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Episode 6: Possible Origins

The sun grazed the land with it’s warmth to signal another glorious day in Equestria. Sparkler stood on the balcony of the Castle of Friendship, a sleeping baby Twilight on her back. Sparkler held the device she dubbed the Time Dial. Once the sun was raised, and the moon lowered, she nodded and tucked the Time Dial back in the place she was keeping it. “Alright. Sun is up, the start of a new day. And today I am going to take on my Royal duties head on.” She said to herself.

“Glad to hear you full of determination.” Raven said.

Sparkler turned to see Raven walk out onto the balcony. Sparkler smiled. “Yesterday was a mess, but now that I got a good sleep, I’m ready to face the day. What’s on the docket today?”

“For Twilight, just go visit Moondancer at the New Golden Oaks Liberty and make sure everything’s on track.” Spike responded as he came out onto the balcony.

“And amazingly, that’s IT.” Raven said. “Blueblood must’ve told everypony that you were Princess and everypony canceled their meetings they would’ve otherwise had with Celestia or Luna.” She explained. “Though I suspect we’ll be hearing from them in no time when they discover they’ve been locked out of everything.”

Sparkler smiled widely. “Oh thank Faust. This just got a lot easier.” She said. Relieved that her Royal Duties essentially reduced by 2/3rds overnight. “I never thought I’d actually be GLAD they hate me.”

“I hate to say it, but I can see the benefits.” Raven responded.

“So Twilight and Moondancer actually had a lunch planned, since she was supposed to go at around Lunch time.” Spike explained.

“Right, she told me about that.” Sparkler responded. “Right, so if it’s at noon, than we still have a few hours.” She said. “…huh. I actually don’t know what I’m gonna do in that time. I doubt I’ll be much help to Starlight’s and Trixie’s efforts.”

“Maybe breakfast first?” Spike asked.

Sparkler nodded and they went in for Breakfast.

Meanwhile, in the apartment above the New Golden Oaks Library, which had only recently finished construction on the foundation of where Sparkler’s house stood before it merged with the castle, Moondancer made herself a nice plate of pancakes and sat down. And while eating, was flipping through a book. “Ok Crystal Empire History, let’s see if you’re hiding a certain Crystal Alicorn in your index.” She commented to herself.

Suffice to say, the revelation that Sparkler could crystalize was guaranteed to make the rounds in the news. Both because she was Acting Princess, AND because of the possibility of her actually being royalty after all to the Crystal Empire. And Moondancer had become very interested in Sparkler even before yesterday. Ever since Twilight Sparkle introduced the two of them when Twilight first came to her about being the New Golden Oaks Librarian, a job Moondancer happily accepted.

“Heh. Of course I’d do anything for my favorite Alicorn.” Moondancer giggled at that thought. Specifically seeing the state she was in yesterday. “Faust, just when I thought she couldn’t get more adorable.” She mused. “Although I guess that means today’s lunch is canceled.” She said with a disappointed sigh. Shaking her head clear, she resumed her eating and reading. “I really should get over my crush on her. Sparkler got to her first, and I’m not getting in the way of their relationship. Not with how far in they are.” She told herself.

Later on. After having a good time with the kids and playing with the baby mane six, Sparkler, Spike, and Baby Twilight headed to the New Golden Oaks Library. Sparkler smiled at the thought. “I’m glad they found a use for my house’s old foundation. And Ponyville got a new resident out of it too.” She commented.

“You shoulda seen Twilight’s face when Mayor Mare came to her with the idea. She was practically BEGGING to make it so.” Spike responded.

“I saw her expression the rest of the day. Yeah I could tell she was really happy about it.” Sparkler responded with a chuckle.

Baby Twilight giggled too and nuzzled Sparkler’s back neck. After which she wrapped her cute little legs around her neck. Sparkler let out a sigh. “Good thing you’re easy Twily.” Sparkler responded.

Soon, Sparkler and her companions came up to the new Library, which had a sign that said closed for organization. Sparkler smiled as she knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal Moondancer holding an open book. She glanced up and saw who was at the door. She closed the book and gave off a sly smirk. “Well if it isn’t Princess I’ll-Never-Wear-A-Crown.” She said.

