• Published 2nd Jan 2022
  • 1,735 Views, 87 Comments

MEGA Macintosh - BottleH2O

After the events with the giant nobles, the growth spell, now having gone wild, targets another pony: Big Macintosh, who is feeling a little down in the dumps. Let's see how he feels when he becomes the largest thing alive in Equestria!

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Chapter 4- The Mega Decision

A few hours had passed since Twilight, Spike, and Applejack had departed. Night had already fallen, and Big Mac was left all by himself to sleep next to the now miniature barn. Which made sense because he was now big enough to flatten the house with one step. The explanation to Granny Smith and Apple Bloom had been an interesting one to say the least, they had both taken the situation surprisingly well. Granny Smith had just smiled and said “Now don’tcha worry Macky. Ah’m sure tha Princesses will getcha back down to normal in no time!”

Apple Bloom on the other hoof was ecstatic to see her even bigger brother. She wasted no time climbing up onto his back and having fun with her friends. Even though Big Mac was a little down in the dumps at the moment, he did manage to crack a smile at the sight of watching the fillies having fun. They raced back and forth across the fluffy red terrain and even got Big Mac to bounce them up in the air a bit with his snout.

But eventually all fun things had to come to an end As night fell, everypony present had to head off. Sweetie Bell returned to her home, Scoots left for hers, Twilight and Spike and gone back to Golden Oaks to send a letter to the Princesses about his “new Titan condition,” as Twilight called it, and Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith had all retired back to their house to catch some much needed shut eye.

The Apple family had first worried about how Big Mac was going to eat now that he was gigantic, but Big Mac had assured them that he still wasn’t hungry. He was beginning to chalk it up to the spell nullifying any sense of hunger in his body and leaving it perfectly fine.

Ah have ta admit, whatever pony made that spell was pretty clever to leave that lil’ detail in,” Big Mac thought as he rested his muzzle against his legs as he laid down on the ground. As he did, Big Mac’s mind began to wander. It was already late into the night, but if he was being honest, he wasn’t feeling tired. After all, how could one sleep through the night if they currently resided at 200 feet tall.

Mostly everypony was freaking the hay out about his sudden growth spurt, that much was certain, and if Big Mac really thought about they did have a good reason, as he thought back to how much the ponies in Ponyville freaked out when they saw the titanic form of Blueblood stepping over their small town on his way to Canterlot. Everypony had been pretty scared when they saw that, but as Applejack had re-affirmed at the dinner table, there had been more than one giant wandering around Equestria, and they had caused significant damage to major cities and towns in some selfish desire to further their own goals.

If Ah had to guess, Twilight and Applejack are worried that somehow Ah’d end up like them fancy nobles. Tearing up all tha place and such. As if Ah’d ever do something as pigheaded as that!” Big Mac said with a snort of frustration.

Ah guess that just goes to show just how little faith they have in ya,” the cynical part of his mind pipped up again “Ya aren’t some fancy, big-time hero like Applejack. Yer just Macintosh. Farm hand and small town bumkin. Ya don’t have some special connection to tha Princess or go on grand adventures to save tha kingdom. Yer just gonna remain here on tha farm, forgotten,”

Frowning, Big Mac took off his hat and rested against the tiny barn. Was becoming a “Titan,” as Twilight called it, really so bad? Big Mac really didn’t see himself going off and causing havoc around the Kingdom for personal gain just because.

He began to think back to some of his earlier musings he had before he had been hit by the growth spell. What stand out qualities did he have exactly that would get him noticed by others? As before, the more he thought about it, the more he could only come up with qualities that his other family members had and not himself.

Granny Smith had literally founded the entire town, so her respectable qualities pretty much went without question. Everypony respected her in town, she was about as respected as Mayor Mare herself.

Apple Bloom had also made a name for herself. Her and her friends the Cutie Mark Crusaders were a bunch of troublemakers, there was no question about that, but there were well meaning in their actions. The town all loves them and even sometimes lends a hoof in to aid the trio in whatever mischief they came up with to get their cutie marks. Providing of course it was safe.

And of course, there was Applejack. The one who had surpassed everypony in the family and had become both a celebrity and a national hero. But if Big Mac had to guess, saving the Princesss’ younger sister was a pretty good start to that. From there on, Applejack had been propelled into the greater world outside of Ponyville and had to get used to life as one of the new heroes of Equestria. She got sent off on missions all the time now with her friends. From saving Rarity Belle from kidnapping by the paws of Dimond Dogs, to Everfree monster attacks, and even the occasional odd event caused by who knows what. Needless to say, she had definitely received some standout qualities.

