finally seeing the light. Thanks again for allowing my little brother to come along.”

“How much longer before you get to the impact site?” Vladimir asked.

“I’m going to say fourteen days, but should arrive before that. I’m allowing for downed bridges and other unknowable difficulties, plus bad weather. Let’s see what happens,” Zvezda said frankly to her boss.

“Good point. Bad weather’s bound to hit sometime before you get there. Plus, storms can happen suddenly out that way, or so I’m informed. Just watch your tail out there and help the team when they need it. I want some of that star metal!” Vladimir said firmly, but not crossly.

“Will do, Vlad. Ending call now. Will call in a few days. Zvezda out.”

After hanging up, Impedimenta said to her boss, “Good thing we caught him in a good mood. Now to keep him that way.”

“You got that so right, Impedimenta.”

9 June 2017, 2230 hours, HPI HQ (somewhere to the east, where is a secret)

Ham and Judy sat across from each other in Ham’s sixteenth (as they called their rather cramped quarters, after all, what is a quarter of a quarter?), an open bottle of pink lightning (vintage 23rd of May, 2017) and two glasses on the fold down table between them, their exosuit manuals turned to the same page, ostensibly studying, but actually killing time before curfew.

“I can’t believe the routing they have planned, cutting way south and west before following the meteor track up to the impact site,” Judy complained, pouring the last part of the half-liter bottle’s contents into the two glasses.

“Using the slow shielded ship, too,” Ham joined in as he watched the grapefruit-flavored alcohol drip out of the bottle into her glass. “More time cramped into even tighter quarters before some freedom to walk about.”

“Just makes it all the better when we do get out,” Judy responded before sipping her drink and grimacing. “Did you have to get the grapefruit flavor?”

“That’s what was left in stock, unless you wanted the strawberry and caraway seed flavor,” Ham said, wincing at the thought of the flavor that just plain didn’t work. Not even aging helped.

“Point made.”

Ham raised his glass. “To a decent flight and a better time when we do get out of this rabbit hole.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Judy said as she tapped her cup to his before consuming the contents.

“The way most people are getting here, they’ll drink to anything!” Ham said after downing his ‘grapefruit juice’. He wasn’t kidding. Many of the junior personnel were indeed turning to home-brewed alcohol to deal with the stress of living under the shield. The senior staff has implemented controls, which seem to be working, for the moment.

Author's Note:

I know, I know... it's been a while. Long-haul COVID can (and is) VERY fatiguing. Some days, opening my eyes and sitting up is too much effort, much less sitting and writing. It's like I know what I want to do, but what's in my head doesn't want to come out the fingers. The thoughts get lost in the fog bank that has settled between my ears.

Chapter twelve has been started, and that's the toughest part. Coming up with the chapter's concept and getting it down. From there, I can follow the trail, wherever it leads me. Now, if I can only see the damn compass...