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#1 Magical Banishment

I have a story to tell you, a story Beyond story, a story of (silence). OK I’m gonna be honest with you, The story is going to get crazy. It’s a long story but, for you guys who don’t know who are the, TEAM FORTRESS mercs, let me explain it to you.

It started many years ago were two sons bought land for their father, and the father hated the land, then the father died, but the two sons, hated each other and, they both want to get the land for themselves, for many years, they hired mercenaries to fight in the land see who is the winner, and take back the land, this happen for many many many many many many for God sakes so many years. And now here we are, the mercenary’s that we know, and love.


If you want the full story Saxton Hale will explain it to you.


Now let’s get the story started. It was a late stormy night, The thunder echoes around the area, and a castle was showing, the castle was an old ancient building, looks like it can fall apart, at any time but surprisingly it still stands.

A glowing light glowed inside the cracks of the building, white smoke appeared around the area, and there he is, the evil wizard, a powerful wizard, dangerous and, shown his enemies in fear, his name was Marasmus.

“For many years, The Mercs made a fool out of me, they defeated me every year in Halloween, but this time, this will be a battle where they can’t win, I will send them, all to a disturbing m, evil place ,worse than the deeper parts of hell. I can finally rule this world once and for all without anyone stopping me.”


The soldier, came Out of nowhere scary marasmus, causing him to lose focus. Marasmus looked back at the portal, realizing that he made a mistake, he grown angry.

“Soldier you made me messed up my portal.”

“Oh sorry.”

“How did you, why are you in my house, I kick you out months ago.”

Marasmus grown even more angry his eyes start to fume of magic, he clinched his fist making an energy bar.

“Sorry Marasmus, but it’s your fault, that your was door open.”

Marasmus got confused. He lean over, looking where his door was, his door was open but it was destroyed, well blown up. Marasmus grows more frustrated, and angry he grids his teeth, filled with anger ready to explode.

“You know marasmus you should get a new door, a better door, an Armor door, made by America itself.”


Marasmus explode, he uses magic to make himself a bigger.


Soldiers took a step back, but he wasn’t scared he faced Marasmus before, him and his team.

“Jokes on you marasmus, me and my team have defeated you multiple times, literally you have a big losing streak.”


Magic explodes everywhere around the area, heading towards the mercs base, marasmus was angry no, he was pissed. Soldier was about to run, trying to warn his team, but marasmus uses powers and open the portal, and teleported all the mercenary’s through the portal.

“You think Magic is going to stop me marasmus, I WILL.” (gone)

Everything went quiet, marasmus transform back to normal, he looked around, he open a portal to look at the mercenaries base, he didn’t see anyone, he didn’t see the mercenaries at all, the spell work, he finally won, he can finally rule this world once and for all.

“I won I finally won, I, Yes yes The great marasmus have defeated his enemies, I can finally rule this world once and for all, but before I do, I must take a relaxing hot bath. What will the fools do now, they’re trapped, it’s not like they’re going somewhere, where someone knows magic. Haa fools.”

Soldier was spinning in a portal like a tornado.

“My God, I am going to vomit.”

The portal opening a big field, and all the mercenaries fall down out of the portal. Scout was the first one to get up and yelled.

“Ah What the hell happened.”

“We are on the ground.” Said soldier

All the mercenary started questioning what’s happening and where are they exactly.

“Hey where are we.” Said sniper.

“It looks like we’re in a field.” Said engineer

“I see that, but I’m talking about what the hell happened, I was watching a movie of Todd Jones. Said scout

“I was in my smoke room.” Said spy

“Yeah, I was cleaning my rifle. Enge where were you.” Said sniper

“I was with medic in the lad, doing something test on the Teleporter.”

Scout looks at heavy.

“What about you big guy?”

“I was writing letter for my family.”

Scout was surprised, he was expecting him to say he was eating. Spy lit a cigarette, and sees demoman on the ground holding a bottle of booze. Demoman sat up, jerk up, he rub his eye, he was drunk in the after, and now started to have a hangover, but slowly realized where he is.

“What’s this now!”

He got up looked around in complete shock, he turn seeing his team mates looking at him.

“My god, did I got drunk on the flight again. OK, what payload we have to protect.”

Demoman walked towards his team still holding the bottle of booze, and began to drinking it.

“My friend this is not our work we been teleport somewhere else.” Said engineer.

Demoman eyes widen, after hearing what engineers said.

“WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE WE, WHO BROUGHT US HERE!” Said demoman as he continued drinking his bottle of scrumpy, until he realized his bottle is empty. He looked at the empty bottle and then looked at his friends.

“Does anyone of you have a bottle of booze?”

Everyone replied they don’t. Demoman face was filled with shock and worried, I see you looked around the area I didn’t see any buildings close by yet they have no idea where they are.

Soldier raised his hand and excitement.
“Wo wo, I know to brought us here.”

Everyone stopped and turned at soldier looking at him, waiting for the answer as they looked at soldier pyro went off to the forest on his own. Everyone was shocked but yet makes more sense.

