• Published 4th Nov 2021
  • 324 Views, 2 Comments

A family at heart - Babycord

A life with eight caring and protective sisters is an interesting one.

  • ...

Keep your mouth shut.


That was what the local protestors were fighting for when it come to the ethical treatment of animals trapped in a zoo.

animal Freedom revolutionaries AKA AFR are a small local organization that for months now has been protesting what they call wildlife imprisonment. essentially they fundamentally believe in the freedom of all creatures instead of having them up for display. As such they deliberately go out of their way to cause as many problems as possible for local zoos.

Iron Will himself didn't exactly believe in their methods. Regardless he and his much older collage were assigned to keep an eye on things. Unfortunately, being the only set of officers set to this location if anything were to go wrong there wasn't much they could do.

Being a transfer to the area Iron Will was still relatively new to the city. The only thing the young lad knew for certain was that the force was incredibly ill-founded.

Fetch his partner was more laid back and helped give Iron details about his surroundings and or the people around them.

Suffice it to say this city had problems.

As the two continued to watch things from a distance Iron noticed a black SUV pull up before stopping completely in the middle of the road. A moment later five individuals exited the vehicle. With one being from the driver's side. The said driver proceeded to get on top of the car while the four including what looked to be a little kid and or a teenager went over to the protest circle. Signs and like held in their grasp.

"Who are they?"

Fetch whistled upon spotting the trio. A look of excitement in his eyes.

"they my friend are the ones who are gonna make today a whole more interesting."

That caught Iron will's attention.

"what do you mean?"

"you'll see."

So they waited.

As if on cue twenty minutes later another car pulled up only to be stopped by the first vehicle. Immediate beeping was heard that in turn did nothing but cause the woman in the car to wave her hands in dismissal. When the second driver realized that the SUV wasn't going anywhere she committed her first mistake.

She got out of the car.

Iron Will's eyes went wide.

The person who got out was a rather well-known upcoming boxing who only recently started getting media attention.

Diamond Tiara.

AKA Purple fury.

"Oh, this turned out much better than I expected."

Iron Will merely shook his head.

It was clear to him that Diamond was probably visiting family and thus didn't think to bring security with her.

"Should we do something?"

A jolly old laugh was the only response he received.

Okay then.

They watched as Diamond Tiara start to vigorously point and shout at the woman on top of the car before crossing her arms. The way she did it seemed almost mocking.

The one on top of the hood turned,

And from her expression Iron Will just knew that this wasn't gonna end well.

The two exchanged words briefly before the blue-colored woman wearing a white hood jumped down. In response, Diamond raised her fits in a challenge. overconfidence oozing from her demeanor.

Now, this was gonna get ugly.

As if on cue the blue woman swung without warning

Diamond moved her head to the side before throwing a quick jab aimed at the face. It connected but that barely seemed to do anything but piss the other off.

The blue girl swung again.

Diamond again dodges before delivering a two-piece along with a vicious-looking haymaker.

Again the blue woman was merely more pissed off than before. As such, she delivered a nasty-looking headbutt that connect to Diamond's face.

She staggered. Unable to recover quickly enough from the next attack which landed on her right cheek.

However, surprisingly enough that seemed to snap her out of her daze and she threw her own punch in response.

Her blue opponent took it and moved as if she barely felt anything except more rage.

Diamond ducked under a wild punch and moved to capitalize,

Only to have a fist connect with the side of her face.

Fetch laughed. The smile on his was one of pure enjoyment.

"looks like the rest of them finally decided to step in. "

Two out of the four people who exited the vehicle earlier had approached Diamond from behind. With one who was pink having attacked the young boxer from behind.

Diamond went down.

As soon as her body hit the pavement the blue one pounced.

Or would have if the pink one didn't top her.

Iron Will watched as the trio allowed Diamond to get up. At this point, everyone in the crowd was watching. Most with their phones out while others simply cheered in delight. Enjoying every second of what's transpiring right before their eyes.

Getting to her feet while realizing she was surrounded the boxer looked to be weighing her options.

However, it was already too late.

In seconds the pink one was on her. Throwing punches at a rapid rate that Diamond couldn't keep up with. As such, she managed to put distance between them before countering.

The pink one merely leaned her body backward allowing a flying knee to connect with Diamond's face.

The force sent her to the ground in an instant. Only to be picked back up roughly by a yellow-colored woman.

She gasped as a blue fist struck her in the gut.


"Should we do something?"

Iron will questions as he and his partner watched what was to be one of the best fighters around become a living punching bag.

It was quite honestly sad to see.

"she swung first."

Will looked over at him confused

"That's not what I saw."

He shrugged keeping his eyes on the scene.

The younger officer sighed but did as well just in time to see a young grey girl deliver a few punches of her own. Though with a glance he could tell that she was somewhat inexperienced.

Well, at least she had the chance to get tips from a pro.

If said pro was still conscious that is.