• Published 2nd Jan 2022
  • 1,752 Views, 87 Comments

MEGA Macintosh - BottleH2O

After the events with the giant nobles, the growth spell, now having gone wild, targets another pony: Big Macintosh, who is feeling a little down in the dumps. Let's see how he feels when he becomes the largest thing alive in Equestria!

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Chapter 5- The Big Apple Meets the Mega Apple

The sounds of construction penetrated the air.

The city of Manehatten was considered to be one of the shining gems of Equestria. An extremely large metropolis that housed several different races from all over the land. Stunning feats of architecture had been on display for all to see, such as the statues around the streets, towering skyscrapers piercing the skyline, and the beautiful city gardens that lay in the heart of the city, a calm serene place where ponies could go and relax after a long day at the office, or tourists could visit and take pictures of the moment.

But that all changed the day that the Titans arrived.

It had started out like any other day for the ponies of Manehatten. They had started their usual morning routine of leaving their apartments, grabbing a bite to eat from one of the nearby cafes, and going to their office, getting in the usual daily grind. But nopony had ever expected to witness what would happen next.

It had started with the shaking.

Faint jostles rippling through the ground.

Some ponies who had been working in offices had glanced over to see their coffee rippling in its cup, other had lost their footing temporarily as another tremor rocked the area, and before anypony knew it, the entire city had been shrouded in shadows. If those on the ground turned their attention skyward, they were greeted to the sight of two absolutely monolithic sized ponies towering well beyond that of the biggest skyscrapers in the city. Ponies had frozen in shock and fear as they could do nothing but stare up at these two, seemingly impossibly sized titans.

Then the mustard yellow pony raised her hoof and took the first step into the city, and from there it led to absolute pandemonium. The two gigantic ponies began walking through the city like they were going for a simple walk in the park, all while the tiny ponies on the ground were trying desperately to avoid their gigantic hooves as they passed through. But that wasn’t the worst of it, because these two titans seemed to be enjoying themselves. The two ponies, identified later as the nobles from Canterlot, Jet Set and Upper Crust, seemed to be relishing in their newfound size. To them, it made them feel untouchable and that there was nothing the ponies down below them could do to stop them from throwing their weight around the city and doing whatever they pleased.

And to make matters worse, while they were spending time romping through the city like it was a playset, two more even bigger titans eventually joined them: the business stallion Enterprise Pursuit and his wife, the supermodel named Lily Shine. From the sounds of their conversation that the many ponies overheard as the giants conversed, apparently, they were there to settle the score with some business rivals that had apparently sullied their companies with malpractice, and they had undergone this drastic transformation to get even with them. To many sane and rational ponies this just seemed to be extra and ridiculous, but the nobles were dead set on this strategy so the two parties parted ways to deal with their respective rivals. But as they did, only then did the biggest hit to the city come: the secondhand damage.

The side of a building crumbling away from Jet Set’s tail simply brushing against it; the gigantic strands tearing into the side of it like it was butter, Jet Set squashing several carts underhoof as he walked, several ponies having to scramble out of their vehicles in a panic as the giant noble’s hoof came down, completely unaware of their tiny presence, Enterprise and Lily creating huge street wide hoofprints as they walked, tearing up the pavement and sending large cracks along the ground, and let’s not forget the entire buildings that the ponies had either plucked up or completely crushed. Jet Set and Upper Crush completely tearing out Currency Trade’s building out of its foundation so they can talk to him before heading over to his storage warehouse to squash it. Meanwhile Enterprise and Lily, while they had certainly made an effort to be more careful and mindful of the puny ponies scampering about as they walked, they two had also caused significant damage to the city.

But even though the Princesses decree had come forth and the nobles had to pay for the repairs out of their own pockets, it was going to be a long time before any of the damage was fixed. There was just too much.

But as the city ponies continued to go about their work, they began to experience the strangest feeling of déjà Vu.

A faint tremor reverberated through the city.

Then another.

And another.

Ponies everywhere in Manehatten all seemingly stopped whatever it was they were doing and headed to the nearest window while others outside began to look about the clear sky, all of whom seemed to have an idea of what might be causing these rhythmic tremors as they increased in intensity, the ponies now beginning to bounce up in the air slightly with each thunderous THOOM!

And then they saw it, or rather, him.

There, at the outskirts of the city, and slowly rising up higher and higher into the air was the colossal form of a pony as they got closer to the city. First, they saw his gigantically sized cowboy hat covering his orange mane, then red face, followed by his neck and torso rising into the air, and lastly his legs carrying this absolute titan of a pony several hundred feet across the landscape with mere steps.

