• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 880 Views, 16 Comments

Zombie Land Equestria - TheRayH

After accidentally resurrecting old Canterlot High students, Sunny Starscout have huge plans for them and Canterlot High

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Chapter 12: Long Gone... Life

Pipp escaped from home, no noises were made and it caught both Zipp and Haven off guard, the discussion they had was too much for her and she went away. Zipp and Haven don't know where to look at, she just leaved without any note or anything to follow her; included her phone... thing that is always carrying.

"I can't believe she did this, who's gonna perform at this weekend party? I can't find a substitute now" Haven had other priorities.

"Mom, Pipp is missing and you're worrying about a party?" Zipp got upset about her mother. "That's it, i can't take it anymore! You're just so blinded by your work as principal that you don't even let us think what we want to do or to be, like Pipp did"

"This has nothing to do with that, Pipp always love to sing so i gave her that; not some work in a hairstyle saloon" Haven voice was upseting for Zipp, so she grabbed a bag and set out to find her.

"Maybe that's why she left, because you just gave one thing she wanted." Zipp went outside of home and run to Sunny's house, she arrive in a matter of minutes.

Sunny opened the door and found Zipp getting her breath back and sweating. "Zipp, are you ok? Something happened"

"It's my sister, Pipp... she's gone" Everyone freaked out.

"I better call Hitch and Izzy, we're gonna need help to find her. But what happened?" Sunny wanted answers as it was very strange that someone like Pipp could get lost.

"She fled, she was talking to mom about something about a hair saloon or something like that... they started screaming to each other and all i know is that she's not home again" Zipp was visibly worried about her, as she never did something like that; she's more of being just angry for a few minutes and then forget it, but never done something like this before despite being dramatical sometimes. "Pipp... where are you?"

"She didn't seemed to be having a bad time when she came here" Sunset said recalling when she was there. "She was indeed very happy after we talked for a moment"

"Wait she came here? And you mention it now?" Sunny tried to understand why Sunset didn't told her about this. "There was no need to forget about that and now we could have already looking for her; we have no time to give you the makeup, Zipp and i will start looking for her. Do not go out!"


"Don't go out! We have already enough problems" Sunny cut Susnet and immediatly started looking for Pipp al over the town, they reunited with Hitch and Izzy and everyone were looking for her, even under rocks but nowhere to be seen. "She could be anywhere; we cannot find her in time"

"Sunny, i agree; but we cannot let her down. Not now" Hitch tried to calm her.

"Of course, if we work as one well have the brightest sparkle" Izzy was as positive as she always has been. "Now let's find her and we will be all as one" Those were the words needed for everyone to recover their strength and enthusiasm. Meanwhile in Sunny's house, Sunset is walking around the room also worried; because this is partially her fault.

"Sunset, please, stop running around, there's nothing we can do." Rainbow was calmed, after all she was able to be relaxed without anything to do.

Pinkie Pie slapped the back of the head of Rainbow Dash, making her eyes pop out directly to her chest. "Dash, don't be so rough. Sunset feels guilty; a bit of heart wouldn't hurt you"

"But Dash is right, it's daylight and we cannot go out or who knows what they would do to us" Fluttershy had a point based on the experience with the hotel of a few weeks back.

"Then i just have to get out when it's dark." Confidently, Sunset said with a smikr on her face.

"That's a bit of a radical idea, can be also as bad as go in daytime. Would you risk yourself for her that much?" Twilight stepped closer, and touched Sunset's shoulder. "If you want to, we can cover you"

"Thank you, all of you... well almost" Sunset thank eveyone but Rainbow who is too much of a passive girl. She waited to the light to get darker so her skin and overall appearance wouldn't scare anyone and just in case she would go hidding in different places to avoid contact with others. It was a good plan, but when she was already far from Sunny's house she realized that if she finds Pipp she has no makeup and doesn't know how she would react, Zipp took it well, Izzy was not amazed and Hitch almost had a heart attack. She would have to be extra carefull.

