• Published 22nd Oct 2021
  • 876 Views, 11 Comments

What makes a villain, a villain. Cozy Glow. Manipulation. - Ryoup

Cozy Glow failed again in taking over Equestria. But this time she decides to share with her wardner the reasons for her anger and desire for power.

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Pretty sick story isn’t it?

Everything went wrong. I thought, leaving the school bus and dropping my backpack.

In front of me, lots of ponies stared and pointed to my house which was on fire!

I flew over then and stopped when a firepony said to me stop. He wore the typical uniform and an axe was strapped to his back.

I looked around hoping to see daddy and mommy yelling at each other. Faust, even fighting! I just wanted to see them but as much as I looked I didn’t see anything!

Then I heard I bad-word coming from my right and I flew toward that voice! Passing by one last pony I saw mister Wheels surrounded by his employees. He was kneede towards the house, crying and hitting the ground.

“Where are dad and mom!?” I shouted flying towards him. He stopped hitting the ground and many of his employees gasped at me.

Slowly he looked at me and before I could say anything or react he hugged me.

“MY FAUST YOU’RE ‘KAY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN THERE!” He cried and pointed to the house.

Some guards surrounded us and mister Wheels got up and pressed his face against the helm of one of them!

“NOT NOW SHIELD!” Wheels yelled.

“You did this, didn't ya marginal?! Your luck ended Wheels, you’re going to jail now!”

Many of Wheels employees started grumping and grabbing from their cloaks chains and some crowbars!

I looked up and some fireponies tried to approach the house but the flames almost got them! Then one of the windows blew up and a brawl started right behind me. Then I realised something. They still in there!

Without thinking much I flew toward my home. I heard mister Wheels shouting something at me and one of the fireponies tried to hold me, but I quickly dodged him.

After closing my eyes I flew towards the broken window and got in.

It's hot. That's the first thing in my mind. A flame burst a few centimeters over my head towards the window. If I were some seconds later that would have burned me!

Without wanting to lose one more second I turned to the kitchen and immediately I kneeled and threw up.

Everything was a mess, what wasn’t burning were in pieces and broken.

Mom laid near the stairs, her head, half-opened with a strain of blood dripping from her head. The culprit, a leg of our table laid a few centimeters from mom covered in blood. Despite the grotesque scene, her face seemed so peaceful and calm, with a smile on her face.

Then a burst of flames comes as if from nowhere and engold mom's body! Trying to look away I saw daddy laind against our freezer, many pages and papers around him.

I took one step towards him and jumped when I heard him coughing! He was still alive! I shouted for help but the flames were implacable, my vision getting dizzy.

“Get up dad!” I yelled and he just moved his head towards me, the smoke making it hard to see him.

I took a deep breath, which proved to be foolish considering the smoke around me and I runned towards dad coughing and spitting smoke from my mouth!

When I got near him I kneed. There is a broken bottle pierced in his throat. The bottle, adorned with golden accents, having somehow, a red-pink liquid dripping from it.

“D-dad?” I said and his eyes opened for one instat towards me. His mouth moved but no sound came from it.

Using what I believe to be his last strengths he grabbed one book from behind him and handed me before his body stopped moving. I looked at the title:

The things I did for your good. I’m sorry Cozy. I read the last part written with blood.

I was about to look or yell at him to get up but another burst of flames made me retreat and close my eyes. When I opened them I saw his body now surrounded by flames!

My heart stopped, something inside me, I don’t know what, just broke while I looked at my dad's skin burning and melting like rubber. I smiled. This is wrong! And yet I smiled!

“I’m free.” I whispered to myself throwing the book to the flames around me. I looked at mom, she was in the same state as dad. I smiled again while mom’s smile melted to become just flesh and bone. THIS IS WRONG!

I Trotted in the middle of the flames, almost as if it wasn’t there. After gazing at the floor and praying to the space to be clear of fire I smiled and punched it.

One plank popped out and from there I grabbed a hot-jar half filled with bits!

The door was smashed in two and a firepony runned in and shouted while looking around.

I shouted back, my vision blurring more and more. I flew towards him dodging the flames in the process. Holding the jar of course.

He grabbed me and gave me a mask of some sort and I breathed. It felt divine, like pure air from mountains I never visited. And without losing time he carried me away from the house. One last time, before he runned away I looked back to my parents and my heart... it hurted imensily. And I smiled while whispering.

“I’m free.”

I’m sitting in the middle of a white-cream room. There are some benches and toys scattered around the room, a window, one door and some posters. I touch one of the toys. I played with the toys; I felt nothing.

I gazed at the window and I saw a couple of birds flying away and I sighed. WHY? Why am I not crying? Why I’m so calm?!

I’m… I’m relieved. I’m free. almost actually.

The door opened and a nurse walked in with a clipboard floating in front of her.

When we made eye contact she tried her best to fake it out a smile to me. I just smiled back and got back to play with those not-funny toys.

“Cozy Glow?” She said, more reading her clipboard than looking at me.