And of course, given the past experience the city ponies of Manehatten had with similarly sized giants, they did the only natural thing they could think of in this situation.



Big Mac, now standing several hundred feet tall was continuing his leisurely stroll towards the city, leaving behind the small town of Ponyville “Heh, both literally and figuratively. Ain’t that kicker?” Big Mac though with an amused smirk at the unintentional size pun.

His huge muscular hoof slammed down next to an outlier of trees from the Everfree forest, and as the colossal cowpony passed by, his magic activated again, nourishing the environment around him and letting him shoot up another hundred feet. As Big Mac felt himself rise higher and higher, he was able to make out buildings in the distance, signaling to him that he was approaching his destination.

So that there city is Manehatten, tha one hit tha hardest by them no good nobles,” Big Mac thought as his vast form stormed over the country side, his hooves tearing into the soft earth, leaving behind behemoth sized hoofprints, with his magic instantly repairing it, causing the height of the buildings in front of him to get shorter and shorter the more the country stallion closed the distance “Ah should head in and try to repair tha damage they caused. Poor little ones musta been scared senseless with them snobs galivanting around tha place.

Big Mac let out a small snort of resolve and at long last, finally reached the city of Manehatten.

Only to find it in a state of chaos so severe, Discord would have been proud.

Ponies were scampering around the place in a frenzy, where they were going, Big Mac had no idea. All it looked like to him from his elevated height was that ponies were just running around in the streets in a panic. Pony pushed carts were overturned, some laid broken in the streets, there were huge craters everywhere that the citizens of Manehatten had to evade as they made their so called “escape” from the mega sized stallion.

That musta been where them nobles were walkin around when they came here,” Big Mac thought as he stood silently at the front of the city, wincing slightly at the spectacle in front of him. But what sent a few chills up his spine was the hoofprints left behind from the nobles. They were bigger than his. Much bigger than his in fact. At this point in time most of the skyscrapers in the city came up roughly to Big Mac’s chest, and if the ponies were panicking about him when he was at this size, he could only imagine how bad things must have been for them when the Nobles showed their pompous mugs here.

But the ponies looked like they showed no sign of stopping any time soon, if they even intended to in the presence of the titan. While Big Mac watched the bug sized ponies below him, he was pondering how he could get them to calm down. He shouldn’t do something too extreme because that might just cause them to panic even more.

But while this was going down, high above the city, one of the vacation airships was beginning to slowly descend down from the sky. The pilot of said craft was coming in for a landing, but as he was doing so, to his shock, he was unable to get an “all clear” signal from the ground team. Why? Well, unbeknownst to him the team had fled in a panic at the sight of the gigantic earth pony

“Where is everypony?” The captain wondered as he leaned around the wheel, looking left and right desperately. They needed that ground team ASAP so their pegesi team can help slow the descent of the ship, without them they run the risk of crashing!

“We’re descending too fast!” the captain exclaimed in panic as he tried frantically to regain control of the fall “Where’s the ground team?!”

Now, a large air ship falling from the sky is sure to attract attention, and that is exactly what caught Big Mac’s eye from his extremely elevated height. He looked upwards in shock as the saw the out-of-control airship careening down towards the city. Wasting no time, Big Macintosh sprang into action. Taking several ground rumbling steps forward, the giant farm pony stepped into the streets, entering the city proper.

The teeny tiny ponies squealed in fear and fled at the sight of the gargantuan red hooves strolling forward. Big Mac, unaware of them below at the moment, as his attention was solely on preventing on letting the ship crash into the ground.

Lifting up his massive, bulky leg, he reached up into the air and gently caught the now fun sized airship. Arcing his leg like an all-star hoof ball player about to throw the ball, Big Mac held the tiny ship up to his eyes and looked down at the mite sized ponies down below.

“Howdy down there lil’ ones. Are y’all ok?” Big Mac rumbled in his usual southern twang, a look of concern in his huge emerald eyes. His ears perked up as he heard several squeaks of gratitude to the giant hero. Big Mac exhaled in relief, the wind from his nose buffering the little ponies held in his grasp.

As gently as he could, Big Mac lowered the toy sized airship down onto the ground, the ponies of Manehatten, having witnessed the heroic act committed by the giant, all cleared a space for him.