While avoiding others she was trying to remember the conversation she had with Pipp, even recent her brain is not what it used to be when she was alive. Then she remembered abotu Mane Melody, a building that is a bit in ruins but stays still thanks to some work they've made in secret. She found the building and slowly walked closer to it trying to find an entrance, there was one backdoor that was open and after going inside, Sunset heard a mumbling of a song; Pipp was sitting at the front door that was covered with wooden planks.

Sunset stayed where the shadow covered her body so Pipp couldn't see her. "I knew you were going to be here, Pipp" Sunset said low to not scare her.

"Oh... it's you, the girl of Sunny's house." Pipp cleaned some tears that were in her eyes and looked up. "It was obvious that i was going to be here, was it?"

"Well, took me some time to remember but i thought you would be here at last second" An awkward silence flooded the entire room. "So you did told her"

Pipp giggled, but it was a sad giggle. "I did... yeah; it didn't go as well as i thought it would. My mother sometimes is close of sight and... why i cannot do what i want as Zipp does?" Pipp were about to start crying again, Sunset wanted to go there and comfort her but couldn't step closer without making her get shocked by her appearance.

"Listen, Pipp; i'm going to show you something but you have to keep it as a secret, got it?" Sunset asked nicely and Pipp nod. Susnet stepped into the soft light of the night revealing her greyer skin and reddish eyes. Pipp almost freaked out but hold herself to not scream. Sunset sat aside of Pipp. "My name is Sunset Shimmer and i'm a Zombie, i was a student of Canterlot High many moons ago; me and my friends came back to life by accident because Sunny made a wish"

"So you've been acting hiding your real selves?" Pipp eyes widen but hold into her legs, and grabbing with stength her thigh highs. "But how's that gonna help me? I still couldn't convince my mom to let me do other things"

Sunset hugged Pipp and cared her head. "You've got a whole life in front of you. Meanwhile me and my friends... our life is now long gone and all we can do now is help Sunny" Sunset cleaned again the tears from her face. "You can still do great things, even have your Mane Melody open."

"How are we gonna make it?" Pipp asked just to see Sunset grow a smirk on her face.

"Trust me, i have an idea and it just might work"

Halloween Day, Canterlot High Gym; Fifteen minutes before the show begins

The principal Haven is still worried about Pipp, her star of the show is lost and nowhere to be seen; Sunny, Izzy, Hitch and Zipp weren't able to find Pipp anywhere and told the principal about it, but they also didn't wanted the Rainbooms to interfere as it could make it even worse. Zipp tried to calm down, but she was sat with a drink in hand and stomping her left foot contantly

"Zipp, we did what we could. I'm sure she's ok and she will be soon home." Sunny still tried to calm down Zipp once again.

"I know she is fine, but i cannot let her be anywhere and came here to see if she could show up but i was wrong"

"Zipp!" The Principal Haven walked closer to the group. "Now i see what you tried to say and i regret how i treated your sister. But as she's not here, i guess i shoudl cancel the perforances and just use the music of the Dj" She said sadly and obviously a bit ashamed about her attitude, losing her younger daughter was a rough hit on her.

"Cancel it? But what about everyone that practiced for today?"

"I gotta be sorry for them, but it's for the best" She said before walking to the stage and grabbing the microphone with both hands tightly. "Attention please, as something have happened recently... i have no other choice, besides of everyone being here and groups; i ahve decided to cancel the-"

The lights were all off and then some strange music were playing, one of the doors openned and from there appeared Pinkie Pie, walking like having a broken leg, with no make up and her reddish eyes glowing hard, following her were the rest of the Rainbooms acting almost the same way around someone; Sunny recognized that as how they first encountered her. "What are you girls doing?" Sunny asked waking a bit closer, but getting a wink from Sunset, before returning to the zombie acting. Everyone were a bit pannicking and then they all went up the stage.

Pinkie Pie pulled out of her hair a speaker and changed the melody to something more like for an introduction. Sunset took the microphone. "The undead have risen from the dirt... and we're not here to serve ourselves with brains of your kind, but instead to introduce you to who is... our Misstress" They slowly were uncovering the misterious figure they were around. "Behold and hear the song and message from our Misstress; Zombie Queen Pipp Petals" She made way for Pipp as the lights were turned one again, showing Pipp with a lot of make up similar to how all where. Pipp started her new song, with a creepy but melodic voice, this time, the Rainbooms are there as their dance crew.

