• Published 10th Jan 2022
  • 200 Views, 0 Comments

Games of gods - Conato

Two creatures debate over a friendly game

  • ...

The guest

Author's Note:

First off. This is a set up for my other stories. And I already know people are not going to be to happy about the fact I'm limiting the number of MLP characters. But you will understand why as you read.

It was a normal day at Discord's home. Well as normal as one can expect for the lord of Chaos.
The draconequus was setting up his table with tea and sandwiches.

He even went as far as putting out a chess board. "Interesting game." He mused as he looked at one of the ponds. "Such a organized yet chaotic game." He thought back to what his penpal had told him and was interested in giving it a try. "So many rules yet..." He snapped his clay as the pieces began to move. After only about three moves in he smiled at the confusion on the board. "No order at all."

Chess he decided was up there with mandopony on his list of games to play with friends. Next to that game of cards that got more tense the less cards you had.

Discord looked at the clock then at the vanity mirror. It wasn't because he wanted to look good for his pony friends. Instead, he was expecting his penpal. "You know. I really should ask him how he got my address." Discord mused.

As the clock struck hamburger o'clock the mirror started to ripple. Within a few burps of the clock a 6 foot tall white two legged rabbit in a suit and top hat stepped out of the mirror holding a cane.

"Oh. Impressive entries." Discord said with a chuckle. "A real power play."

"From you comment." The rabbit said flatly. "I can see I arrived in the right time."

Discord blinked and looked at the clock then at the rabbit. "How can you tell? Maybe your a week late and..."

"I AM THE LORD OF TIME! NO MAGIC CAN FOOL ME!" The rabbit snapped slamming his cane on the ground.

For an instant Discord's eyes grew wide and he felt a shiver go up his spine. It wasn't because the rabbit used magic. Even though a look at the rearrangement of the room told Discord he did something. It was a shiver of fear. And for the lord of chaos. It meant this may be a tense day.

"So. What is your name?" Discord asked quickly recovering. He hoped his geust hadn't seen his momentary show of fear.

"I've grown accustomed to Mistery." The rabbit replied tipping his hat with a friendly smile. "Shall we sit or would you prefer we stand and eat?"

Discord nodded and motioned to the seating area. "Please. Make yourself comfortable. Thirsty?"

Mistery sat on a large red chair setting his cane against the armrest. "I brought my own. Have you ever had rum?" He said removing his hat before pulling a bottle from it.

Discord shook his head. "No. But your letters made it sound like a fun source of entertainment." He chuckled before summoning two glasses.

"First time for everything."

Discord nodded as he filled the glasses with the strange liquid. "So shall we eat or play a game first?"

"Why not both?" Mistery said taking his glass.

Discord smiled. "Oh. I like you."

The two of them sat and started playing as they switched between bites of food, sips of their glasses and the game. As the rabbit promised. The game was indeed becoming more chaotic. Between the strange blurriness that was filling his eyes and mind to his dwindling forces. Discord was having... fun.

"Strange. I'm the spirit of chaos. And yet I..."

"You're drunk. Ya. This bottle is from my special stash. Not really ment for mortals. If you catch my drift." Mystery chuckled.

The two laughed as Discord sat back using his tail to knock over his king. "Looks like I lost... again." He sighed. "You know. After I joined the good guys. I thought I'd get over this."

"What? Being a sore losser?"

Discord sighed. "Yes." He thought for a moment before sitting up again. He blinked a few times quickly regretting his movement. Which caused Mystery to laugh.

"Ok. So I beat you 600 to 500. You still have those 500."

Discord finished blinking and was surprised at how quickly his buzz was fading. "Have we been playing that..." He looked at the clock. It was now half past monkey's ass. "I guess so." With a shrug he turned to Mistery who was smiling at him calmly. "So did you come over just to get me drunk and play games?"

Mistery tilted his head. "We only played one game. Not really something to brag about."

"I guess so." Discord laughed. "Not like we can compete against our worlds."

"And why not?" Mistery asked causing the draconequus to look at him in shock. "We're from two different worlds and have likely seen them grow from the start."

