• Published 24th Feb 2022
  • 342 Views, 23 Comments

Trixie Lulamoon: Best Waifu Ever! - Betty_Starlight

Trixie becomes my waifu, whether I want her to or not...

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Chapter 3: Motivation

I took a draw from the brown glass tip of the burning white king joint in my mouth before taking the stogie out with my right hand, between my index finger and thumb to lower it to my side and I exhale smoke to the right of the blue pony before staring down at the pony carefully and ask her, “Wait! So, what?”

Trixie sighs, “Your sun is going to explode tomorrow at about 12:17 PM your time…”

I raise my left eyebrow, “And how do you know this?”

Trixie frowns, “You know, we do a lot of celestial research at the School of Friendship, now!”

“What does that have to do with friendship?”

Trixie smiles, “Well, practically any team-building exercise can be good for the students, so uh, we tend to vary activities there, a lot!”

My joint is still burning, and I haven’t taken my traditional second drag yet, but I don’t care at this point as I eye Trixie carefully, “How do you know about me, anyway?” I sigh and decide to take my second drag while she answers as I bring the burning stoge to my mouth for a draw.

“Twilight Sparkle has the most advanced observatory in Equestria. It has a magical telescope that allows Trixie to scan the universe and she told Trixie about your world and so, Trixie started looking around with the viewfinder and uh, I found you here… Alone… By yourself…”

I exhale smoke and hold the joint up for Trixie to grasp with her magic.

Trixie frowns, “No sweetie! You want another drag for what I’m about to tell you…”

I widen my eyes as I bring the joint to my mouth for a third drag while Trixie continues…

“I want to bring you to Equestria with me…”

I exhale over the pony before looking down at her, “What? Why? I mean, I’m ready to die! And since I have no reason not to, I’ll just smoke my stash while I wait for the impending doom! And the best part is, I don’t even have to do the killing myself, this time!”

Trixie widens her violet eyes as she frowns, horrified, “W-what?”

“You heard me!” I proudly proclaim while holding the joint up for her to magically take from me…

Trixie sighs before narrowing her gaze at me and saying to herself, “Okay! Trixie clearly needs to do this another way!” before making her horn and the joint glow blue and it soon flies from my hand and into my ashtray on my right to be snuffed out as it vertically flies there, end first.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

Trixie smiles, “Loving you!”

I suddenly feel a sharp impact hit the back of my head, followed by a sudden pain, and the world fades to black…


I open my eyes on a bed as I almost instantly think, Oddly enough, not the first-time ponies have saved my life! before moving my arms to my chest… Except they’re no longer move the way they should… I look down and see a light purple pair of hooves! I immediately scream, “AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!”

Trixie snickers from the wooden floor on my right as she looks up and her white mane falls to the sides and I lean over to look at her. She smiles and says, “Oh uh, you’re a purple unicorn now!”

I widen my hazel eyes to the other unicorn, “What? Why?”

Trixie frowns, “Well uh, I guess when I brought you to Equestria, it changed you!”

I frown deeply, “What? Why didn’t you change into a human when you came to my world?”

Trixie raises her left eyebrow, “Probably because your world doesn’t really have the magic we have here?”

I close my eyes and think, I was about to die! It was finally gonna be over! Before opening them to stare back down at Trixie from the blue sheets on the bed where I’m lying, “Uh, won’t Starlight get jealous, or?”

Trixie grins, “Oh, me and Starlight aren’t together anymore!” she frowns, “Yeah, she got so caught up in her work earlier… Now she’s into the Ponyville lesbian black metal scene…”

“Pony lesbian uh,” I decide I don’t want to know, “uh, so where am I?”

“I’m giving you your own room in my cottage!”

“Wait! So, you’re just gonna let me live here?”

She smiles and nods, “Yup! And you’re my personal snuggle slave until you get a job in town!”

I give a horrified grimace, “Snuggle, what?”

She giggles again, “Oh, don’t worry, baby! You’ll love it!”

I frown deeply as I lift my head from the bed and my new silvery mane falls to my shoulders… Then, I slowly and cautiously get out of bed, as I’m still not used to this body. I stand there on my hooves with the bed to my right and I carefully turn my body left to face Trixie, only to misstep and fall to my face, where I almost broke my brand-new snout!

Trixie frowns, “Yeah, ponies work a bit differently than humans! Allow Trixie to assist you!” before widening her eyes and forcing her horn to glow blue and I rise back to my hooves on the floor while encased in a similar glow. She smiles, “There! Now we can practice your walking!”

I carefully rotate my body to hers and slowly take the first tentative step forward with my right forehoof, and then, work and focus as I bring my left hind leg further towards the other pony. I then work my left forehoof forward and then bring my right hind leg closer to her.

She smiles and says, “Very good Betty! You got it!”

I nervously look down with wide hazel eyes as my shimmery new silver mane falls to the front of my shoulders and I take the next timid step with my left forehoof before bringing my right hind leg forward and then, repeating the same process on the other side…

Trixie nods, “Good! Betty is getting the hang of this! Just uh, keep practicing and I’ll go set up the vase bong at the table!” she smiles, “And don’t worry, Betty! Trixie brought all of your stoner gear and plushie friends with us, so you won’t be lonely or bored! Your laptop has to stay as we don’t really have that sort of thing here!”

