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Twily is hilariously overpowered

Author's Note:

Features Star Tower, one of my main OCs.

Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes.

The last thing she remembered was a bright flash, and then a fleeting sensation of floating in nothingness. Anything before that was blank, gone.

How had she gotten here? She tried to remember what she’d been doing, but came up blank. Then she tried to remember her parents, and also came up blank. Why couldn’t she remember her parents?! She scrunched her face up as she thought as hard as she could, but nothing came to mind, not even the slightest inkling. Only her name, Twilight Sparkle.

She groaned at her headache, and stood up, legs shaking slightly as she looked around. She was in a cave of some sort, judging by the look of the rocky walls that surrounded her. Behind her was a path that disappeared into darkness, but in front of her shone a bright light, though she couldn’t see the source.

Curious, and with no better plan, Twilight began to walk towards the light, careful to not step on any pointy stones that might hurt her. As she came closer to the light, it naturally became brighter, and when Twilight walked past a large stone, the source came into view.

Twilight gasped softly at the sight of the crystal tree, glowing brightly. On its bark were a sun and a moon, and on it’s five branches hung symbols as well, a pink butterfly, blue balloon, red lightning bolt, purple diamond and orange apple. Finally, a magenta star hung in the centre.

Suddenly, a melodious voice, neither male nor female, spoke. ‘’Greetings, Twilight Sparkle.’’

Twilight yelped. ‘’Who’s there!?’’ she asked as she looked around.

‘’Do not be afraid. I am the Tree you stand in front of,’’ the voice said. Twilight stared at the tree, and noticing it was pulsing with light as it continued, ‘’I am sorry this happened to you, Twilight Sparkle.’’

‘’Who are you? How do you know my name?’’ Twilight asked. ‘’And why can’t I remember anything?’’

‘’Your memories were wiped by Princess Celestia after you had a massive surge of magical power,’’ the tree explained, sounding sorrowful. ‘’I managed to teleport you here, but I cannot restore your memories.’’

Twilight’s face flickered through a variety of emotions as she thought about this. How dare this Princess wipe her memories! No matter the reason, Twilight knew memories should not be tampered with. She didn’t know how she knew this, she just did.

Twilight looked at the tree. ‘’Can you tell me about what I did that made this Princess wipe my mind?’’

‘’I can answer that,’’ a voice that was definitely female said. Twilight turned around to see a silver-grey unicorn enter. Her diamond-blue and golden mane was tied back in a ponytail that swayed slightly with every step she took, and her horn was curved backwards slightly. She wore a fine white cloak, with the hood drawn back.

Twilight instinctively took a step back as the mare’s emerald eyes bored into Twilight. ‘’Who are you?’’

‘’My name is Moonflower,’’ the mare said as she approached Twilight. ‘’I have tended to the Tree for a long time now. It sent me to your home after it rescued you from Celestia.’’

Moonflower reached into her cloak, and pulled out a small basket. In it lay a small, purple-green creature, sleeping softly.

‘’This is the dragonling you hatched that caused your magic to spike,’’ Moonflower explained as she put the basket down. ‘’I rescued it from Celestia. She was planning to kill it off.’’

Twilight gasped. "Why?" The idea of killing an innocent baby…

Moonflower sighed. "Celestia's insane."


Star Tower's life was both easy and hard at the same time.

On one hoof, he had more money than he could spend in a lifetime. Not really, but it was close. He had a mansion - several, actually - and even servants to keep them clean. The businesses his family was shareholder in ensured he would never have to work in his life.

On the other hoof, he was a twenty-year old tasked with raising his foal sister, Crystal Star, alone, following their parents' death on the same day that Crystal was born. He also had an extremely tasking study in magical frequencies to work on.

Fortunately, there was one source of stress relief in his life: the mare currently snuggled against him in bed, sleeping with a content smile on her face.

Star glanced at the clock. 03:59, it read. Luckily it was a Sunday, and he could stay asleep again, together with his marefriend.

A very, very soft knock on the door reached Star's ears. That could only be one pony.

"Come in, Crystal," Star said softly.

The door opened, and the four-year old unicorn trotted in her. The only thing Crystal and Star shared in appearance were their emerald-green eyes; Star had a deep blue coat and a darker blue mane with golden streaks, while Crystal's coat was light blue and her mane was white.

Crystal held a stuffed toy close to her chest. The adorable white dove was aptly named Whitey.

