• Published 13th Dec 2021
  • 1,235 Views, 29 Comments

EQG Series Finale (original) - EverythingGuy

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Part 3

Somewhere in Canterlot City, the Rainbooms feel an enormous magical disturbance they have never felt before happening somewhere outside the city, and then feel it again seven minutes later, leaving them confused and worried. Elsewhere, Timber Spruce is talking very nervously to someone on his phone while being watched from a distance by Moondancer.

Meanwhile, Flash Sentry is trying to calm down his best friend Comet Tail, who is raging about Timber supposedly getting them nearly wiped from existence with Sombra’s contract. Comet insists that Timber is enough of a jerk to commit such an act while Flash counters that he isn’t a monster, he’s a coward. Eventually, the boys find the apartment where Starlight Glimmer (back in the alternate reality) had told them she lived in. When they tell her they know where Sunset Shimmer is, Starlight (normal reality) is reluctant at first, but eventually relents. Together, the three go to the secluded cabin where Sunset's brother, Sunburst, lives. Starlight explains to the boys that when Sunset literally vanished into thin air right in front of them, Sunburst, in a pit of despair, threw himself into finding out what happened to her, hoping to get her back someday. Unfortunately, his constant desperate search took a toll on him, and his parents and Starlight are the only ones he talks to now. Knocking on his door, Sunburst is heard from inside sounding very out of it, but when Comet says that they know where his sister is, he flings the door open.

After Sunburst gets cleaned up, Flash, Comet, and Starlight join him in his “bunker”, which is wall to wall with papers. When the duo describe Equestria, the Pony Sunset, the magic leak, and how they found out where the Human Sunset is, they expect the other two to just laugh at them. Starlight does at first, but Sunburst does not, which makes her stop. He has heard about the magic occurrences since they started and suspected it had something to do with Sunset’s disappearance. After debating about it, the foursome decide to “borrow” the journal from Pony Sunset and contact Pony Twilight Sparkle. Knowing they can’t take Flash’s car if they don’t want to get recognized and caught, they take Starlight’s car instead, since neither Starlight nor Sunburst has ever been to Canterlot before. The boys leave Flash’s car in a parking garage in Canterlot, and join their new friends in Starlight’s car.

They arrive at Sunset’s apartment at a half hour past midnight. Comet and Sunburst sneak in through the window while Flash watches for coming people. To the two’s dismay, it’s a slumber party, and they have to sneak across the room without stepping on the Rainbooms or waking them up. Twilight’s dog Spike is also there sleeping, so they have to be especially careful when they get close to him. Comet manages to reach the journal and grabs it. He and Sunburst slip back across the room and out the window, and they and Flash run back to the car, and Starlight punches the gas. They leave her car at the parking garage right next to Flash’s car and go to a nearby restaurant. There, they sit down and Flash grabs a pen. He opens the journal to the nearest blank page and after a bit of consulting with his friends, he writes this:

Dear Princess Twilight,

It’s me Sunset Shimmer. Sorry if you’re busy at the moment, but there’s something I’ve been thinking about recently that’s got me worried. You know how everyone in Equestria has a counterpart here in this world? Well, I’M from Equestria, so that must mean I do too. I’ve been looking, but I can’t find the human me anywhere. This may sound like a strange request, but could you search Equestria? I can’t help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, I displaced the human me. I know it’s a stretch, but could you please look? Because if magic keeps leaking into this world for too long, I fear for the stability of the multiverse.

The group waits for a few minutes, but no answer comes. Flash determines that Pony Twilight must either be busy, sleeping, or she just doesn’t have her book with her at the moment. The four go back up to Flash and Starlight’s cars to get some sleep. Meanwhile, at Sunset’s apartment, Pinkie Pie wakes up to get a drink of water and doesn’t see the journal is gone.

The next morning, Flash, Comet, Starlight, and Sunburst ditch the parking garage, knowing the Rainbooms will no doubt come looking for the journal, which they put into a backpack that Sunburst brought along to keep it safe. The group takes a bus to the other end of the city, and halfway to their destination, Pony Twilight responds:

This is serious, Sunset. I can’t believe I overlooked this for so long. I’m organizing a search right now. I’m going have teams of royal guards searching every corner of Equestria and a few searching beyond. Although, there is one thing I’m worried about. You’ve made so many friends at Canterlot High. What if you have to leave them all behind?

Flash, still posing as Sunset, writes back:

If that’s the case, I guess I’ll have no choice.

Elsewhere, the Rainbooms have woken up and discovered the journal is missing, and Twilight and Sunset are panicking. The girls call everyone they know, and start a massive search party. When Derpy Muffins and Micro Chips get informed, the former calls Flash, but he lets it go to voicemail. When Sunset calls Wallflower Blush, she finds out what Comet had told the latter and Juniper Montage, making her both annoyed and suspicious.

