• Published 27th Oct 2021
  • 800 Views, 7 Comments

Self Love - LoveandEdify

What would you do if your friends seemed to be worlds away from you? As Sunset journeys to an isolated cabin, she learns the answer from a surprising source.

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Self-Love: A Sunset Shimmer Story

Author's Note:

Hopefully this guide can help you understand the different Sunsets here...

Sunset/Sunset Shimmer/Hybrid Sunset: EG Sunset (both human and pony, depending on the world; but mainly the human side is in focus here because her main world is the human one)

Human Sunset/Purebred Human Sunset: Only Human, but with the same magic as Hybrid

Unicorn Sunset/Unicorn: A powerful magic unicorn

Daydream Shimmer/Daydream: Light-Powered Super-Hybrid-Sunset

Demonic Shimmer/Demonic/Demon/The Demon: Dark-Powered Super-Hybrid-Sunset

Again, thank you to Bicyclette for allowing this entry into the competition. Good luck to all the competitors, and enjoy the story.

The top of Mount Canterlot. No, not the halfway point; people get that mixed up with the top a lot.

At the mid-point of the mid-point: there would be children shrilling the last remains of their lungs with a smile and a sled smoothly speeding the slopes. If you looked up even higher a ways, you could faintly hear the cocky challenges of who could have the greatest time on the slopes intermingled with the pleasant swooning of young couples and the cheering of families determined to have a great time on the slopes.

And if you could pop your eyes out just a tad bit further down, you could still smell the sweet scent of a cedar mansion nearby, covered with massive mounds of snow on top and adorned with the radiance of ruby, emerald, gold and pearl lights all around the roof.

The luscious scents of cider and cocoa intermingling with the cheery holiday music through the loudspeakers placed on top of the cabin and the slopes, guests merrily shuffling in and out of the lodge like decks of cards, joyous screams from the novice skiier going down the Bunny Hill for the first time mixed with the thunderous cheering of applause celebrating a backflip off the Black Diamond; you would be deeply-pressed to find a much more satisfying experience this holiday season.

But that, is still just the middle of Mount Canterlot. Now, the top. The very top. This story for you, might as well end here. There are no parties, no ciders, not even a mere whistle of joy save for the wind billowing its crisp welcome for winter. Only a steep slope married with a narrow frozen footpath and the flickering light of a creaking alder shack to aid in guiding you. The only crowd; the occasional squirrel, rabbit or deer, scurrying and prancing around in hopes of finding food for a long winter to the melody of wind chimes clanging out in front of the abandoned Foal Valley Lodge.

"So this mysterious stranger finally wants to meet me in person, huh?" Sunset huffed, wiping beads of sweat from her forehead with her gloves. The moon of this particular world, was no where to be seen; for even it would've preferred to latch onto the covers and hibernate this forest's winter out until spring. Yet Sunset's eyes couldn't help but briefly flutter at a faint light nearby.

As her heart finally settled from the nonstop uphill sprint she had to endure, she attempted to zip open the largest pocket on her puffy snow jacket. It was then she discovered that her fingers seemed to be frozen together to the point that her hands seemed like two massive knives. Her heart started to resume its quickened pace,

"Come on, come on!!! Why are my hands so cold?!?" Sunset stammered. A pair of rusted aluminum chimes carried off the horrendous symphony of the blizzarding winds, almost as if to keep up with the rhythm of a dimming white light that dangled right above the entrance of the run-down alder shack which loomed over Sunset like a creaking statute.

With the gnashing of the frosty wind gnashing at her, and the desolate shack in front of her, she couldn't help but ponder if that would be her fate as well: a hollow figure frozen in time, on the verge of cracking and combusting from the pressure of her icy form. Yet something else inside her echoed louder than the wind, the sole reason she chose to make this arduous trek in the first place.

"Let's face it, Sunset. You've got nothing else better to do today." the voice in her head moaned softy, as Sunset's face started to droop down almost causing her to fall face first into a sheer wall of ice beneath her feet. As the wind continued its cold crescendo, Sunset could only close her eyes and stare into the black. The ice that had started to form in her heart, had now enveloped it completely. Although her long-johns, winterproof-heated vest, arctic-proof parka and her fur-skinned hat cost twice as much as she had in her savings account, no amount of money or garments could sooth the icy grasp on her soul.

