• Published 25th Dec 2021
  • 1,050 Views, 7 Comments

Hearth's Warming Hearts - The Lunar Rebel

When Sunny can't decide on what to give Izzy for their first Hearth's Warming Eve together as a couple and best friends, she is reminded on what matters most during this most wonderful time of year.

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The Greatest Gift of All

Looks like it’s that time of year again’ Sunny thought to herself as she spotted the first falling snowflakes descend from the sky while looking out of her bedroom window. This marked the start of Hearth’s Warming Eve gift shopping for everypony’s families and significant others.

This was both an exciting and stressful time for those who were involved in hunting down the perfect present; and for Sunny it was the latter.

It’s been two months since she and Izzy had decided to start dating. Sure she eyed Hitch as well since they were close friends since foalhood, but she guessed that since the two different paths in their lives took separate directions, any form of an intimate relationship would be difficult to maintain.

Regardless of that they still cared about one another and valued the friendship they already had. Besides it was apparent to her that after their adventure to bring magic and harmony back to Equestria, both Hitch and Princess Pipp were starting to develop some kind of special bond: even though it was during the time he was helping her and her family through their legal issues. Fraud is a major crime after all, and not even royals are above that.

“Hey Sunny! What’cha looking at?” Izzy asked practically popping out of nowhere startling Sunny. She didn’t hear her approach from behind, but perhaps that was because she was too lost in her own thoughts to pay attention to surrounding sounds.

“Just the sight of the first snowfall,” Sunny replied after she collected herself. “It means we both now have to go out and find the best gift to get each other by the end of today.”

“Ooh! Is this like some kind of game that earth ponies play every year?” Izzy asked. Her excitement and curiosity grew in her tone and expression. In other words her sparkle was beginning to get brighter than it normally was.

Sunny chuckled at her marefriend’s statement.

“Yeah that’s a great way of putting it. Although it requires you to spend the largest amounts of bits that you’re willing to part with for that special gift… along with the competition of other ponies who might have the same idea as you.”

“Do hoof-crafted presents count toward anything?” Izzy asked.

Sunny put a hoof to her chin as she thought. “I wouldn’t say they didn’t. Even though I’ve never known anypony else besides you who would consider doing something like that.”

“Well then, I guess it’s the time to show everypony here in Maretime Bay that you can make the best things out of nothing… okay well technically you need to have materials, but I know you get the idea,” Izzy said with a look of unfiltered determination and confidence before she galloped out of Sunny’s room without a second thought.

After she heard the front door to her house open, Sunny looked out her window to see Izzy galloping down the road toward town. Sunny just smiled and shook her head. She already knew Izzy didn’t waste any time when it came down to making crafts. Sunny decided that she should get a move-on as well before the stores get too crowded.

Sunny went to her closet to retrieve her winter scarf before wrapping it around her neck. Once she made sure it was secure enough, she made her way downstairs and out of the lighthouse. Apparently Izzy didn’t even bother to close the door behind her after she left. At least the picture frame of her as a filly with her father wouldn’t be crooked.

However, since Sunny herself realized that she did happen to close the door behind her; she had to re-open the door just a bit to reach a hoof in and right the frame before closing it again more gently.

As she started making her way to town, Sunny had to admit to herself that she was kind of getting tired of having to do that routine whenever she left or entered her home. Even if it had become second-nature to her over the years, a change would be nice. Perhaps it would be best if she picked some special materials to hold the frame more firmly while she was out shopping.

As Sunny entered town, as expected it was full of hustle and bustle with ponies entering shops and leaving with a few or more gifts. Those who didn’t have gifts yet were either trotting or galloping as fast as they could to the nearest shop before all the good stuff was gone.

Despite all the hecticity, Maretime Bay was still dotted with joyful holiday decorations and lights. There were the occasional group of carolers as well who wisely placed themselves in locations where there was little to no hoof traffic.

Now what kind of gift would be perfect for Izzy?’ Sunny thought to herself as she walked down the street looking around at every possible shop that provided potential holiday gifts.

Since it was their first Hearth’s Warming Eve together, it had to be truly something special other than scented candles, or hoof towels. Honestly those were two of the lamest gifts anypony could buy, and just showed how they really didn’t wish to put much effort into giving from their hearts.

Sunny decided the first shop she should check out was the boutique. Since she didn’t see Izzy wear any scarfs or other winter apparel, Sunny thought maybe that Izzy could use some.