And then there was him.

Big Mac. Just Plain old Big Mac. What was something that defined him?

Really the only thing that came to mind was the fact that ever since he was a colt, he was naturally bigger and stronger than most his age, a fact that was enhanced because of his constant work on the farm. Big Mac thought of it as a constant work out. Why bother going to the gym when he would get the exercise, he needed every single day? And because of that he and worked up into the walking powerhouse he was now.

At least Ah can say with certainty that Ah’m stronger than Applejack,” Big Mac thought with a small smirk at the little victory.

But what else was there besides being strong? Big Mac pondered that question for a little bit, thinking about his day-to-day life, the activities he does on the farm, as well as the interactions he has with the ponies of Ponyville whenever he has to go into town.

It took him a little bit, but he was able to land on a solid answer: ponies appreciated him. Maybe not on a grand scale like they did with the element bearers, but in smaller ways. The flower trio thanking him for repairing their broken water valve for their hose, Mayor Mare always asking him for help to organize town events, and even the foals at the schoolhouse always asking him to tell them stories about stories on the farm and all the different kinds of clients he always delt with who wanted to do business with Sweet Apple Acres.

It’s tha little things Ah do that matter,” Big Mac realized “Than maybe this here growth ain’t so bad after all. Ah just have to accept it and embrace it. Sides, Ah could do something real special now can’t Ah? Ah saw mahself regrown an entire field of apples in a few seconds and even repair tha barn. Who knows what else Ah can do ta help out the little folk?”

Big Mac looked up at the moon, still perched high up in the sky as he mulled things over.

Then that’s what Ah’ll do tomorrow. Soon as everypony wakes up Ah’ll head out and lend Equestria a big ol’ helping hoof,” Macintosh thought, a small smile beginning to creep across his face under the bright moon. But then, he froze as he remembered something, a terrifying moment that had occurred only a few days ago.

The scene of Ponyville in panic as they beheld the noble titans as they passed by and stepped over their little town. All the damage they had done to cities and towns all over Equestria, and the fear they had instilled for their own personal gain.

Big Mac shook his head and said very clearly “Eenope.”

Ma and Pa didn’t raise no bully. When ya have a gift, ya use it to benefit and help everypony. That’s what we Apples have done for generations when we farmed our apples. Ah won’t be nothing like them fancy nobles galivanting around like they own tha place. Ah swear that Ah’ll do mah darndest ta uphold tha Apple’s name and be tha kind of pony Ma and Pa would be proud of!” Big Mac nodded; a firm look on his face as he made his decision.

This wasn’t just something he wanted to do; this was something he needed. And maybe the kingdom needed as well. He could finally try and fill that void in his heart that had been plaguing him for some time about himself being alone and forgotten. Not to mention after the panic brought upon by the previous set of giants, everypony could use a firm reminder that there were still good ponies out there who wouldn’t go and abuse their power the second they go and get their hooves on some.

Big Mac lowered his great head back down against his legs and closed his eyes “Ah should try ta get some sleep. Ah got a big day tomorrow. Heh, pun intended,” he thought with a small snort of laughter, the exhale rattling the miniature barn as the gigantic stallion settled down peacefully under the stars.

A warm breeze wafted through the air as the sun rose over Sweet Apple Acres. The birds began their morning routine as they began chirping, the rooster cawing loudly, and the Apple family all blinked sleep out of their eyes as they roused themselves to start the say.

Applejack stumbled out of her bed sleepily as she made her way over to the bathroom, washing her face under the warm water to wake herself up. After she freshened up for the morning she headed down to the kitchen where she found the remaining two members of her family waiting for her, along with Spike and Twilight, both of whom had arrived early that day to update everypony about the whole titan situation.

“Morning everypony,” Applejack called as she sauntered over to her seat and practically collapsed into it.

“Good morning deary,” Granny Smith called from the table

“Morning AJ,” Apple Bloom yawned as she unknowingly poured marmalade into her cereal in her sleepily state.

“Good morning, Applejack,” Twilight greeted her in her usual cheerful manner, Spike sitting next to her munching on an apple muffin also gave her a wave.