All the panic faded and everyone started vibing with the song, and dancing to it as it was extremely catchy; everyone was dancing to them. Zipp was stunned with no words on her mouth, except for a few. "She had this planned? Why didn't she told me?"

"i'm sure she has a reason" Hitch answered bumping her head to the music, but then he realized about something. "Wait, she knows about them, and their state"

"I think she does, and she used that on advantage" Izzy pointed at them and the crowd that was dancing, it was a great ambiance, and absolutely everyone was enjoying the music; the Rainbooms where giving their best shot to give the song a dance worth of it. Meanwhile Pipp was still enjoying giving her best singing voice, while making sure her makeup does not fall while singing, a shine in her eyes could be noticed like she was reborn again.

When the song ended, everyone cheered them for that awesome performance, applausses filled the gym and they retire for the next group to go, when Pipp walked she recieved a huge hug from Zipp. "Pipp... don't ever go like that ever again! You had me worried to death" Zipp said while some tears run down her eyes. "Also, do you know about..."

"Yes, i do! And they gave me the idea of doing this. I appreciate it" She looked into Zipp's eyes ashamed. "And sorry, Zipp, i should have told you... but i was so angry and upset that i needed some time alone" Zipp understood that and hugged again her sister, meanwhile from behind; principal Haven walked closer but keeping her distance after all that happened. "Hi... mom, i'm back"

"I saw it, that was certainly a good song" Haven't answered while keeping her voice calmed. "About your... Mane, however you called it; i'm willing to let you do it"

"Really?! I can do it?" Pipp voice was a bit happier.

"On one condition, that i have free treatment there once a month" She demanded

"Deal!" Pipp run towards her mom and hugged her in signal of apology, Haven also hugged her daughter finally reunited and all as it didn't happened, all finally reunited and happy.

The Rainbooms smiled at the reunited family, after a few days of chaos, looking for her everywhere. Sunny walked closer to them and looked into Sunset's eyes. "I apologize, Sunset, i should have letted you help us"

"It's ok Sunny, don't worry. We did what we could and everything went good at the end" Sunset smirked.

"But this is not the end... we still have work to do" Twilight interrupted and marked as a very important point. "We barely got a family to be one, we still have to do it with the whole CHS student boy"

"And we will do it darling, we have the best with us" Rarity hold hands with Applejack and Twilight. "We got this!"

"Of course, we're gonna rock this and make everything twenty percent cooler" Dash also grabbed hands.

"With the help of what i seems to be the next generation of friendship" Pinkie joined the whole group.

"No one will do better than us, all of us" Fluttershy closed the circel, with Sunset also there. Sunny joined to them and everyone made a cheer for luck on the next time they get to perform. The next time, it will be the second round; it will be the... Revenge!


Will Continue in Zombie Land Equestria: Revenge

Author's Note:

Thanks for staying in this 1st Part, Zombie Land Equestria will get a sequel soon or late with new advetures, characters and more; the covert art is already created and published on a website. All that is left is give you thanks for reading to this point and hope you enjoyed this 12 chapter fanfic. Soon... will be time for the revenge:

Comments ( 3 )

Believe me... if i could hire one then half of what i've done wouldn't be even published; also i can't hire anyone

i know this is very late and I haven't read the story. really I was just checking out the summary. anyway, you don't necessarily *have* to hire an editor! fimfic is a big community and i'm sure there's groups and/or forums on the site that will let you find people that are willing to proofread stuff for you. theres options ^_^

Just 2 things, 1st... sheesh it took you long to answer. And secondly about the editor, i know it's a big comunity and i appreciate that there will be some willing to help, right now i just write for fun even if i'm not doing my best while doing that.

I kinda think that my main issue is that i mistake the verbal times; because i kinda do mistake them too a little on my own language when writing other sort of things. But i appreciate that there are some that would help, just that right now i'm a little busy to find one and i use my free time to try to improve and write a little more

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