However as she started making off in the direction of the boutique, a thought suddenly occurred to her that given Izzy’s incredible talent to craft: she could simply make her own scarf, boots, or a hat… and that it would probably stand out more than just an average and common brand that you could find mostly anywhere. So that kind of gift wouldn’t be all that special to begin with.

Instead of just stopping dead in her tracks; which of course would cause ponies behind her to collide with her rump, Sunny just kept on going straight ahead as she pondered what store she should go to next. Perhaps just one of the general stores would do.

Since Izzy had a few favorite restaurants to go to, Sunny thought that maybe getting her a gift card to one of them would be good enough to use for taking her out on a date for the holiday. The only question is which restaurant would be the perfect place to go?

Since Izzy loved all the options equally, it would be hard to pick just one. Sure the simple solution would be just to get one for each, but that would exceed the budget the Sunny had set for herself. Shaking her head, Sunny just decided to continue on walking aimlessly around town until she could get a clear idea on what to get Izzy.

It might have only been about fifteen to twenty minutes, but to Sunny it felt like several hours. She had visited every store possible in Maretime Bay that sold potential gifts; but yet Sunny found herself second-guessing every decision she made. This had to be the worst Hearth’s Warming Eve for her yet and it just made her wanna say, bahumbuck.

Feeling pretty much defeated, Sunny just decided to visit the hardware store to get some extra nails for her and her father’s photo. At least she would feel like she achieved something today… even if it wasn’t getting something for her marefriend to express her feelings towards her.

As she entered the store, she was greeted by an older stallion named Disc Drive who happened to run the shop. He was currently sweeping the floor when she entered.

“Hey, Happy Hearth Warming Eve, Sunny!” He then noticed her disheveled appearance and heavy lidded eyes. “Whoa you feeling okay, kid?”

“I’m fine,” Sunny assured with a forced smile, although Disc was already in the prime of his age where he was wise enough to see through the ruse of the youthful. Besides anypony could tell she was not looking too well.

Disc shook his head with his eyes closed. A frown evident through his thick greying mustache.

“No you aren't, Sunny. Now tell me, what’s been going on with you today? This isn’t the time of year to be so glum.”

Sunny sighed. She knew there was no point in trying to falsely assure him further.

“That’s easier to say when you don’t have a second thought about every decision of what to get your loved one for the holidays,” she said. “Everything around town appeals more to earth ponies than probably a unicorn like Izzy; and even the things that are already in her interest may not even be that special enough, or even too difficult to decide on one when there are other options. I just don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Disc took a moment to process Sunny’s words to figure out the best response for her.

“You’re absolutely correct, Sunny. Wanting to find that special gift for somepony you love on a more intimate level rather than a friend or family member is a bit more of a challenge,” he said after a bit. “You know you remind me a bit of myself when I was your age and began dating the mare who would eventually become my wife.”

Sunny perked up a bit at this revelation, along with a slight blush at the thought of one day marrying Izzy when they both knew they were ready.

“Really? How so?”

“I wanted nothing more than to get that special gift for her that would outclass everything else in this town. But just like you, having that kind of mindset had me questioning and second-guessing every idea I could think of: even the simplest delights like a fruit and candy basket.”

“I was ready to throw in the towel and prepared myself for the consequences that would follow in knowing I failed her as a good and caring coltfriend. But thankfully some kind stranger came along and gave me the best advice I could get and get passed on to somepony else if they ever needed it. Somepony like you.”

“What did they tell you?” Sunny asked.

“They told me that the best gift I could give to the one I loved was my own heart. Figuratively speaking of course.”

Sunny raised a brow. She didn’t really understand what something like that was supposed to mean. Disc noticed her confused expression and gave a slight amused chuckle.

“What I’m trying to say is the best gift that you could give to Izzy is yourself and the love you have for her. It’s the only thing in this world that is more special than the common store brand items. Do you understand now?”

Sunny took her own moment to think this over, and indeed she began to make sense of it. If Izzy loved her as much as she did, she would just be glad to have Sunny’s company and what she provided. This was somewhat of a test in it’s own way, but it was the only way to be sure that she and Izzy were made for each other to be lovers. They were already destined to be friends, so it only made sense to see how far they could really go.

“I do,” Sunny said finally with a nod and a look of new found determination. “Thank you, Disc. I think I know what I need to do now.”

She turned back toward the door and was ready to head out, but Disc called out to her when she was already half way outside.

“Hold on. Did you need to buy anything by the way?”

