• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 2,859 Views, 60 Comments

Bubbles - CanterlotGuardian

Twilight has had a shocking revelation about Derpy... or has she?

  • ...


It seemed as though a certain electricity was in the air. Everyone could sense it, though no one really had an explanation as to what was causing it. It certainly wasn’t because of an electric storm, and no eels were being thrown around above the ponies’ heads. So what was it?

In spite of this aberration in the air, the ponies went about their regular business. Lyra sat in the Cake family’s
bakery, sharing a peach cobbler cake with Bon Bon. It had been made especially for them; it wasn’t even on the menu yet. They were waiting for Lyra and Bon Bon’s approval- which after only one taste, they’d wholeheartedly given- for the item to be sold to the public.

The other ponies were busy as well. Fluttershy was taking some flying lessons from Rainbow Dash, as was Scootaloo; the two made good partners, seeing as neither of them were as good of flyers as Rainbow Dash was. Thus, each of them had equal amounts to learn. Rarity was in her shop, hard at work on some new dress idea. And Applejack was off at her farm, tending to the apple crops.

That just left Pinkie Pie, who was at that moment bouncing happily towards Ponyville’s center city square. She was alone, though that wouldn’t be the case for long; she had plans to meet up with Rarity for lunch. She had no idea that Rarity was still hard at work at her shop, though, so she just kept on bouncing happily down the road.

When she got to the town square, she smelled something delicious coming from the Cake’s bakery.

“Ooh what’s this?” she said animatedly. “Could it be… cherries? My favorite!” She headed in the direction of the bakery, but only made it a few steps before another voice could be heard behind her: “Hey, Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie turned. “Oh! Hi, Twilight! Whatcha doin’?”

Twilight had a big smile on her face, and oddly so did Spike, who was riding on her back. “I just invented something new. You wanna come see it?”

“Sure!” Pinkie exclaimed, then stopped. “Um, what did you make, exactly?”

Twilight grinned ecstatically. “It’s something that you’d never dream of in your wildest dreams, Pinkie. It’s that cool.”

Pinkie looked at Twilight funny. “I don’t know, Twilight… I have some pretty crazy dreams. Like this one where I was baking a batch of cupcakes, and-“

“No time!” Twilight cut her off. “Do you want to come see this or not?” Pinkie, if she would be honest with herself, was getting more and more curious by the moment, so she finally relented and headed off with Twilight.


When they got back to her house, they headed down into her basement. Pinkie ooh-ed and aah-ed the whole way down. “I’ve only been down here once, I think… When you had me hooked up to that really weird machine.”

Twilight chuckled. “Yep, that was a trip alright. But this thing is going to make even that machine look positively childish.”

“No way…” Pinkie replied. “I can’t see that ever-“

Suddenly, she cut herself off. There, in front of her, resting on the fireplace mantel, was a flat box that had some sort of film covering the front of it. It was, frankly, the most beautiful thing that Pinkie had ever seen.

“What…?” she asked, starstruck. “What is it?”

Twilight was obviously pleased at Pinkie’s reaction. “I call it… a television. See, I got this in the mail the other day-“ She held up a plastic case that was open to reveal several discs- “and I had no idea how to make them work. When I asked Lyra, she said that I needed something called a television. Well, I had no idea what that was, so I decided to make one myself to see if it would work.”

“Ooh!” was all Pinkie responded with. “So does it work?”

“I don’t know yet,” Twilight replied, walking over to the television. “I’ve been trying to get everyone to come out here and check it out, but everyone’s busy doing their own thing. You’re the only one who actually agreed to come out here and do this.”

“Wow…” Pinkie wondered out loud, “Why wouldn’t anyone want to come out and see something so awesome?”

“You’re asking the wrong mare,” replied Twilight. She handed a disc to Spike, who hopped up to the TV and pressed a button. A panel slid out, and Spike put the disc on the panel before closing it again.

“So… we watch things on this?” Pinkie asked. “Okie-dokie, then! What are we watching?”

“It’s called The Powerpuff Girls. Like I said, I had it sent to me by a friend.” She turned the TV on, and Spike pushed over a couch for the three of them. They all sat down and started watching.

For the next few hours, they were mesmerized by the tales of three young girls, created from a mixture of the most pure and innocent ingredients you can find, with a dash of radioactive material accidentally spilled in, as well. When they’d almost gotten through the first two discs, Twilight stretched and groaned. “Okay, only one more episode, then we’ll take a break.”

