• Published 1st Nov 2021
  • 389 Views, 3 Comments

Easy Baked TwiBeth! - TheSuperTransformerFan

Princess Twilight is accused of being a witch! Something, nopony in Equestria has ever witnessed in over a millennia! Luckily, Starlight and Trixie will help her see the light and reunite her with friends!

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Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble!

It was a nice Nightmare Night in Ponyville. Fillies were running around the houses wanting to get some treats, and the Mane Six were out enjoying the festivities! It was a special night. However, it wouldn’t be an ordinary Nightmare Night as deep close to the Everfree forests, three ponies were stuck to the stake...thankfully, they weren’t the ponies you knew. Instead, they were special ponies...ones that you may have read before...about to be burned to the stake. Also, one of the Mane Six would be hiding a secret that would long be revealed.

Near the Everfree Forest, Scarlet Petal, Winter Comet and Shadowfall were tied to a few stakes, while the citizens were watching. Zecora stood by the stakes the ponies were tied to, and light a fire on a branch, aiming it at them. “You are all hereby found guilty of the crime of witchcraft.” The zebra angrily announced, showing them the burning branch. “As a result, I sentence you thieving jackals to be burned at the stake...until you are deemed fit to reenter society.” The Mane Six watched with shock, as well as the CMCs, as they didn’t expect to see them suffer such a horrible fate...especially since two of them had learned their lesson from stealing Celestia’s trinket that one time.

“Fire it up, Everypony!” Mayor Mare shouted, as Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoons and Twist fired fire arrows at the ground, sending the fire up to the stake, as the crowd cheered in excitement.

“Oh, no! Fire arrows!” Scarlet shouted in horror as she was enveloped in fire. She tried ti reach her brother, but her arms were tied to the stake, “What are we gonna do, Winter?!” She asked her brother.

“I don’t know!” Winter panicked. “But, one thing’s for sure...we’re all goners!” He hyperventilated upon seeing the stake being burned, and his fleshy body about to be next to join his sister’s.

“A pony ALWAYS GOES DOWN WITH HER STAKE!” Shadowfall shouted, as the stake around her burned, and her cloak started to burn as well.

“Good-bye, Shadowfall!” Snips shouted, as his brother, Snails angrily threw rocks at her, joining in on the fun.

“How horrible!” Fluttershy said in shock, upon seeing this before her eyes, as she curled up into a ball.

“This doesn’t make any sense!” Twilight said in shock, trying to comprehend what had just happened. “I mean...if they're really witches, why don't they use their powers to escape?”

“That sounds like witch talk coming from a princess herself, huh Twilight?” Spike asked, shooting his mother figure a look.

“Never mind.” Twilight said, as she backed away nervously.

“Well, that's 75 witches we've gotten rid of.” Cheerliee said happily. “That oughta show Celestia whose side we're on, eh, Mayor?”

“Yes, Cheerliee...” Mayor Mare said to her. “...but we have many more imposters to incinerate.” She wasn’t so sure about all this, and batted her eye at Twilight, who’s ears flopped and backed away in shock. She started to run back to her castle, while her friends watch in shock and worry for their friend.

“What’s with Twilight, lately?” Rarity asked in confusion.

“She’s a little nervous about something that’s been bugging her lately.” Pinkie replied, eating a bunch of Candy Corn.

“How did you know that?!” Applejack asked.

“Her legs got a shaky and her ears were all floppy and her mouth got all dry...” she froze and then reanimated. “Actually, forget that part.”

“Oh, I hope Twilight’s okay.” Fluttershy said, worried.

“Trust me, Fluttershy!” Starlight said all confident. “Knowing Twilight, I bet she’ll be a-okay that she’s not in trouble.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow said in agreement. “I mean...how could she not be cool about it?” They all smiled in agreement as they knew Twilight would be alright. However, the Mayor wasn’t so sure. And she would get to the bottom of this soon enough!

