• Published 4th Nov 2021
  • 321 Views, 2 Comments

A family at heart - Babycord

A life with eight caring and protective sisters is an interesting one.

  • ...


Twilight stared at Heart.

Heart stared right back.

"So in short, you accidentally bumped into someone at Pinkie's party which then lead to an altercation."


"An altercation in which ended with you receiving both a black eye and a bruised cheek".


"In the end, you with the help of Pinkie managed to win the fight. A fight in which you were the only one physically injured despite facing three opponents at the time".

"That's about right".

Twilight blinked.

"Do you expect me or the others to believe this?"

Heart shook his head. "No, not really".

"Then I presume that the truth isn't exactly any better?"


Shrugging Twilight turns back towards her computer. While she isn't exactly a fan of being lied to she assumes that the reason behind said lie was a good one. In any case, she hoped that whoever was responsible for committing such action was dealt with accordingly. Though from what Heart and the pink woman herself the people responsible weren't treated nicely. Regardless both siblings received a stern talking-to from Apple Jack. Twilight suspected that the older sibling didn't buy into the obvious lie either. The others certainly didn't. Well everyone besides Derpy.

Twilight Knew for a fact that Pinkie would never let Heart get into a fight. At least not one that she could handle, and from what Twilight has seen it takes more than three people to take the pink woman down. With that said she wasn't invincible. As such, she suspected that there was more to the story than meets the eye. Unfortunately, neither Heart nor Pinkie felt like giving away the details. Regardless the youth knew that it was only a matter of time before the truth will reveal itself.

With this in mind however Twilight has two theories of what might have occurred.

One the lie told to them wasn't a lie, but merely a half-truth. Witch happened due to an incident that was pinkie's fault.

Or two they were attacked by the serpent brotherhood in an attempt to drive Twilight away from her research.

She suspected that it was the latter.

If that's the case then it was only a matter of time before they come after her directly. Which meant that she only had a small opportunity to prepare ahead of time. Be that as it may, she felt confident that when the time came she'll have everything they'll need to fight back against them. Yes, it won't turn out as it had before. This time she'll be ready.

"What are you looking at?"

Upon hearing his question Twilight gathered her thoughts before answering.

"I'm studying the different types of snake poisons and the effect they have on the human body".

'Any particular reason why?"

The reason was simple.

Twilight knew that regular methods of knocking people unconscious wouldn't work among the secret snake-like humanoids that walk among them. As such, she hopes that poison of their less intelligent counterparts would do the trick. Of course, she could be wrong, but even if that was the case she could easily find another solution. With that said she didn't expect an individual with a lesser mind to understand. Not that she thought of her brother or those around her as stupid. No, the motion in itself did not sit well with Twilight. Instead, she thought of them as individuals who lacked the knowledge necessary to see the truth around them. That wasn't their fault, but the fault of society for blinding them with things that never really mattered in the first place. They were tricked into believing that they had free will. No, that in itself was a lie fed to the lower class to maintain control.

Free will was nothing but an illusion, a fairy tale told by a false god who wanted those around him to feel free and happy. In truth, if one was truly free then they would have the power to do anything they wanted. Things such as theft, murder, and rape should be perfectly illegal in their society because their so-called free will should allow them to do so. You cannot be free and get to choose only to be forced to follow someone's laws because you were told to do so. Whether it be man's laws or an act of a god.

Twilight truly pitted those who believed in such a falsehood. For they did not see the only thing that truly mattered.


Once you have that nothing on planet Earth can stand in your way.

Twilight craved control, but not in the normal sense. No, she wanted to control everything and everyone around her. Of course, complete control was not possible, but world domination? That was another story. Once long ago a certain man with a mustache attempted such an act, and all though he did not succeed Twilight respected his effort in doing so. Of course, that didn't mean that she agreed with his methods. No such things left a bitter taste in her mouth that she couldn't quite explain. Regardless Twilight hopes to one day gain control of the world around her. Making everything and everyone bend to her will and her will alone. Of course, she knew that others will rise and try to fight back, but with the aide of the Fallen Ones, she hoped to make them see the error of their ways before it was too late.

"Earth to Twilight you there?!"

Upon realizing that she was spacing out Twilight coughed.

Even if he didn't understand that didn't mean that she too will hide secrets.

"I'm curious to see if it might have any effect on those who watch us from afar".

Heart blinked.

"You mean the snake people?"


Heart paused. For a moment there seemed to be a look of conflict within in his expression. For several long moments, Twilight watched her brother open and close his mouth several times. Seeing this Twilight tilted her head in confusion. She didn't quite understand why her brother acted in this manner. She can only assume that something about her words deeply bothered him. Why this was the case she hadn't the slightest clue. Though she supposes that he was simply in awe with her brilliance. Or perhaps he was reminded of something that deeply troubled him. If that were the case then she didn't mind him expressing his thoughts to her.

However, before she could say anything Heart spoke.

"They aren't getting bolder are they?"

Twilight hummed. Not missing the look of guilt in his expression. Perhaps he wasn't ready to talk about whatever it was that was bothering him. Perhaps later on he might feel more willing to talk.

Until then.

"I don't believe so, but you can never be too sure".

Heart nods. The guilt in his expression vanished, and for a moment Twilight questioned if she saw such a thing in the first place. Though she supposed that it didn't matter. After all human emotions were a difficult concept to understand. At least for her. Not that she didn't feel any emotion, but more so she had trouble understanding it. In anyway case, Twilight decided that a bonding activity was in order.

Fortunately for her, she had something in mind.

