• Published 13th Dec 2021
  • 1,241 Views, 29 Comments

EQG Series Finale (original) - EverythingGuy

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Part 1

Flash Sentry has recently become tired of running into Equestrian magic and has started to long for the days before Sunset Shimmer arrived at Canterlot High (and also before he fell for the Pony Twilight Sparkle and watched the Human Twilight get into a relationship).

When Flash was seven years old, an earthquake struck the town he lived in at the time, and the resulting damage fatally injured his mother, Spring Blossom. After she passed on, Flash’s father, Metal Gleam, had to find a good job to support both himself and Flash, and did, but unfortunately it was very far away. So Metal left his son in the care of his younger brother, Heat Flame, and Water Wave, Heat’s wife, while he moved across the country to support his family, sending part of his income back to them. And so Flash was raised by his aunt and uncle alongside his cousin First Base. Metal always makes sure to come and see Flash whenever he gets a chance.

One day, a week before Halloween, Water and Heat announce to Flash and First Base that thanks to Metal’s income, they are moving to a larger house, and another family is going to be living with them there. Flash spends the next few weeks avoiding the Rainbooms as much as he can, raising a few eyebrows from them. The only other students he tells about his move are his friends Derpy Muffins and Micro Chips. When the family moves, Flash and Base are amazed. The house is four stories tall, and is the size of an apartment complex. It turns out that their housemates are Flash’s best friend from kindergarten to 6th grade, Comet Tail, Comet’s twin sister Moondancer (who Comet is protective of since he was born a half hour before her) and their parents. All the kids are delighted and embrace.

Comet is the more crazy scheming silly one, while Moondancer, as we all know, is just as nerdy as Twilight. Comet, their older sister, and their parents nickname her “Moony”. Their personalities balance out, making them the perfect twin duo.

That night, after dinner and hearing about stories the twins have from their school, Flash and Comet (who decided to be roommates) lay down in their room. When asked by Comet about what has happened since they were last together, Flash tells him all about what has been happening since they last met, the portal, the magic, his crush, etc. Comet is furious and wants to make Twilight and Sunset pay for breaking his best friend’s heart, but Flash tells him the better thing to do is leave it alone. Moondancer, having overheard the boys’ conversation, comes in and agrees with Flash, calming down her brother. She is instantly fascinated with the idea of powerful forces from another dimension, which means the multiverse is real. Flash agrees to show the twins the portal when he has a chance. He thinks that Moondancer and Twilight would hit it off great, while Comet, although he agrees, is reluctant to let it happen.

Meanwhile, the Rainbooms have concerns of their own. Sunset Shimmer has been feeling homesick for Equestria and wishes to return, but she doesn’t know why. Twilight Sparkle has been feeling unhappy in her relationship with Timber Spruce, and wants to break it off, but is unsure how to do so. When Sunset brings it up during lunch period one day at school, all the girls start to wonder why Equestrian magic keeps showing up.

One night during winter break, after transferring to their school at Comet’s prior suggestion, Flash takes Comet and Moondancer to CHS to see the statue portal. The twins are amazed. This prompts Comet to mention that there must be pony counterparts of them in Equestria. Flash comments he hopes the pony him has a better life then he does (Flash views himself as unimportant in the grand scheme of things). The next day, while First Base is visiting some of his friends, the trio go to the mall. Flash and Comet start debating about what the name of their dream TV show should be, while Moondancer walks further down and reunites with Micro and Derpy. The Rainbooms, having done their gift exchange, see this and introduce themselves to her and vice versa. As Flash predicted, Moondancer hits it off with Twilight very quickly.

The boys come around the corner, and Comet is entranced by Sunset … before reeling in disgust, remembering she’s a talking horse in a teen girl’s body. Twilight and Moondancer correct him together that Sunset is a PONY, much to his annoyance. The trio have a quick private talk about the two smart girls’ new friendship. Comet is hesitant until Moondancer and Flash convince him that there won’t be any connection between them and Twilight’s boyfriend. Before Flash can reveal Timber’s name to Comet, he gets a call from his father. And before the Rainbooms can tell Moondancer who Twilight is dating, they have to go do something else. The two scientists agree to meet up a few days later.

