• Published 15th Jan 2023
  • 322 Views, 1 Comments

Friends Forever, Heroes Together - TheSuperTransformerFan

32 heroic teams are called to win a special tournament in which whichever team wins can have their greatest wish come true! In order to have that wish granted, an intense battle to decide the fate of our worlds...will be unleashed!

  • ...

Twilight’s New Friends

Thomas arrived at the Tidmouth Sheds with Twilight just hanging on for the ride. They had talked about some of their moments and adventures on the way. When they got there, they boarded into the area. “So, this is where you live?” Twilight asked, as she wrote in her notebook (which came out of nowhere). “Fascinating.”

“I know...even for a train, it’s nice living here.” Thomas agreed. “I bet your friends would love seeing a place like this.”

“Yeah...it would.” Twilight said, as she started to look down.

Thomas immediately knew something was wrong, judging by the look on her face. “What’s wrong, Twilight?” He asked her.

Twilight looked down at the ground sadly. “I miss my friends.” She confirmed. “Ever since I was flung in space, I was separated from any of my friends.” Tears started to trickle through her eyes. “I don’t know where any of them are, or how I can find them.”

Thomas understood how she felt, as his friends have suffered things like this. “Don’t worry, Twilight.” Thomas said. “I’m pretty sure you’ll find your friends soon. They’re probably looking for you too.”

Twilight stopped crying, and looked up, smiling. “You really think so?” She asked.

“Of course.” Thomas told her. “As one friend to another, I bet your friends will be okay. They’re probably here in this world.”

Twilight smiled, and hugged her friend. “Thanks, Thomas.” She said. “I’ll find them sometime. But right now, I might need a little rest.” She saw that the sun was setting, and that it was getting late.

“Oh. Wow. It sure is getting late.” Thomas said, as he saw the sky getting darker. “I think you’ll feel better after a long night’s rest. And, I will too.” He yawned, as he dozed off and went to sleep.

Twilight saw her friend sleeping, and yawned too, as she slept in his car, right behind him. “Night, Thomas.” She said.

“Night, Twilight.” Thomas said, as they dozed off. Twilight sure needed her energy, which she would get when she woke up the next day, which would come sooner than you think. Thomas would help too, if at all possible. The quest would start tomorrow.

The next day, Twilight, who was still asleep suddenly sniffed the air and woke up, "What's that aroma?" she followed the smell out of the car which led her to the revolving part of the shed. Surprised, she saw a plate of maple syrup pancakes. She licked her lips and rushed over to it, picked the plate up, and started to munch on them happily. She had never had such a great breakfast meal in such a long time.

A brown engine, Toby chugged over to her slowly, and stopped. spoke to her excitedly, "Good morning, Twilight Sparkle. Sleep well?" He asked excitedly.

"Oh! Good morning," she said, eating the pancakes at the same time, "You made me breakfast?"

"Yep.” Toby simply answered. “Hope you like pancakes."

Twilight smiled and blushed, "Aw! Thomas and the others are so sweet." She said.

"Well, I felt that you haven’t eaten since you arrived, and since Guy has given you a home here, I felt like it was the least we could do." he answered.

"No problem." Twilight said. “And Guy? How did he find me?”

“You were floating through the multiverse space, and he found you.” Thomas confirmed.

“I’ll have to thank Guy for helping me out later.” Twilight said, as she munched on her breakfast. “But, right now...I’m in the mood to eat.”

"I'm so glad to hear that." Thomas said happily.

"You know if you wanna learn more about cooking, you should talk to Pinkie Pie." Twilight suggested.

"I'll keep that in mind if we ever see her.” Thomas said. “You got a big day ahead of yourself.” he reminded the pony, who continued to eat.

After she had finished her breakfast, she readied up her saddlebag, loading it with not more than two books. “I just had to pack up a few books and papers about the new world I arrived in yesterday.” She said, as she readied it up. “I hope I didn’t pack too much. It's fun, relaxing and rewarding and—“ she stopped herself mid sentence. “Too much to talk about right now.”

“So, where ARE you going to go right now?” Thomas asked her.

“I don’t know where.” Twilight told them. “But, I have to find my other friends. They might be my only hope for brining my dimension back.” Twilight started walking off, but turned back. “I’ll let you know if anything comes up.” She smiled, as she took off towards parts unknown, as Thomas and Toby watched her leave. One thing’s for sure...they would definitely see her again...no matter where she went.

Twilight was flying through this new dimension a few times, and still no clue to where to where her friends were! She groaned, as she was repeatedly flying through many pathways, each leading to the same way. “How in the world am I going to find my friends or any help in this land, if all I do is waste time flying in the same direction?!” She then though if an idea, as she blindly flew again.

