• Published 24th Feb 2022
  • 327 Views, 23 Comments

Trixie Lulamoon: Best Waifu Ever! - Betty_Starlight

Trixie becomes my waifu, whether I want her to or not...

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Chapter 4: Endpoints

As I lay on my back on the floor, I can’t help but shudder and say, “Trixie! I’ve been practicing all morning now! Trotting around with these four ridiculously complicated legs is hard enough! Can we please just stop?” as the word morning circled my head, searching for something to connect with…

Trixie says as she stands to my right on the wooden floor, “One more time, Betty! I know you can do this!”

I groan and stare up at the two 1.5-inch-wide white balls hanging from small ropes above me, one next to the other, left to right and I’m guessing 4-inches apart.

The unicorn says, “Betty, you have a brilliant mind and I know you can focus on more than one thing at a time quite easily. All you need to do now is the same thing, only with magic!”

I eye the balls very carefully and briefly wonder what they’re made from before concentrating on them as endpoints, and then focus on where I want them to swing as my secondary endpoints and scrunching my brow in concentration as I say lowly, “We’d better burn a king joint after this!” and then I release my magic to let it flow and cause the balls to swing in the direction I mentally specified… Only this time, they’re actually doing it!

The other unicorn looks up towards the ceiling to see this and frowns as she says, “That’s unusual, Betty! You seem to have good focus when it comes to targeted magic, but raw brute force style spells seem to be more difficult for you!”

I release the balls and wipe a small amount of sweat from my brow with my right hand er, forehoof and say to the unicorn lowly, “How can you tell? We did both things a million times!”

She lowers her gaze to me laying on my back on the floor, “Well, when I told you to just move the balls, it took you maybe ten or twelve tries just to make a small amount of progress! And yet, now that I started teaching you about endpoints, that works fine in just two shots!”

I sigh and say, “Huh? You don’t say? Well, maybe I just work better when I have a clearer objective? You gotta admit, telling me to just move the balls, doesn’t really specify much!” I widen my eyes, “Maybe if I tried to force them to go a certain direction? Uh, what do you think, Trix?”

Trixie nods, “Trixie believes it’s worth a shot! Try towards the wall nearer to your hind end!”

I nod while lying on the floor, “Right!” and then, mentally focus on the balls, but now using the wall nearer my flanks as an endpoint and then, releasing the magic… This causes both balls to fly towards the other wall very rapidly and makes the white cords holding them in place snap and they careen into the wall and shatter into many plastic pieces! My eyes are wide as all I can do is stammer out, “Those are ping pong balls, aren’t they?”

Trixie stares back at the far wall with wide violet eyes as she states, “Well, they were at one point! Uh, what did you do differently, this time?”

I nod my head and gulp, “Well, since you taught me about endpoints and magic, I simply used an endpoint in the desired direction and then, released a lot of force!”

Trixie frowns, “Uh, maybe not so much force next time, though? I don’t think you need that much?”

I chuckle, “Uh, right! Hey! Wanna have breakfast now, before wake n bake?”

Trixie turns her head back to me, “Sounds like a good idea! Uh, do you need me to feed you again, Little Princess?”

I frown as she mentions my new nickname again and say lowly, “Um, yes please…”

She takes a pace towards me and leans down to kiss me on the right cheek before keeping her head down as she says, “It’s okay, baby! I don’t mind taking care of you as you learn!”

I sigh and say, “You know Trixie, since you’re uh," I blink, "apparently my mate or lover right now, or whatever, I have to be honest with you, right?”

Trixie frowns, “Well, it would be nice!”

I nod, “Uh, right! Well, I kinda uh, “I blink, “I don’t really mind you taking care of me so much right now? It-it kinda makes me feel loved, you know?” I widen my eyes, “I mean, I’m usually on my own!”

“Really? Because all you’ve done for the past two days is bitch! Oh, walking is hard now! Magic is tough! I can’t get the hang of this, Trixie! I mean, you’re actually learning a lot faster than I thought you would and you’re doing great!”

I frown at the ceiling, “Hey! Bitching is my American right!”

“Equestrian right, now, Betty!”

I nod, “Whatever! If I can’t bitch, then it stays in my noggin and believe me! Nobody…”

“Nopony!” she corrects again.

I frown in irritation as I groan as I continue, “Nopony wants that!”