“Morning Twi. What brings ya over here so early in tha day?” Applejack asked as she grabbed a muffin herself

“I just came to update you and your family about the whole Titan situation. I got a letter back from Princess Celestia last night and she said she’ll get to work immediately talking to the nobles and see if they can tell her where they left the spellbook that made Big Mac grow, in the meantime Princess Luna and I will try to develop a counter spell from scratch if at any point the guards cannot find the book,” Twilight said as she produced a scroll from her saddlebag and handed it to Applejack

Applejack took the letter and began to read it. Sure enough it was pretty much a confirmation of what Twilight had just summed up. But there was one thing that was still worrying her.

“Hey Twi? Tha Princess aren’t, you know, angry at mah brother because he got blasted by that there spell and became a Titan too are they? They ain’t gonna punish him for it are they?” Applejack asked her purple friend.

Twilight simply smiled and put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder “I spoke to Princess Luna about it last night. When they heard another pony had become a Titan, they were worried at first because they thought they would have to deal with another situation like the nobles. But when I told them that it was Big Mac that grew, they were relieved about that. Princess Luna said that while it’s unfortunate that Big Mac ended up in this situation, obviously through no fault of his own, she can rest easily knowing that somepony as responsible and trustworthy as your brother is the one who’s become huge,”

Applejack let out a breath of relief she didn’t realize she was holding “Thank goodness fer that. Ah was worried that tha princesses would get mad because they might have thought that Big Mac tampered with tha spell or that he was involved with them no good nobles somehow,”

“Now don’t be ridiculous girl,” Granny Smith said as she looked up from her food “Tha Princesses ain’t gonna punish a pony just fer being in tha wrong place at the wrong time,”

“Ah know Granny, Ah just got worried that’s all,” Applejack said softly

“I think it’s really cool that the Princess trust Big Mac so much,” Spike pipped up “Imagine if somepony even worse than the nobles got hit with that spell, like Queen Chrysalis or King Sombra,”

Twilight and Applejack collectively shuddered as their minds wandered back to those two adversaries from the past, neither one of them wanted to think about the untold amounts of destruction either one would cause if they were the size of a mountain.

“Well, thank goodness that ain’t ever gonna happen,” Applejack said

The others silently nodded as they went back to their meals, trying to get the mental image of such a disastrous scenario out of their heads.

But not too long after, the house shook gently as everypony heard a tapping noise coming from the roof.

“Can everypony come outside fer a spill? Ah have something ta tell y’all,” came the echoing voice of Big Mac.

Everyone looked at each other in slight confusion, but regardless, they all got up and headed outside, standing in the shadow of the Stallion.

“What is it Macky? Are ya feeling alright?” Applejack called up to him

“Well, not entirely AJ,” Big Mac said “Ah’ve been doin’ some thinking lately and Ah think Ah’ve reached a decision. Ah’m gonna head out an go lend mah talents ta help out Equestria,”

“What?! Ya can’t leave Big Mac! What if something else happends tha makes tis here transformation worse?” Applejack asked frantically.

“Ah highly doubt that’ll happen AJ,” Big Mac said “All Ah’ve seen this spell do is amplify mah magic and make me bigger, nothin more to it. Besides, Ah don’t really think it’s something Ah really want ta do Applejack it more something Ah need ta do. With y’all girls working round tha clock sorting out mah problem and the issues them nobles caused, who’s gonna help out tha little guy. Ah can’t in a good conscious park mah rump down here an do nothin when Ah know Ah could be doing something tha help out mah fellow ponies. That ain’t the stallion Ma and Pa raised. And it ain’t who Ah am either. Ah’m going,”

Applejack looked like she still wanted to protest, but a hoof on her shoulder stopped her. Turning around she expected to see Twilight, but instead, to her shock, she saw it was Granny Smith who was stopping her. Granny Smith had a small smile on her face as she looked at her eldest granddaughter “Applejack, ya should let the feller go. Don’tcha trust Mac?” she asked.