Back at Town Hall inside, Mayor Mare and a few others were with her, as they approached the other ponies...who were all shocked to hear whatever news would come to them.

“Everypony...I have an urgent announcement to make.” She said solemnly, as the others nodded in agreement. “There is STILL a witch among us!” Everyone gasped as they heard that.

“Let us throw open the floor to wild accusations.” Cheerliee said solemnly as well.

“Whoo-hoo!” Rainbow Dash jumped up in glee. “I accuse Fleetfoot!” Fleetfoot and Soarin gasped as she pointed her wing at them.

“What...Crash?!” Fleetfoot asked angrily.

“Well, you started calling me Rainbow Crash!” Rainbow shot back, as they all murmured.

“I accuse Pear Butter.” Spoiled Rich said standing up, but Zecora pulled her down.

“What?!” Applejack asked in horror.

“Nuh-Uh, we burned her last week.” Cheerliee said, stopping them.

“There must be somepony here we can accuse.” Granny Smith called out to the audience.

“Starlight Glimmer!” Spike jokingly called out, which startled her and the rest of them.

“Spike, quit it!” Starlight said, trying to swat him away!

“She put a spell on me!” Spike said, jumping onto the floor, trying to act like a Zombie. “Must... drop... zap apples!” He droned, only for Starlight to put him back on the seat.

“Everypony, stop!” Twilight cried out, as she flew up to the crowd. “Let's all come to our senses. This witch hunt is turning into a circus.”

“She's the witch!” Rumble shouted, pointing at Twilight, to which the crowd got up, and yelled angrily at her...everyone BUT her friends.

“I was just about to accuse her.” Diamond Tiara said in agreement with him.

“What?! This is crazy!” Twilight called out. “I'm not a witch! How could I be one?!”

“Yeah, you heard her!” Pinkie piped up. “She’s not a witch!”

“Thank you, Pinkie.” Twilight said, sighing with relief.

“Ha!” Silver Spoons jumped up furiously. “If that’s so, Then how in Equestria is your laundry is always much whiter than mine?” She showed her a rag that was moderately dirty.

“I don’t know!” Twilight said, nervously.

“I've heard enough.” Mr. Cake shouted angrily, pointing to her. “Burn her!” The whole crowd jumped up and shouted in anger at her, except her friends who knew the truth.

“Everypony, let us not turn into an angry mob.” Mayor Mare called out, which made the audience settle, as she batted her eye at Twilight, who tried to hide herself in her wings, but it was no use.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle is entitled to due process.” The Mayor shouted. “We shall now send her outside!” Twilight gasped, as she would now await a horrible fate much worse than death. She had always wanted to spend her life with her friends, but now...it looked like the end for her time as the Princess of Friendship, as she would now meet her end...or so Everypony thought.

Everypony was then outside with Twilight and her friends close to a cliff, awaiting further results. “Okay, here's how the process works.” Zecora said, handing her a broom. “You sit on the broom and we shove you off the cliff.”

“What?” Twilight shouted in shock, upon hearing this AFTER looking down at the cliff.

“Well, hear me out.” Zecora said, calming her down. “If you're innocent, you will fall to an honorable death. But lf, however, you are a witch... you will surely fly your broom to safety....At that point, you will report back here for torture and beheading.” Twilight gulped. Hearing those words was never a good thing.

“Tough, but fair.” Carrot Top said, crossing her arms.

“Stop!” Rarity shrieked, getting in front of the crowd. “Doesn't the Book say, "Judge not lest ye be judged"?” Twilight smiled, upon hearing her friend back her up. Maybe, she would be saved after all.

“The Bible says a lot of things.” Zecora scoffed. “Shove her!” Two ponies came to Twilight and shoved her immediately off the cliff, as she screamed in horror. The Mane Six ponies all screamed as well, upon seeing their friend who was about to die in a matter of seconds.

