• Published 1st Nov 2021
  • 393 Views, 0 Comments

Nightmare Night, What a Fright! - The Cowardly Christian

Spike and the various other colts are excited for all the the delicious treats! The TRICKS of scheming woman, costume malfunctions and evil spirits? not so much!

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chapter 1

Nightmare Night, what a fright!





Good old Nightmare night: A time for candy, friendship, fun, frights-


-and costume trouble?

"I'm sorry Twilight! I can't find my costume! I could've sworn I had here..." Shouts the young dragon to his adopted Pony Mother...

We'll forget it then! Just wear what you have right now! I need to be there to introduce Princess Luna to the festival! Need I remind you that we only barely stopped her from canceling Nightmare Night last year? TONIGHT HAS TO BE PERFECT!" Shouted Twilight from across the castle as she busied herself to get ready.

Spike blanched and looked down embarrassed, "Uh...Twilight? I'm LITERALLY just wearing a towel here." He admits awkwardly.


"Well your the one who insisted I shower before going out!" Snapped Spike, not like he'd needed it anyway! He'd bathed!...recently...within the last month or so...give or take...

"That's just- Fine, whatever. Just go get your old clothes-

"Put them down the laundry chute right before I entered the shower."

"Dang, that's right. I installed it in the shower for convenience. Fine! Just wear some of your other clothes! ANYTHING!

"There not here! None of my clothes are! I think I remember Starlight say something about doing laundry- Oh, that bitch stole my costume." Growled Spike, his adopted older sister was always pulling stuff like this.

"Spike don't- Why would she- GAH! I'll yell at her later, right now we need to go!"

"But Twilight! Again, just a towel here!"

But a weird magical aura was already surrounding him. "I'll cast an illusion over you- you were going as a Knight, right? -again, sorry. I promise I'll make this up to you, BUT WE HAVE TO GO NOW!"

Spike felt himself being violently yanked through the air. His towel snagged on the door as he soared. He tried to keep it steady but-


A now naked Spike tries to cover himself as his mom's magic flings him toward the front door.

"Wait, no! STOP!" Screams a mortified Spike.


Thankfully, Twilight remembers to cast the illusion spell over Spike as she's galloping. Thus covering his shame.

Spike didn't have time to let out a sigh of releif. He was too busy trying to keep himself from crashing into ponies as his mom STILL kept carrying him through the air!


"Dang it, Twilight. I know this is important, but come on! Dragging me naked through the town-

"Your not naked Spike...not 'technically'. Look, I promise I'll get you all the candy, gems and ice cream as you want as an apology later. In the meantime, don't worry. that's my most powerful illusion, guaranteed to last all night AND a week."

Spike grumbled, no one else might've been able to see him nude, but he could see his own naked body however. Even worse that tonight was VERY chilly. Which on top of being freaking cold also made certain 'shortcomings' he had much more glaring.

"Don't pout Spike, I just need you to help Keep Princess Luna happy. Afterword you can go home to hopefully get dressed for real..."

Before Spike can protest, she's given him a bunch of tasks that need to be completed before quickly trotting off. thankfully there not that many, but still not something he'd like to do when BUCK NAKED IN PUBLIC...

Spike sighed as he resolved to just simply get this over with...


Meanwhile, Princess Luna had arrived and Twilight was set to greet her. Hopefully they could get this sorted quickly so Twilight could find Spike some REAL clothes! "Hello your majesty. So good of you to come grace us in all your splendoOOOOOH MY BUCKING CELESTIA!" Shouted a mortified Twilight suddenly.

"Ah, well! I take it your stunned by my new gown! Had it custom made just for tonight!"

"I- Gown? Princess your- Twilight is interrupted as one of Luna's 'Night-Ponies' hastily trotted up and quickly whispered something into her ear.

Twilight went very pale...but then FORCED a smile. "I mean...YES, absolutely! It's...positively indescribable your majesty!"

"Yes...I can't wait to show it off to everyone!" Shouts Luna excited as she 'bounced' to the stage...