So, they continued. About halfway through the episode, one of the characters, Bubbles, had on a pair of insect antennae- fake, of course- and she was looking cross-eyed at someone off-camera. Pinkie laughed. “Who does that look like to you? Doesn’t that look like Ditzy Doo?”

Twilight laughed as well. It kind of did remind her of the grey pony that everyone seemed to-

Suddenly, she stood up. “Oh my… I can’t believe I never made the connection!” She ran off, heading upstairs, leaving Pinkie and Spike with the TV.

“Where are you going?” Pinkie called after her. “The episode isn’t over yet!”


A few minutes later, she had managed to wrangle up Lyra and Derpy, and they were all three seated in the Cake’s shop.

“What’s this all about, Twilight?” Derpy asked inquisitively.

Twilight chuckled. “Okay, so here’s the deal. Derpy, I’m pretty sure I’ve found your sister.”

“Found her?” Derpy’s tone was worried now. “What happened to Dinky Doo to make her get lost?”

“Oh no, not Dinky. She’s fine. I’m talking about her.” She slid a picture of Bubbles over to Derpy, who looked at it cross-eyed like usual. Lyra’s face lit up like a Ponymas tree.

“Wait, so you believe me now? Humans do exist?” Twilight’s silence was interpreted as an agreement, and Lyra began jumping for joy.

Derpy pushed the paper back towards Twilight. “What are you talking about, Twilight? We’re not even of the same species.”

“But her name is Bubbles, and well… your cutie mark is a line of bubbles, and she does look kind of… well, derpy in the picture, so I just figured…”

Derpy laughed. “Oh you, Twilight… I have bubbles for my cutie mark because of my bubbly personality. It has nothing to do with any kind of connection that I have between myself and some person who happens to have the same name as my cutie mark.” She smiled her own unique smile. “Besides, who names their kid Bubbles? That’s just weird.” She waved to the Cake family, then flew away.

Twilight was stumped. She was so sure that was the reason behind Derpy’s cutie mark. Dejected, she got up and left, Lyra still at the table in shock.


As Derpy was flying through the air, she got a call on her cell phone. She pressed the button to answer the call. It was really awesome of Twilight to make this for her, so she could keep in touch with everyone on a daily basis. Her status as official mailmare allowed her to know, probably better than anyone else- that regular mail was a lot slower than just making a simple phone call.

“Hi, Bubbles!” she said animatedly. “You’ll never guess who finally made the connection…”

Comments ( 60 )

I saw the title and thought of the very poorly written grim/dark tale regarding Derpy's cutie mark by the same name, and was about to assume the worst, before seeing your rating and tag and after reading it through, I was quite impressed and did enjoy the story. Liked and faved. :derpytongue2:

Great, now I want a Powerpuff crossover. I hope you're proud of yourself.

I'll have to stick this on Read Later!

1262910 Do you mean the grimbright one where she's abandoned and left with a little dish of bubbles? I quite liked that one. It's written like Flowers for Algernon.

I've got quite a few stories that are already on my to-do list, but I think I might find some time to add that one on... It may be a while before it can get posted, though.

1263202 Yes... how could something like that be considered light at all :rainbowhuh:. It was full of errors, (at least the one I read was), Derpy's mother shouldn't be described as abusive and hateful, she should be more like the one from Derpy's first bath (Compassionate and loving). Flowers for Algernon is good, but I would never compare it with Bubbles, I almost didn't bother finishing bubbles because of how rushed it was.

1264440 haha that's brilliant! :derpytongue2:


Well, to each his or her own. Personally, I think an individual writer should be allowed creative license with characters lacking any canon character development. Bubbles was a good example of using tone to create grimbright (an otherwise difficult alignment).

1265217 I suppose. I can't deny that every writer should be allowed their creative will to think of that sort of stuff. And I wont go all out and say it is a bad story, but I really didn't enjoy it personally. I can't judge the character personas a lot though, I've got my own share of dark stories... But the difference is I don't twist characters to be the opposite of what they'd be in the actual show. I will admit, if done right, that makes a great story. But if you turn say Pinkie into a crazed killer not only do you enrage me and many others, but you are left with a piece of rubbish like cupcakes. (In all honesty, as well written as that was, it was horrible, and any story that is ripped off it and directly related to it is always just as bad, but always has worse grammar) that is my rant. I have no problems with your personal preference towards these stories, but that is mine.