Twiliiiiiiight” Spike screamed as he rushed over to the ledge where she fell off. But, she was already gone. He cried upon seeing his Mother figure dead like this.

It would most likely be the end for Twilight, except for one thing...she looked at her wings, and realized she could fly! So, without thinking, she spread her wings and flew up quickly, producing a sonic boom as she flew up before she could hit the ground.

Meanwhile back on the ledge, Spike and the other ponies still thought Twilight was dead as they felt sad for their fallen leader. Spike was still crying his eyes out about what just happened recently. “Oh, Spike!” Rarity said, as she and the others came to him, trying to soothe him slightly.

“Well, at least you got us!” Rainbow said, trying to shed some light on the matter.

“Hey, where’s Starlight?” Pinkie asked, as the ponies looked around. Pinkie was right. Where WAS Starlight? If she were here, would she at least try to back up her former teacher?

Mayor Mare was shocked upon seeing Twilight dead, as she went to the ledge, and started to cry. She turned to the crowd. “Everyone...we have no doubt sent a good Princess packing into Tartarus-“ however, her words were cut off, when they all heard cackling.

“Mayor, look!” Spike said, as they all turned around and saw Twilight flying with her wings, and her eyes were glowing white and she had a devilish grin across her face as she laughed wickedly.

“Okay, now, let's not jump to conclusions, everyone.” Pinkie said nervously upon seeing this turn of events.

“Well, I'll be!” Applejack said in relief. “Twilight’s still alive!”

“That's right, Everypony!” Twilight said evilly. “And, I'm a witch.” Everypony gasped as they heard that. “I'm the one who withered your livestock... soured your sheep's milk and made your shirts itchy.”

“Hey, you destroyed my rose crop.” Roseluck shouted, pointing to her.

“No, that was gophers.” Twilight said, skeptically.

“Impossible.” Mayor Mare said in shock. “We burned all the gophers.”

“Not all of them.” Twilight said, wickedly, as she fired her horn at her, immediately turning her into a gopher, making everyone gasp in shock.

“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Fluttershy asked, dodging her face into her mane.

“I see it, Darling!” Rarity said in horror. “But, I don’t Believe it!”

“And, this is for pushing me off the cliff!” Twilight shouted, as she fired at her executioners, turning them into talking trees.

“As for the rest of you-“ Twilight said, as she cackled, and used her magic to unleash a myriad of bats, chasing off Everypony. “Well, looks like my job here is done.” Twilight said smugly, as she took off towards home.

Back at the Castle of Friendship, both Starlight and Trixie were stirring a special mixture in the pot that was rested up top the cutie map. Both mares were tasting it, and could see that they needed more ingredients. “This needs more eye of newt, Starlight.” Trixie said, as she stuck her tongue out in disgust.

“Trixie, You always want more eye of newt!” Starlight said, stressed. “If it were up to you, the brew would be nothing but newt eyes.” Trixie gasped, as she started to back away, while Twilight entered through the window of her own home. The two were happy to see her, as the came to her, and hugged her.

“Twilight!” Trixie shouted as they hugged her with all their might, as Twilight started to lose her breath. “Oop. Sorry.” They Blushed, as they released her a little bit, allowing her to breathe. “Thank Celestia, you’re back! If we knew you were coming, We would’ve baked a cat.”

“Newt stew?” Starlight asked, showing her a spoon of green slop. Twilight just looked down, and slowly walked to her room. Both mares felt a little bit of concern, as they nodded and went up to her. “Twilight, what’s wrong?” She asked, with concern.

“What a day.” The alicorn said sadly. “They found out I was a witch, so I had to leave my friends.”

The mares gasped upon hearing that. “Wow. Just wow!” Trixie said angrily. “I can’t believe your own friends would ditch you like that!”

“Well, who’d have thunk it?” Twilight said, her head still bowed down in sadness.

“Don’t worry, Twilight.” Trixie said coming to her side, as did Starlight to soothe their sad friend. “We've all had our differences, and dark secrets. What matters is you gave us both second chances, and we appreciate it.”

