• Published 3rd Feb 2022
  • 502 Views, 18 Comments

Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Twilight's Reign of Darkness - Juliaa

It has been 5 years since Twilight united with one of the most powerful dark wizards of all time and took over the world. She is the ruler now, has all the magic she wanted but at what cost? The Rebellion lead by Sunset Shimmer is rising.

  • ...

Running Out of Time

Applejack and Rainbow went back in time.

"Okay so they must be at point where they are locking us out of jail. Let's hurry to Sunset!" Applejack said. "And we can't be seen by ourselves. I am not sure if that is allowed."

"Wait, why don't we just go back 5 years when Twilight joined the dark side?" Rainbow was confused.

"Because then we would have to live 5 years with 2 of each of us living in same universe until we reach this point. Who knows if everything would collapse!"

"Fine!" Rainbow sighed. She didn't want universe to fall apart but this would be a harder way.

They came too late. Cadence was already under roof and Shining crying above her.

"How did we miss that!" Rainbow was annoyed.

"No time to think, let's go and save--" she tried to say just as Shining was hit too.

"Move! We will arrive now!" Rainbow pushed her into hiding place.

She was right, they arrived and went to help Sunset. The fight broke out.

"Okay, okay, who do we save first, what happened to someone first?" Applejack was in panic.

"I have no idea we were busy fighting! Let's go help Fluttershy!" Rainbow went sneaking around not to be noticed by herself. Applejack followed.

They came to Fluttershy just as she was about to be hit. "Protego!" Applejack saved... Discord who was saving Fluttershy.

"Thanks!" Discord said and him and Fluttershy went to fight Nightmare together.

"Bad news, Pinkie is on the floor already!" Rainbow whispered.

"We should have parted!" Applejack facepalmed.

"Maybe we can still help save others!" she was positive.

Rainbow went to Sunset and Snape while Applejack went to Rarity. Rainbow managed to stop Sunset from getting hit but Snape was then hit with spell that backfired from Fluttershy and Discord also fighting Nightmare. Can't anything work for Rainbow here? Just as she saves one person another gets hurt.

Mel and Stacy were hit.

Applejack saved Capper and Rarity but then she was hit with a spell. No way Rainbow will let that happen. Time to go back in time.


Applejack and Rainbow went back in time.

"Okay so they must be at point where they are locking us out of jail. Let's hurry to Sunset!" Applejack said. "And we can't be seen by ourselves. I am not sure if that is allowed."

"Wait, we already did went back in time," Rainbow explained and showed it to her.

"Oh.... was I hit with that spell?" everything was blurry but she does remember it hurting her.

"Yes, you got wounded, still alive but wounded. I grabbed you and took us both back."

"Thank you!" Applejack kissed her.

They stayed there for few moments before continuing to go save their friends and themselves. Suddenly bumped into random guard who hit them with spell. Time to go back in time, I guess.


Applejack and Rainbow went back for the 23rd time.

"This isn't working! There is no way we can save all, no matter what we try!" Rainbow was annoyed.

"We have to try, sugarcube! We are the only ones who can save everyone!" Applejack said. She knew they had tried so many times now and were both exhausted but if it meant getting to save the world and people they love then it was definitely worth it. "We just have to remember every detail!"

"You're right! I just hope we find the right combination soon with which we can save all!" Rainbow tried to think positively. It sure can't be many more times before they finally find the right one, right?


They went again, Applejack went to save Discord. Oh wait, they forgot Cadence and Shining. Back yet again.


"I will lose it!" Rainbow almost yelled.

"Be quiet! We can't be discovered!" Applejack shushed her.

"I know! But this is out 35th time!" Rainbow was annoyed.

"Maybe even our last time? I am sure this time it will work. We just need to move Rarity 5 cm to the left."

"But then what about Capper?" Rainbow tried to remember the situation. They had come up with great plan where everyone could be saved. Maybe.

"You stop him before."

"No, then Rarity never forgives him!"

"Right... then we move him 5 cm to the left too!"

"Was it left or right?" Rainbow was getting louder.

"I don't know!" Applejack started to yell.

"What is that noise?" guard came in. "You two! How did you escape prison?" He hit them with spell and they hit back. They managed to take him down.

"Oh no..." Rainbow suddenly said.

"Don't say that! What do you mean by 'oh no'?" Applejack panicked and raised her head to see Rainbow holding the broken time turner. Shit! No going back to the past now.

"But we don't have a whole plan!" Applejack panicked.

"I know... I guess now who survives survives," Rainbow was sad.

This was all or nothing their only chance to save their friends. And the world.


How hard can it be when they did it 34 times before this.
First they save Candence by catching the roof and moving it to the side. Then they save Cadence again because she was amazed by them saving her first time and moving roof she didn't notice 2nd blast coming her way. Meanwhile, Sunset and Shining fight Twilight.

Others enter. Applejack saves Discord who then with Fluttershy fights Nightmare. Rainbow saves Pinkie and moves her to go to Fluttershy and Discord.

"This is going well," Applejack said to herself.

Rainbow was fighting with Stacy and Mel.

Applejack went to help Snape and Sunset. She saved Sunset from being wounded and Snape from getting hit too. Then she told them to move to Discord, Fluttershy and Pinkie and yelled at them to just trust her after they started to quiestion. They were suspicious but did it anyway.

Just as she turned around she saw Rainbow being hit by a spell.

"Rainbow!" she cried out and ran to her.

Luckily, Rainbow was still alive, just hurt. "What happened?" she cried.