Sparkler laughed. “Wow. Ok, that’s a new one.” She said. “Afternoon Moondancer.” She said.

“Hello Sparkler, Spike, Little Twilight.” Moondancer responded.

“Hey Moondancer.” Spike waved.

Twilight giggled and waved. Moondancer smiled. “So, what brings you here?” She asked.

“Twilight had it on her list today to check in to make sure the Library could still open on time. It was under her official Royal duties list.” Sparkler explained.

Moondancer chuckled. That sounded just like Twilight. “Of course she did. Well come on in then.” She said.

She let Sparkler Spike and Little Twilight into the Library. Moondancer closed the door. “Everything is on schedule to have the Library’s grand opening next week.” Moondancer said. “Just waiting on a few book deliveries.”

“I’m sure Twilight likes hearing that.” Sparkler responded.

Moondancer nodded. “Yeah. So, how’s being Acting Princess Sparkler?” She asked.

“Well, yesterday was exhausting. But fortunately the Ex Nobles still hate me and refuse to meet with me.” Sparkler responded.

“They canceled their meetings. So Sparkler’s Royal load reduced by 2/3rds overnight.” Spike explained. “So this little check in was the only thing on the agenda today.”

“Well that’s good.” Moondancer responded. “Then you have time.” She said as she summoned some books. “I’ve been doing a little digging.” She explained.

“Digging?” Sparkler asked.

“Into Crystal Empire History. Trying to find evidence of YOU.” Moondancer told Sparkler.

Sparkler’s eyes widened when she realized what Moondancer was doing. “You’re trying to uncover my origins.” She said.

“Yesterday provided a HUGE clue Sparkler.” Moondancer responded as she opened one of the books. “You can Crystalize. Just as all Crystal Ponies can. AND you’re a Natural Born Alicorn.” She explained.

“Ok?” Sparkler responded.

“So, based on all available information we can come to some conclusions and theories. We can conclude that you are from the Crystal Empire. Unless somewhere else in the world has Crystalizing Ponies but I doubt it.” Moondancer said.

“That makes sense.” Spike commented.

“And as far as theories go. All of them are related to a crown.” Moondancer continued. “Based on all available info, you, Sparkler, are either the daughter of a past ruler of the Empire, a past ruler reincarnated, OR, THE ruler of the Crystal Empire who, through some accident or something, forgot who she was.” Moondancer said.

Sparkler’s eye twitched. “D-Did they really ALL have to be related to Royalty?” Sparkler asked.

“Sparkler, you are an Alicorn.” Moondancer responded. “I know the two concepts are independent and there’s always a first time for everything, but Historically, Alicorns have always been Royalty. There has never been a Non Royal Alicorn before.”

“True…” Sparkler responded.

“Look, all I’m saying is that there’s a possibility that you ARE royalty. Reincarnated, descended. or amnesiac.” Moondancer said. “You gotta accept that.”

“Ok, but there’s another thing to consider. I was born in 980. And I’m FAIRLY sure the Crystal Empire was still MISSING then.” Sparkler reasoned. “So if any theory is likely to be true it’s Reincarnation.” She said.

“I never said they were perfect theories but given everything we have so far it’s the best I got.” Moondancer responded. “The only way to know for sure is to dig through the history books.“

Sparkler smiled and shook her head. “Believe me I would LOVE to go to the Crystal Empire right now and dig through its Libraries. Alas, Equestria needs me.”

At that moment, Spike’s tummy Rumbled. Spike blushed. “Ahem, and my tummy needs food. Wanna go get lunch anypony?” She asked.

“I’m down. Moondancer? Want to keep that Lunch you and Twilight planned?” She asked.

“Sure. I don’t mind an extra Pony or two. Or that Twilight is an adorable foal.” Moondancer responded.

Sparkler nodded and the four left the Library to go get some lunch.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Moondancer is now officially Debuted in Sparkling Harmony. And of COURSE she'd jump onto the mystery train Destination Sparkler's Origins. Lol.

Also, now I have officially made daily uploads for a month. Nice.