“So, while you have lost your old friends, you’ve still got us!” Starlight said, as they smiled at her. Twilight looked at her two witch friends, and smiled weakly at them. They were right. At least she still had them.

“I guess you two are right.” Twilight said. “At least I’ve still got you two.”

“That’s the spirit, Sparkle!” Trixie said happily. “Now, do you want to help us stir our pot of witches brew?” She showed her the brew which did indeed look green, thanks to the showmare’s newt droppings. “I feel like Trixie may have added too much Newt in it.”

“I would like that, much.” Twilight said, as she came to her friends’ aid to help with the brew. However, they wouldn’t know that they would get a special idea that nopony during Nightmare Night would ever have doubted.

Back at Sugarcube Corner, the Cakes looked at Twilight’s castle and gasped upon seeing it.

“Oh, Sugar Bear!” Mrs. Cake said in nervousness. “Look at them up there, plotting our doom.” She clung herself onto her husband in fear. “They could force us to commit wanton acts of carnality!”

Mr. Carrot Cake kindly shoved his wife off her. “Yeah, that'll be the day.” He scoffed.

“What's that, Carrot?” His wife asked, giving him a death glare.

Carrot decided to change course on the subject. “Uh, we shouldn't fear the witches, Honeybun.” He said to her. “We're both adults. And the kids are going to school soon, and we’ve already gone way past our life expectancy.”

“But think of the children!” Mrs. Cake said in horror. “I heard that witches come to your house... and take your children away to eat them!” Neither of them knew Twilight, Starlight and Trixie were all watching from from their pot, getting an idea form their recent conversation.

“Eat their children?” Trixie said, getting a devilish grin.

“Geez, we were just gonna swipe their shoes.” Starlight said in agreement.

“But, a good idea is a good idea.” Twilight said. “Let’s go, girls!” They nodded as they all took off on their brooms and cackled wickedly. Little did they know, they would get a much better surprise for Nightmare Night than originally expected.

The mares arrived at Sugarcube Corner, and knocked at the door, waiting for the pony to arrive. “Who is it?” Carrot asked from inside.

“Witches!” The three mares said in unison, grinning evilly.

“Um, what do ya want?” Cup Cake asked nervously from inside.

“We're here to eat your kids.” Twilight confirmed.

“Okay, come on in...” Carrot Cake opened the door and shoved them a crusifix with a Jerry Smith styled head on it. “...and look at this!”

“Oh, please!” Starlight said, kindly shoving them away. “We don’t need to hear any of that crap!” They made their way inside, and approached both Pound and Pumpkin, holding out their bags as they looked confused.

“Now make with the kids.” Starlight said to them. However, the kids thought it was some kind of game as they happily walked into the bags.

“No! Pound! Pumpkin!” Cup Cake cried out as she tried to grab them, but her husband stopped her, showing her with worry on his face, knowing that there was nothing they could do in this predicament.

“Well, that’s the last of them.” Trixie said to her friends. “Let’s go!” They nodded, and started to take off.

“Honeybun, do something!” Carrot Cake said in shock upon seeing his kids get taken away! His wife saw the pile of gingerbread cookies on the counter, and smiled. She got an idea. Quickly, she ran to the counter and grabbed the cookies, and approached the mares.

“Oh. Uh, excuse me?” Cup cake asked, nervously. “Are you sure you ladies wouldn't prefer some gingerbread children instead?” That made them stop dead in their tracks.

“Hold the phone!” Twilight said as they turned around, shocked. “Did you say...Gingerbread cookies?” The three licked their lips in shock upon seeing them! What they wouldn’t give to actually have something good to eat instead of fillies.

“They're boneless.” Carrot cake chimed in agreement.

They rushed over to the cookies and devoured them slowly, and smiled. “I like this BETTER than eating fillies!” Twilight said as they released the bags that had the foals in them.