"Come on you asshole!" Carrot Top shouted. The woman was currently stuck in traffic. Unfortunately for her, it felt like she was getting nowhere fast.

"I knew I should have left work earlier" the woman mumbles. It's not like she was getting munch in her dead-end job anyway. Suddenly the car in front of her began to move. "Finally!" She sighed. After a moment she moves into an intersection.

Only for a white truck to hit her full force.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She screams.

Leaning back in her chair Twilight watched the chaos unfold before her. Hacking into the traffic system was beyond easy. So easy in fact that it took her as little as two minutes. Staring at the destruction she caused with amused eyes Twilight couldn't help but feel a smile form on her lips.

Beside her Heart was starring at the screen. Tilting his head the teen whistled. Impressed by his sister's hacking abilities. "Twilight between just the two of us you never fail to amaze me".

The youth blushed.

"I am pleased to know that I have yet failed in capturing your attention".

Heart smirked.

"Of course Twilight you are the best sister in the world after all".

Her blush deepened.

He laughed.

Twilight was undoubtedly his favorite sister to tease. Mainly because her entire face lit up like a tomato every time he did so. In his opinion, her red brimmed face was the second cutest thing he ever saw.

The first is Derpy's smile.

Nothing in this realm can top Derpy's smile.

"Anyway im pretty hungry, wanna go grab a bite to eat?"

Upon hearing his question Twilight nodded.


Hay Burgers is a fast food place that despite the name has an all-meat menu.

Taking a bite of her cheeseburger Twilight casually glances out the window. During so she spots something strange. Well, scratch that it was downright terrifying.

Standing in a dark corner a block or so away was an unknown individual. This individual wore nothing but black. He was large, standing around seven to nearly eight-foot-tall. He wore a hat that manages to cover his face. However, even with that said his very presence alone brought a sense of paralyzing fear to those who looked at him long enough.

One of them being Twilight herself.

The teen stared at the figure. Her eyes were wide and her expression conveyed a deep primal fear that not many have ever felt before.

He's here.

Memories flashed before her eyes.

The feeling of the cold night air around her.

The sound of her parents screaming.

The sensation of someone breathing down her neck.

The feeling of rough skin as a hand slowly moved down her chest.


He stood above her now. Staring down at her with those cold unfeeling eyes.


Her breathing increased. Her hands started to shake uncontrollably as her heart began beating a mile a minute.

No! This can't be real!

The figure took a step closer.

Twilight's eyes widened.

They needed to leave.

The figure took another step.


Heart never got to finish his sentence.

He doesn't know what went wrong.

In one moment they were having a quiet and relatively relaxing lunch,

And in the next, they were bolting down the street as if they were being chased by the cops.

Looking over his shoulder Heart saw no one chasing them. Looking back at Twilight he saw her cast glances over her shoulder as if she saw something he didn't. What that was exactly he hasn't the slightest clue. Regardless he knew that he had no chance of calming her down. At least not when they're busy running.

Turning a corner Twilight spots a park nearby.


With people around them, their risk of being attacked rapidly decreased. With this in mind Twilight bolted towards their newfound destination.

Once they entered the park the purple female slowed to a halt. Breathing deeply she looked around at their newfound surroundings. Only to see a bunch of families and loners enjoying the bright sun.


With this many people around Twilight felt confident that they were safe.


Upon hearing her brother's voice she looked over at him. When she saw l the concern mixed with fear in his eyes Twilight sighed.

She didn't mean to cause him any concern but at the same time, they had to get out of there before the rest showed up. When there's one humanoid serpent nearby that means that more of them are present around the area. It was with that knowledge that Twilight decided that they needed to get out of the immediate vicinity as soon as possible. She should have known that something like this might occur sooner or later. Unfortunately, she failed to see that in time. Because of her recklessness, they both nearly died. In any case, she can't dwell on it for long. Not when there might be a chance that the serpent brotherhood might reappear.

A strong grip on her hand broke Twilight out of her thoughts.

"What. Happened."

She gulped.

Her thoughts were clear but her emotions were a different story. Taking a deep breath Twilight forced herself to relax. She needed to remain calm. If she panics then he'll panic or worse leave her side to seek aid. She didn't need a doctor she only needed to make sure that they stayed together.

"T-the brotherhood I saw one of thier members out the window".

There was that conflicted look that Twilight saw earlier. Only it caused her stomach to twist into a knot.

Closing his eyes Heart breathed in deep.

"Are you sure that it was just one?"

Twilight nodded relaxing somewhat. The knot in her stomach having disappeared upon hearing his response.

Looking around Heart spots a bathroom nearby.

"Okay, I say that we clean up first before heading home, hopefully by then they'll lose interest".

Good plan false idea.

They will never leave her alone. They wanted her because she knew too much. Because she posed a threat to their very way of life. They tried to take her out before, and when that didn't work they began actively hunting her down. Regardless the plan was still a good one. At least they'll give up for now. So with this in mind Twilight nodded.


Staring into the mirror Twilight sighed.

In her reflection, she saw a scared little girl struggling to hold everything together.

Turning on the water she rolled up her sleeve. As she did so she saw a large pointed mark near her wrist. Starting at it for a moment Twilight briefly wondered where the mark came from. She didn't remember it being there three months ago.

Or was it two years?

In anyway case, she can figure it all out later. For now, though she needed to get her head together. With this in remind, Twilight began to wash her hands and face.

As she did so she didn't notice Heart staring at her outside the bathroom.

"The truth hurts" he mumbles staring at her wrist.