First her heart, then her soul, then her will. Was there no victim that the frigid grasp of ice would stop at before finally being satisfied? Sunset retreated to the last source of light inside. "W-w-w-we've had-d-d-d a l-l-l-lot of f-f-f-f-fun t-t-t-t-tog-g-g-gether, right? T-t-t-t-t-twilight?!" At that, her eyes snapped open for one last desperate glint of hope. Although her fingers were frozen straight together, she still lined them up together in a form that was almost like a steeple roof and brought them to her mouth. Her friends had helped her on numerous occasions: helping her save them all from an anemsia-causing memory stone, casting out Twilight's evil demon Midnight at camp, saving a whole cruise ship of people from an evil typhoon; even the smaller stresses about choosing a pet, learning how to drive or waiting for hours with her in a shopping mall for a brand new video game.

Her friends seemed to enjoy being there for her when she needed it; and she truly dearly cherished helping them as well, during their times of need. Surely if she were to force one more vocal cry from her frostbitten throat, they could gallop in and yank her from this frigid misery. After all, that's how the Magic of Friendship was supposed to work, right? "T-t-twilight?!?" she called out, pleadingly summoning the rest of her friends one by one in no particular order. After that, her will dissipated as she finally let herself collapse in the snow, even as she faintly heard footsteps from behind.

Self-Love: A Sunset Shimmer Story

"Sunset?!" a voice echoed in the black. Sunset stirred, rubbing her eyes open with her gloves. Except this time, instead of irritating snow gloves; her eyes were met by buttery smooth flesh. Her jaw dropped to the floor before another yawn escaped her lips. She glanced at herself to see a fresh pair of pajama tops and bottoms, then glared around the house before eyeing a cast-iron stove nearby. Sure enough, every single one of her drenched clothes hung over the fireplace. In the kitchen, just to the left; the kettle whistled a welcome tune while offering a reinvigorating aroma of cocoa, with a hint of pure vanilla.

She then turned to truly eye the stranger for the first time, and her jaw immediately hit the ground. Violently shaking her head in disbelief, she shot back up to her feet and inspected this familiar stranger once more.

"Like what you see?" the stranger bragged, in a somewhat flirtatious tone. The slender tone? Check. Fingers with the chaps that can only be acquired through strenuous guitar? Check. Shimmering turquoise oceans in her eyes? Check. Even down to the yellow hair mixed with orange streaks (even though it was in long, shoulder-length braids instead of the wave).

"Well, it kind of feels like I'm looking in a mirror now." she observed. Both of them stretched out their right hands and gently grasped the other's wrist. Seconds later, they were both sent careening backwards towards the walls. The stranger's hair had now exploded from the braids and stood up straight.

"Wow, I'll bet we'll feel that the rest of the holidays." Sunset groaned. The two of them lie flat on the ground, dead as doornails, suffering from the combustion of nothing short of pure, raw, unfiltered magical friendship energy.

"Wow, I guess we both have that kind of magic, huh?" Human Sunset shrugged, as the two of them finally willed themselves up.

"Yeah, I guess I should've realized the human version of me would have the same powers too." the original Sunset swooned nonchalantly. The two of them made their way back to the middle of the room, but the closer they got, the more they realized something amazing happening. Neither of them could put their fingers on it, whether it was simply that most wonderful time of the year or the fact that this lonely cabin had it's first glimmer of a newer, brighter sunset in the longest time. Regardless of the reason, something about this moment just felt... complete.

"So, I guess I don't need to tell you why I sent you that letter if you saw all those memories, right?" Human Sunset calmly pondered, as she felt her hybrid counterpart gently re-braid her hair.

"Well, considering that everything literally came as one gigantic shock to me..." she paused, reflecting on the few memories she could process from the purebred human version of herself.

"Uh, Sunset?" Human Sunset queried, loudly snapping her fingers at the hybrid's face. Sunset startled out of her trance, as she heard a yelp from nearby and turned her focus to see Human Sunset wince in pain.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." she apologized, dropping the human's braids. She let out a deep sigh and started again as Human decided to stare into her eyes and put her hands to her side. "It's just that there were only bits and pieces for me to remember because everything was just all scattered all over the place and then there's so much for me to remember, but I couldn't. Because it felt like everything came to me..."

