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Episode 24: This must be how it feels to fly

“Ugh. Manehattan.” Rarity commented. “Good to open a fashion branch, bad for finding a friendship problem due to its size.” She said.

“Oh I agree with you there.” Sparkler responded, glancing around the city. That morning, the Cutie Map had called her and Rarity to solve a friendship problem in Manehattan. Sparkler was understandably wary considering her LAST Friendship Mission. But Manehattan she had never been to before so she was more receptive. That and there was also the fact that her sister Fleur De Lis was also going to be in Manehattan so she figured it was a good chance to meet up and have some fun.

“Ooh. I know what you and Fleur should do Sparkler.” Rarity said out of the blue. “Go for a late night flight in the sky over the city. Manehattan’s skyline is a wonderful sight I hear. Especially at night.” She said.

Sparkler giggled. “Not a bad idea, Rarity.” She said. She glanced up at the sky, and it dawned on her that she and Fleur never really spent time together just one on one before. Every other time it had been with their significant others. Wow. We really lost so much time and now, even if we’re immortal, we can’t spend as much time as we’d like together. She thought. It wasn’t lost on her that they now had their own lives they had to live. They couldn’t just hang out whenever they wanted now. Like they would have been able to had they grown up together. “Are they out there…” She idly said out loud without meaning to.

“Pardon darling?” Rarity asked.

Sparkler blinked, glanced over at a confused Rarity, and blushed. “Oh…I was just thinking about my biological family…Fleur’s adopted too. So that means that, assuming they’re not dead, our bio family is out there somewhere.” She said.

“Yes they are.” Rarity said. “And I’m sure you’ll find them. One day.” She assured Sparkler.

“I hope we do. Because I can’t help but wonder why they’d separate us if they’re the ones to drop us off at the doorstep.” Sparkler said.

“Yes. It does seem rather odd. But if Flurry Heart is any indication, perhaps they didn’t want to overload a single pair of parents.” Rarity responded.

“Maybe.” Sparkler responded. “But then that begs the question, why were we given up…”

They eventually did find the Friendship Problem, which turned out to be a roommate squabble where one was taking advantage of the other without realizing. Once that was solved and their Cutie Marks glowed to signal a mission success. They met Fancypants and Fleur in front of Rarity’s Manehattan store, the Manehattan Manifigue. They spent the evening together and eventually ended up in the apartment of Coco Pommel, the Manifigue’s manager and friend to Rarity.

Soon, night had befallen the city and ‘twas time for everypony to return to their hotels for the night. Or so Sparkler had believed. Because as they were budding farewell, Fleur had come out and asked Sparkler if she would like to go for a fly with her.

Sparkler blinked in surprise. She didn’t know if it was a coincidence or if Rarity had put her up to it but seeing an opportunity she had regretted not having until now, she smiled. “Sure.” She said. “I’d love to go flying with you.” She said, spreading her wings.

After agreeing to meet their respective companion back at their hotel, Sparkler and Fleur took off into the air, soaring through the night Sky above the city. Sparkler glanced down at the city below, and was amazed by all the lights. “Wow. What a view.” She commented.

Fleur smiled as she looked down. “Beautiful isn’t it. Every time I fly, I always am dazzled by the lights of whatever city or town I’m flying over.” She said.

“Sure beats the desert. That’s for sure.” Sparkler said.

“I’ll bet.” Fleur responded. They fell into silence for a moment, before Fleur broke it again by softly humming a familiar tune to Sparkler.

“Cloud 9.” She named the tune. “You know that song?” She asked.

Fleur smiled sheepishly, and nodded. “Contrary to my public image, I find the more pop culture music to be my style than the classical music one might expect from somepony of my stature.” She admitted.

Sparkler smiled. “I hear that song in my head every time I go for a fly like this. It’s just…there’s something calming and freeing about its lyrics.” She said. As spontaneous music began playing.

“I can see that.” Fleur said. “I’ve always had to hide my wings, but also needed to fly to avoid my wings atrophying. But now that everypony knows…I feel free.” She said. After a moment, she started singing.

🎶Waking up, ready for some action
Strapping in, ready for the ride
Going big now that I can take it,
All the way to cloud 9

Sparkler smirked as she and Fleur started flying more seriously, rather than casually.