“I concur!” Starlight agreed as well.

“Well, what are you waiting for?!” Trixie said, as they started to take off. “Come on, Ladies! Let’s Get some more candy!” They nodded as they all took off to more houses for more treats than kids!

“Thanks, Mrs. Cake!” Twilight called as they left.

“You’re welcome!” Cup Cake said, as their kids came out and hugged their parents, as they hugged the kids happily maybe, this would turn out to be good after all.

The witches were just on the last house, receiving their Candy as they waved goodbye and left. Diamond Tiara saw the witches and smiled happily. “Bye, witches!” She called out. “Thanks for not eating me!”

“Yeah, you girls are all right.” Spoiled called out, as she and Filthy watched with excitement seeing their friends head off for their Candy fix.

They then returned to the Castle of Friendship from getting all that Candy, and checked their bags to see what they got. “What did you get?” Starlight asked.

Trixie checked her bag and saw a lot of candies. “Ooh!” She happily. “Trixie got a candied apple.”

“I got a caramel chew!” Twilight said, as she check her bag.

“You know, scaring people into giving us treats is fun.” Starlight said in excitement to her friends. “We should do this every year, girls!”

“I just wish we hadn't filled up on all those foals before we got to Sugarcube Corner.” Twilight said, as she burped, making them look at her nervously, as she just blushed.

Back in Ponyville, just as everyone was celebrating Nightmare Night, everyone was enjoying the frights. Unfortunately, five ponies and one dragon...as well as a few certain fillies felt there was something missing, not just from the festivities, but everything else as well. They were all sad to see their friend, Twilight leave. And on a scary holiday as well! It was so sad to mourn for a friend, they didn’t feel like doing anything else fun!

Applejack sighed sadly. “Shoot. We had everything goin' our way!” She pouted, as she threw her hat down. “Twilight was happy, and we were going to spend Nightmare Night with her!” She hung her head down in sadness. “And, now just look at us! We’ve not only lost our happiness...but our best friend as well!” Everyone started to cry at the disappearance of their friend.

“Gosh. I never thought this would be the very last time we’d ever see Twilight Sparkle again.” Pipsqueak said sadly, as he bowed his head down.

“Oh, don’t worry Pip.” Fluttershy said, between sobs. “Nightmare Night's not over yet. We still have candy left to eat, so Nightmare Moon can get some...with or without Twilight!”

“Yes, Darling.” Rarity said, comforting. “Come on, little ponies. What's Nightmare Night without the annual candy offering?”

“Come on, kids! Doesn't that sound like fun?“ Rainbow said happy and sad all at the same time. “At least we’ll have a happy Nightmare Night...even without, Twilight!”

“Aw, the Shadowbolt outfit just kills it for me.” Spike said in mock disgust upon seeing it.

“Goodbye, Twilight. Forever.” Pinkie said, as she clung onto the floor sadly.

“Pinkie...” Spike started to say, but then noticed the silhouettes of three familiar ponies flying down to the ground. He was surprised at what one of them was! He knew that face. “Look!” The ponies all noticed, as were shocked to see the witches arrive on the floor. In the middle, they knew who the lead witch was, as they gasped in excitement.

“TWILIGHT!” They all called out as they dived for her happily.

“You’re okay!” Rainbow said, as they gave her the biggest bear hug ever.

“Of course, she is okay!” Trixie said happily as they landed.

“You think she wouldn’t be?” Starlight asked as well.

“But, we thought you three were...poof!” Pinkie said sadly. However, that only earned them a laugh, which confused them entirely...as they tried to process what was going on! “What?” She asked. “What’s so funny?!”

“Silly, Pinkie!” Trixie said. “We were just going as witches for Nightmare Night, so we could go Trick or Treating!”

“Personally, we didn’t think you guys would think we really were witches!” Twilight said, as they now understood why they were like this. They all shared a little laugh together.

