• Published 25th Dec 2021
  • 463 Views, 7 Comments

Aurora - Emotion Nexus

Minuette and Berry spend their first Hearth's Warming together as a couple.

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The fireplace crackled in front of Minuette as she got lost in the warm glow, eyes drawn to it like a moth to a flame. She sat on the sofa, lost in concentration. Eventually, she groaned, lying down on her side. Grabbing a throw pillow, she clutched it to her chest.

“What am I supposed to do?” she asked, not expecting an answer, but still hoping that one came. She glanced at her surroundings. Plush, bleached walls and arches made from birch four-by-fours held up the house she was in. Only the fireplace and a small lamp in the corner illuminated the otherwise dark room. Shuffling around, she felt the rough, patchy sofa bend underneath her weight.

It was a beautiful home by all accounts. But, in her eyes, the owner was even more beautiful.

She stared at a picture frame on a side table, a small smile coming to her face. Within was a photo of herself with Berry Punch, a plum-colored mare, her tongue sticking out. Her hoof reached out around Minuette, pulling her in close for the photo. Minuette herself blushed, a nervous, but happy smile on her face.

On the back of Berry was Ruby Pinch, a smaller, magenta-colored filly, with a ruffled mane and a wide grin. On her stomach, her hooves wrapped around Berry, she leaned her head out for the camera, giving it a tiny wave.

Minuette sighed. “I need to do something special for her. It’s our first Hearth’s Warming together, for Celestia’s sake! Come on, Minuette, think!” she ranted, hitting herself lightly on the head. She let out a muffled yell into the throw pillow. “I need a moment to clear my head. I’m just not in the right mindset, that’s all.”

Wandering around the house, she took everything in, trying to find even the smallest wrander of thought to pull on. She paused by the entrance to a balcony, considering the option. If anything could get her thinking, it was Luna’s night sky.

Stepping onto the balcony, she draped herself across the railing, gazing up at the stars. The constellations in the sky always fascinated her with how they all connected together. It was like one big, happy family. They reminded her of herself, Berry, and Ruby.

Breathing in the chilly air, she looked across Ponyville. Snow covered the town from top to bottom, although it was neatly shoveled away from the pathways to make way for the townsfolk. A few lights illuminated the streets, but the ones indoors were slowly going out as ponies made their way to bed. “Maybe we could take a walk together?” Minuette whispered to herself, but shook her head. “No, no, that’s not enough. We go on plenty of walks together.”

Her stomach growled. All this thinking was making her hungry. “Dinner?” she said aloud. “Gah, no! Still not enough. None of the restaurants we go to are open anyways.”

Regardless of what she was going to do, she needed some food. Stepping back inside, she made way for the kitchen. As she passed by Ruby’s room however, she overheard something inside. Minuette couldn’t help herself and walked over to the filly’s room, peering inside.

“...the story one more time? Pleeeease?” Ruby whined, snug below her blue blanket.

Berry chuckled atop a small stool and smiled, book in hoof. “Oh, just for you, dearie.”

“Yay!” Ruby cheered, clapping her hooves together in a tiny applause. Minuette gave a quiet chuckle of her own.

Berry cleared her throat. “Once upon a time, three creatures known as reindeer lived in the north. Nopony knows who they were, but what we do know is that they were called ‘the gift givers.’”

Ruby was entranced by the story as if she had been hearing it for the first time. Minuette’s curiosity got the best of her and she kept watching and listening, a soft smile on her face.

“Every Hearth’s Warming Eve, while everypony was asleep, presents would appear in their houses, signed by the reindeer.” Berry had a gleam in her eye as she told the tale. Minuette knew that gleam well. She had fallen in love with her for a reason.

“But, the most magical thing of all, was that if you looked at the night sky, right when midnight came around, a great big swirl of colors would paint the sky! Everypony called it the Aurora Borealis.”

“Woah,” Ruby said, eyes half-closed. She seemed to sink deeper into the bed, the pull of dreamland beginning to take hold.

“And so, a new Hearth’s Warming tradition started. Ponies would go out to see the aurora together. It’s said that if you sit under it at midnight, the perfect gift would appear. Not for you, but for your family and friends.”

Ruby yawned. “Can we see the awowa, mommy?”

Berry gave her a kiss on her forehead. “You’re too young to stay up that late, dearie. Besides, Hearth’s Warming comes faster to sleeping fillies.”

“Okay, mommy,” Ruby said, her eyes slowly closing.

Minuette smiled warmly. Ruby always looked so precious when she was asleep, and tonight was no different.

Berry quietly shut Ruby’s door behind herself and came over to Minuette, giving her a nuzzle. “Seems we have a little spy,” she whispered.

Minuette blushed, but returned the nuzzle. “I prefer to be called a detective, thank you very much.”

“And just what were you investigating?” Berry said, giving Minuette a sultry look.

“I don’t know, but there’s a really important piece of evidence right in front of me, and I need to retrieve it,” Minuette shot back.

Berry giggled. “Alright, enough fun, let’s move somewhere that Pinchy can’t hear us.”