“I'm just gonna fly right up to whoever, and tell he or she what I think about their approach to help!” She said, sneakily. “Won't anyone be surprised!” However, her idea was suddenly interrupted when she saw a violet typhoon drop, scaring her. She clung onto a tree, and saw the typhoon dissipate to reveal a purple armored alien.

“I think I may have just got my surprise!” She said, nervously, as she watched the alien wander around.

The alien was walking around with a scanner-like device in his hand, and it was beeping. Suddenly, it went off as if there was no tomorrow! “Energy source detected.” The scanner said.

“Under those old statues?” The alien asked. “Interesting. Then, Emperor Marvo was right! There is energy in this area!” He quickly put the scanner away, and got out his sword, and slashed the ground, leaving a crater-shaped hole in it.

Twilight braced herself from the impact of the blast, but still kept watch of the alien’s activity, as it used its scanner, which got stronger as he walked closer. “Energy source locked on.” It said.

“Excellent.” The alien said, as it walked through that crater.

Twilight decided to follow him into that crater. Seeing that she has been through archives, libraries, and passageways by herself, she wanted to check it out. Slowly, she stepped in the crater to avoid being heard. She continued walking until she was underground, and inside a room, like a base. She gasped in awe as she saw all the things that were in there. Tech, a containment chamber...and possibly books. Now, she really wished her friends were here to see this. Either way, she fell in love with this whole room.

She saw a dusty statue, and blew the dust off. She coughed a little, but she looked around. “Wow!” She said, as she scanned the room, smiling. The room lit up, as she scanned it, and she felt like she could enjoy this.

Suddenly, she ducked behind a tech cart, when she saw the alien searching the room for the energy, his scanner still on. “Where’s that energy source?” He asked, still holding his scanner. “It must be mine.” He walked closer and closer to the area, until he saw something move. “What’s this?!” He ran towards Twilight, who was indeed scared by his appearance, and that he was coming to get her.

“Oh no!” She gasped, as she flew off the cabinet, and landed in the Center of the room, as the alien approached her, aiming his sword at her. He fired a beam at her, knocking her down in pain. She groaned, rubbing herself, as he came closer.

“Tell me, little pony!” The alien said. “The energy source...where is it?!”

“Firstly, I’m an alicorn...” Twilight simply stated. “Second, was all that really necessary?!”

“Do not play games with me!” He said, aiming his sword at her. “I am Void Knight! And you are no match for my power!” He started to slash her, as she jumped out of the way, backing up whole he followed her. “Now tell me...where is the energy source?!”

“Uh, can you be more specific?” Twilight asked him nervously.

“Don’t you play the fool with me!” Void Knight said, as he aimed his sword at her, as she covered herself in her wings. It looked like she would meet her end.

However, a lightning bolt zapped him, as he stepped back in shock as he saw an electric mouse fire lightning from his cheeks right at him. “What?!” He asked as the mouse stepped closer to him, as a human boy ran towards him. He was in sports attire, as well as a cap on his head, as he smiled boldly towards him. It was Ash Ketchum...super skilled Pokémon trainer! The electric mouse was his partner, Pikachu!

“Great job, Pika!” Ash said, as it happily cooed. He pointed at Void Knight. “Leave that pony alone!” Void Knight growled as he raised his sword at them. Only at that moment, a fire ball zoomed right at him, sending him down to the ground to which a female genie appeared, fire balls already conjured.

“This may come as a shock to you...” she said. “But, nobody likes a bully!” She sent a few fire balls towards him, singeing him as he rolled in the ground.

“You’ll pay for this!” Void Knight shouted in pure rage.

“Great move!” Ash said to her.

“Thanks.” She said. “But that won’t hold him for long! We gotta help that pony!” Ash nodded as they dashed towards her, joy at that moment, Void Knight got back up, ready to strike.

“You want your friend?” He asked, aiming his sword at the cowering pony. “You’ll have to get through my army of Sporix beasts and Kudaiter Worlds first!” He clicked a key into his sword, and an array of grotesque and metal-like creatures appeared before them! Ash and Shantae got ready for battle.

“We’re always up for a challenge!” Ash said bravely, getting out a Pokémon ball. “Bring it on!”

“Attack!” Void Knight shouted as the army advanced towards them, as Ash quickly handed Shantae a Pokémon ball as well.

“Use this!” He told her. “It’s a Pokeball! I’m using one too!”

Shantae quickly understood. “Okay.” She said. “It’s time to show them how it’s done!”