Meanwhile, Sombra and Chrysalis, furious that the two escaped their contract and alternate reality, have told the police that Flash and Comet are dangerous, and recruit ex-principal Cinch and the Dazzlings to help them hunt down the boys. They cross paths with them, Starlight, and Sunburst in a food mall, where the foursome have just seen a report of the boys on TV. Pursued by the rich couple, Cinch, two police officers, and three security guards, the group flees to the roof, but they are stuck with nowhere to go. Except one way: the roof of the parking garage right next to the mall, which is slightly lower, but about 20 feet out. Flash gives Starlight the backpack, knowing she and Sunburst need the journal more than he and Comet do. Sunburst and Starlight jump first and reach the roof of the garage while Flash and Comet hold back the door. The boys then race for the edge and jump, just reaching the edge of the first floor down from the top. The other two help them up, and the four race down the stair together, only for the Dazzlings to be waiting for them at the bottom with four other officers. Flash allows himself to be captured so the others can escape, much to Comet's devastation. Unbeknowst to them, Cheese Sandwich sees the entire thing and can only watch as the police take Flash away.

That evening, the Rainbooms go to the amusement park where Applejack and Rarity worked, having supposedly gotten texted by Gloriosa Daisy that she found the journal and to bring their necklaces. Gloriosa is there, but she is there to meet up with Timber, and does not remember texting them, which greatly confuses them all. Suddenly, Sombra, Chrysalis, Cinch, and the Dazzlings ambush the girls. Physically outmatched, the Rainbooms' necklaces are ripped from their necks by the "Meanie Team" as Pinkie calls them. Just then, Timber runs in yelling with his arm raised, attracting everyone's attention ... and then he immediately runs away again screaming like a little kid. The Meanie Team pay this no mind, and Sombra reveals that Timber had set up this meeting so they could get the necklaces. But then he notices the journal isn't with them. Realizing that Starlight, Sunburst, and Comet must have it in the backpack, the meanie team runs off, and since the girls' powers went with their necklaces, Rainbow Dash can't chase after them. The Rainbooms and Gloriosa storm outside to confront Timber, who is pathetically hiding behind a trash can. Twilight deduces that he set this up thinking that if he could save them, she would instantly get back with him. Just then, Moondancer and her friends Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Heart show up, joined by Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, and Indigo Zap, who they met the day before. Having never even heard of her before, Gloriosa is horrified when Moondancer tells her about Timber's actions at her and Comet's school, and Twilight and Sunset are horrified to learn that Timber was the boy Moondancer was talking about, as well are the other girls once they are fully informed. When Moondancer demands to know what he did to Flash and Comet, Timber begrudgingly admits that he discovered Sombra and Chrysalis through an online ad and asked them to get rid of Flash, thinking Twilight would come right back to him, but he only asked for Flash to be sent far away. Nonetheless, all the girls are enraged with his actions and declare him a coward. Timber gets mad at his sister for not siding with him, claiming that Flash is a loser. That gets him slapped by her, Moondancer, Lemon Zest, Sunny, Sunset, and Twilight, who declares that Flash is NOT a loser.

After Gloriosa man-handles Timber out of sight, Moondancer reveals to the Rainbooms what Flash and Comet are up to, and they are shocked. Twilight is wondering how they could have overlooked this for so long, while Sunset is merely terrified at whatever damage she could have done to her counterpart by stealing her identity. But the boys have not responded to any calls or texts in the last 2 days, worrying the girls. At that moment, Cheese, Micro, and Derpy run up. Cheese informs them of what he saw happen earlier and together, the group sets out to find them. On the way, three are informed of Timber’s actions and are enraged like the rest. Twilight calls her brother Shining Armor, who is a police officer, for help, and she calls Principal Cadence. She tells the Shadowbolts they can leave, but they want to help her, and to be proper friends to her after her constant mistreatment back in Crystal Prep.

Flash is taken from police custody by Sombra and Chrysalis and tied to a chair in their basement. They put Timber on their computer screen, and he confirms his actions to Flash, who is bewildered. He tells Timber that he had nothing to do with Twilight feeling unhappy with her relationship. Flash also states that Timber should be happy that he is important, while he is not, which stuns Timber. As he hangs up, Timber looks remorseful.

Later that night, Comet, Starlight, and Sunburst are hiding in an old abandoned warehouse, where they are found by the Rainbooms, Shadowbolts, the Principals, and Moondancer’s group, as well as Wallflower and Juniper Montage. Comet crushes his twin and friends in tearful hugs. Starlight, enraged at the sight of Sunset, runs out and tackles her, and everyone else pulls her off, including Sunburst. When Sunset sees him, she freezes in shock. Memories of her family come flooding back and she falls to the ground, weeping. She now understands why she has been feeling homesick for Equestria, she misses her family. Sunburst and Starlight, who has calmed down, tell everyone present their story of the Human Sunset's vanishing, and Sunset resolves to set things right, even if it means leaving all her friends behind. Seeing this, Comet suddenly turns and starts walking away. Sunburst asks where he's going, and he responds "to save my best bud." Starlight refuses to let him go, since he and Flash are the ones who helped them have a chance at saving Human Sunset. Together, Moondancer, Cheese, Micro, Derpy and the Rainbooms go with him, while the rest go to CHS to wait for Princess Twilight, if she does show up.