She smiles sardonically in my direction before saying, “I’m sure! Anyway baby, I’ll go make us some carrots and celery with ranch dressing for breakfast! Just make your way to the kitchen, whenever you’re ready!” before leaning down to kiss my cheek and then raising her neck and turning her body slightly right to begin trotting towards the door, opening it with a blue glow of her horn and the knob, and forcing it to swing open to the inner left and she trots out into the hallway and down it to the left, towards the kitchen…

I frown and say lowly to myself, “Too bad she can’t just carry me with her magic like we do with feeding!”


I trot towards the near kitchen chair while Trixie sits on the other side of the table and patiently waits for me with a smile on her face as I lowly repeat to myself, “I hate hooves! I hate hooves! I hate hooves!” and I timidly make my way towards the other chair and eventually, just to the right of it, before turning my head left to face it and then scrunching my brow while causing my new 5-inch purple horn to glow pale green and the chair soon glows as well and automatically scoots back for me! I look over at Trixie, “I think I’m getting the hang of this now that I’m using endpoints like you taught me? Also, I’m apparently kinda strong!”

Trixie says, “I think that’s a sign, Betty?”

I adjust my gaze to the other unicorn, “What?”

Trixie raises her gaze at me while frowning and sitting at her chair, “I think your mind works best when it has a clearly defined purpose? This is probably how you should think from here on out?” she lowers her gaze, “Just clearly define your endpoint and then, make actions to reach it! Ponies before the cart, you know?”

I widen my eyes before nodding, “Uh, right! That makes sense!” I then adjust my body towards the chair and take another pace towards it before carefully planting my haunches down in the seat and I sit there, staring at my blue companion horse. I finally look down at the white plate already sitting there, with diced carrots on the left and sliced celery on the right and a puddle of ranch dipping sauce in the middle. I glance up at her, “I can’t have meat anymore, can I?”

Trixie sighs, “Uh, probably not, no? Between the fact that I don’t think your new equine body can digest it and the fact that cows are sentient here, I really don’t think it’s such a good idea!”

I frown, “Okay! I’m a vegetarian now! As a human, I was omnivorous!”

She smiles up at me, “I know, Betty! Now open the stable doors! Time for the ponies to fly back in!”

I narrow my eyes and obediently open my snout.

She smiles as she says, “It’s kinda like having a pet that I can talk to and that constantly complains!” before forcing a carrot stick to fly into the ranch for dipping and into my awaiting mouth.

I bite down and start chewing while eyeing this other pony who grins at me…

She says, “Honestly, Trixie thinks it’s kinda cute!”

I look down at her, “Please just feed me, okay?” before opening my mouth again…

She dips celery in the dressing before floating it over into my mouth as she grins, “What’s the matter? Betty doesn’t like being called cute?”

I chew the celery rapidly and quickly swallow, “I’m not cute! You’re cute!”

She snickers, “Yyyyyeah, you and Trixie are totally gonna have sex later!”

I widen my hazel eyes, “What?”


I narrow my eyes, “Trixie, you are having way too much fun over there!”

The blue magician giggles as another carrot loads with dressing and flies towards my mouth, that I quickly open to bite down to begin devouring the morsel. She stares at me while I’m eating, “Oh, baby! Trixie is just having fun!”

I swallow and say, “Uh, yeah, that’s okay, I uh…” I shudder, “Why me though?”

Trixie raises her gaze, “What?”

I sigh, “Well, you know my star is about to explode or whatever, but why did you choose me to save?”

“Because Betty, Trixie wanted to help you!”

“What makes you believe that I need help?”

Trixie sighs, “Okay! Okay! Trixie might as well just admit it!” she blinks and smiles at me, “Trixie, I liked watching your adventures and keeping tabs on you… And when” she blinks, “Trixie learned your sun was about to blow up, I kinda uh, well…” she scratches her back of her neck with her right forehoof, “I didn’t want to lose you…” she lowers her hoof, “I guess what Trixie is really saying is, is that you’re important to her… I was only watching earlier, but now you’re here, because you have to be… There’s no other way for you to live…”

I can only stare at this blue magician pony blankly…

She widens her eyes, “Uh, Betty?”

I blink before saying lowly, “Uh, please hug me… And then uh, I think I’d like to smoke?”

She smiles dimly as she nods and gets off the chair to her left to trot around the polished wooden square table to my right before lifting her right foreleg to go around me in a compassionate embrace… She whispers in my ear, “It’ll be okay, in the end… Trixie promises…”

I can only stammer out, “I uh, I sure hope so Trixie…” I breathe heavily in and out through my mouth, before finally just admitting what had been going through my head all morning, despite the failures and mishaps, “I love you, Trixie!”