"Brother," Crystal whispered as she approached the bed, "I had a nightmare."

Star nodded, then turned his head around to his marefriend. "Sunset," he whispered into her ear.

Sunset stirred. "Five more minutes," she mumbled.

"Crystal had a nightmare," Star informed the mare. "Can you make some room?"

Sunset hmm-ed, and slid away from Star, who silently mourned this fact even as he turned back to Crystal and said, "You can lie between us."

Crystal nodded, and crawled into the bed. Star moved his pillow so she could rest her head as well. Crystal laid her head in the pillow and clutched Whitey as Star pulled the covers over them both again.

"Sleep well, brother," Crystal whispered, before snuggling up against him.

Star smiled, and kissed her on the forehead. "Night, Crystal."

He laid back down and closed his eyes.


Several months after Twilight had first arrived in the Cave, three more ponies appeared. Moonflower accompanied them. There was a dark blue unicorn stallion with a darker blue mane with golden streaks and an ancient rune as a cutie mark; a orange unicorn mare with a red mane with yellow streaks and a red and yellow sun as a cutie mark; and a filly even younger than Twilight was, with a light blue coat and a white mane.

"The Tree of Harmony…" the stallion whispered as he and the mare stared in awe at the Tree.

‘’Who are you?’’ Twilight was getting tired of asking this question to every new person she met, and it might have shown in her tone of voice.

The mare answered, as the stallion was still staring transfixed at the Tree, ‘’I’m Sunset Shimmer. This is Star Tower, and this is Crystal Star,’’ she gestured at the filly, who remained huddled to Sunset’s side. Then Sunset tilted her head at Twilight. ‘’I recognize you. Aren’t you supposed to be dead?’’

Twilight resolutely looked back into Sunset’s teal eyes. ‘’And?’’

‘’And nothing,’’ Sunset said simply. ‘’I’m just surprised, is all.’’

Star Tower finally tore his eyes away from the Tree to look at Moonflower. ‘’I am in your debt,’’ he said as he bowed his head. ‘’What can I do to repay it?’’

Sunset turned around to goggle at Star, while Moonflower smiled. ‘’You can help Twilight with her magic. I’m afraid I’m not skilled enough for that.’’

Star Tower raised an eyebrow at Moonflower. ‘’You’re powerful enough to get us out of Canterlot,’’ he argued.

‘’That was simple,’’ Moonflower replied. ‘’But Twilight needs to learn about the more arcane areas of magic, and I don’t have the knowledge or skill for that.’’

‘’Very well,’’ Star Tower acquiesced, before looking at Twilight. ‘’I can see that you’re one powerful filly. Of course, to survive that surge of magic, you’d have to be…’’ he mused.


Star looked around the room the Tree had created for him. Crystal-like branches seeped through the stone walls, giving off a soft light. A comfortable bed stood in the corner, next to a desk with a chair, and a chest stood under the desk, but the room was otherwise bare.

Star was just about to test out the bed when he felt a mare’s body press against him. ‘’Good evening,’’ Sunset breathed into his ear.

Star shivered. ‘’Evening,’’ he replied.

Sunset kissed him and he kissed her back, tongues twisting together as she dragged him to the bed. They fell back onto it, Sunset pinned down under Star.

‘’Hmm,’’ Sunset purred as she broke her lips away from Star’s. ‘’Have I told you that you taste good?’’

‘’Every day, love,’’ Star replied, before beginning to cover her face and neck in kisses. Not to be outdone, Sunset’s horn lit up as she wrapped a corona of magic around Star’s cock -which was already out of it’s shaft - and created a magical fleshlight.

‘’Fuckk…’’ Sunset moaned as Star continued his relentless kissing assault.


Celestia couldn’t resist smiling as she looked out over her nation. Her ponies were safe and protected from all the horrors that feared the Sun’s righteous touch. Equestria, the land where winter meant a cool breeze and some clouds. Equestria, where ponies from all walks of life lived in perfect order. Equestria, where Celestia had ultimate power.


Celestia recoiled back, then stared in shock. The Everfree Forest, the one place inside of Equestria’s borders that wasn’t under her control, was rapidly expanding.

In a flash, she appeared above it, high in the air. Her armour gleamed in the light of her Sun. Celestia gathered her power, then sent a massive ball of flame down at the forest.

Only for it to splash harmlessly against a purple shield.