Dropping in, wanna feel the rush now
Sun is out, the wind is in my hair
Nothing else could be quite as awesome,
As when I'm soaring through the air

So here we go, And we ain't gonna take it slow
We're ready now to touch the sky,
This must be how it feels to fly,

I'm on cloud 9! I'm on cloud 9!
This must be how it feels to fly,
I'm on cloud 9! Oh oh
Cloud 9!!!

Don't give up, keep on taking chances
Put in time, till you get it right
Winding up, swinging for the fences
Won't go down without a fight

Going hard, push it to the limit
To the edge, go to the extreme
There's no doubt that I'm gonna win it
Never giving up the dream

So here we go, and we ain't gonna take it slow
We're ready now to touch the sky,
This must be how it feels to fly,

I'm on cloud 9! I'm on cloud 9!
This must be how it feels to fly,
I'm on cloud 9! I'm on cloud 9! I'm on cloud 9!
This must be how it feels to fly,
I'm on cloud 9! Oh oh

So here we go, and we ain't gonna take it slow
We're ready now to touch the sky,
This must be how it feels to fly,
I'm on cloud 9! I'm on cloud 9!
This must be how it feels to fly,
I'm on cloud 9! I'm on cloud 9! I'm on cloud 9!
This must be how it feels to fly,
I'm on cloud 9!

Oh oh🎶

Towards the end of the song, right at the final chorus, Sparkler noticed Fleur’s Cutie Mark glowing, and that Fleur had crystallized, Sparkler noticed that her Cutie mark was glowing as well and that she herself had crystallized. She smiled as at the end of the song, they criss crossed paths and at the intersection, their Cutie Marks appeared in the sky overlapping each other.

Sparkler looked behind her and marveled at the display in the sky. “Whoa. Look at that.” She said.

Fleur glanced behind her and saw the display. “Wow. Did we do that?” She asked.

“I think so.” Sparkler said. “Wow. It’s amazing.”

“Yeah…I would say it is.” Fleur said. She glanced over at Sparkler and saw she had crystalized. “Ya know you Crystalized.” She said.

“As did you.” Sparkler said.

Fleur looked at herself and saw that Sparkler was right. “Whoa…My first Crystallization. Sweet.” She said.

Sparkler giggled. After a few moments, the two sisters settled on a cloud and looked at their cutie marks in the sky. “It must be a sign.” Sparkler said. “They go together so well.”

“A sign that you and I are better together than separated…” Fleur said. Her smile faltered as she looked down. “I’m sorry I was never there Spark.” She said. “Had I known where you were I woulda sent for you in one way or another. Then maybe you wouldn’t have gone through all those years in school.” She said.

“Well…It is what it is.” Sparkler responded. “But what’s important is that I healed, and now I’m in a place I can truly belong. Surrounded by friends and family.”

“I’m happy for you Sparkler. Really, I am.” Fleur said. “And…You’re about to be surrounded by more family.” She said.

“What?” Sparkler asked.

“Fancypants and I are moving to Ponyville.” Fleur explained. “Rarity and I have been in communication about me becoming a model for her business. And Fancypants wants to help Twilight turn Ponyville from being a defacto Capital of Friendship to being an ACTUAL capital of Friendship.” She explained.

“That’s quite an undertaking.” Sparkler said. Her eyes widened when it dawned on her what Fleur just said. “Wait, you two are MOVING to Ponyville?!” She asked.

“Yep.” Fleur responded. “So we’ll be able to hang out more often.” She said.

Sparkler smiled widely as she tackled her sister in a joyous hug. “This is awesome! You’ll love it in Ponyville, I just know it.” She said.

“I already do.” Fleur responded.

Meanwhile, Rarity was getting ready for her beauty sleep, when her eyes widened as a vision of fire, destruction, and chaos flashed before her eyes. She gasped as she blinked and looked around, seeing that all was normal. “Huh…That’s…odd.” She said glancing out the window into the outside world, which looked normal. What the hay had that been all about? After pondering for a few seconds, Rarity shrugged and went back to her preparations for bed time. Dismissing it as nothing.

To Be continued…

Author's Note:

About time Fleur and Sparkler had a real bonding moment. Heheheh.

Ooh it feels good to be back to Season 3!

THX FOR READING! And Rights to Cloud 9 to their respective owners. Ya know the drill.