"I even tried to save Mel," she smiled.

"Don't ever scare me like this again!" she was relieved and kissed her.

The kiss didn't last very long since Mel was hit and Stacy screamed and tried to run away.

"Go save Rarity!" Rainbow said as she put pressure on her wound.

Applejack ran and moved Rarity and Capper to the left? Right? Left? I guess left it is, side just before they were hit.

"Good, it was the left side after all," Applejack sighed in relief.

"What?" Rarity and Capper were confused.

"Don't worry about it. I'll explain later," she ran back to Rainbow.

"We don't know what happens now," she was worried. "I'll take you to safety!" she took her in her hands and carried her to separate room. There she tried to help stitch the wound any way she could.


"I am so tired of this!" Sunset was frustrated. "Depulso!" she hit Twilight. Twilight fell to the floor. "Yes, finally!" Sunset was happy and ran to Twilight. She came to her with wand pulled out to her head.

Menawhile, other kept Nightmare occuppied.

"Move and I will hit you with the worst spell I can think of!" Sunset was furious.

"You wouldn't dare to hurt me!" Twilight smiled.

"Crucio!" Sunset said angrily while Twilight rolled in pain. She soon stopped. "Don't tempt me, Twilight!"

"Ugh, fine. Maybe I underestimated you."

"You did. What even happened to you? Why are you here?" she was disgusted that this is who her ex became. After so many good times before..... they are in the past.

"I don't know," she said sadly, "who cares, there's no going back anyway."

"There could be. Give up! Help us!" Sunset was tired from trying.

"Look, I don't want to be in Azkaban! I wanted power, got it, realized it's wrong and I hate every part of this but it is too late to go back now! They will put me forever in that jail!" Twilight tried to explain herself. "Please don't kill me!"

"I won't kill you! I might take you to Azkaban myself!" she said like it is the most obvious thing. "I am still so hurt over you betraying me! Did our relationship mean nothing to you?!"

"It meant so much!" Twilight was confident in this.

"Then why did you throw it all away!?!" Sunset screamed.

"I am not going to Azkaban!" Twilight pulled out her own wand and pointed it to Sunset's head. "You hurt me, I hurt you back."

"Can't believe you still don't want to own up to your mistakes!" Sunset was hurt.

"I just wanted it to go back like it used to be many years ago. Just two of us and our friends happily at Hogwarts. Remember when we first told each other our feelings at that dance?" she smiled.

"Yeah... that was an amazing night."

"We were under moonlight!"

"You were a nervous mess!" Sunset laughed.

"You were kinda nervous too!" Twilight teased.

Sunset suddenly got serious, "that was a really long time ago. It's been ages since then. Nothing is the same."

"Maybe it could be back like that.... here."

"It can never go back to that. Especially not if you don't admit to your mistakes and help us," Sunset was cold then angry.

Tear dropped down Twilight's face.

Few moments passed by. "Would I ever have a chance to make it up to you? To be together again?" Twilight asked.

"Don't know. You hurt me pretty bad. Kinda doubt it."

"Can I still try?"

"I guess," Sunset said. She wasn't sure what Twilight meant. Then Twilight quickly hit her arm, moved it so wand wasn't pointed at her anymore and held out her wand that was pointed at... Sunset?

No. It wasn't pointing at Sunset. It was pointing right behind her... at....

"Avadaka--" Twilight casted at Nightmare Moon but before she could finish Capper took her down.

"Oh seriously dude?!" Rainbow was annoyed from other room.

"No!" Rarity cried yet again.

"My speech really didn't get to him," Discord said sadly.

"Do your speeches ever work?!" Pinkie was angrily fighting guards.

"It's okay, you tried!" Fluttershy tried to comfort him.

Sunset jumped on Capper and removed him. "Twilight now!"

Twilight casted the spell at Nightmare Moon who was distracted by fighting others. She fell down to the floor. Everybody stopped fighting.

"Twilight, you did it!" Sunset hugged her. "I knew you would come around!"

"Thanks for believing in me!" Twilight smiled and hugger her back.

Everybody else ran to a group hug. Capper slipped away and ran.

When they all parted, Sunset was first to speak, "I still don't forgive you but this is a good way towards redemption. You saved the world!"

"Yeah, I know. I will answer for all I did but I just wanted to make it right."

"She saved the world from Nightmare... but not from us!" Shining pulled out his wand.

"Oh no, I am the one who will rule!" Mel pointed wand at them too but she was hurt and on the floor. Nobody knew if she would make it. She wasn't a threat.

Guards moved away. There was no point in fighting now for them. Others did start to fight.

First taken down was Stacy she was on her way to run to freedom but Applejack caught her and trapped her.

Others fought Cadence and Shining Armor. Those 2 were outnumbered so they were quickly trapped too. Cadence by Pinkie and Shining by Twilight.

"I will get you one day, Twily!" Shining yelled.

"Yeah, right... which attempt is this already?" she gave a fake yawn.

"We will she each other in Azkaban!" Shining smiled.

Twilight got sad. Sunset put a hand on her shoulder, "we will still see about that!"

"Well, this is a big mess that we need to settle!" Fluttershy said.

"Let's first go grab a doctor to help Rainbow and Mel if she can make it, and then go to the Ministry of Magic to deal with it all!" Sunset said as they went to pick stuff up and go take bad guys to Azkaban.

Author's Note:

There will be 1 more chapter.

Also time turner here works a bit differently than one in the books/show.