Once the airship was safely deposited onto the ground Big Mac stood back up to his full height, his broad shoulders brushing against the sides of the skyscrapers as he did so, sending quivers down the sides. Down below him, he saw the miniscule ponies scampering out of the little airship and onto the safety of the ground, happy to be alive and well. But to top it all off, one pony in particular practically shot out of the airship and rushed over to Big Mac, tackling the one of his humongous hooves and tried to hug what little he could of the smooth broad surface, completely unable to even move his legs around it’s girth.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” the captain of the airship cried happily as he still tried, and failed, to hug the single hoof “You saved all of us sir! You caught us out of the air right as we were about to hit the ground! You’re a life saver!”

Big Mac smiled gently, raised his leg, and tipped his cowboy hat “No thanks necessary lil’ one. Ah’m just happy ta help,” he boomed in his deep voice.

The crowd around them began to murmur to one another. They saw with their own eyes, somepony else was now a gigantic titan and instead of terrorizing the city with their size, they used it to save a falling airship. Maybe this big guy wasn’t so bad after all.

“Um Mister Giant sir?” One pony timidly asked as they step forward into view cautiously “Why are you here?”

Big Mac looked down at the crowd with a twinkle in his eye “Ah heard them nobles gave y’all a whole lotta trouble in their time here, messed things up real good. So Ah decided to mosey on over to lend a big ol’ helping hoof an help repair tha damage they caused,” he said sincerely.

“But how are you going to help Mister Giant?” somepony else pipped up.

Big Mac looked around briefly, before settling his gaze on one of the hoofprints left behind by Jet Set and Upper Crust. His ears perked up

“Do y’all see that there hole in tha ground?” Big Mac asked the tiny crowd, who all responded with confirmation. Big Mac smirked “Keep ya eye on it,”

Raising his colossal leg, Big Mac stepped over the bug sized crowd with ease, his hoofsteps causing the ground to tremble beneath him, bouncing those present into the air as he walked with a purpose over to the creator. It was about as wide as he was, but that was no matter to him, with the number of repairs he’d have to make, Big Mac was sure that he’ll reach that size in no time. Raising his hoof, he tapped it against the ground, sending another wave of magic into it. The ponies watched in awe as they saw the creator begin to repair itself. It was almost like watching a movie in reverse. The missing pieces filled up and the cracks vanished. Before anypony knew it, the hole was completely repaired, so well in fact that it might as well not have been there at all.

Big Mac grinned as the familiar sensation flooded through his body and he began to grow in size once more, rising up even higher a little. Big Mac turned back to the assembled crowd, positively glowing with delight as he tipped his hat “So how about it lil’ ones? Mind letting big ol’ me lend a helping hoof in repairing yer city?

The crowd was silent for a moment before bursting out into cheers of happiness. Looks like they’ll have the city back up and running in tip top shape in no time now that Mega Macintosh was on the job!

Big Mac thundered his way over to the first cluster of damaged building and straight to work, using his powerful new magic to repair the damages done onto them, and gaining some extra height as he did so.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac boomed as he held up a hoof full of steel beams, all of them the size of toothpicks. He was now sitting down on his hunches in the middle of the city, helping some construction ponies repair the foundation of a building that had been shaken apart from the quakes while the nobles had been walking around. A construction pony was perched on Big Macintosh’s nose, relaying instructions to the gargantuan stallion as he worked.

“Ok, steel beam A should be put on the 25th floor right there!” squeaked the construction pony as he looked at the blueprints he had brought with him “Then attach B1 and B2 as supports right below them!”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said nonchalantly again as he leaned his gargantuan self forward. He had grown significantly since he had arrived in the city from all the repairs he had done. Now, even sitting down, most skyscrapers only came up to his stomach. Further signaling to Big Mac just how massive he was now. His huge, beefy hooves reached forward and set the beams in the correct position. He then gave the building frame a little tap and sent a small shockwave of magic though it, solidifying the beams in place.

“Alright, looks like we’re done!” The construction pony said beaming at the sight “I’ll have the boys and I go and run a quick check there and afterwards we’ll get started on the walls ourselves. Thank you, Mr. Macintosh, you’ve been a great- WOAH!” the boss cut himself off in shock as the “ground” below him began to rumble. He bounced back and rolled onto his stomach as he watched in amazement as Big Mac’s nose, and subsequently Big Mac himself, get even larger than before. The field of red fur expanding in size with him on top of it. The boss pony got back onto his hooves and turned around, looking up at Big Mac’s eyes which were now even higher than before, and they were both looking down at him with amusement.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that,” he said bashfully at the giant stallion. A thunderous, booming chucking shook the air as the giant red stallion said, “Ah don’t expect ya to do so little guy.” Mirth danced within those warm house sized eyes, and even though he couldn’t see it, the boss was almost certain that Big Mac was grinning.