"...like a massive jolt of magical energy being expelled all at once?" Human Sunset guessed. As Hybrid's gaze locked onto her human counterpart's, she couldn't help but become captivated by those gorgeous sapphires of eyes that reflected both the flickering lights of the ceiling and the purity of her soul. Sunset nodded. She then saw her human counterpart put a hand over her mouth, but could still hear the stifled laughter.

"Sorry, you were just blushing so much; you became a literal 'Sunset' Shimmer." Human gawked, tossing a small compact to her hybrid friend. Sunset snatched it midair with her left hand and slid the lock open. The streaks of red were receding quickly, but still evident on the hybrid's face.

As she gave the compact back, the door to the basement creaked open "Didn't want to interrupt, but we do need to finish our checker ga..." the two figures, Daydream Shimmer (her hair like a flame and a unicorn horn protruding from her forehead) and Unicorn Sunset (basically Sunset as just a unicorn), stopped dead in their tracks once they saw the other Sunsets and immediately dashed towards them. Before Sunset could process it, she was met by a comforting embrace of wings, hooves and magic.

"Sunset, you're here!!!" The two screeched in unison. Sunset freed her arms and joined in the embrace, along with Human Shimmer as Daydream gently floated them all up a few feet with her magic. Seconds later, a loud rapping at the door caused Daydream to let everyone fall to the ground with a thud.

"Human me. Go out there and see who's at the door, alright?" Sunset asked, motioning towards the door. Human nodded and started towards the door.

"Are you two ok?" Sunset asked, her arm outstretched towards the duo.

"We're fine, Sunset." Daydream responded, as the two locked hands. Sunset yanked Daydream up with ease, then Daydream lifted up the unicorn to her feet with her magic.

"That was quite a hit we took." Unicorn observed, massaging the side of her horn with her left hood. Daylight couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well, I guess that's what happens when I..." Just then, Daydream's nostrils flared and her fingers immediately went to pinch her nose and hold her breath while Unicorn created an air bubble for her and Sunset. Just then, she saw a familiar red figure waltz towards them with a debonaire smirk and a spring to her step.

"I should've seen this coming from a mile away!!!" Sunset fumed, her fists balling up tighter by the second. "Me, the purebred human, you, Daydream. Of course there's gonna be..."

The red one gently knocked on the air bubble with that same plastered grin on her face, prompting Unicorn to release the bubble.

"Sunset!!! So great to see you again, girly!!!" the red one bellowed in her rough gravely voice as she threw her arms open, with her smile still spread a mile wide.

Sunset quickly crossed her arms and scowled before muttering a sarcastic "Hello, Demon" underneath her breath.

"YES!!! That'll be 1,200 bits on Celestia's Court please." Demon cheered, raising her fist in the air before lightly punching a scowling Sunset's shoulder. Sunset sighed and put her right hand to her forehead while forking her demon the cash with her left hand.

"Ok, since when were you good at MLPopoly again?" Sunset grimaced, studying the mountainous money hoard of the Demon, the hillside of cash she had, the small handful of money Unicorn had and the empty seat with no money.

"This was one of our favorite games we played in here while we waited for you to come back." Unicorn explained. She quickly started to roll the two dice with her magic, narrowing her eyes and smirking at the board as the dice fell. "OH COME ON!!!" she grimaced, before clopping her piece towards its fate. Snake Eyes, two ones. Off to Tartarus with her. Do not go to Magic School, Do Not Collect 200 bits.

"Ah-ha-HAH!!!" Demon yelled, raising her fists in the air, then slamming them down on the table, scattering hundreds of bits all over the floor; which Unicorn was easily able to catch and put away with her magic. Sunset shrugged her shoulders and yawned. "Awe come on, Sunsie..." Demon prodded, nudging Sunset's right shoulder with her right elbow, "It's your turn. Wanna knuckle down and go toe-to-toe, you and me?"

Sunset was fidgeting with a random 500-bit bit she found on the table, pondering her next move. Roll a sleep and forty-winks and she'll move 10. She shook her head rigorously, "Time for some shut-eye, Sunset." she sluured, as the inevitable yawn escaped her with the aid of outstretched limbs. Just as her shoulders were about to slump, a searing pain reverberated forced their way through them.

