• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 1,212 Views, 9 Comments

It's Not Your Fault - whallmlp

Sunset blames herself for everything. Rainbow disagrees

  • ...

It's not your Fault

Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer were on top of a hill doing there daily yoga exercises
Sunset had gotten alot better compared to her first time doing yoga with Dash.

Instead of being wrapped up like a pretzel and Dash going to fast for her to catch up they both learned how to fix that problem it was simple really all Dash had to do was slow down for once in her life and Sunset learned how to be more flexible with her body.

However today was different compared to the rest of their exercise's Sunset wasn't smiling and she wasn't putting much effort into her movement's Dash noticed this and as expected it bothered her.

"Hey Sunset are you ok?" Dash asked sitting criss-cross right next to her friend
Sunset blinked for a moment as if she had been staring off into space this whole time.

"I'm fine Dash it's nothing" Sunset said with a fake smile trying not to make her friend worry about her

"Sunset don't lie to me come on I'm you're friend and friend's help eachother" Rainbow said putting her hand on top of Sunset's squeezing it gently.

Sunset looked up at Rainbow's beautiful magenta eye's and took a deep breath.

"Everything is my fault" Sunset said lowering her head

"Come again?" Rainbow asked holding her right ear in her hand

"I SAID EVERYTHING IS MY FAULT!" Sunset yelled into Dash's ear slowly losing her temper at her friend.

"Ok ok calm down! i just couldn't hear you" Rainbow said rubbing her ear

Sunset calmed down "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell it's just everything is getting to me, All our adventures and near death experiences are all my fault I should have never come to this world than you guys would probably have normal liv..." Sunset was cut off by Dash who was giving her a hug.

Rainbow stopped hugging and pulled away
"Stop that" Rainbow said with her eye's narrowed

"Stop blaming you're self for everything it's not your fault, Yeah maybe you brought magic here or maybe it was the pony version of Twilight who did it but Sunset not all our Adventures villains and evil magic is all on you." Rainbow said speaking with a stern tone of voice

Sunset was a little taken aback she had never heard Rainbow speak with that tone of voice before.

"But...but"! Sunset was trying her best to speak but couldn't find the words

"No but's, Look Sunset everyone makes mistakes it's called being human and sometimes when we make mistakes positives happen just as well as negatives." Rainbow said putting her hand on Sunset's shoulder.

"What positives? Name one thing positive about it?" Sunset asked wanting to know just what Rainbow saw as a positive

"I can name three" Rainbow said holding up three fingers
"Number three Twilight, If magic wasn't in our world Twilight probably wouldn't have been interested in our school and we would have never have met/became friends with her" Rainbow said lowering one finger of the three.

"Two the Adventures and lessons we've learned,
If magic wasn't here we probably would just be normal high school girls living boring lives but were not we get cool power's and get to go on adventures and learn lessons that bring us closer together as friend's" Rainbow said lowering the second finger of the three.

Sunset sat there waiting to here the last positive
She had to admit Dash did have a point but still the negatives were still there and as sweet as it was to hear Dash say all these things she knew
She would have to list the negatives as a response.

"Number three You" Rainbow said lowering her last finger

"Wha...what?" Sunset said her eyes widen with shock at what Rainbow said

"Don't play dumb Sunshim you know what I mean it wasn't just you who brought magic here
You and I both know the pony version of Twilight is also responsible for magic being here, But that's the thing Twilight being here gave us the best magic of them all the magic of friendship" Rainbow said with a smile on her face.

Sunset chuckled at how cheesy all that was

"I'm serious you wouldn't be our friend if you didn't learn the magic of friendship and to be honest I'm happy you're in our lives." Rainbow said putting her hand on top of Sunset's

Sunset blushed lacing their fingers together resulting in the two holding eachother's hands
"Really?" Sunset asked blushing even harder now than before.

Dash started to panic a bit "Um yeah I mean you're really brave and intelligent and a great listener and well...I like you're confidence, I mean the only downside is you have a huge temper but other than that you're pretty cool." Rainbow said blushing to the point where both her cheeks turned red.

"Don't you mean 20 percent cool?" Sunset joked
Chuckling to herself

"Don't push it" Dash said as they both laughed in unison.

" Sunset not everything is because of you, We've all done something that's led to something or another but that's okay as long as we learn from our mistakes and make sure that it never happens again, So stop putting yourself down all the time just pick yourself up and kick life in the butt." said Rainbow

Sunset smiled she had spent this whole time carrying this weight on her shoulders and never knowing what to do or who to talk to about it.

"Thanks Dash i needed this" Sunset said hugging Dash in the process

"No problem if you ever need someone to talk to just come to me or the rest of us we are you're friends after all" Dash said as she hugged her back.

"Yeah you are" Sunset said as she leand forward and kissed Dash on the cheek and got up and started heading down the hill

Dash sat there eye's wide in shock and blushing hard and grabbing her cheek
("What just happened?").

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading guys. I thought I'd make this story cause I like these two characters. I hope you guys like this story and hope you all have a wonderful day.

Comments ( 9 )

"Your," not "you're."

punctuation and stuffs
you get it

Wow. Have you never read a book? Have you ever in your life ever seen dialogue written that way? And what's with the weird paragraph settings? This reads as if you wrote it in about five minutes or less, with zero spell check and only the barest grasp of grammar and punctuation.

Seriously, you have some work to do before you can call yourself a writer. This Writing Guide will help.

Good luck!

I actually felt my balls retract while trying to read this...

Look i understand if you don't like the story or the writing.
I'm still new to this whole writing stories thing
I appreciate the Writing Guide and all but you don't have to be rude.

I will try my best to get better overtime
So have a good day!

I wouldn’t say it was ALL her fault, but she did play a part in it.

("Ok ok calm down i just couldn't hear you") Rainbow said rubbing her ear Sunset calmed down ("I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell it's just everything is getting to me. All our adventures and near death experiences are all my fault I should have never come to this world than you guys would probably have normal liv") Sunset was cut off by Dash who was giving her a hug.

You have nothing to apologize for sunset. This isn't your fault. These things happen whether we like it or not.

("Don't you mean 20 percent cool") Sunset joked Chuckling to herself ("Don't push it") Dash said as they both laughed in unison (" Sunset not everything is because of you. We've all done something that's led to something or another but that's okay as long as we learn from our mistakes and make sure that it never happens again. So stop putting yourself down all the time just pick yourself up and kick life in the butt") Dash said

She's right.

This story was good as all but there's many things in this story than need to be changed edit wise. Like spaces for example.

Thank you and yes I will go back and fix it.

Good since it needs a lot of fixing if you ask me.

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