A shadow covered the little pony, as he looked up, he saw the massive underside of Big Macintosh’s hoof lowering itself towards him. Big Mac plucked the puny pony off his nose and gently set him back on the ground “Ah’m happy Ah could help y’all fix this here little skyscraper,” Big Mac addressed the gathered team of construction ponies by his gigantic hooves as he got back up, his shadow completely covering most of the area around him “Good luck to y’all on finishing tha rest of it,”

The group all hollered up their thanks to the giant as Big Mac turned around as headed off, the spell he had casted on the building preventing it from shaking apart again as he walked. Big Mac made his way over to a nearby skyscraper where he had left his hat hanging lazily off it like it was a coat rack. Big Mac chuckled at the sight, who would have thought that at some point in his life he’d be using entire buildings like they were everyday household items?

Reaching over, Big Mac plucked his hat off the tower and set it back on his head with his ever-favorite line of “Eeyup.” Turning around, he used the glass exterior of the buildings next to him as a mirror to tidy himself up a little. All those hours of working really worked up a good sweat! Big Mac subtly adjusted his hat on his head to center it as well as the yolk he was wearing. Noticing the ponies gathering inside the building he was using as a mirror; the colossal stallion gave them all a wink as he continued on his way, teasing the mite sized ponies a little as he practically stomped by, causing the entire building to tremble as he passed by next to it.

Big Mac made his way down the streets of Manehatten, a spring in his step as he observed the work he had done. Pretty much the entire city had been repaired by this point, almost no trace of damage was left, both the denizens of the city were happy because the repairs and Big Mac was happy as well because not only did, he get to help them all out, but it also came with the added bonus of a major size increase. He was almost as big as the nobles were by this point when they first came to the city, and he’s caused little to no damage at all.

Big Mac stopped walking as he noticed he was approaching a particularly busy part of the city; carts were being pulled left and right here in the middle of a busy intersection but for some reason there was no pony there to direct traffic. Big Mac looked over at the sidewalks and saw that a bit of a crowd had amassed as they were all waiting to cross over. Some tourists as well as a small school of foals on a field trip along with their teacher. A distressed look on the mare’s face as she looked back and forth across the streets trying to figure out when they should cross because they’ve been waiting for so long.

A small frown crossed Big Mac’s gigantic face as he observed the scene “Nnope.” He rumbled as he made his way over to the tiny intersection. There was a brief respite in the constant flow of carts being driven back and forth so Big Mac used this opportunity to set his colossal hoof down on one side of the street and another hoof on the other side with a small THOOM, shaking the ground a little as he gave the miniscule pedestrians a chance to cross. His hooves were now so large they completely took up the entirety of the street.

Big Mac looked down at the little ones with a warm smile “it’s safe for y’all ta cross over now,” The ponies talked amongst themselves as the beheld the sight of the titanic from in front of them, before shouting up their thanks to the giant hero.

Big Mac looked down happily as the tiny foals passed by under him being lead by their teacher “Well howdy down there lil’ ones. Are y’all enjoying yer trip to tha big city?” he asked them as they went by.

“Uh huh, thank you sir!” some of the foals hollered up to him as they passed by his hooves and onto the sidewalk behind him, a few even tried to give him a hug, but they were so tiny that they might as well been trying to hug a wall. Their legs not even reaching anywhere close to around his own, and they were so small that they came nowhere close to reaching the bottom of the red fur above his hooves. After the last of the foals had made it to the other side of the street Big Mac stood up straight and removed his giant hooves from the side of the road allowing the carts to move back over freely. The crowd on the sidewalk cheered for Big Mac as he waved down to them before continuing on forward.

But he had barely taken a few steps forward before he heard a small squeaking voice calling out to him “Mr. Macintosh! Mr. Macintosh! A word please?”

Big Mac stopped with a blink as he looked around, trying to find the source of the voice

“Down here sir!” said the voice again

Looking down, Big Mac was able to see two pegesi mares with cameras around their necks and wearing matching hats, both of them with the tag “PRESS” on it.

“Mr. Macintosh, is it ok if we get a few pictures of you for the Daily Equestrian?” One of the reporters asked the giant excitedly

“Pictures?” asked Big Mac as he observed the two tiny ponies hovering in front of him like they were little flies

“Yupperoni! We want to write all about how you came and helped out our city after the disaster it faced!” The second reporter said in a chipper voice. She held up her camera and looked up at him hopefully “So can we? Please?”