"Awe, does Sunsy-Wunsy need ta go beddy-bye?! Did the punch knock ya out too hard?" a shrill whisper seeped through her ears. She could scope out the familiar taint of red from the corner of her eye. Before she could make anything else out, she found herself being yanked up and down like a puppet at a headbanging rock-and-roll concert. Although she had been to, and performed in, many of those concerts; she felt pretty sure that no one was literally throbbing at hypersonic speeds.

After about a few seconds of this, her head finally hit the boardwith a thud, smack-dab between the Celestia's Chest and Take a Chance card piles.

"...st trying to help, I'm sorry." nothing but static filled her ears, but it was gravelly enough to know that it was Demon's voice. Just then, a soothing aura started to rejuvenate her. back. Seconds later, Sunset shot up and reached her hands towards her shoulders and felt flesh around where spiky nails would have been.

"Whoa!!! I feel much better now." Sunset gasped. She stretched out her arms to embrace the whole cabin, and a sigh escaped her lips as they parted with a smile. Daydream then hovered towards her and put her healing hands on her shoulders.

"My apologies for her. She's a bit aggressive, but she's been trying so hard to prove to you she's changed." Daydream explained, with the pair breaking their embrace, exchanging glances towards the cowering red figure behind Human's legs.

"But she's a demon." Sunset whined, eyes furrowed looking away while folding her arms. Daydream gentle moved Sunset's arms away from each other and gave Sunset a sympathetic smile.

"I know it's been difficult without your friends around, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world." Daydream turned Sunset back around to Demon, who was now prone in a fetal position towards the human's feet. For the first time that day, she looked into the demon's eyes and saw remorse, pity and regret. Sunset's own eyes started to well up with tears as she slowly walked towards the red figure and extended a hand of friendship. The demon shivered at the sight and startled back slightly.

"Hey, I know it can be hard to show your true self to people; especially when you've felt so far removed from everyone." Sunset soothed, gazing at the demon's prone form on the ground. She could see that her demonic counterpart was still shudder slightly, tears stopping just short of collapsing out of her eyes. She knew what she had to do then. If the demon wasn't going to take her hand, she was going to gently grab her by the wrist, lift her up and embrace her. All of her.

Brimstone and sulfur flew into her nostrils and droplets of boiling water poured out of the tears of her demonic counterpart, but she still embraced her tighter.

"I love you, Sunset." the demon choked, her arms loosening their grip beforefeeling her body being pulled back in. "We all do." she sniffed. "I'll burn down the whole world if it makes you happy." she choked, nearly coughing out her own firey words.

Sunset could feel boiling tears burn at her back while sobs penetrated her ears, her soul, her heart. "You know that's not the right way to solve our problems, right." She softly coddled, as the two finally broke from their embrace. The demon sniffed and nodded.

"I wanna do whatever it takes to make sure we're alright. I just don't always know what that is, and when something seems good, it seems too irresistible for me to stop on my own." the demon sheepishly confessed, an awkward smile slowlyy spreading across her face.

Sunset momentarily broke gaze from the demon and glance towards her other counterparts; all with approving smiles on their faces. Sunset smiled herself, and placed a soft hand on the demon's shoulder. "I think I get why I'm supposed to be here now." she observed.

About A Year Ago...

"Looks like things are all sunny-side-up for us, eh Sunset?" Twilight chuckled, as she stabbed a piece of egg and twilred it around Sunset's face. Faster, faster... the white and yellow twirling through the prongs of the fork until finally flinging loose and splattering its runny liquids between Sunset's eyes. Twilight put her hands over her mouth and blushed profusely.

"Aaaaaah... Sorry about that!!! It's just that I was trying to make an egg joke and ran with it thinking you would've found it fun so I ran with it and then I was teasing you with the forced and then..." Her fingers fidgeted with her glasses while trying to control her breathing in vain. She searched Sunset's eyes for any reaction at all: a sneer, a scowl, even a frown? Not really, not even a slight glimmer of emotion in her eyes or slight curving from her lips. Twilight then buried her face in her hands and let out an exasperated sigh.