Ash nodded as he threw his ball up. “Talonflame....I choose you!” He shouted, as a Flame Falcon Pokémon came out of the ball, and emerged!

Shantae saw the ball, and nodded. “Alright.” She said, as she tossed it. “Whatever you are....I choose you!” The ball opened to reveal a ninja anthro frog Pokémon. She was shocked at first, but then decided to deal with it. “Okay!” She said to it. “So, let’s see what you can do!”

The frog Pokémon...Greninja nodded, as it jumped up to perform a tongue whip slash towards a few of the Sporix beasts, sending them down.

“Talonflame...use Fire Blast!” Ash shouted, as Talonflame fired an array of flames from its mouth, singeing a few of the beast, sending them down instantly.

“Okay...” Shanate started, only to realize she did not know the Pokémon’s name. “What is this one?” She asked Ash.

“Greninja.” Ash answered.

“Got it!” She turned to him. “Greninja...use...” she thought of an attack. “Water Shuriken!” She shouted. Greninja nodded as it conjured up a water ninja star and tossed it at the Kudaiter Worlds, sending them down instantly and making them short out.

“What?!” Void Knight said in shock, seeing his army easily defeated. He was furious. “That’s it! I’ll tear you apart!” He shouted, as he got out his sword and was ready to slash them.

“Talonflame! Use Brave Bird!” Ash called out, as it turned into a blue typhoon and zoomed past the Knight, making him easily go down.

“Greninja! Pikachu!” Shantae called out. “Use water ball and Thundershock!” The two creatures nodded as they jumped up, and Greninja enveloped Void Knight into a ball of water, while Pikachu used electricity from his cheeks and blasted him, sending him down.

He growled as he got up. “That’s it!” He shouted. “I’ve had enough of you!” He raised his sword in the air, ready to slash them, when a red Pokémon like creature showed up, with a teen with sports attire and goggles on his head. Also with them was a girl in super solar Angel-like clothing. “What?!” He asked in fury.

“That’s as close as you’ll come, Void Knight!” The red creature shouted. “We knew your other warriors like Danu and Ceridwen fell! Now, you’ll share the same fate!”

“So, care to give up or make things difficult?” The girl in Angel clothing said.

“I’m not giving up for anybody!” Void Knight said in rage. “You’re all gonna pay!” He ran towards the new arrivals.

The new heroes ran towards him with the boy throwing a punch to his gut. The red Pokémon like creature jumped up, and kicked him in the chest plate and sent him down. But Void Knight got back up and growled, as he took a slash, which the new arrivals dodged quickly, by jumping.

The girl in the Angel clothing jumped up, and tossed her staff at the boy. “Mikey, catch!” She said.

Mikey caught the staff excitedly. “Whoa! We’re rocking it, Sakura!” He said, as they teamed up and kicked him hard in the helmet.

“Wow!” Ash said, as they watched the fight unfold. “So far, that’s some real teamwork right there!” Shantae nodded, and they ran to join them. Mikey and Sakura held the Knight in place, as Ash called on Pikachu. “Use Thunder!” He shouted, as Pikachu jumped up, and tackled him to the ground, and used his tail to emit thunder and whack him to a wall.

The red creature and Shantae helped retaliate as Shantae, herself used an array of fire balls at him, and the red creature...Shoutmon threw a mega punch at him, sending him down again. The new arrivals regrouped, ready to fight him. “Where did you get that Armor?” Mikey asked him.

“Doesn’t matter!” The Knight answered. “It’s mine now!” He aimed his saber at them. “And, now it’s time to finish you off!” He readied it for another slash, when he heard an angry voice.

“Hey!” It said. Void Knight turned to see Twilight, who was indeed very angry with him. She slowly approached him, horn at the ready. “You leave those five alone!” She shouted.

“And, why should I listen to a pony?” He asked. “You’re just one hero!”

“Alright, you asked for it!” Twilight shouted, as she revved up her horn and fired at the Knight, sending him about a few feet back. The others watched and exclaimed in excitement upon seeing her fight back. She quickly fired a few more blasts towards him, as he jumped back.

“This isn’t over!” He bellowed furiously.

“Keep telling yourself that!” Twilight shouted, as she continued to fire at him. At that point, the armored alien felt that it was time to retreat.

“Emperor Marvo will crush you!” He shouted as she retreated, leaving only the good guys left.

As Void Knight left, a stuffed bear-like fairy flew down to the rest of the heroes. “Void Knight won’t be back for a while.” It said. “I’m glad all of you are okay!” It flew into Sakura’s arms as she patted it.