Trixie disengages from me to stare back at me, with her nose a mere 2 inches from my own as her sweet purple eyes stare deep into mine, “Now, Trixie was saving some heavy-duty shit for a special occasion…” she lowers her gaze slightly and frowns, “But since your world is about to be destroyed, I believe it’s justified…” she widens her eyes, “Wanna get really high with Trixie, now?”


As I desperately maintain my focus on the half-smoked king cone before me, my eyes are wobbly and out of focus as I see it glowing inside my new violet magic… I say to my new love, “You know, this is some bomb ass herb! Uh, what was this again?”

Trixie smiles from her haunches, on the dark reddish-purple pillow on the other side of her room floor, “It’s called Cloudsdayle Hydro! You see, in the airborne city of Cloudsdayle, they don’t have a lot of room to grow devil weed and so, they usually grow it hydroponically! This makes the THC inside ultra-concentrated!”

As I regained my focus on the glowing joint, I say to the other pony, “Yes, oh Twilight of buds!”

Trixie narrows her eyes to me and says, “Twilight of? Uh, shut up and take your hits, Betty!”

I briefly reconsider everything I’ve ever done in life as the joint floats into my stoned and trembling lips and I lock down onto the paper tip and begin to inhale, causing the front of the cone to glow red…

Trixie smiles at me and says, “I know your world is about to be destroyed, Betty… But some things shouldn’t die…”

I float the joint end-first into the glass ashtray at my right as I sit on my haunches on the reddish-violet pillow, like the one Trixie now rests on and exhale a big cloud of smoke before saying, “You act like you care about me?”

She leans forward to get her forehooves to the floor and raises her hind flanks to get to all fours on the floor and trots towards me with a sympathetic look in her violet eyes and as she approaches me, I notice the almost starry radiance in her shimmering white mane as it dances on her head in the sunlight from her windows… She gets close to me and moves her nose to nuzzle mine and smiles as she whispers, “It’ll be okay!” and then, tenderly kisses my lips softly as an explosion occurs inside my head and I widen my eyes at this… This other pony… She soon unlocks her lips from mine and continues to grin as she lowers her face down my furry new purple equine body to my lower areas when she abruptly stops… She says lowly, “Uh, Betty?”

I widen my eyes inside my own stoned haze as I reply, “Uh, yes Trixie?”

“You uh…” She shakes her head, “It’s probably better if I just show you?” before moving her face into my crotch to lick me…

Only this isn’t like any other time I’ve ever been licked… I widen my eyes and say, “Trixie! Uh, do I have a vagina now?”

Trixie giggles, “Yup!”

“Uh, Trixie… Why do I have a vagina now?”

She frowns, “Uh, it’s probably because of how your transgender mind is wired and how that interacted with the magic that transformed you? And because of this, you’re an actual mare here and not a stallion or trans-mare or, whatever!”

At that point, my stoned mind could only conjure up two words, FUCK IT as I timidly say back to Trixie, “Do I still get oral sex?”

Trixie can only snicker before lowering her head back to my haunches…


After about three hours of the weirdest sex I’ve ever had, I’m lying on my back with the pillow on the back of my head while staring up at the ceiling and this insane blue unicorn with her head nuzzled on my chest… Finally, the word morning connects in my mind as I say to her, “I don’t need hormones anymore, do I?”

“Trixie guesses not?” The other pony mutters as she rests her head on me…

I lower my gaze at my left and stare at the clock on the wall… It says 1:37… I say to Trixie, “My star has already exploded… The earth should’ve been demolished by now…”

Trixie can only say, “Is there anything you need to say or talk about?”

I can only mumble, “Everything seems so surreal right now? My world is destroyed, and I know this… There’s still at least a little bit of what we smoked, making me feel cloudy in my mind and I know this as well… But mostly it’s you, Trixie! You just, being there for me… Somehow, this all seems okay, and yet, for the life of me, I have no idea why?”

The other pony murmurs, “You think maybe it’s because you’re where you need to be, right now?” she smiles giddily, “With me?”

I can only sigh deeply and say, “You are such a butthole, you know that?”

The other mare giggles as we continue to snuggle and love one another…

I mutter under my breath, “Little blue butthole…”

(To be continued…)