Big Mac chuckled, a small smile tugging at his lips as he was briefly reminded of Apple Bloom whenever she would ask him to participate in whatever scheme she had to get her cutie mark next “Of course ya can young’in,” he said “Fire away,”

The two gasped “Really? You really mean it?” they asked

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied

The girls cheered as they readied their cameras and began to take as many pictures as they could, trying to get a good angle of the giant hero. As they did that, Big Mac walked over to a nearby building, leaning against it as if to fully convey just how massive he was now. His bulky frame completely overshadowing the little structure as he posed next to it.

Smirking, Big Mac up the ante a bit more and decided to prop his giant elbow down on the roof of the building, his elbow alone was completely covering the top of the building as he got into a bit more of a relaxed pose. The press was snapping away as he did so. After a few minutes Big Mac decided to try something a little different, he stood back up and walked over to where the city park was, the little trees jostling with each step.

Big Mac tapped the ground next to the park and watched with a pleased smile as a stream of magic shot from where he struck the ground and flooded into the park. The two mares gasped in wonder as they watched the magic spread to all the trees, flowers, and greenery in the area. Instantly the park seemed to spring up with renewed life and flourished with more lively vegetation. Big Mac even managed to create a swing set made entirely of flowers.

“That’s incredible!” one of the reporters said, looking up from her camera and at Big Mac. He simply grinned “Trust me, ya ain’t seen nothing yet,”

As Big Mac said this, he began to once more grow in size, growing even more massive than before, entire buildings now only coming up to his ankles as he completely towered over the city.

Big Mac heard two tiny squeaks of amazement as he continued his trek, the entire city now trembling from his steps. Big Mac made his way over to a stadium where a hoof ball game was being played, hundreds of speck sized ponies were all either in the stands or playing on the field. They all paused as they felt the ground trembling, loud, thunderous BOOMS permeated the air, and before they knew it, the gargantuan face of Big Mac filled the sky above the entire stadium.

Big Mac smiled down at the absolutely tiny spectators in the circular structure below him “Howdy everypony,” he rumbled, his thick southern accent shaking though the air. Cheers erupted from the stands below as everypony tried their best to say hi to the colossal hero of the day. Big Mac reached down and gripped the entire stadium in his muscular hoof, completely tearing it out of the ground like it was nothing.

Big Mac beamed as he raised the tiny stadium up to his eyes, looking down at the hundreds of speck sized spectators in his grasp, the little ones still cheering for him as he held them all up in the frog of his hoof. His colossal biceps and pecs bulging as he did so, causing several mares in the stands and all over the city who were spectating the event to fall over, overcome with a fiery red blush on their faces.

After observing the diminutive structure in his grasp for a little bit longer, Big Mac let out his signature “Eeyup,” and gently lowered the stadium back down into the ground “Y’all little folk enjoy yerselves a good game alright?” he boomed at the ponies by his building sized hooves, another faint cheer could be heard as Big Mac raised his gargantuan leg and stepped over the stadium and proceeded to stroll back to where he left the two reporters.

The two mares gulped slightly as the beheld the enormous form of Big Mac thundering back over to where they were. Even though they were flying though the air, they could almost feel the world shaking around them, accompanied by the tremendous BOOMS that tore through the air as Big Mac walked. His shadow completely covering them and most of the city as he stormed back over to them. The mountainous cowpony stopping in front of them and lowered his grinning skyscraper sized muzzle down towards the two tiny reporters

“Well then young’in, was that ah good number of pictures for yer article?” Big Mac teasingly to the pair, his voice alone shaking the air slightly.

“Uh huh,” one of them said weakly, trying to fully grasp just how gigantic the stallion was now. Big Mac’s grin got wider as he said “Ya might want to speak up lil’ one. Ah can’t hear ya too well down there,”

The reporter mare swallowed, and she hollered “Yes it was! Thank you, Mr. Macintosh!”

Big Mac nodded with the grin still plastered on his face at the two dumbstruck reporters as he stood back up to his full height, thousands of feet tall and even a little bigger than the nobles were when they first arrived. “Well, Ah’m glad ta have helped ya, good luck writing yer article!”

And with that final farewell and a hearty laugh coming from the gargantuan stallion that shook the air, Big Mac headed off. The two reporters simply continued to stare dumbstruck at the massive figure as he stormed away.