“Well, it’s good to have you back, Egghead!” Rainbow said, as she ruffled her mane as Twilight giggled.

“As are we!” Pipsqueak said, as he hugged her too. “You’re my new favourite princess ever!”

“Even better than Luna?” Twilight asked, confused.

“Trust us, Sugarcube!” Applejack reassured her. “You are the current one in line.” Twilight blushed happily.

“Well, at least things turned out okay!” Twilight said happily, as she felt Spike hug her. “Oh, Spike! I missed you too!” She kissed him on the cheek, as did Starlight and Trixie. And, you could only guess how Spike felt.

“Now, let’s have a party!” Rainbow called out, as they cheered in excitement and raced to the festivities to have the best Nightmare Night ever!

The party was in full swing as the ponies were partying hard and having a good celebration. They were trick or treating, egging houses....it was so much fun!

“This is the best!” Twilight said, as she tossed a spider on the target, which scared a few fillies, but her friends all giggled at that.

“I concur!” Pinkie pie agreed. “Sometimes it's just really fun to be scared!”

As the Mane Six were having a good time, Mayor Mare walked up to them sadly, as if she had made a huge mistake...and she did. “Twilight...” she started.

“Mayor, what do you want?” Applejack angrily asked.

“Save me the rant, Applejack.” The mayor said, as she waved her hoof to her. “Twilight, we’re really sorry we treated you this way. We were all caught up on the spooks and fun of Nightmare Night, that we didn’t stop and think to realize that you never would eat any of our kids.” She bowed her head down. “We really misjudged you and your friends poorly. Can you ever forgive us?”

Twilight just smiled. “Think nothing of it!” She said happily. “I’m just glad that we’re all on the same page again!”

“Oh, thank you, Princess!” The mayor said happily. “I’ll never regret this!” She dashed off to her office, and Twilight smiled and shrugged.

“What’s with her?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, just some miscarriage of justice that sent Twilight packing!” Trixie said, jokingly as she nudged Twilight. “Isn’t that right, Twilight?”

“Well, I admit...it WAS a little funny!” Twilight started, but she was cut off upon seeing her friends throw some eggs at a house. “Uh, Rainbow? What are you doing?” Rainbow tossed some eggs, while Pinkie did the same too. Finally, the Wonderbolt tossed a huge steel ball at the window, shattering it entirely.

“Come on! Give us some candy!” Rainbow called out.

Twilight’s eyes widened as she saw where the window was from...it was a sick feeling in her stomach. “Uh, Rainbow? That’s my castle.” She reminded her. This made her friend stop, as everyone laughed at her jokingly, as she blushed.

“Who do you think could’ve done that?” Spike asked, as he jokingly gave her a death glare. Twilight’s blood ran cold, and she didn’t want a repeat of what happened earlier tonight. She needed to act fast,

Starlight and Trixie both felt concerned for their friend, as they came to her side. “Twilight, are you okay?” Starlight asked, to which at that moment, Twilight pointed her wing at Spike.

“HE’S A WIZARD!!!” Twilight shouted in fear, which caught the attention of the whole town, as they gasped.

“WHAT?!” Spike screamed, to which at that moment everyone began angrily chasing him. The young drake screamed as he ran for his life to avoid being burned to the stake.

Twilight watched the chase unfold, and giggled as she walked around the town, alone, and whistling a happy tune through the square. She was thrown, given Candy, reunited with her friends...tonight really was a good night! Especially for the young alicorn as she clicked her heels and whistled! What a happy way to end a wonderful Nightmare Night!

Author's Note:

Happy Halloween or something, folks! Thanks for reading this! And remember to be on the lookout for some new stories coming soon to my channel!

Comments ( 3 )

This is perfect for Halloween this year!

Comment posted by Lawton deleted Nov 2nd, 2021

So Twilight was forced to do evil magic by a dark wizard and turned herself into a witch when the dark magic overcame her good magic?

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