“Oh! Yes. Do you have any extra nails on sale? I want to fix that photo of me and my father that keeps tilting to one side whenever the door to my house is closed.”

Disc sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck looking apologetic.

“Eh sorry, Sunny. I’m not due for another delivery of them until next week.”

“It’s okay,” Sunny assured. “I have bigger priorities right now so it’s no big deal to me. Thank you though anyway.”

With that Sunny headed out the door and made a beeline back home, leaving Disc with a look of pride and satisfaction on his face.

“Good luck, Sunny. I know your father would be proud of you. He always has been.”

When Sunny got back home, she had to make sure that Izzy was still out of the house. Thankfully all the rooms checked clear. With that out of the way, Sunny put her idea into motion. All she could do was hope for the best.

At least ten minutes went by before Izzy came through the door with a single bag in hoof. After she closed it, she instinctively righted the photo of Sunny and Argyle. Living with Sunny for a while made her habits run onto Izzy; or that it was just common courtesy to begin with.

“Sunny! I’m back!” she called while looking around for any sign of her marefriend.

“I’m in here!” the voice of Sunny called from the direction of the living room.

When Izzy entered the living room to investigate, she was greeted with the sight of Sunny wrapped up in holiday paper with a red bow adorning the top of her head. She was sitting by the tree as if she was a present waiting to be given to somepony.

The sight of this made Izzy giggle, along with having a blush form on her cheeks.

“Sunny, what are you doing?” she asked.

“Apparently, it seemed I had a major rough patch in finding you a perfect gift for our first Hearth’s Warming Eve together,” Sunny replied with a look of sincere guilt on her face. “I kept doubting every choice I could think of and was ready to give up until I was reminded that giving the perfect gift for somepony I loved…”

“...came from your own heart,” Izzy finished with tears of joy forming in her eyes.

Izzy put down her bag before going over to Sunny and bringing into a tight embrace and a passion-filled kiss on the lips. Once their mouths were free again, Izzy stared deep into Sunny’s eyes while the latter did the same.

“Oh, Sunny. This is the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for me, and going through that trouble really showed how much you care,” Izzy said with tears now clearly streaming down her face, but she was smiling with pure happiness. “I could not ask for anything more.”

“I second that,” Sunny said while her blush turned deeper. “I love you, Izzy Moonbow; and Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

“I love you too, Sunny Starscout; and same to you.”

Izzy then suddenly perked up as she remembered something important. “Oh yeah that’s right! I almost forgot to give you your present.”

Izzy walked back over to where she put down her bag before coming back with it. Reaching in, Izzy pulled out a small jar that read Adhesive Solvent on the front.

“What’s that for?” Sunny asked.

“For you and your dad’s photo of course. It turns out gathering materials to make a homemade one probably wasn’t the best call to make in my head; so I decided just to stop by the hardware store and pick some up. Don’t worry I also got a secondary solvent that can undo the application should you ever wish to move the picture.”

Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t think of that when I was there’ Sunny thought to herself.

“Thank you so much, Izzy. That will really be a big help.”

“You’re very welcome, Sun Bun,” Izzy replied using Sunny’s pet name. She always adored how Sunny blushed profusely at that given title. “Now this will actually require two ponies for the application. Wanna give me a hoof with this.”

“Of course,” Sunny said before getting ready to move forward, but found that the wrapping paper was heavily resisting her movements.

“Uh…Izzy? Mind helping me out of this first? I think I might've wrapped this a bit too tight.”

Izzy just giggled and nodded before proceeding to loosen and unwrap her special somepony from her restraint without ripping up the paper to shreds.

This was going to be one Hearth’s Warming that neither one of them will ever forget. They couldn’t wait to tell the rest of their friends, and couldn’t help but wonder what they were doing for the holidays as well.

Comments ( 7 )


This is so cuuuute, Sizzy just earned 10 more points in my heart.

Hey Sunny! What’cha looking at

hey Phineas, What’cha doing?

Didn’t intend that reference TBH:rainbowlaugh:

Sunny starscout and Izzy moonbow’s ship name could be Suzzy, and I love that. Enjoy your day, be chill, stay cool! :) from your new friend, Rexy! :)

Thank you; and believe me I am. It’s a boiling oven outdoors 🥵

Lol it didn’t occur to me that it might be hot in your part of the world! Hope you can… Enjoy your day, be chill, stay cool! Lol don’t over heat XD 🥵🥶
Don’t over chill though as well!
From your friend, Rexy! :)
Niceeeee got a reply from the fic creator!

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