Discord thought for a moment. "Ya. You have a point." He said snapping his clay as a chalkboard appeared. "Ok then let's see. Winner gets..."

"We why not say. Loser does one thing for the winner."

Discord thought for a moment. "Sounds fun. Ok. First. Biggest disaster."

"In which time-line?" Mistery asked.

Discord thought for a moment. "Good point... this one... I guess."

"National or made?"


Mistery thought for a moment. "That's a tough one."

"For my world. It'd be the crystal empire."

"Just one empire?" Mistery asked.

"Ya. Gone in the blink of an eye."

"But they returned. Right?" Mistery asked. After seeing a nod he smiled. "Then I have you beat. An entire city feed to a monster."

Discord grimaced. "Ya. That's bad. I might enjoy torcher from time to time. But dam. That's bad."

"Ok. How about the opposite then?"

Discord thought for a moment. "Good wins over evil a lot for us. So you'll have to give me a moment to think."

"Take your time. For my world. It'd have to be when a friend of mine bitch slapped a power hungry monster into submission."

Upon hearing that Discord fell over laughing. "You win." He laughed. "Fuck. That had to be a hoot"

Mistery sat back with a smile. "It was. The funny part was. It was a fight. But looked like... I guess you can call it a lesson on manners."

This only made the draconequus laugh even harder. "What... don't tell me... he scolded it... with each slap?"

"In fact. Yes he did."

Another round of laughter escaped Discord. "Ok..." He said once he calmed down. "Who's the smartest yong adult? For my world it's the student of the princess"

"Understandable. But without knowing there greatest feats. How can one tell?"

"Fare point." Discord said with a nod.

"For my world. He's called the white king. Took over his college with his wits alone in his first year."

"Impressive." Discord praised. "Sounds like he's about the same age as the princess's student. She complimented a spell that no one was able to figure out for roughly a thousand years."

Mistery nodded. "Not bad. Point to you. Ok how about yong talent?"

"Easy. Only flyer to preform a sonic rainboom in over a thousand years."

"I'm starting to see a trend." Mistery teased.

"Ye. It's sad that it takes so long for real talent to show. But it can't be helped."

Mistery looked off to the reader. "I blame the writers." He whispered before turning back to Discord. "Ours can do some pretty neat stuff with music."

"Such as?"

"Well he can make others join him in song."

"You sure he's not from equestria?"

Mistery laughed. "Yes. He's from my world."

Discord thought for a moment. "I really need to start getting more points." He huffed marking another point for Mistery.

"We can call that one a tie. What next?"

"How about.... style?"

"Same guy. Oddly dosen't do flannel."

Discord laughed. "Well. We know he's not a redneck." He teased. "My friend is a fashion designer who gets orders from the princesses."

"Ponit to you." Mistery said with a nod. "Next? How about love life?"

"Like who's the kinkyest? Or who has the most partners?" Discord asked with a hopeful smile.

"Why not. Most active. I got a guy that slept with I think 4 or 5 hundred parents total." Mistery said with a cocky grin.

Discord let out small whistle. "Ok. That's another point." He said looking at the chart. "You know. I wouldn't mind meeting some of these guys. They sound like they would get along well with my friends. Maybe even help them a bit."

"I think I can make that happen. Might not be in the same time line. But ya. Sounds like a plan."

"So who won?"

"Doesn't matter. We want the same thing." Mistery said with a sly smile.

The two nod as Mistery gathered his things. "So. Shall how will they look when they arrive?" Discord asked walking his friend to the mirror.

"Let's leave that as a surprise." Mistery said tipping his hat to the reader before vanishing into the glass.

Discord smiled as he turned away from the mirror. "This is going to be good."

Second note:
Ya. This is my first story here. So I'm mostly testing the waters. Some places are ficol about wording. To the point that mentioning something is as bad as doing it. Also. Yes Mistery can break the forth wall. I tried to keep things veg while it entertaining. You know for future stories. Ya. Hope you liked the sneak peek at what may come to equestria.

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