The rhythm of clanging plates, running faucets and the ringing of the order bell flooded the diner set a befitting soundtrack along with the revving of cars passing by to and fro. Twilight was just about to reach for her jacket when she felt a familiar hand grasp her shoulder. She flinched, turning around to see eyes of turquoise staring into hers, with a smile warmer than any jacket could ever have felt.

"I get that you're brain's scrambled, so I know that wasn't your best laid pun, Twi." Sunset quipped, with a reassuring wink. Twilight's pupils dilated and her mouth circled before she snickered and flicked her ponytail sightly to the right, before she let her eyes close and laughter run through her belly and up through her lips.

"Oh Sunset, I always thought you hated my puns." she chuckled. Sunset smirked and walked back to her side of the booth, her own eyes beaming at her friend's happiness.

"I don't. But that doesn't mean they're all good." Sunset conceded, stabbing a buttermilk pancake with her fork before slicing into it. She paused her cake slicing to stare at Twilight, who gazed out the window. Other than the wind brushing against a nearby cherry tree along the sidewalk and the lights of cars reflecting against the window pane; there wasn't really too much for ones eye to catch. Especially Twilight's.

"There's something you want to tell me, isn't there?" Sunset gently prodded. Twilight snapped back to attention and saw Sunset with a look of concern on her face. She scratched her head and racked her brain as how to handle the situation before dropping her head down and offering a reluctant sigh.

"I guess I can't hide anything from you, can I?" Twilight muttered, her downhearted tone and posture deeply contrasting from her normally awkward yet bubbly, "adorkable" persona.

"Twilight, you know I won't use my magic on you without asking first; but if it'll help you explain what's been bugging you then I'm willing to listen. You just haven't seemed like yourself around me lately and I want you to feel you again, ok?" Sunset offered. She extended her hand to the middle of the table and opened it, patiently waiting for Twilight to take it so she could use her power.

Twilight's lip quivered as she attempted to fight back tears to no avail before letting a smile break loose. "Thanks Sunset," she replied, before reaching out her own hand and gently placing it on top of hers.

Back To The Present...

"And that's the last time Twilight and I hung out." Sunset moaned, wrapped in an extra-large comforter with her arms dangling

"So, what was it that you saw?" Demon asked, forking another set of mashed potatoes into her mouth as she listened. She then felt a plop of mashed potatoes land on her plate and saw Sunset push some of her potatoes over to her bowl.

"That she wasn't going to be able to make it to our annual Holiday Hangout at Everfree because her boyfriend had other plans set up. I didn't know that it would be the last one-on-one time we had before she took off with Timber Spruce." she wailed.

"I'm just a little lost here, she's back now, right?" Unicorn asked, using her magic to reach for another slice of pumpkin pie.

"Yeah," Sunset whined, "she came back. In fact, I was hoping to reconnect with all my friends today after they lived their separate lives." Sunset let her head drop down towards her untouched food to complete the mopish look.

"It didn't really help that Rarity was interning at Manhattan under Photo Finish, or that Pinkie had cooking classes there as well" Human concurred.

"Or that Rainbow-Dash was invited to the National U-18 Soccer Team, or Fluttershy took dual-credits at the community college for vet school." Unicorn added on.

"Even Applejack's been busy since her family farm landed a deal with that big market company which expanded their..." Daydream's ratting was swiftly interrupted by a demonic hand to the mouth.

"Can't you all see she's curled up, dangling in that sad sack and hadn't even eaten anything?" she snapped, leading the others to look towards her. Seeing the depressed state of their aide helped them realize thattalking any more about the problem wasn't going to solve anything. Demon then lifted up her plate of mashed potatoes to her lap.

"Here, I saw you drop these on my plate; but you gotta eat something, ok?" Demon pleaded. Sunset gazed blankly into Demon's eyes, who looked like they were about to burst into tears again. It was then everyone circled closely around the armchair Sunset drooped in. Unicorn removed the plate and blanket from her, while Daydream and Human assisted Sunset to her feet.

"Hey, put me down." Sunset groaned nonchalantly, as Demon moved the chair away from Sunset.

"Listen to us, Sunset. We know that this day's been far from perfect and you weren't expecting to spend the night in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. But we're here for you, ok? Because we all love you." Daydream eased, gently caressing Sunset and massaging her back.

"But my friends..." Sunset attempted reasoning was met with a finger to her lips.

