• Published 3rd Feb 2022
  • 502 Views, 18 Comments

Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts: Twilight's Reign of Darkness - Juliaa

It has been 5 years since Twilight united with one of the most powerful dark wizards of all time and took over the world. She is the ruler now, has all the magic she wanted but at what cost? The Rebellion lead by Sunset Shimmer is rising.

  • ...

Are You Insane Like Me?

Sunset, Fluttershy and Discord went to Azkaban. No one wanted to be the one to ask their enemies for help but that was the only choice they had.

So Sunset approached their jail cells.

"Well look who we have here," Mel smiled. "Came to apologize?"

"Never," Discord was angry.

"What could you possibly be doing here?" Cadence was supicious.

"We need your help," Sunset said indifferently.

"Pft, are you crazy?" Stacy laughed.

"I ask myself the same question every day," Fluttershy whispered to herself. Discord quickly gave her a glance.

"Why from us?" Shinning Armor.

"I think you would care enough to know your sister became power obsessed and joined the darkest wizard in the world right now," she said strictly.

"Good for her," he was bored. "Look if you came here to brag about Twily's accomplishments you can just leave!"

"We need help stopping her," she ignored his words.

He smirked, "now I'm listening."

Sunset continued to explain everything, from their plan to what they need.

"You all are idiots!" Stacy laughed. "You just trusted that Capper guy? Just like that?"

"Leave our judgments alone!" Sunset said. "Are you in or not?"

"Oh, I'm in! It's time to take my sister down!" Shining Armor way excited.

"I'm in too! I go wherever Shining goes," Cadence winked at him.

"Ugh, romance," Discord eyerolled.

"You're literally--" Sunset started to whisper yell at him but stopped herself since there was no point.

"I am in too! I need to get out of here!" Stacy said.

"Me too!" Mel said and suspiciously looked at Discord and Fluttershy.

"Great, great, now let's get them out and leave!" Discord tried to hurry them up. "I hate this place."

Sunset freed them and they ran back to their secret place.


"Does everyone understand the plan?" Sunset asked after drawing and explaining the whole plan on a board.

"That is the worst drawing ever," Stacy complained.

"I didn't ask that!" Sunset raised her voice.

"Yes, the plan is clear," Mel eyerolled. She was sitting with her arms crossed and not paying much attention.

"We start tomorrow?" Shining asked again to confirm.

"Yes! I am glad someone listened it all," Sunset was frustrated again. She was trying so hard but who knows if this will even work.

"Too bad Twily let you go, you are very smart just like her," he said smiling.

No, Sunset won't think about Twilight or her brother's teasing. She will just ignore the comments.

"How do we know we can even trust them?" Discord finally asked.

"You don't, isn't it great?" Stacy laughed.

"If we are going to work together all of us need to trust each other!" Sunset said as serious as anyone can be. She had her arms crossed and her stare was slightly blank.

Everyone stopped for few seconds and there was silence. Then suddenly all of them laughed.

"Ah, good one! This is the best joke you ever said, Sunset!" Discord was barely catching breath.

When everyone realized Sunset was serious, they stopped laughing. "Ah shit, you are being serious," Discord broke the silence and stated the obvious.

"What happens after we take down Nightmare Moon?" Fluttershy was curious. They didn't discuss if they will return them to Azkaban.

"Isn't it obvious?" Candence smiled, "we fight for who gets to take over the world!"

"No!" Fluttershy quickly replied.

"No one will rule the world!" Sunset was angry. "We need to get it back as it was!"

"Lame!" Mel eyerolled at her, still sitting in her corner with arms crossed. Sunset was frustrated, can't at least one thing go right in their way?

I guess not. She took a deep breath,"I guess we will fight then... but for now we have common enemy and same mission! If this is to work, we need to work together! And working together means trusting one another!" She said strictly.

"We can't trust each other," Shining Armor stated the obvious.

"For the first time, I agree with this guy," Discord added. Sunset was losing it.

"We don't have to fully trust each other, of course!" She explained, "just enough to get through this mission alive and take down Nightmare Moon!"

"I can't promise I will save anyone," Stacy shrugged.

"Yeah, sounds like you," Discord eyerolled again.

"You still angry about it all?" Stacy got excited at opprotunity to get him angry and tease him.

"It has been a while," Discord remembered.

"Yeah... I can't believe I am 23 now," Fluttershy joined in. "This thing has been happening for 5 years now. I would have finished Hogwarts by now. We all would!"

"Tell me about it! Will we have to go back after this is over?" Discord started to worry. Being 25 now, he will not go to school until he is over 30.

"I think not?" Sunset thought it through. "It will probably be our decision."

"We still have a long way to there," Fluttershy was deep in her thoughts.

"Yeah, let's all go get enough sleep and prepare!" Sunset said.

Everyone went to their beds. Tomorrow was a big day and they needed to be ready.

However, Discord came to Fluttershy.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I need to apologize," he took a deep breath. "I have no idea what was I thinking or what got to me at that moment. I regreted it ever since but couldn't find a way to escape and come here to help you and, most importantly, apologize."

"I was so angry at you and heartbroken," Fluttershy was sadly remembering the events.

"And I am truly sorry. If there is anything I can do so you can forgive me..."

"All is forgiven!" she stopped him.

"Really?" he was shocked and doubted it.

"Yeah, we all make mistakes and I was so heartbroken. I probably wouldn't forgive you this fast back then but it has been 5 years after all. I calmed down. I know you are a good person because you are trying right now to make it right. That's what counts, who we are now! No matter our past mistakes it is never too late to go back to the right path as long as we are alive. And that is what you did, you got back on the right way!"

"I betrayed you and left to go with dark wizard to take over THE WORLD? Are you insane?" he still couldn't believe it.

"Maybe a bit," she laughed.

"Or a lot..." Sunset was heard from a nearby bed. She was grumpy and half asleep.

"You really are the kindest person I have ever met!" Discord hugged Fluttershy.