On Valentine’s Day (Saturday), Flash, Comet, and Base are walking through a park near their house. Comet tells the cousins about how an arrogant but smart boy who he leaves unnamed once briefly visited their school and interested several of the girls, including Moondancer. But when the boy flirted with multiple girls for a week, Comet had discovered he merely wanted to try it “the natural way” by imposing himself as the alpha male. Moondancer was so devastated and furious with this deception that she swore off romance for the rest of her life. The cousins promise to keep this a secret. Elsewhere, Moondancer tells Twilight and Sunset the same story, and she also leaves the boy anonymous. The girls promise to keep the secret too.

On Flash’s 17th birthday, a week and a half before spring break, the two families invite Micro, Derpy, Cheese, Flash’s bandmates, and Moondancer’s friends Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Hearts. The Rainbooms, having been informed by Derpy, also show up, just as Flash, Comet, and Base start dancing like crazy while Cheese plays disco music, much to their amusement. Sunset catches Comet’s eye again, and Moondancer and Flash slap him, as he had previously requested. Flash gets to talking with the girls about his deceased mother, and tells them about how he once asked her why she and his father married. Spring had responded that when two people love each other enough to tolerate their differences and help each other be better people, they are a perfect match. Twilight finds this interesting.

Later on, after the cake has been served and cut, the twins separately request to know who Twilight is dating so they can avoid him. Flash and Twilight separately say Timber’s name in unison, and the twins freeze in shock and horror. They then shout for everyone to go, and drag Flash upstairs. Derpy, Micro, and the Rainbooms are left dumbfounded while Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and Cheese leave. Inside Moondancer’s room, the twins revels that Timber is the boy who flirted with the girls at their school. Flash tries to diffuse the situation, but the others deny that Timber could ever change. After debating about Timber for a few minutes, Flash convinces the twins decides to just avoid him. But then, when they start to talk about the two Twilights, the trio come to a realization: if the Sunset that Flash has known is the Pony Sunset from Equestria, the HUMAN Sunset must be out there somewhere, and if the government finds out, and finds the portal, they will no doubt get it out hand, and it would be the end of the world. Comet suggests he and Flash go track down the Human Sunset.

A few days later, Twilight, having gotten advice and support from her friends and family, finally decides to break up with Timber. When she meets with him at a restaurant and starts to talk to him though, he gets defensive, making her suspicious. Sunny Flare suddenly shows up and squirts Timber with hot liquid. She reveals to Twilight that Timber had flirted with Lemon Zest while on his life guard job. Twilight confronts Timber about this, but he denies even knowing Lemon or Sunny. Fed up, Twilight dumps him and leaves.

A week later, the day before spring break, Flash and Comet prepare to head out. After instructing Moondancer and their friends to watch the city for government agents, they go to a gas station to fuel up and plan their move. While there, Comet spots Juniper Montage and Wallflower Blush talking. He tells them that if the universe ends, Twilight and Sunset are to blame, then runs back to the car before either can respond. With the gas tank full, the boys start their search in the neighboring city 20 miles away.

The next day, Flash walks into a nearby forest to let off some steam, and meets a rich man called Mr. Sombra, who he and Comet help out from under a fallen tree. Pretending to thank them for helping him, Sombra buys the boys a hotel room. When Flash laments about the turn his life has taken, Sombra offers them a strange deal: A “week” of their most desired dreams in exchange for the memory of a week from Flash’s past. The boys politely decline this offer. Sombra gives them his number if they change their minds. He gives someone a call, saying sinisterly that they will accept.

Twelve days later, the boys have searched the city and the internet from top to bottom, but there is no sign of the Human Sunset, not even clues to her whereabouts. Flash is almost ready to give up, until Comet suggests they take Sombra’s offer believing it will give them time to think of a new strategy. Flash agrees and calls Sombra. Arriving at his mansion, Sombra and his wife Chrysalis suggest that Flash erase a week from his infanthood from his mind, since it was so long ago, it will not impact him now. Flash agrees and, after a nod of encouragement from Comet, signs the contract. Sombra tells the boys to “have a nice week”. And the married couple laughs evilly.

Sombra, Chrysalis, their mansion, and literally everything else disappears and the boys are sent screaming into a swirling vortex of flashing red, blue, and yellow lights.

To Be Continued ....

Author's Note:

Think of these chapters as plot summaries on Wikipedia.

I take some inspiration from Godslittleprincess for the part where Twilight breaks up with Timber.

Please keep your negative opinions to yourself.