I continue practicing, walking, and moving with my new pony body as I suddenly start to think about my new horn. I gaze up at it, sitting there on my forehead and can’t help but think that surely, I must have magic?

Trixie soon opens the door opposite to the bed in the room again to reveal me there, in my new purple pony form, laying on my left side on the floor.

I look up at her to the right as the door swings to my left, “Uh, this is exhausting! How do you ponies walk like this all day?”

She smiles, “You need more practice baby! Anyway, Trixie has set up her bong in the kitchen now! You’ll need to walk to it in order to smoke with her!”

My eyes go skyward, “Oh geez!”

She giggles, “Hey! I know what you like and so now, I’m encouraging you with the right rewards!”

“Ugh!” I lower my gaze to the unicorn before slowly planting my right forehoof onto the ground as an anchor and then, using the strength in the leg to lift myself up and soon, put my other hooves on the ground as they make low clacks onto the floor, my left forehoof first, followed by my two hind legs, right as an anchor and then left. I start to wobble slightly on my legs, before regaining my balance and staring up at Trixie, still slightly to my right, “Uh, okay! I have successfully raised my body to my hooves now! Go me!”

Trixie smiles and giggles, “You’re really cute, you know that?”

I widen my eyes, “Am not!”

Trixie lowers her gaze as she continues to snicker, “Are too!”

“Take it back!”

“Make me!”

I narrow my eyes, “You want me to walk er, trot over to you now, don’t you?”

Trixie sighs, “Well, Trixie would very much like to smoke now, but she also understands that it’s important that Betty get some more practice on her brand-new hooves!”

“Ugh!” I give out a low exasperated sigh before working my body to move towards the blue pony, currently standing in the doorway…


“Okay!” Trixie proclaims as she stares at me with her clear vase bong on the table, “You know all that needs to happen for you to take a successful bong rip! You need to mentally do those things instead of using your hands! Since you know, you don’t have those anymore! This strain is called Everfree Green, and it’s got a peppy happy buzz to it!”

I widen my eyes while staring at the bong on the plain square wooden table… The chamber section is about 4.5 inches tall and 3.5 inches wide with a 3-inch-long and 1.5-inch-wide stalk coming out the top. I sigh and say to myself lowly, “Okay! Mentally gonna use my magic, now!” and then, focusing on the small green disposable lighter to the right of the bong…

It begins to glow deep purple, before the glimmer begins to fade and I frown with determination and scrunch my eyebrows as I really focus on this lighter! The lighter soon levitates up while encased in the same dark violet glow while Trixie stares on and begins to smile from her chair at my left…

She widens her purple eyes, “Yes! That’s it Betty! Get it to the bong, now!”

I put my face down on the mouthpiece, while the bong continues to sit on the table. I immediately think that maybe I should be lifting it with my new magic? Then, I think that multiple levitations are probably better left for another time as I furrow my brow and glance to the right to force the lighter to float and turn at a downward angle towards the bowl, freshly packed with the delicious looking light green herb.

Trixie nods, “Okay now, Betty! Focus on the strike wheel and the gas button to ignite the lighter and then inhale to get your reward!”

I focus really hard and soon, get the strike wheel to spin and hit the flint as I simultaneously hold down on the gas button and the lighter sparks with a flame, now over the bowl! I put my face down onto the mouthpiece with my new pony lips going about half an inch inside to inhale and bring the flame down into a bowl of herb, causing it to ignite with a small glare and smoke begins to rise out of it. This causes smoke to go into the bong chamber… I release my magic on the lighter, causing it to fall to the table with a small cling, and I begin to turn my focus on the small glass bowl inside the stem of the bong and it soon begins to glow in the same purple color, before raising out of the stem and smoke soon travels up the stalk of the bong to the mouthpiece with my awaiting lips… I take it all in and give a wide-eyed start as I realize this is a bit harsher than I was expecting and then, I lift my head and neck to begin slowly exhaling a big cloud of smoke over the table…

Trixie continues to smile as she says, “There! Now you can smoke dope with your magic!”

I glance over at her, “I learned pretty fast!”

Trixie smiles wider and lower her gaze somewhat, “It’s called motivation, sweetie!”

I chuckle, “Yeah, I shouldn’t lie… I do like to smoke weed!” I sigh, “Well, unlike the booze from earlier, this at least does me and my depressed autistic mind some good?”

Trixie nods, “Yeah, I’ve read your writing and I know to keep you away from booze!”

“Well, they taught me earlier that if I truly want to drink, I will and that nobody can actually stop me?

Trixie widens her eyes, “And hopefully, we’ll never have to put that to the test!”

I expand my own eyes, “You’d keep me prisoner here, just to keep me from drinking again?”

Trixie smiles and nods, “If necessary… But hopefully, it won’t come to that!”

I begin to frown at this strange blue unicorn with her white mane sitting next to me, “You care about me?”

Trixie frowns as she leans towards me, “Hasn’t Trixie been telling you this for a couple of days now?”