"There's nothing wrong with enjoying time with your friends or looking out for them when they need it; but part of it is also knowing when to show that same kind of love to yourself." Daydream explained.

"Yeah. Like leaning how to balance your goals and your responsibilities." Human explained.

"Or going to see a movie or maybe singing up for a new club." Unicorn joined in.

"Maybe even catching back up on old things you've been neglecting." Demon chimed in.

"What we've been trying to say, and show you through our hospitality, is that you always need to show up and take care of yourself." Daylight affirmed. The whole group then huddled around Sunset and enveloped her in a group hug. Sunset couldn't help but let a shimmering smile reach across her face and tears streak across her closed eyes. She now fully understood why she was here.

Human, Unicorn, Demon, Daydream... this house was her house, and their house too. All of these sides of her all embraced and united to protect and take care of her in anyway possible. And whenever she needed to retreat back to herself, all the sides, all of them; will be waiting to...


Sunset shot up out of her bed and threw the covers off, she went to her nightstand and checked her phone. "Wednesday, October 27th. 5:20 a.m." She sighed in relief, the annual school winter trip wasn't for another couple months. She then stared outside the window and her eyes lit up as her mouth went agape. The yellow sun started its ascent over the clouds and pierced it through the heart; along for light to pierce through the raindrops. "Whoa." Sunset remarked. She then heard the beat of a nearby hummingbird hover by her window. She allowed herself some extra time to soak up the beauty of this nature. Thank Celestia she remembered to set her alarm extra early before going to bed last night.

She then turned towards a glass terrarium to spot a familiar leopard gecko curling near its pond. "Well hello there, my little Ray of sunshine." she beamed at the lovable lizard. She then eyed the pond he was nesting at and felt it with her finger. Lukewarm. Then inspected his food. Still half-full, but hadn't touched it. Sunset then quickly snatched the pond and the food dish, then filled both up to their full capacity.

"And now, I'm going to take way better care of you too." She promised, stroking the small lizard underneath his chin. As light continued to glint through and illuminate the room, she eyed a dust-covered poster and took it down.

"Solo Singer/Songwriter Contest, November 3rd, 8 p.m. at the school auditorium?" she read. She remembered planning to enter that contest, but stalling because Twilight said that she possibly planned a threesome date around that time.

Just then, her phone started to ring again. "Huh, Twilight's finally calling." she thought to herself. She snatched the phone and hit the green answer button.

"Hey Twilight." Sunset responded, as she paced around the room. "Yeah, I know that you've been busy with Timber. It's totally cool." She then shuffled to her dresser to pick out an outfit for school. "No really, Twilight, you're ok." She finally laid down an orange t-shirt with a pair of blue jeans. Before making her way to the bathroom to freshen up, she paused.

"Threesome Date tomorrow at E. Theater?" Sunset's eyes glistened with excitement, but then she turned her gaze towards the poster and remembered her lesson in the cabin.

"You know what, Twi? I've actually got something else going on then. How about next Wednesday?" she asked, making her way to the bathroom.

2 months later...

"Ok girls, no peeking." Sunset ordered, as she led all of her friends up to the front door. She was about to open it, but not before glancing behind her and giving a disapproving smile to Pinkie. She awkwardly smiled before putting her blindfold back on.

"Come on Sunset!!! What's the big surprise?!?" Rainbow gawked, tapping her foot rapidly. Sunset kept glaring at everyone until she finally felt her key slide into the lock. She pumped her fist and smiled.

"Alright everyone, take your blindfolds off and come on in!!!" Sunset cheered. Her friends all walked in and gasped in amazement as they all saw this cabin, no... this makeover masterpiece adorned in fresh rainbow wallpaper for the kitchen area, a calming green for the living room, a new stainless steel oven and a 55-inch flatscreen next to the cast-iron fireplace. A sample of that unforgetful dream she didn't want to part with.

"WE'RE SLEEPING HERE TONIGHT?!?" Pinkie cheered as she let out a small, happy shriek before dashing down to the basement.

"Whoa, Sunset!!! How'd you get this all arranged?" Timber Spruce asked, as he and Twilight took in the scenery as everyone else toured the place themselves.