Flash has escaped the ropes of his chair using the fighting techniques he was taught in the alternate reality, but is still locked in the basement. Comet and the others show up, break in (despite Twilight and Moondancer's protests), and unlock the door. Flash hugs Comet, Cheese, Derpy, and Micro, and is immensely relived to see the rest are back to normal. Flash then determines the Rainbooms can take care of matters from here and tries to leave with Comet, only for Twilight to block them. Outside, she pulls Flash aside and explains how Timber had flirted with Lemon Zest and refused to admit it, and then double-crossed her and the others in an attempt to get her back. They both agree that both actions were incredibly stupid for someone who likes nerd stuff. Twilight then makes it clear to Flash that he and Comet aren’t going anywhere. At that moment, Pony Twilight responds that she has found Human Sunset, to Sunburst and Starlight’s delight. The group rushes to CHS.

That evening, Pony Twilight and Dragon Spike arrive with Human Sunset, who looks quite similar to Pony Sunset in her human form, except she has pigtails, spiky boots, and dark eyeliner. Pony Twilight has already explained everything to her. Human Sunset (who catches Comet's eye) has a tearful reunion with Sunburst and Starlight, and then furiously pounces on Pony Sunset, accusing her of ruining her life. Pony Sunset does not deny this at all, since it was her quest for power that led her to the human world in the first place. When informed by Moondancer that Flash and Comet were the ones writing to her, Pony Twilight gives them the scolding look of an annoyed princess. Human Sunset, however, thanks them for helping her get home. Pony Twilight determines that they must retrieve the necklaces before sealing the portal and any others.

That night, the “meanie team” kidnap both Spikes and Flash, Comet and Human Sunset pursue in Flash’s car. Reaching the beach, they are momentarily blocked by the Dazzlings, but Sunburst, Juniper, Wallflower, and Starlight show up and subdue them, allowing the three to reach the boat that Sombra, Chrysalis, and Cinch have boarded. A little ways out to sea, the teens are spotted. Using their fighting moves, the boys manage to retrieve all the necklaces except Pony Sunset's before they are knocked overboard. The Spikes escape from their cage and topple a pile of crates, allowing Sunset to seize the necklace from Chrysalis and leap overboard just in time, with the Spikes following. They get on a lifeboat Sunset had released and pull the unconscious boys onto it. Back on the beach, the police show up to arrest the meanie team, except the Dazzlings, who Pony Twilight and Sunset say they will take care of. The lifeboat washes ashore, both Spikes reunite with their respective Twilights, and Human Sunset, who briefly gained Pony Sunset's mind reading power using her necklace, tells the girls that Flash restored the normal reality by True Love's kiss, shocking everyone else, Human Twilight most of all.

Flash has a dream where he sees his mother Spring Blossom, who tells him to do what his heart says is right.

The next morning, with Sombra, Chrysalis, and Cinch taken away to prison and the Dazzlings upended, Flash and Comet wake up. When Human Twilight tells Flash she knows he kissed her in the other reality, he panics before she ensures him it is fine. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna offer Human Sunset an independent study course to ensure she graduates only one year late, and Human Twilight and Moondancer offer to help. Human Sunset accepts. Pony Sunset determines it's time for her to return to Equestria permanently, and Pinkie immediately begins to plan her farewell party. Gloriosa shows up with Timber, who apologizes to the boys for almost wiping them from existence and to the girls, particularly Human Twilight, for the ambush. Comet and Flash give him an offscreen kick in the stomach and punch in the face respectively as a warning, and then Flash gives Timber a helpful piece of advice that he accepts: If he really wants a girl to like him, don't use her to show off. The Dazzlings are taken back to Equestria and imprisoned in Tartarus.

The next day, during Pony Sunset's farewell party, the two Sunsets and the two Twilights have a long talk, and Human Sunset forgives her counterpart. Finally, it is time. In Equestria, Cadence and the former royal sisters stand ready to help Twilight seal all connections between the two dimensions, while in the human world, Pony Twilight and Sunset stand in front of the portal facing all their human friends. The two unicorns share a final hug with the Rainbooms, before turning to Flash. Pony Sunset apologizes for her actions while they were dating, and Pony Twilight tells him to not sell himself short ever again. Comet briefly asks about his, Moondancer, and Flash's own counterparts, and Pony Twilight responds that she is friends with the former, and then Human Sunset the latter is a royal guard, immensely exciting the boys. When Pony Twilight asks I’m how she knows, Human Sunset replies that Pony Flash was the first guard who had located and brought her to the Crystal Empire to be transported to Canterlot. Then the two ponies turn to their counterparts. Human Sunset promises to befriend the others without replacing Pony Sunset, and Human Twilight promises Pony Twilight she will not jump into a relationship so quickly next time she meets another "nerd", earning a good laugh from them and everyone else. With those final promises, the two ponies say their goodbyes and step back through the portal, and 12 seconds later, a light is seen glowing, and then shrinking. The portal (along with any others) is sealed for good.

Author's Note:

And that’s that.

Yes, I know it must be very confusing at some points to understand what goes on.
If you have grammar suggestions, feel free to say so. But please be nice.