"Yes...show EVERYONE...heh, heh..." Twilight groaned, "Faust help me, this will be a nightmare..." She slowly follows the wayward Princess in what could only be described as a 'death march'...


Thankfully, there wasn't a lot to do so Spike got it done VERY quickly. He meet some of his fellow colt acquaintances. Spike did his best to speak as briefly as possible without being rude- having a conversation with someone while being naked was just awkward!

Tender Taps was wearing a Romaine Toga, he wanted to do a Romain soldier...but his costume was missing and he had to improvise.

Button Mash was going as a mummy, again he'd have preferred to go as Zelda...but his costume had also gone missing at the last minute.

Rumble had a similar problem, he'd wanted to come as a bodybuilder, it got lost last second, so now he was wearing just a speedo...which he'd clearly stuffed with a sock.

"Dude, your not fooling anyone..." While Rumble spluttered out some denials, Spike thought about what he'd just learned... 'What are the odds of four guys getting their costumes stolen the same night?...something's fishy here.'

He thought he briefly saw Pipsqueak for a moment, but he streaked out of sight before Spike could be call to him...

'Okay...REALLY not liking this. I'd be tempted to investigate further if I weren't bare-ass naked right now! Whatever this is, I want no part of it. I just need to finish this and get home before anything happens to my 'illusion suite'.' Thinks Spike Frantically.

"Hey, Spike!"

Spike went very frigid and pale at a very familiar, very FEMALE voice. 'No! It couldn't be!" He wined to himself he turns around in resignation. But sure enough, it was dragon lord Ember.

Spike made friends with Ember during the Gauntlet, helped her gain her throne and taught her the importance of friendship...all the while trying NOT to stare at her beautiful NAKED body...

Yes, turns out dragons regularly went around naked...

Which- needless to say -had been VERY shocking and confusing to a young drake who'd been raised by anthro ponies who insisted on having his 'bits' covered. Both because of how sexy the Female dragons were...and the fact that the males were clearly VERY well endowed compared to Spike's rather minuscule genitals...

In any case: despite all the taunts, wedgies and death traps Spike had- more or less -managed to keep his shorts on during that whole ordeal...which was more then he could say now...

Mercifully, Ember was NOT naked herself and in fact wearing her ceremonial armor...

'Thank Faust for small mercy's', thinks Spike to himself as he resists the urge to cover himself and draw attention to to the illusion...

"Hey Spike! Good to see you again!"

"Good to see you too Ember! What brings you here?"

"You kidding? A holiday where I get free candy AND scaring people is encouraged? Sign me up!"

"Right, what's not to love?"

"Exactly! Depending on how tonight goes I'm considering making a dragon version we can celebrate ourselves."

"That sounds great! But listen Ember, I'd love to talk more. But Twilight has entrusted me with all these tasks..." Said Spike desperate to leave, he was feeling more self-conscious about his nudity every second he was around the sexy and imposing dragon female!

"Okay, I hear you! Talk to you later Spike!" Spike happily turns around, only to suddenly FEEL Embers voice in his ear. "By the way? Whoever made that illusion? Not their best work." She said teasingly.

A stunned and mortified Spike was frozen in place, which was just long enough for Ember to grab the spell nexus of the illusion and PULL-


And to Spike's horror, he saw the illusion unravel...


Meanwhile, a VERY flustered Twilight was preparing to introduce Luna to the crowd.

"Uh...and so without further ado...I give you Princess Luna!"

"GREETINGS MY SUBJECTS!" Shouted Luna as she walked onto the stage in all her anthro, NAKED splendor...

'Someone shoot me now.' Thinks Spike and Twilight simultaneously.



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Author's Note:



On the 13th day of the 13th month of the 13th year...magic will return to the world...and the streets will run red with the blood of the (semi)innocent...unless the world is saved by the most unlikely of hero's...baking cupcakes?!

The title is '13/13/13' and it'll be coming to a bookstore or E-Book site near you! Xilbris is the publisher, also available at Amazon, Inkitt and BarnesandNoble.



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If you want to see more, go to my fanfiction account: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5874134/The-Cowardly-Christian-du911


AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.
But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas? Or maybe bribe me on my Patreon account

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