"Eh... I talked to your sister who talked to the manager of the lodge...; figured we should all have a little time to ourselves this vacation." she remarked, not even bothering to hide her joyful smirk.

"Well, however you did it Sunset... thank you." Twilight thanked, landing a small kiss onto Sunset's forehead. Sunset couldn't help but blush in response.

"Oh hey Sunset..." Sunset turned to see Rainbow tugging on her jacket before letting it go. "I meant to say this earlier, but congratulations on winning the songwriting contest. Pinkie livestreamed it to me and your song was AWESOME!!!" she cheered.

"Glad you liked it Rainbow, and congras on the gold." she responded, which was met with Rainbow wiping her hand across her face.

"Awe shucks, it was nothing." Rainbow replied. "Well anyway, I'm gonna go find Pinkie. You gotta play that song for us sometime, ok?"

Sunset dropped her countenance in disappointment. "I don't know about that, Dash. I was just hoping I could play it tonight instead." she then smirked and winked at Dash, whose face then lit off like a firework.

"AWESOME!!!" she beamed, as she raced down the stairs. "Hey Pinkie-Pie, guess what?!?" she shouted, as she ran down towards the basement.

The three friends chuckled. "That's Rainbow-Dash for you." Sunset shrugged, before turning to Timber Spruce who was slowly backing away towards the kitchen. "I think I'll let you two have some alone time." The two friends shrugged, then walked up towards the fireplace.

"I'm proud of you, Sunset." Twilight encourage, resting a hand on her friend's shoulders as the two cozied up next to the fire. Sunset gazed into Twilight's eyes, content in knowing that she was finally alone with Twilight after what felt like years being split up in different directions.

"Proud of me? For what?" Sunset pondered, as their gazes returned to the flames that wrapped up the whole house in a warming embrace.

"You just got a lot done over these past few months: winning the song contest, getting that promotion to assistant manager, researching the stock market and already starting to earn way more money than I would know what to dream with..." the two shared a chuckle. Twilight rose and snatched a blanket from the couch nearby before throwing it over the both of them.

"But you also seem happier too. I can't even remember the last time your face lit up like this. What's your secret been?" Twilight pondered curiously. Sunset gazed into the fire for a few seconds, knowing well the answer, as four majestic visions arose from the flame and winked before disappating.

"Uh, Sunset?" Twilight asked, tapping her friend on the shoulder. Sunset smiled, then turned her gaze towards her.

"I'll always love my friends," she remarked, gazing at Timber adding a spoonful of sugar into the pie he offered to help Applejack bake, Rainbow and Pinkie running around up and down the stairs playing tag and Rarity teaching Fluttershy how to sew in the vacant corner opposite where she and Twilight were nested before gazing back at Twilight.

"But I've finally learned to love myself."

Moral: Always Take Care Of Others, But Make Sure You Also Take Care Of You.

Keep Loving, Keep Edifying and KEEEEEEEEEEEP LoveandEdifying.

Comments ( 7 )

That was a cute & heartwarming one-shot.

(Thank you for submitting to the contest)

Thank you very much.

Any word on when we find out the winners?

The contest submissions close later today so some time tomorrow or the day after. 👍

"Sorry, you were just blushing so much; you became a literal 'Sunset' Shimmer." Human gawked, tossing a small compact to her hybrid friend. Sunset snatched it midair with her left hand and slid the lock open. The streaks of red were receding quickly, but still evident on the hybrid's face.

ha, these were some fun lines!

it was fun to see the Equestria-fied version of Monopoly, which really makes me wish that one existed for me to buy! and this story was definitely unique in bringing in all of the different versions of Sunset instead of just two or three like the others. i also liked that it ended up being a more low-concept story, with the purpose of her other selves being to help Sunset learn how to love herself after losing her connections with the friendships that defined her (especially with Sci-Twi prioritizing Timber Spruce over her, oof! that would send me into a tailspin). and it was a nice, heartwarming note to end on, too. thanks for the entry!

Saw that comment just now.

Thanks for the kind words, and I really do hope that this story inspires others to find the worth in themselves to see them as worth loving too.

Just curious here, I know you mentioned the "literal Sunset Shimmer" bit, but is there another favorite part you had? 🤔

Every version of Sunset Shimmer in this story. Good work.

Was there really any other way? :raritywink:

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