“So that wizard finally did something, for once.” Said spy

“Yeah, he caught us off guard and what’s even worse, we don’t even have our bloody weapons.” Said sniper

“I am going to make him pay for interrupting my letter.” Said heavy

“Hold on fellas, I just realize something.” Said engineer

Everyone stopped they look at Enge, as they all got upset, some of them are even angry and frustrated, they all need to focus to order to survive yet what Enge said got everyone worried.

“Where’s pyro.”

Everyone looked around, and everyone got pale realizing that the incarnation of hell has been loosened to this new land. The whole team knows what Pyros capable of, how much damage he can bring in, it doesn’t have his equipment he doesn’t have his flamethrower, he doesn’t have his axe, doesn’t even have his fire flare. Do you think he’s just a person in a fire proof suit you’re wrong, he can do things that makes serial killer whip under their bed. Everyone immediately spreading out trying to find anything that smells like gasoline or Sees pyro.

As pyro skips around the Forest like he’s Snow White, he’s having the time of his life he felt so free, he felt like his dreams can come true, Pyro turned around, he sees a little bunny, he clapped his hands in excitement, he seen bunnies before but this one seems so adorable, he walked towards the bunny slowly,hoping that he doesn’t scared it and run away.

When he got closer to the bunny, the bunny turned around and saw him, the bunny gave her a big smile, the bunny is like a little ball of cotton. Pyro came closer to the bunny and pet it, yes he was right it is soft, he felt so happy that he met this little bunny, but he can’t stay here for too long he has to go on to his next adventure, what amazing things he will see in this new amazing world, The bunny waved goodbye to him.


The bunny was terrified, his eyes widened like a dinner plate, his heart was pumping in fear as he looked at Pyros dead black eyes of his mask, The bunny thought he was going to suffer worse than death, he’s been hunted before by other animals but something about this, thing was worse, something that it could bring the end of world. When Pyro slowly pet the bunny, the bunny instantly froze as he thought this is it, his life is over as he felt the grip and the strength of this monster, he looked at Pyro face no reaction all he sees are those dead black eyes. Pyro got up, he walked away before he did, he turn back at the bunny and wave goodbye but in a slowly sinister way.

Back with the team everyone was searching as fast as they can they all got worried even more they can’t find a trace of Pyro, scout was even more terrified fully knowing what a Pyro can do, although he doesn’t talk to Pyro much, he knows what Pyro can do to his enemies well to everything to be specific.

“Everyone I zink I found something!” Said medic

Everyone walked towards medic looking at what he found, it was army boots foot prints, everyone was relieved, as they followed the foot print trail, everyone started to Questioning, where did marasmus took them.

Back with Pyro continued skip around the forest until, he stopped, he hears someone talking, at first he thought it was his friends but it was a lady voice. Pyro listen close, by the lady voice, she was frustrated and irritated maybe both. Pyro followed the voice, when he got closer, he looked where the voice was coming from.

It was Chrysalis the queen of the changelings, Chrysalis was telling her hive her new plan for revenge, this time much worse than before.

(Pyro Vision)
Pyro sees the sad unicorn, pyro walked towards the unicorn hoping he can make her feel better. Pyro was full with courage that nothing can stop him for helping this pony, everyone was happy to meet a new person to play with.


As Pyro walk towards the hive, everyone turned and looked at Pyro, he was walking in a slow intimidated walk, the changelings was horrified to see an unknown creature, chrysalis grew angry being interrupted by A worthless creature, she growled at Pyro.

“How dare you interrupt my plan, do you know who you’re talking to creature!”

Pyro looks at Chrysalis, he tilts his head with no response Chrysalis grew impatient and ordered her changeling army to attack Pyro. The changelings were scared scared of Pyro because I never seen anything like him before, but they think they can beat him because they have more numbers than him, all of them jumped and flew at Pyro like a swarm of bees.

(Pyro Vision)

“Hello sir, do you want to play tag with us.”

“Please sir, play with us.”

“Play tag with us!”

Probably a crew excited he collected him to see the cute little bug like ponies, he nodded his head, he ran as fast towards the changelings they flew around him, he tries to catch them one by one he loves playing tag and now with these new creatures he can play with them in a whole new way, pyro tag one and another and another, he was winning the game.


Pyro grabbed one of the changelings Slammed it on the ground killing it, he grabbed another punching it over and over until it was lifeless, he grab another one twisting it’s neck until its head came off, grabbed another changeling this time after killing it he swarm get around as a weapon hitting the other changelings with such force. The changelings blood scatter around after Pyro massacre, Chrysalis looked at the blood horrified, she lived long enough to hear stories of terrible things but this creature no, this monster was far worse than anything that Equestria have ever seen.

After Pyro killed all the changelings he throw the lifeless body at chrysalis with such force that the horn of the changeling stabbed chrysalis on the leg, she collapsed on the ground screaming in pain.

(Pyro Vision)

“Wow, be careful little one, you would’ve got hurt.” Said chrysalis

“Sorry, I’ll be careful next time ma’am.”