Pinkamena is canon :pinkiecrazy:

sort of

Yay :pinkiehappy:
And I happen to agree with your 'little' rant 100%! completely changing the persona and identity of a character is wrong in any case (especially if their are Ponies involved). :moustache:

1265294 Not the type of Pinkamena that would cut somepony up. :pinkiesick:

1265657 Thats why I don't like it most of the time :pinkiesmile:, ponies are so innocent, even when writing grim dark I can't write about them any differently than how they would actually act :yay:

also speaking of Cupcakes, did you catch my reference to it in the story?

1268561 "I have some pretty crazy dreams. Like this one where I was baking a batch of cupcakes, and-" :pinkiegasp: would this be the line :rainbowderp:

yes it would. btw I feel the same way you do about Cupcakes. I can't stand it.

1268599 I;m glad to hear it :yay: usually the only ones who like it anyway are the newby noobs who write their first ever fic based off of it, leading for an instant grave digging of their profile. I'll toss you a follow, i'd be interested to see what stories you come up with in the future dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra_smile.png

aaw. you ish so sweet. I'm glad you like my stories

1268614 Yeah, sometimes I need to read stuff like this to refresh my innocence of the show, and make me feel like not such a bad person for some of the stuff I write. But in all seriousness these are quite entertaining dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Pinkie_loool.png

well you'll be happy to know then, that I'm going to be focusing more on the fluffier stories in the near future, and less on my grimdark stories such as Taken. in fact, my very next story I think you'll really like. I'll give you a hint: it's about Derpy and a gigantic sock.

1268627 I love Derpy :derpytongue2:dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Derpy_Hooves_lolface.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Derpy_Hooves.png looking forward to it dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_beam.png for now I think the best story I saw on your page was Success! We Have Secured the Enemy Intelligence! any TF2 crossover or themed story that is well written is always a good one... why is it not in my favourites dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_rainbowderp_flip.png ... I'll be right back.

1268635 Sometimes I forget to rate dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia_O_O.png I didn't catch your reference to the fake meet the pyro though... I think it's been ages since i watched it though dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Twilight_Sparkle.png .


“Mission begins in sixty seconds!” It’s that same female announcer again. The Scout leans in to me. “Ya know, there are rumors that the Pyro is the announcer lady…”

1268644 ... And all this time, it stood out like a chipped hoof dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_rainbowderp_flip.png :facehoof: I tend to oveerlook certain things if I'm immersed in the story. Probobly would have been an odd comedic twist if the pyro had been standing beside you as well, and heard you say that.

y'know, I didn't even think of that. wow, that would have been pretty cool. oh well, I'm planning on making some other MLP/TF2 crossover stories in the future.

also, where are you getting all these other ponymoticons? like how do you find what to type to put them in?

1268658 I like me a good Tf2 crossover dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Spitfire_rape.png
Oh and there is a link to a script for them here: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/25924 you need a program called greasemonkey to use it, but that should also be there if you need help, I'll run you through it. there's alot of good ones dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia_cake.png

1268658 I forgot to mention there's a few more things than just emoticons too. but they are listed on the site.

1268658 Did you manage to get the script working?

I'm somewhat tech illiterate, so no. I couldn't even find where to get the script from.

1268731 ok, would you like me to run you through it?


This was a wonderful story. The only way I presently see it becoming better is if it is made into an multi-chapter story. Kudos!:pinkiehappy:

BUBBLES:pinkiehappy: Bubbles is best puff

I was considering doing that.


First, it's not full of errors, it's written as if by a child, the "errors" were inserted on purpose. Second, for the sake of the story Derpy's mother shouldn't be loving and caring, she needed to be abusive, else there would be no story. Your headcanon does not dictate how other people should right stories. The idea of grimbright is having a more cynical plot in a seemly perfect society, like Ponyville. You shouldn't say a story just because it's grimbright and you aren't a fan of grimbright. Every story has a purpose, and Bubbles illuminates a truth about our society. Just because it isn't good doesn't make it any less true. I was personally touched by Bubbles enough to make a sequel of sorts to it.

1278020 Hey, like it has been said, everyone has an opinion, and everyone has free will of speech :pinkiesmile:

Wow, that was pretty good. Please keep it up.

thanks, both for the compliment and for the comment which actually has something to do with my story xD

One line changed at the end. I didn't like how awkward it sounded, so it's been revised.

xD No prob, It's always a pleasure to support good authors.

Pinkie looked at Twilight funny. “I don’t know, Twilight… I have some pretty crazy dreams. Like this one where I was baking a batch of cupcakes, and-“

“No time!” Twilight cut her off.
thank god she cut pinkie off:twilightsmile:

yep. who knows where she would have gone? :scootangel:

you do know that Dinky is Ditzy's daughter right:twilightsmile:

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