The seemingly innocent question hit Applejack like a ton of bricks “Land sakes Granny, course Ah trust him,”

“And ya trust that he won’t abuse his magic like them nasty nobles,”

“Yes ma’am,”

“Then what’s all this fuss about girl? Macky said himself that their ain’t any bad side effects that he’s been feeling. So why not let him go an help? That’s what we Apples have done for generations. Helping out ponies who needed it. Ah’ve seen you yerself go an do it so why not yer brother? Besides, don’tcha think Big Mac is smart enough ta come back to tha farm if something goes wrong and there is a bad side effect?” Granny Smith asked, that knowing smile still present

Applejack’s ears flopped down in shame as she looked at Granny Smith “Ah know that Granny, Ah wasn’t insinuating nothing, Ah’m just worried that’s all,” she said softy.

“Ah know that AJ, but Ah have full confidence in Macky that he will do us all proud, just like you have done too. So that’s why Ah’m gonna let him have that chance. He can’t exactly do that if he’s here cooped up on tha farm doing nothing now can he?”

Applejack sighed “Yer right Granny,” she said before looking back up at Big Mac “Mac, if ya feel weird or bad at all, come home right away, alright?”


“It’s alright Applejack,” Twilight said coming up to her friend “I got enough samples already, this should be enough for the princesses and I to start coming up with a counter spell and get Big Mac back to normal, ok?”

“Alright Twi, Ah may be a mite hesitant about it but Ah respect Big Mac’s choice,” Applejack said.

Nodding Big Mac leaned up to his full height, towering over the little cast below him “Well then, Ah better head off. Good luck with tha counter spell Twilight,” he called down to them

Twilight grinned “Thanks Big Mac, thanks for covering for me and the girls in the meantime!”

Big Mac chuckled “It’s mah pleasure,” he said as he took a few earth quaking steps forward towards the property line before stopping. The ponies on the ground watched as Big Mac’s cutie mark lit up again as he reached over to where the house was and gave it a tap. All at once, the magic from Big Mac’s hoof covered the entire house and they stared in awe as the old family home completely repaired itself through Big Mac’s new extensive control over nature. The old wood healed and repaired itself, the paint becoming brand new, and any patches needed was fixed instantly.

Smirking, Big Mac felt himself rise up in size again as he shot up to 275 feet tall. Stepping out of Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac used his magic to enhance some of the trees in the surrounding area of the orchard. As he departed he saw the trees becoming more green and healthy as he continued to grow. His shadow coming to cover a good portion of Ponyville down below.

On the ground, the little ponies stopped and stared with awe as they beheld the gargantuan Apple. Big Mac, remembering the absolute state of panic they were in when Blueblood passed by simply raised his hoof and tipped his hat with a smile “Howdy down there everypony, lovely day huh?”

The ponies at first were too shocked to say anything, that is until the Cutie Mark Crusaders, all cheered and waved to the gigantic stallion “Bye Big Mac! Good luck helping Equestria!” Apple Bloom called up to her really big brother

“See ya Big Mac! Have fun!” Scootaloo called up

“Bring us back a souvenir!” hollered Sweetie Belle with a grin

Big Mac chucked at the tiny trio “Thank ya kindly girls,” he boomed.

The ponies of Ponyville, now recognizing there was no threat, all waved and cheered for the big friendly giant.

Big Mac gave the miniature town one last wave and headed off, his magic activating once more and causing him to grow as he walked, getting bigger and bigger with each step as the scenery around him became healthy and greener.

The ground and trees trembled with each step as Big Mac’s form rose above it, the forest slowly reducing down to the size of toothpicks as the humongous stallion made his way over to his first destination: Manehatten.

If Ah remember correctly, that there city got hit tha hardest by them nobles. Ah should stop there first and see if Ah can repair tha damage they caused,” Big Mac thought as he still continued to swell larger and larger. His height now equivalent to one of the skyscrapers in the city

Time to show them itty bitty little city folk what a real titan looks like.

Author's Note:

Mega Macintosh is now out and about! And our favorite Apple is now on a mission to give aid to a tiny Equestria and help out the land after the rampage the nobles caused. And the first stop? Manehatten. The Big Apple better watch out, Mega Macintosh is coming to town!

Hi everyone, sorry for the late chapter upload, things have gotten pretty crazy lately. The reason being is due to my classes. I decided to challenge myself this semester so I made the infinitely wise decision to take 4 challenging courses at the same time.

So because of this chapters might be coming out at a slower pace than normal due to the fact that I absolutely have to keep up with my studies. But other than that I hope you all enjoy this latest chapter of MEGA Macintosh.

Stay tuned for more!