I just nodded while hitting two toy-trains at each other. One thought came to my mind. How would that be? Would be violent obviously, but what about the injuries, the passengers? The impossible angles their limbs wou- WHAT THE FUCK! No! This is sick! E-enough of this!

She kneed to my level and smiled. I don’t care how many years of experience this nurse has, I’m gonna wreck her!

“Miss?” I said putting my best pupping eyes and childish voice. her eyes wided a bit and a genuine smile came out of her face.

“Where are my parents?” Then her smile faded and doubt invaded her mind.

She quickly looked in her clipboard and gulped dryly.

“C-Cozy, I got-”

“ 'Cause dad said we were going to the park today! And I’m super-duper excited about it!” Her eyes twitched and she hid some part of her face behind her clipboard.

I got up and flew around the room.

“Mommy is going to make her special cookies! Gonna be super WOWWEE! OH! Do you want some? I will keep some for you!”

Now she hides her whole face behind her clipboard. After I heard a bit of sobbing she put the clipboard down and looked at me, and again she gulped when I used my puppy eyes.

“They are- they-”

“Where are they?” I said innocently puting one hoof on my chin.

“They are in the hospital! They’re injured, Cozy.”

“Oh no!” I put both my hoofs on my face. “Oh golly no! But they’re going to be 'kay right?!” Her ears folded and she started looking away.

“You- see, they are really hurt Cozy and-” I holded her hoof and trembled my lips, my eyes at the point of crying.

“We’ll try our best!” She sighed defeated!

I opened my eyes and flew around her in sheer excitement.

“I’m so happy! Miss, can I have daddy’s jar?”

“Daddy what?”

“It’s a gift daddy wanted to give me today! You see, today is my birthday!” Her eyes widened and her mouth almost fell from her face! It's priceless!

“But I really-really want it now! Can I have it?!”

“Don’t know Cozy, it’s with some guards now…” I just made my puppy's eyes and she nodded and walked away.

When she left I put my smile away and sat on the floor. I filled my lungs and gazed at the toy-trains. I gulped and put my hoof on my chest. Something feels… off.

After some time she arrived and gave the jar of bits and said to me not to lose it and I quickly agreed while shaking the jar.

She asked a couple of pointless questions before leaving. After some time of peace in my room, I grab my jar which can have hundreds of bits or more and I look at it.

“Thanks dad.” I said to myself. Before I could do anything more I got blinded for a ray of light coming from the window. I shaked my head and when my vision came back I was in front of a poster of princess Twilight.

She was blinking to me and stayed over some words.

In the friendship school, you can learn how to make real friends!

I blinked a pair of times. “Friends” I whispered, ripping off a piece of the poster and running towards the window.

I opened it and a wind current greeted me. Looking down I saw Mister Wheels entering the hospital. For one second I froze. Doubt filling me. Then I remembered something dad said.

“Don’t let nothing stay between you and what you want.” I smiled. Then what mom said.

“He was using us Cozy.”

Stretching my wings I fly to the horizon holding my jar of bits and a poster about a school filled with ‘friends’

I smirked remembering one thing said by many ponies.

“Friends are equal power and influence.”

Pretty sick story isn’t it?

“Cozy, my Faust I-”

Undo the spell Starlight.

“I can’t-”

We both know you can, now undo the spell.

I moaned in a way that only if you were petrified too you would understand.

I stretched my little wings and puffed my chest opening my eyes.

In front of me was Starlight Glimmer. A pink unicorn wearing some big glasses and with a multicolored notepad with some writing in it layed on the floor.

I quickly flew off my pedestal and trotted towards the only door in this black room.

Starlight opened her mouth to say something but I put my hoof on her snout.

“Na-na! Tell me Starlight, still hope for me? After what I did? What I caused? Tell ya. No!”

“One more thing! I’m not the only one around the world, there are many like me! But I was the first to step up and chose my destiny! I’ll not end up marrying a prick boy or end up in some dirty basement!”

“And there is nothing stopping me from getting what I want!” I turned and clapped my hoofs evilly.

“And what do you want?” She said her voice cranky.

"The world!” I laugh maliciously!

“And then what?” She said, taking off her glasses. “And after that? What do you do?”

My smile stopped while I processed what she just said, but then I just sighed, not in the mood to lie.

“Then I join mom and dad.” I said turning and slamming the door.

“W-wait Cozy we-”

"WASSUP!" a giant-red fist smashed the door open and a red minotaur entered the room.

“You’re late!”

“Ahhh shut up! It's Chrysalis' fault for taking too long to free me! Now get here!” Tirek said grumpily, extending his massive hand that I quickly got up and sat on his shoulders.

I looked at Starlight who gazed at us scared and confused.

I raised my hoof and she nodded, knowing what I meant.

“This… story, all this!” She said, cleaning some tears from her face. “It's all true right?” I wrinkled my face.

“Dunno!” I giggled, blinking with one eye and putting my tongue out! I did two little bumps on Tirek's head and he quickly drained Starlight.

He turned and he walked away while I left my wardneer behind.

I didn't look back.

Comments ( 1 )

Did Cozy make all that up?

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