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#5 Fight or Die part 2

Marasmus have walked back home after finish watching a movie back in the theater, as he entered in his castle he suddenly realize that it was so quiet, so quiet, he looked around and looked at his hands, thinking what should he do next he pretty much did all the things he wants to do, except for one thing spread the evil around the world until it’s nothing but consume in eternal darkness, A world filled with evil spirits creatures from the depths of hell, resident out of the ground attacking the innocent spreading more evil and suffering around this world, The power of The evil magic will be powerful enough that no power nation around the world will stop it.

“I could bring this world in eternal darkness, I can bring every single end of the World prophecy all in existence in the single thought, I could Enslave humanity, showing them the fear of eternal endless fear, I can rule this world in my vision, I will rule this world in my way that I become the new god of this world. I am marasmus, and I will.”

Marasmus stopped that he looked around and realized that he accidentally caused A fire in his home, he started panicking running to his kitchen, trying to grab the fire extinguisher went back to the fire and put out the fire.

“I shouldn’t get too carried away, maybe I should wait this out, maybe a long nice nap Will help me out.”

As marasmus walk to his room to take a long nap, back at Equestria everyone was still fighting against the three creatures, what’s taking them much longer is they’re all separated and, each of these creatures have somehow got even more stronger than before, this is going to be difficult for our heroes.

At Canterlot Princess Celestia and and Princess Luna got the letter from twilight as they read it they grew even more worried, hoping that this otherworldly creatures won’t attack, and they were both shocked to hear chrysalis have been killed by one of these creatures.

“Oh my god, Chrysalis has been murdered” said Luna as she looked at Celestia, she noticed that her sister was trying restrain her face.

“Sister are you alright?”

“I feel great Luna.”

Luna got scared a little bit the way that her sister talked felt like a relief, although Celestia was covering her face, but Luna can already tell she is smiling.

“sister do you even feel sorry for chrysalis.”

“I mean yes I do feel sorry that she has die like that, but at the same time I’m actually glad that she is dead.”

“Sister this is unlike you!”

“Luna if you were the same age as I am and take care of the entire nation for almost 1000 years you see some pretty crazy shit.”

Luna was completely shocked she was not expecting to hear this from her own sister but yet again when she think about it again and again, she does fully understand that her sister have seen some really and I mean really crazy things, even genocide.

As they look down at Ponyville still thinking what should they do, they think it will be better if they wait, if there is a pony that can make a villain into a good person, it would be twilight and her friends.

Back at Ponyville outside of twilight castle


Twilight cover ears panicking as the war continued, she looked up seeing soldier rocket jumping and shooting rockets at the giant skeleton, while her friends were trying to help out the Mercs in any other way they can, Twilight is completely sitting in the corner in complete fear she never been in a war before and and because of that she started panicking she started breathing fast.

“Oh sweet Celestia, we’re going to die, we’re going to die, we’re going to die!”

“Yes yes ,we all are going to die, but don’t worry little pony stick with me, I promise I will heal you.” Said medic as he was closer to twilight face scaring her, but it wasn’t that long until Medic heard heavy calling him.

Twilight is so confused but also scared at the same time, how does she end up here. Scout and Rainbow Dash are still running from the rubber ducks, while the ducks stumped on the ground trying to catch up to them.

“Hey you and your friend fought those things right! Said Rainbow dash


“Then how do we do stop the!”

Scout told rainbow Dash When him and his teammates were against the rubber ducks, they actually collected all of them and put them in one storage, or send them to another world, or just straight up burn them.

“So we have to trapped them.”

“Yeah, got any old storage house to burn them, or something.”

Rainbow tries to think fast trying until see remembers the dragon season, yes the trench, the one that rainbow and her friends made to protect them self from the dragon, rainbow told scout to follow her to the trench.

As they run scout grabbed a oil lamp, rainbow Dash shouted.

“We’re almost there, get ready to jump ok!”

The ducks started to stumped on the ground even harder, scout shouted towards at rainbow Dash, telling her he’s ready. Rainbow Dash smiled seeing the trench, she yell “JUMP!” Scout jump over the trench, lighting up the lantern in uncontrollable fire.

The ducks continue stomping hard on the ground until they fell down on the trench, pile of rubber ducks stuffed the trench.

“The trench worked, NOW BURN IN HELL YOU DUCKS!”

Scout throws the flaming lantern at the pit, the lantern shattered by the ducks violently moving around, the oil from the lantern spread all over ducks as they were trapped against each other. The fire spread all over the rubber ducks, burning them like melted cheese, the fire slowly changing into a green fire.

Rainbow Dash flew next to scout, they both cheered in there victory, as they high five or hoofbump they slowly looked back at the flaming pit. They stood back with eyes widen, the pile of burned rubber duck Rise above the trench.

“He-Hey scout.”


“What happens if you burn rubber?”

“Well I’m not much of a scientist, but uhh, well it melts, yeah it melts, ha not a hard question, why did you saaaay that, oh crap.”

The pile of rubber ducks stand in full height, the burned ducks are now infuse in one dis formed melty creature, as it fell down on the ground, it stand up again with rage, it gave a big roar loud enough that you can hear far away.

“The hell is that?” Said engineer as he continues firing his shotgun at the giant skeleton.

The giant burn melted rubber ducks looks down at scout and Rainbow Dash as it grows even more mad, it began to charged at them, scout and rainbow Dash ran in horror from the giant dis form creature.

Demoman shoots his grenade launcher at monoculus, as it moved around dodging the grenades.