I raise my left eyebrow, “Probably?”

“Probably nothing!” She loudly says, “Well, you’re probably the most stubborn pony in Equestria, right now, anyway!”

I open my eyes wide to yell back, “And you’re definitely annoying!”

“Oh yeah, well you have pretty eyes!”

“And you have gorgeous hair!”

Trixie smiles and chuckles, “Okay, that’s enough banter! Take your second drag now! Trixie also wants to smoke!”


I lean back on the couch as my new silver mane falls to my shoulders and the drugs begin to take hold on my body and mind. “Uh, I’m pretty sure I’m not used to that strain before… I know I’ve smoked stuff like that before, though! It’s actually a lot like the Sour Diesel we were smoking at my place earlier! Uh, you’re sure my sun will explode?

Trixie sits at the brown chair on the other side of the room and stares back at me over her polished wooden coffee table, “Well, Twilight is seldom wrong with her calculations! I’m uh, pretty sure! Yeah!”

I frown, “And we can’t really go back to check, now, can we?”

Trixie shakes her head, “Out of the question, Betty! You’re mine now, and that’s all there is to it! Trixie won’t allow something bad to happen to you!”

I lower my gaze and grin as I snicker slightly, “So, The Great and Powerful Trixie can only get a lover if she kidnaps them?”

She frowns, “I wouldn’t exactly say I kidnapped you?”

I widen my eyes, “You hit me over the head and knocked me out! It doesn’t sting now, though? I guess what happens to one body doesn’t affect the other?” I lean forward slightly, “Uh, what did you use, anyway?”

Trixie nods, “The small baseball bat I had in my cape for emergencies.” She leans forward with wide concerned eyes, “You were gonna die! I had no choice!”


She frowns, “And? T-Trixie doesn’t want you to die!”

I lower my gaze at this strange unicorn and sigh, “Yeah, because you care about me!”

A cold silence suddenly overtakes us two ponies as we both stare at each other wordlessly…

I finally stammer out, “Uh, Trixie?”

She perks up and looks at me attentively, “Yes, Betty?”

I gulp before stuttering, “Uh, will you sit over here, with me, uh, please? I think I need somepony now…” I blink, “I mean, my whole world is literally about to be destroyed!”

Trixie nods, “Trixie understands!” before getting to her hooves in front of the brown cloth chair to begin trotting towards me and circling her coffee table on my right before propping herself on her haunches on the couch to my left… She looks at me and says, “So uh, do you need snuggles or?”

I stare deep into the wide-open sensitive purple eyes of this caring blue unicorn before smiling dimly and softly whispering, “It’s okay Trixie! I’ve rebuilt before! And at least I’m not alone this time!” before leaning towards her for a quick nuzzle as I smile at my blue savior.

Trixie smiles back at me, “You seem to be taking this well?”

My eyes widen, “Well, so far, so good! Uh, do me a favor and just be there for me, when and if all of this finally hits, okay?”

She smiles wider, “Of course, sweetie! That’s what I’m here for!”

I frown, “So uh, that’s it then? You love me and you’ll be there for me?”

She nods, “Of course!”

I raise my right eyebrow, “You know, I’m really not used to that!”

“Well get used to it, baby! You’re with Trixie, now!” before smiling slightly and nuzzling me as her eyes close halfway…

I blurt out, “Bestiality!” again!

She giggles while opening her eyes and withdrawing her head 2 inches, “Technically, it wouldn’t be, at this point! We’re both unicorns, now!”

I frown, “Why does this disappoint me?”

She giggles more before gently nuzzling me again, “I’m not sure either, you sick weirdo!”

I widen my eyes when another thought occurs to my cannabinoid filled brain, “We’re gonna have sex later, aren’t we?”

Her eyes then narrow with a confident glint as she beams her lips again and calmly says, “Not until you’re ready, dear lover! I was strapped for time earlier, but now, we can go as slow as you need to…”

“Uh, right! Going slow!” I say before nodding, “Uh, I’m about to lovingly kiss you and get into your hooves for stoned snuggle time now, aren’t I?”

She widens her eyes again as she says dramatically, as if she were a narrator, “I don’t know! Does Betty have the guts, the sheer audacity to actually love the Great and Powerful Trixie?”

I nuzzle her gently once more before placing a loving passionate kiss on her pony lips and then, withdrawing my head a few inches to say, “Butthole! How dare you save my life!”

She whispers back, “Oh, I’m gonna do a lot more than just save it!”

I smile back and say, “Oh? What are you gonna do?”

“Betty, will just need to wait and see now, won’t she?”

I eye this audacious blue unicorn, “I’m not scared!”

“Oh, you’re gonna be!”

“Oh, yeah?” I say as I open my eyes wide.

Trixie tries in vain to suppress a few giggles before saying, “Shut up, and hold me!”

I bring both of my forehooves around this pony to embrace her in a warm affectionate snuggle… Somehow, the world just seems right, right now… My world is about to be demolished, and yet, I’m sitting here, holding this other pony, who soon lovingly wraps her own forehooves around me… And I’m somehow okay with all of this… For this moment… Just this moment…

(To be continued…)