Minuette followed her into the kitchen. She still couldn’t figure out what she wanted to do tonight, but at the very least she had Berry.

“So,” Berry said, washing some dishes leftover from earlier, “what were you spying on me and Pinchy for?”

Minuette began to make herself a sandwich. “Nothing really, just overheard you two and wanted to listen.”

Minuette didn’t have her eyes on Berry, but she could still feel her stare. “If you say so,” Berry replied.

Minuette rolled her eyes. “Could you at least be subtle about knowing what I’m thinking?”

Berry stuck her tongue out at her. “Sorry, can’t, you’re always on my mind.”

“Oh, you,” Minuette said with a light laugh.

Berry laughed along with her. It was music to her ears.

Finishing her impromptu snack, she took a small bite. “If you really wanna know, I wanted to do something special tonight. It’ll be our first Hearth’s Warming together as a couple, and in the morning, our first as a family.”

Berry beamed. “Really, only this year, huh? Time sure flies,” she said, finishing a plate and putting it off to the side. “And I’ve told you countless times, you don’t have to do some grand gesture, I just want to spend time with you.”

“I’m always grand! You should know me by now,” Minuette replied.

Berry shrugged. “You’re not wrong. But, if you don’t figure anything out, don’t stress about it. You already get worked up enough about my birthday.”

Minuette’s cheeks reddened. “Hey! I’ll have you know that was your best birthday ever! I have audio proof!”

“Even if you didn’t throw me that huge party—which I am very grateful for—I still would’ve loved it the same.” Berry grinned. “Buuuuut, I wouldn’t complain if you swept me off my hooves.”

“When have you ever complained?” Minuette grinned back.

Berry winked, and Minuette’s heart went aflutter again. She thought she would get used to it by now, but every now and then, she still felt the same rush from when they had first started dating. She remembered the moment with great clarity.

Laughter filled the air as Minuette and Berry arrived at the top of the hill. It was the highest point in Ponyville, providing a view like no other.

“Please, tell me she did what I think she did!” Minuette roared, guffaws still building in her gut.

Berry was nearly in tears. “She did! Jumped right into the punch bowl!” Another burst of laughter came from the pair before calming down.

Minuette wiped her forehead. “Oh goodness, that was too good. Your bar stories never cease to amuse, Berry.”

Berry giggled. “If you work a job like that as long as I have, strange things are bound to happen.”

The two finally noticed their surroundings. “Oh, we’re here,” Minuette noted. “That took no time at all.”

Berry shrugged. “Time sure flies, huh.” Berry walked over to the overlook and laid down. She gave Minuette a little beckoning wave. Minuette stumbled on her way over.

Laying down next to Berry, she looked over the hill. All of Ponyville could be seen, from Golden Oaks Library to Sweet Apple Acres. It made Ponyville look so small. Well, Ponyville was small, but this really hit the feeling home.

Berry smiled. “Isn’t this a beautiful sight?”

Minuette glanced over at Berry, watching her take in the view. “Yeah, it sure is.”

Minuette couldn’t help herself and inched closer to Berry, pressing their sides together. It was a warm, weirdly comforting feeling.

Berry gave a sigh. Not a disappointed one, but one of contentment. “You know, Mini, I’m glad I get to share this with you.”

Minuette felt her face get warmer. “Really?”

Berry nodded and Minuette could feel the movement. “Yeah.” Berry didn’t say anything else, and just watched the clouds.

Minuette didn’t know what to say. Did Berry really value their friendship that much? She thought they were pretty close friends, but this was something else. Minuette couldn’t describe the feeling, but she felt closer to Berry than anyone she’d ever known. She put her head against Berry’s and smiled.

Berry pointed a hoof at the sky. “You know, that cloud kind of looks like you.”

“Huh! What! Which one!” Minuette yelped, having been lost in the moment. Berry giggled and shifted her eyes away. Minuette followed Berry’s hoof to a cloud, and she had to admit, Berry was right. It was in the shape of a unicorn, and even though the mane didn’t exactly match, she could see it.

Berry fiddled her hooves together. “Um, hey Mini?”

“Yeah?” Minuette said, trying to find other shapes in the clouds.

“Would you mind if I did something?”

Minuette frowned in thought. “Do what?” She looked at Berry, and her face looked red. She was concerned, but didn’t say anything.

“It’s a… surprise. Could you just close your eyes?” Berry said.

Minuette didn’t know what this surprise was, but she trusted Berry. “Okay,” she answered, her eyes shut.

There were a few seconds of silence, and Minuette considered asking if anything was wrong, but then it happened.

Berry kissed her on the cheek.

Her eyes shot open in surprise, her cheeks coloring. She looked at Berry who was similarly blushing. Berry looked away immediately, but she couldn’t hide the smile on her face. Minuette blushed harder, not knowing how to respond. Eventually, she couldn’t hold back her own smile any longer.

The two mares shyly looked at each other at the same time, but glanced away when they saw the other. Their eyes met once more, keeping the gaze this time. Minuette moved her head forward carefully, and Berry did the same. They got closer. And closer.

And then their lips met.

Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Minuette’s head. She quickly rushed back to the balcony.