“Now run along it’s my turn to play.” Said Chrysalis

Pyro clapped his hands, filled with excitement something tells him that this pony is going to be a more difficult than the others, so he will step up his game to win the game.

“Ready.” Said Chrysalis

Pyro give a thumbs up, this gave chrysalis The signal to run towards the Cave, and Pyro also run towards her hoping to catch her, he was having the time of his life playing with these new creatures.


Chrysalis was screaming in pain, she tries to run towards the cave, there are so many tunnels that she could hide from this monster, she was so scared that she didn’t even think of using her powers to attack, what she saw, what that thing did to her army, what makes her think she doesn’t have a chance to kill this monster. Her vision got blurry, she was losing a lot of blood, but she doesn’t want to die, she continue running until she tripped on something. She fell down on the ground and saw the strange metallic objects she never seen before, she question where did they came from she didn’t order her soldiers to take them inside, in fact she never seen these things before she even grow more worried.

She continued running until she she stopped she heard footsteps she turned around slowly and Sees Pyro, he turned his head looking at the Strange metallic objects, he walked towards it and picked up a fire axe, chrysalis was horrified, she continued running as fast as she can, she runs towards any tunnels that’s close by, she kept running and running until she stopped, she was back outside, she looked around and still sees the dead bodies of her army, some of them missing a limb, blood scattered all over the area no sign of life.

For the first time chrysalis felt responsible, she felt something that she haven’t felt in a long time, she felt sorry, she regrets sending her army to die, she wants this nightmare to end. And she looked around not paying attention to anything anymore, she flinch when she heard a branch snapped, she jump forward hoping she won’t get hit by something. Pyro swing his axe at Chrysalis, cutting one of her wings. When she hit the ground she was screaming in pain she look on your back seeing her missing wing, she looked at Pyro, she was terrified.

“Please leave me alone if you’re my burden of selfishness, I will turn towards a new league, I’ll be good, I’ll open up to other. PLEASE DONT KILL ME!”

(Pyro Vision)

“Wow is that a lollipop that looks so tasty, mind if I have a try.” Said Chrysalis

Pyro stopped, he put his hand on his chin thinking, should he do it or shouldn’t he not, he looked at chrysalis, Chrysalis was giving him the puppy eyes, she was begging for a lollipop.

“Pwetty pwease.”

Para was such a good hearted person he doesn’t want this creature filled with joy to be sad so he decided to do the most reasonable one, he walked towards Chrysalis, he squat down and gave her the lollipop, she was so happy she licked it as fast as she can, this puts a smile on Pyros face.



The axe was on chrysalis head, the axe was standing on by itself on whatever it was holding on an Chrysalis lifeless corpse. Para put his hands together filled with joy that he made this creature happy, he turned around looking at the cave, he realized that the strange metallic objects are the weapons of his team he should go back and collect them, bringing them back to his friends, they’ll be so happy.

Back with team, they finally found where the foot prints let them, and they were expecting it but yet shocked at the same time, everyone were shocked to see you lifeless dead pony like creatures on the floor.

“Geez, what was Pyro doing.” Said scout

“Mate the better answer is not to think about it.” Said sniper

I was there walking medic stopped he squat down looking at the dead pony he was fascinated seen a new creature, this got heavies attention, he’s fully aware what medic is thinking.

“Doctor I don’t think it’s a good time to do experiments in this situation were in.”

“Oh but heavy this is a brand new creature, sure it’s obviously pony like, but It have some similarities to I bugs, I believe a beetle. I must do experiments on this creature to see what makes them tick.”

“Doctor I’m highly aware of what you do but you don’t have your equipment here.”

“Oh you’re right heavy, I can’t do experiments on this creature without proper equipment and yet I don’t have any of that here.”

As they continued into the cave they saw Pyro next to a pile of weapons their weapons Pyro wave hello to them. Everyone start questioning how did the weapons end up here in the first place, It’s surprise though but if marasmus banished them into this world why did he send they’re weapons here. Maybe marasmus got cocky, Or something else but for now the entire Mercs got their weapons and they’re ready to face whatever comes after them.

Engineer found a map pinned to a wall, Yep just like they thought they’re not in their world anymore but in a different one, the map shows an entire land completely new to them, soldier was the first one to literally mention it.

“We’re not in America anymore we’re in completely new isolation territory we’re in enemy turf right now maggots!” Said soldier as he picked up his rocket launcher ready to fire, engineer calm him down. Everyone did saw the map there are villages close by and one village that is closer is called Ponyville.

“PonyVille really that the name.” Said scout

“Maybe it like a place to buy horses or something like that.” Said engineer

“Whatever it is, it will do for now. Let’s just hope we don’t cause any more Mayham like we did in our world.” Said spy

As the Merce getting ready to head to Ponyville, they faced marasmus challenges before, and they always beats him, they’re not gonna give up just because they’re in some world they’re going to win this, like always.

Sniper came back to the group question what did he miss, as everyone looked at snipers hand, He was holding a piss jar.