• Published 15th Jan 2023
  • 322 Views, 1 Comments

Friends Forever, Heroes Together - TheSuperTransformerFan

32 heroic teams are called to win a special tournament in which whichever team wins can have their greatest wish come true! In order to have that wish granted, an intense battle to decide the fate of our worlds...will be unleashed!

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Shantae VS Jurassic Team

On Battlefield #5, which was a canyon, Shantae...the half genie hero arrived on the ground, right by the high cliffs, and posed bravely. Her opponents were near, but luckily...she was ready to face them! Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long, as her opponents arrived. Riley (Dino Charge Green) & Trent (Dino Thunder White) both arrived already morphed, and posed before her.

“So, you two are my pursuers!” Shantae said, as she posed.

“So, the half genie runt!” Trent said, pointing his sword at her. “Fancy seeing you here!”

“That’s some competitive talk, coming from a Power Ranger, such as yourself!” Shantae said, pointing to both rangers. “I know what you guys are up to, and it won’t work!”

“Oh my!” Riley joked. “You think you have all the answers, don’t you? Well, think what you might!”

“You won’t be able to interfere with our plans for that wish!” Trent said, as he took one step closer.

“So, show us what you’ve got!” Riley said, as he followed suit with Trent.

Shantae’s rage started to boil up, as she was ready to take two members of the Jurassic team on! “It’s on!” She said, as she started to wipe the ground with her foot. Then, she ran towards the rangers, ready to give it her all!

Both rangers charged too, as they were also ready! “Let’s go!” Riley said, as they broke out their weapons.

The fight had begun with Shantae firing fire balls at them, but that did nothing, as they zipped past those easily. Riley got out his morpher, and fired it at her, as she jumped up behind them. She then conjured up a fire ball, and hurled it to them, knocking them down easily.

“Oh man! This genie burns!” Riley said in a little pain!

“We’ll just have to send it back at her!” Trent said, as they got their weapons ready! “Drago Sword!” He called out, as he tossed his two sword like Shurikens at her to which she dodged them quickly.

“Raptor slasher!” Riley said, as he fired at her with his weapon, but she dodged it by swiftly walking on rocks as if it were child’s play! She then delivered a whipping, with her hair, knocking their weapons out of their hands easily.

They just growled, as Shantae jumped up, and kicked them both in the guts, sending them back down. “She just doesn’t know WHEN to give up!” Trent said, angrily.

“We’ll just have to pump it up!” Riley said as they both ran towards her, as she landed.

“Super Dino Mode!” Trent said, as his suit was spiked up with super spikes.

“Dino Steel...armor on!” Riley said, as he slid his morpher on his arm, giving him some arm armor, as they were ready for round 2!

Trent swing his sword to conjure up some arrows, aiming them at the genie. “Fire!” He said, as they shot towards her.

“Oh my gosh!” Shantae said, as she jumped up and evaded all of the arrows.

Trent was surprised that she managed to evade his attack quickly, all on her own. “That’s not possible!” Trent said in shock.

“I’ll take care of her!” Riley said, as he got out his Saber. “Dino charger ready!” He clicked it into his weapon, and ran up to her. But, to his surprise, she jumped up, and kicked him down.

“Dammit!” He said in rage. “Why won’t you stand still?!”

“Let me try again!” Trent said to his teammate, as he dashed towards her, swiftly moving faster than the speed of light. However, Shantae knew his moves, and without warning...swiftly dodged them, as if there was no tomorrow!

“What?!” Trent said, as he saw her move. He growled. “Get back here!” He tried to get her, but she kept evading his moves. “There’s nowhere to run, Genie! And nowhere to hide!” He prepared to slash an X on her chest. “Accept this special attack!”

“Nah!” The genies said, smugly before taking his sword, and slashing a X on HIS chest. “You take it!” She landed swiftly, and laid the sword down gallantly, as Trent took an explosion to the chest! He fell down in defeat.

“Too easy.” Shantae said smugly, as she turned to the rangers, and smirked.

“All right!” Riley said, as he walked up to her. “What’s the deal?! You’re repeatedly dodging our attacks, as if they do no damage! Shouldn’t you be wiped out, right now?!”

“You forgot that I am a half genie!” Shantae reminded them. “And, I’m not here to defeat you!”

“Then, what ARE you here for?!” Trent asked in exasperation and rage.

She just giggled. “What I’m here for is for me to know, and you to NOT know.” She said to them, as she smirked. “All I know is that there are 2 rangers too many, and I’m here to change that!”

“Then, go for it!” Riley angrily shouted.

“You got it!” Shantae said, as she got ready to run towards them to strike.

They met, but Shantae kicked Riley in the gut, and then grabbed Trent by the arm, and took his sword, and slashed him down again. Riley ran up to her, with his Saber in hand, but it was knocked out by her hair, and she jumped up kicked him down. The two Jurassic rangers got back up, and ran towards her but she swiftly punched, and slashed them down easily.

Shantae crossed her arms, smugly. “That should do it!” She joked.

They just growled in mere frustration. “You honestly think you’re just gonna walk away like that?!” Riley asked.

“Not gonna happen!” Trent said, as he got out a Thundermax Laser, and fired it at her. However, she conjured up a shield, and sent the blasts back to them, knocking them down again!

“No!” They shouted in horror. Shantae used her hair to whip them up from the ground, and into the air, where they were in suspended animation for a few seconds before falling down, hitting the ground hard again!

Shantae landed, and giggled. “Nice flight?” She asked them.

Trent clenched his fist, as he got up. “She’s gonna pay for that!” He said in rage as he ran towards her. However, she kicked him the gut, sending him back to the ground again. Riley tried to throw a few punches, but she threw him off to the side, just like she did with Trent.

“I thought the Power Rangers were supposed to be stronger!” She joked. “Did you even train hard enough for your battle?” She walked closer towards them. “Nothing can beat a half-genie hero!”

The two rangers got their blasters out, and started shooting at her, but they had zero effect as she kept coming closer to them. They then jumped up towards her, only for her to grab them hard by the arms, and she spun them around until they were dizzy enough to be tossed again. They hit the ground, feeling delirious and lopsided after that battle, and they both demorphed.

“Okay...that wasn’t what I had in mind!” Trent told his teammate.

“I hear you, Trent!” Riley said, nodding. “Looks like it’s game over.” They tried to get up, but unfortunately, they didn’t have enough strength to continue fighting back, and they fell unconscious to the ground.

Shantae was excited to see that her opponents fell, and she pumped her fist in victory. “All clear!” She said in triumph. She had won her battle, fair and square! Sure the Jurassic team was tough. But, she was tougher! She turned heal, and walked away from the knocked out rangers, and teleported in a cloud of smoke away, back to her area where her other teammates were waiting.

Round #1 for each of the oddball team warriors was over for them. Now, things were about to start being challenging! It was time to get set for the next block of matches!

Author's Note:

Winner By TKO: Shantae!