• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 878 Views, 16 Comments

Zombie Land Equestria - TheRayH

After accidentally resurrecting old Canterlot High students, Sunny Starscout have huge plans for them and Canterlot High

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Chapter 9: It's Called a Hustle, Sugarcube

With now another succesfull performance and a new recruit; Sunny, Izzy and the Rainbooms have now a relaxing moment, Spike also now enjoying being there with all of them after being lost by their own... priorities we could say. All happines and laughs, or so it would be until Sunset realized something.

"Girls, i think we should look for a job" Sunset claimed while standing up, but all of them gave a quick look to the baicon colored hair girl. "We've been here for a time and we need to pay the current cost of our use of Sunny's hospitality"

"Sunset, i appreciate that but you don't need to do that" Sunny walked closer to Sunset. "It's the least i can do after i accidentally bring all of you back to life"

Applejack was thinking for a moment and resquested the floor. "I think Sunset has a point. I don't want to be against ya', Sunny, but she really has a point. Even with this generous offer of stayin' it's good to help" The apple girl's words were confident and Sunny didn't wanted to argue with someone with those clear ideas. "Izzy, get the make up. I'm goin' to find my workplace". The crafty girl grabbed her make up set and helped Applejack to be stunning.

After the camouflage is done, Applejack went on the streets looking for a job, while walking she recalled not on something... but on somewhere. After a few minutes later she found a place, the place that once she called home; Sweet Apple Acres; some of the trees weren't as grown as when she was part of the farm, but she recognizes those juicy apples anywhere; she stepped coser to the trees and tried to reach one of those apples, but as she was reachign one a door opened abruptally causing the apple girl to fell to the ground.

"Hey! Look where ya put that hand!" A woman or redish hair, and orange kind skin walked out of the main house with overalls stained with mud, she came from the stables. "Those apples are not ready for being eaten yet, miss... i don't recognize ya; who are ya and what are ya doin' in my farm?" The woman asked to Applejack not very happy to see anyone there.

"I'm sorry, I just recently came here and wanted to be hired for job here" She answered while standing up. "My name is Appleja... jammer; yes, Aplejammer" She lied, as quick as possible so she can't tell she's an old Apple family member. "I'm stayin' with a friend and i wanted to pay for her generosity"

"Well, ya'll have to dissapoint your friend; i'm not hirin' anyone. Go back, it's the best for us"

Applejack didn't wanted to go and had an idea. "I have experience workin' with apples, and i can do it better than anyone ya can hire" Applejack voice tried to convince the woman that gave a very tired look and took a seat in the front door stairs.

"Look, i see ya got good intentions, but i don't trust anyone anymore after the last one i hired everything went down. I appreciate you offering, but my answer is still a no" She standed up and went inside the house closing it with numerous lockers.

Applejack felt like she couldn't left the farm like this, so she had an idea that may not be on the side of that woman. Later that night, Applejack were in the fields trying to get buckets filled with apples; she can tell which apples are good to be collected, like this for half an hour; going to the warehouse placing there the buckets that were full, but when she reached there a light hit on her; it was the woman with a flashlight on her hand, Applejack eyes almost didn't closed to the hit of the light as it didn't bothered her.

"Ya're such a knuclehead, didn't anyone tell ya that?" She walked closer to see what kind of apples Applejack recollected and took one as she bites it.

"I know what ya said, but i really want to work here... it's like bein' home again and i...just feel like i found something missing" Applejack broke into tears without control on herself. The woman hold her closer and Applejack looked up.

"Ya know? this is a good apple. You have a talent and i see that these are your life; speakin' from the heart is admirable" The woman gave AJ a smile while she still had the apple on her mouth. "That reminds me of something one our family said once: Always speak honestly; it was from someone that lived long ago, Applejack i think it was her name" Applejakc laughed nervously and evaded that theme, but she was happy that honesty is still part of the family. "Oh and by the way, this is for what you've jsut done today"

She threw a few coins into applejack hands, a few just well brilliant coins for her work; Applejack missed tht feeling. "I won't let ya down, i'll give all it's in my hands for make ya proud. Just wait and see" Applejack retreated for that day, happier than a group of pigs in a mud puddle; ready to became the apple girl once again.

The next day arrived, Applejack arrived early in the morning and the woman was already waiting for her to get to work. They were both like perfectly lubricated machines for apple recollection, no one could compare to them. Suddenly a jingle could be hear, over a megaphone; that jingle made the woman just quit the happyness she was having.

"Ugh, it's them... again" She said not very happy.

"Who is them" Applejack asked compltely confused.

"Get used to this Applejammer, they are Flimty Toes and Flamable Jams... but they shorted their names to the Flim and Flam Sibblings" Applejack face suddenly felt all the problems she had with the brothers all those days back and the last thing she had to go through after death was seeing them.

The truck stopped right in front of the farm and a tall woman got down from it, walking with confidence close to the woman. "Hey! There's my favorite apple girl. How are you today buddy?"

"Get out of my property, now!" The woman were completely angry.

"Chill, Apple Suluric, we came in peace" The brother then came and spoke

"Like the last time? When ya revealed me that one of my workers were actually someone that worked for ya?" As Sulfuric had an apple on her hand, she smashed it with anger.

"No, we here to propose you to leave this place for once and forever, like all your family did" Flimty claimed, while drawing a smile on her face. "Isn't it time to go back with your family? They miss you so much"

"My place is here, with these apples and ya both scammers cannot get me out of here"

"Oh, yes we can; because it's your final week here unless you pay what you owe" Flamable got a paper out of his pocket with the time left Sulfuric has. "When this time is over, we'll have this terrain for us... unless you can pay them"

Sulfuric didn't spoke a word, but then Applejack stepped in. "You ain't gonna get this farm" She yelled our loud to the sibblings.

"And you're going to stop us, youngin?" The sister said with a huge smug face that would annoy anyone.

"We can get the money in time, and i have the perfect way to do" Applejack tried to gain terrirtory in their game, thinking of her past with Flim and Flam, she knows that they won't let it go if given the chance. "I'm in a band and we can get the money enough in one day with one of our concerts. Ya're both up for that or are ya too scared?"

"We're not scared, it's a deal... but if you don't raise the money needed, you will also have to work for us" They seeled the deal with a hand shake and the brothers retreated for that moment.

"Did ya just challenged them? Why?" Sulfuric asked to AJ worried about the future.

Applejack draw a smile on her face "Because this place it's like home for me and i'm losin' it against them; i'm sure we can do this; i know my friends very well"

To Be Continued... in the next chapter