“So, uh, do you think we got enough pictures?” one of the mares asked her partner after she finally found her voice.

“Oh yeah,” her partner replied with a giggle “And then some! But, I think I’m going to, you know, keep this one for myself,”

The first reporter raised her eyebrow as she floated over “Which one?”

Her partner squeed bashfully as she blushed and turned her camera around, the photo being displayed was the one where Big Mac was flexing his muscles as he held the stadium in his hoof

Big Mac, meanwhile, was stomping though the city as he went. Ponies down below cheered as the colossal hooves landed with a huge THOOM! On the streets next to them as the absolutely massive hero to the city passed through. Despite being even bigger than the nobles who had damaged most of Manehatten, Big Mac had been nothing but kind and gentle to both the citizens and the city, and damage he may have caused he repaired himself, adding onto the growth he had already amassed for himself.

Big Mac thundered though the entirety of Manehatten showing off his newfound size and power to the masses below him as he happily looked on at the entire city he had repaired in less than a day. As he reached the outskirts of the city, he paused and looked back with a kind smile, tipping his cowboy hat in farewell before strolling out across the countryside towards his next destination in his kingdom wide stroll. What had started as nothing but ponies in panic and pandemonium at the sight of another titan had ended with everypony happy and content at the sight of their homes, businesses, and livelihoods completely restored at the massive hooves of the gigantic stallion they had previously feared.

Back at Golden Oak’s library, Twilight, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia were busy trying to come up with a counter spell for Big Mac’s growth from scratch.

“Urgh! Why is it so hard to come up with a simple counter spell? Starswirl used to do stuff like this in his sleep!” Twilight complained as she gritted her teeth at the stubborn glowing ball of magic spells that she and the two Princesses were experimenting on.

“Have faith dear Twilight,” Princess Luna said, removing the safety goggles from her eyes “I am sure that we will come up with a solution in due time,”

“Luna is right,” Celestia said as she looked up form the stack of notes that Twilight had made on Big Mac’s fur samples, she had taken the day prior “Without the spell book this will be no easy feat. It may take some time but as long as we put or heads together, I’m sure we can come up with a solution in no time,”

Twilight sighed as she glared at the ball of magic floating innocently in the air, as if willing it to yield its secrets

Maybe if I try adding a deconstruction spell to the mix that might work? It could be like deconstructing the spell that’s affecting Big Mac,” Twilight thought as she lit up her horn and shot a stream of purple magic into the magic ball. But the second she did that the ball began to shake and spark wildly, energy spikes shooting off in every direction.

“Oh no, it’s gonna blow!” Twilight hollered

The princesses’ eyes widened in shock but before any of them could do anything, the energy ball exploded, covering the entire library in thick smoke.

When it cleared, the interior of the library was completely black with soot, it covered the ceiling, wall, books, and completely coated Twilight, Luna and Celestia. Their eyes blinking amidst the ash

“Bleah!” Twilight exclaimed in disgust, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue. A stream of smoke poured out as she began coughing, trying to clear her lungs.

Celestia and Luna joined in, the latter using her magic to open the windows and let the smoke stream out into the air.

After everything had cleared, the two Princesses turned around and stared at Twilight, who simply shrunk back with a squee

“Heh, heh, oops?” Twilight said hopefully while the other two let out two very equine like snorts of annoyance.

Celestia sighed “Well, looks like it’s back to the drawing board,” she said as she levitated up a quill and some parchment, preparing to try again.

Author's Note:

And after long last here we are! Looks like Big Mac is now starting to put his newfound magic to good use. And what better way to do so then helping out the city of Manehatten that had been damaged so badly by the nobles? And at the same time indulge himself with some harmless fun as he goes about. But now that he has finished repairing the city he now sets back out.

Where will Big Mac end up next? With the reporters working on their article on him, word is now starting to spread that there is a new Titan in town, and by god he is so much better than the previous ones that had shown up.

Also it looks like things aren't going too well with Twilight and the Princesses. They haven't had any luck finding the spell book so they're trying to create their own counter spell from scratch, to not so good results. But as we've seen, the growth spell in completely immune to all spells. So maybe a spell in general isn't the answer?

Hey everyone, thank you for your patience. I know this chapter was a long time coming after I ended the last one with a minor cliffhanger. So to make it up to everyone I decided to make this a long chapter with lots of content.

I'm still currently being bombarded with school and exams to the next chapter may come out at a slower rate as well but I'll do my best. Until then, I hope you all enjoy this latest chapter in MEGA Macintosh.

Only two chapters left to go...