Arriving once more, she stared out at the horizon, spotting the overlook in the distance. Right above that spot where they had shared their first kiss, where they had first shared a deeper part of themselves, the moon would peak. Minuette looked up at the constellations, and for a second, she swore she could see a visage of three reindeer in the stars.

She closed her eyes, remembering the story that she had overheard from Berry. It was silly to believe in fantasies, but she might as well try.

“Gift givers, I don’t know if you’re real or not, but if you are, I have a wish for you,” she began. “I want this night to be special for me and Berry, so, if you’re out there, could you find it in you to bring her the perfect gift?”

She opened her eyes. The starry night didn’t change. Minuette smiled anyway. She knew in her heart this night would be perfect.

She stood there against the railing, watching the stars, almost like she was reaching for them. She could hear quiet hoofsteps behind her.

“Stargazing?” Berry asked.

“Yeah,” Minuette replied.

“I take it you figured something out?”

Minuette turned and smirked. Berry already knew the answer.

Minuette shivered. Whether it was from anticipation or the cold she couldn’t tell. She was wrapped in a fuzzy orange coat. Her outfit was complete with similarly colored cap and boot, her horn sticking out through the top of the cap.

Berry donned her own purple and red wear, made of yarn and wool. It wasn’t nearly as effective as Minuette’s, but a style was a style. Minuette could hear Berry’s teeth chatter. She came closer to spread some warmth to her.

“Not that I’m doubting you dearie, but is coming out in this cold really necessary?” Berry asked.

“Absolutely!” Minuette exclaimed. “We’re heading somewhere special!”

Berry shook her head with a smile. “I’m sure of it, but could you cast a spell or something?”

Minuette blinked. “That is a smart idea,” she remarked, lighting her horn and enveloping the two in a magical heat.

Berry breathed in the warmer air. “That’s much better,” she said, still huddling against Minuette.

The light crunching of snow beneath their hooves continued as they walked in silence, savouring each other’s presence. Minuette had never been outside this late on Hearth’s Warming Eve, and she had to admit, it was a beautiful experience. Snowflakes floated through the air, and Minuette caught one on her tongue.

Berry giggled. “You’re such a foal!”

Minuette grinned. “Any complaints?”

Berry thought for a second, her tongue sticking out. Before she could respond, a snowflake fell onto her tongue.

“Who’s the foal now?” Minuette smugly asked.

Berry rolled her eyes. “Still you. That wasn’t on purpose.”

Minuette’s eyes reeked of disbelief. “As if.”

The two laughed to each other quietly as they arrived at their destination. The hill from those months ago was a very different place at night, with the glow of the moon bearing down on it. Piles of snow were all about, having not been shoveled by the townsfolk.

Berry squinted her eyes for a moment, but gasped. “This… this is where we had our first kiss.”

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, Berry,” Minuette said, feeling like she could cry happy tears with every word she spoke.

Berry nuzzled Minuette on the cheek. “Aww, thanks Mini, this is great.”

Minuette blushed. “No, thank you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Berry. I love you.”

Berry was practically on fire with how hard she blushed. “I love you too, Mini.”

Minuette put her hoof on Berry’s shoulder and pulled her closer. She could feel Berry’s cold breath on her face.

Berry’s eyelids dropped. “Kiss me, you devil.”

Minuette closed the gap, meeting for a gentle, but passionate kiss. They stayed in that position, liplocked, before separating. Smiles and blushes adorned their faces.

Berry laid her head against Minuette’s, closing her eyes. Minuette smiled and pulled her in closer. They rested there for what felt like an hour and a minute simultaneously. When they finally moved, Minuette still wished it had lasted longer.

“As much as I’d love to stay here all night, it’s getting late, and I want to get some shut eye before Pinchy inevitably wakes us up,” Berry said.

Minuette yawned. “I’d argue with you, but I’m already tired enough as it is.”

Berry giggled. “Alright, c’mon you. Let’s get you to bed.”

Minuette leaned against Berry as she walked them back home. Before they left the overlook, she noticed a small flash of purple and green in the corner of her eye. Glancing over, she could see it in full. The colors weaved together like a dance and the stars around it seemed to move in tandem. It was breathtaking.

“Mini, what are you looking at?” Berry asked, watching Minuette’s gaze with confusion.

Minuette continued to watch the aurora for the few seconds she could see it. It faded into the night, and she sighed contentedly.


“Oh, nothing,” Minuette said with a faint smile. “My wish just came true.”

Comments ( 7 )

Aww this is so cute between Minuette and Berry Punch and she wanted to do something special for her on a holiday and she did the first they when they had their kiss this was a very cute short story keep up the good work and merry Christmas and happy holidays

This was a treat to read, Happy Hearth's Warming!

Yay! Hehe, I love Minuette's portrayal ^.^

This was really sweet and adorable. You write some good fluff.

This is some gay shit or something idk I'm still hearing you read it.

I hope Berry gets her eyedrips fixed. This was so cute I think I have diabetes now. nice nex

That was nice.

Yeah, her eyedrip appointment is really expensive

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