Twilight panted a few breaths to catch herself as she turned to face the new heroes that came to her aid. She flew over to them. “I don’t know who any of you guys are.” She said. “But you saved my life.”

“We’re just glad we could help you when we could.” Ash said, as he stuck out his hand to her hoof.

“Thanks.” Twilight said as she shook it.

“Who are you?” Sakura asked, as she saw her. “I’ve never seen anyone quite as powerful as you.”

“My name’s Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight simply stated. “And you are...?”

“Oh, I’m Ash!” Ash told her. “And this is Pikachu.” He motioned for the electric mouse to his side, as it happily cooed “pika.” Twilight smiled, as she patted it.

“I’m Sakura.” Sakura said, as she shook Twilight’s hoof.

The bear-like fairy flew up to her. “And, I’m Kerberos...or Kero, as I’m usually called.” It said. “I’m Sakura’s partner.”

Twilight screamed immediately, as if she were caught off guard. “Holy!” She said in shock. “You’re like a toy fairy!” She hid herself in her wings again.

“It’s alright, Twilight.” Sakura said, as she patted her, making her wings retract. “Kero here is pretty much harmless.”

Kero blushed. “I can see you’re not used to a talking bear fairy.” He said, as Twilight giggled.

“I don’t think so.” She said, as she patted him, “But, you do look cute.” He just giggled as he heard that.

“I’m Shantae.” The genie introduced herself.

“I’m Mikey.” The other boy introduced, and this is Shoutmon. He motioned to the red creature, who smiled at her.

“Hi.” The red creature said, as Twilight gasped.

“You can also talk?!” She asked in shock.

“Well, of course I can.” Shoutmon answered. “Can’t you?” Twilight blushed.

Twilight looked to the side, and back to her rescuers. “You guys were lucky to come here!” She said. “That alien...Void Knight almost tried to kill me!”

“Void Knight?” Ash said. “He’s one of the most powerful aliens in the multiverse.”

“And, who was emperor Marvo?” Twilight asked.

“Emperor Marvo is a monster.” Shantae confirmed. “He has destroyed countless dimensions in the past.”

“He must’ve destroyed my own dimension.” Twilight said, after thinking about this. “And my friends...the old friends I used to have...are probably gone.” She let a tear trickle out of her eyes as she said that.

“What matters is that you’re here, now.” Mikey said. “And, we’ll help you out with trying to adapt to this new dimension you’re in.”

“Besides...” Sakura added. “I think you should know that you’ve got some heroes on your side!”

Twilight saw them and she smiled. “I guess I have at least a few new friends where I am now.” She said, as she gained composure again. “ Besides, it’s a little late to continue to find my friends, since I am a little lost in this new world.”

“That’s alright, Twilight.” Shantae said. “We’ll find your friends hopefully tomorrow.”

“Of course, Twilight.” Ash said in agreement. “You’re not getting all the glory, doing this all on your own. We're in this together.”

“We got your back.” Shoutmon agreed.

“We are ready to save your new world!” Shantae added as well. “And, find your friends...no matter how long it takes.”

“We're all behind you, Twilight.” Mikey said too.

Twilight smiled warmly at her new friends. “I guess we got a new world to protect...if it means saving mine.” She said. “ We’ll continue the quest tomorrow. I just wish I’ll get to see my world again.”

“Of course, Twilight!” Sakura said. “Whatever, we can do...we’ll help you find your friends again. Even if it does take some time.”

“Of course.” Twilight said, as she yawned and collapsed on the floor. It was getting a little late to continue the quest, and she could always resume another time.

Ash decided to join her, as he laid on his side right next to her. Shantae collapsed above Ash & Twilight, Sakura fell asleep right next to Shantae, & Mikey fell asleep right below Twilight. Pikachu, Kero & Shoutmon all collapsed together, and fell asleep right next to Mikey. They could always continue finding the rest of Twilight’s old friends another time. Right now, it sure was time to get some rest.

However, in the midst of their rest...somehow, they all had dream...a somewhat shared dream! In their dream, a team of humans in spandex suits jumped up, while many other teams of those humans joined them as they charged towards an unknown armada. They fought this armada with swords, and blasters, and their fight went on until a red Dino suited human with a white suited warrior with a rainbow on his suit charged at a few foot soldiers. Joining them were a team of green and black suited warriors with arm armor, as well as a red Dino robotic like warrior, who was using his sword and shield to strike at them.

Whatever this dream was that the heroes had in their sleep...it would likely be a vision of the future. But, it would be one for the better, as things would change...unknowingly for the better.