Monoculus charge at demoman but he miss, as starlight use her magic to move demoman away from the attack. monoculus looked at the light blue pony with angry and annoyance, it charge towards starlight but she teleported away before the eye ball creature hit the ground with a strong impact.

Monoculus looked around, trying to find the drunk Scottish and the two ponies. Demoman, starlight and rarity were finding behind a large boulder, demoman grew frustrated about the situation.

“Bloody hell, that giant eyeball is now faster!”

“Wait are you saying that thing wasn’t that strong?”

“No it wasn’t, last time we fought him at scream fortress, he mostly floats around shooting rockets.”

Rarity joins in the conversation

“Wait what are rockets?”

“They are a giant bullet that explode one impact, imagine a firework that doesn’t hold back, and the sparks are replaced with shrapnel and a ball of fire.”

Starlight and rarity looked shocked and no words but it wasn’t that last until rarity broke the silence.


“Hey, it’s my family Legacy to handle demolition.”

“Wait you said that eyeball shoots rockets right.” Said starlight

“Of course it can, why oh.”

Monoculus was hovering above them with the wicked smile. He spoke in a evil tone but with his you can’t tell what he’s saying.


Monoculus fired a magic rocket at them, but starlight created a forcefield protecting all of them, The strong magical impact from the rocket that collide on the forcefield shutter into a big explosion, pushing everyone away shattering anything around, although everyone was unharmed, The magic rocket impact pushed starlight hitting her and causing her to be unconscious.

Rarity was horrified, she ran to starlight picking her up checking if she was all right, The man was horrified and shocked as well, him and his team have managed to defeat monoculus before, but now he’s somehow got even more stronger, the Rockets are even more powerful and impacted, what’s even worse medic is it here with them, he isn’t around to help starlight.

Monoculus ssmiled seeing his opportunity to finally kill one of the Mercs, even though he’s killing one of them this is a high achievement in his luck. Monoculus was still in his mind he fell to explosion hit it on the back of his, head or the back of his giant eyeball, he turned around violently seeing demoman running like crazy grabbing the two ponies on the ground and continued running, Monoculus was shocked but also grew irritated about this.

Demoman was running through the field and forest trying to escape from Monoculus, he looked at rarity and starlight unconscious body.

“Hey pony, unicorn right.”

“Well obviously!”

“Good I need you to use your magic to hover everything around us like trees, rocks and branches to disorient Monoculus!”


Rarity hesitate, demoman looked at Rarity with complete shocked, he know the unicorns can do magic but this is new for him.

“Please tell me you can do magic.”

“Yes I can, but my magic isn’t strong enough to carry very heavy objects, the only ponies I know who can do that, is twilight, Trixie and starlight what but she’s unconscious!”

“Oh fu-“

A loud explosion interrupted demoman sentence, monoculus floated up in the air and went full on charging at other three people.


Demoman tried to run even more fast as he can, but monoculus is catching up to them, Rarity started panicking, she looked around trying to see any object that she can use against the giant eyeball. She saw small rocks scattered around the area, she use her magic to pick them up and start throwing them at monoculus.

Most of the rocks hit monoculus pushing him a little bit back, but isn’t enough, he started growing even more irritated. The giant eyeball started moving even faster almost a couple feet behind them, Rarity got scared she looked around trying to see even more rocks but there’s no more, she looked up and see a bunch of branches, by an instinct she use her magic to pull every branch, breaking them and throwing it at Monoculus.

Most of the branches are actually covered in leaves and small twigs, it covered up Monoculus, he couldn’t see anything so it forced him to stop, and try to shake off the branches, but there’s so much, that out two trees collapse on top of him, trapping him.

Rarity clapped her hooves in excitement, she finally manage to slow down the giant eyeball creature, and right on time demoman started slowing down as he grew even more tired, when they make it at the end of the forest they end up at Sweet apple acres.

“Sweet apple acres!”

“You know that barn?”

“Yes it’s Applejacks home.”

“You mean that cowgirl pony.”


“Maybe Big Mac and Granny Smith can help us.”

“Who are they.”

“Applejacks family.”

“Good we need more help as we need it.”

Demoman put rarity down as he still hold on starlight unconscious body, both of them walked towards the barn, inside the forest, the two collapse trees started vibrating shaking, until suddenly they both disintegrated by a big green explosion Monoculus rose up, filled with rage and frustration is I glowing bright red of hatred.


Rarity ran towards the barns door knocking hard and waited for anyone to answer, but no one did she start panicking and she started yelling hoping anyone can hear her but no response.

“They’re not home.” Said Rarity in any concern and scared voice.

Before rarity spoke she can hear someone yelling, demoman and rarity looked around trying to see where that noise is coming from. Until rarity stopped and smiled, she remembers her little sister sweetie Belle, told her she’s gonna hang out with her friends, so they must be at the clubhouse.

“Where you going?”

“Just follow me.”

Back at Canterlot

Luna began tapping her hoof violently, she looked at her sister, she’s still looking at the telescope looking down at Ponyville, Luna grow even more frustrated and impatient, she stand out of her seat and walk towards her older sister and before she spoke Celestia spoke first.

“OK this is serious send the royal guards immediately!”


“There’s a giant bipedal skeleton creature with a giant sword?”


“And These strange creatures that twilight talked about, are now helping twilight and her friends to fight off that creature.”

“OK at least they’re in our side.”

“Apparently the giant creature isn’t the only one, there is a pile of rubber ducks that somehow got set on fire and now became one giant gelatinous blob of burnt rubber.”


“And A giant eyeball!”

“WHAT! Hold on let me see!”

“Oh shit that’s a giant eyeball.”