• Published 9th Sep 2021
  • 356 Views, 0 Comments

CMC: reunited - James 4020

In dinseyfinatics story i wondered what the ending was like so i made my own

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Story of a hippogriff

It's been 4 days since blueberry saw flarewing's family be reunited and break apart still sad blueberry went to the last creature she thought could help.

"Hello child of laughter I already know what you're after", Zecora said not even staring at blueberry which surprised blueberry but also scared her.

"Child of blue what you seek is a story for you which can be found through one thing the one you call flarewing", Zecora said smiling at blueberry who was almost out the door until stopped by words of Zecora one more time.

"He holds your heart don't back away or it will break apart", Zecora saids smirking at blueberry who started blushing and ran out of Zecora's hut.

"Okay how am i supposed to get there ?", Blueberry asked herself but before she could make another move she was pulled into the sea and pulled towards the cave she wanted to go to.

Once inside the cave she saw flarewing drying water off and found he had an entire home set up in that cave and then he walked towards her which made her blush for a reason she couldn't understand.

"That zebra sent you didn't she", flarewing said annoyed while staring at blueberry hoping she would leave but she stood her ground staring back.

--at the pie family household--

"Wait so our daughter is trying to make a new friend and the only way to do that is to talk to him in a cave he lives in and his parents are my used to be student's...?", pinkie asked Zecora who was just sitting in her living room.

"Precisely", Zecora answered pinkie pie looking confident at the pink pony who just continued baking.

"Ok thanks i trust she can do it", pinkie said happily going to check on her family while cheese sandwich did the rest of the baking.

--back at the cave--

The two decided to talk things out since flarewing knew blueberry wasn't leaving "so she said I'd tell you a story fine but it shouldn't leave this cave", flarewing said staring into blueberry's eyes and she nodded at him.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye", Blueberry said smiling but fell on deaf ears since flarewing looked confused at what she just said then he shrugged and turned around.

"Ok fine, flarewing said remembering the day he last saw his parents before yesterday.


A six year old flarewing was playing with his cousin shooting star who looked like her mother skystar except her hair was yellow while his older cousin star bright who looked like her mother but her hair was a dark purple like her grandmother was complaining to her mother skystar about being queen even tho skystar told her that shooting star was next in line "but mother she can't even run herself and you want her to run our kingdom give it to a creature who knows what they're doi--", star bright was interrupted by her mother shouting at her.

"FOR THE FINAL TIME YOUR SISTER IS THE NEXT QUEEN", skystar shouted clearly frustrated at her daughter's distrust in her younger sister as skystar went into her cousin silverstream's house leaving her daughter star bright there angry.

Star bright watched her cousin and sister play and then got an idea when she remembered her sister say flarewing was her favorite creature in equestria "Take out the guard the queen will be wide open", star bright said laughing maniacally her cousin and sister staring at her confused but continuing to play tag.

That night flarewing was awoken by his cousin star bright carrying him somewhere "cousin star bright where are we going and where are my mom and dad...?", a young flarewing questioned his cousin who looked annoyed at him being awake but then put on a fake sad face.

"You see cousin I'm taking you to a safe place your parents were gonna throw you in the everfree forest but i had to put a stop to that", star bright said lying to the young hippogriff and making him cry but she took him to the cave that would later become his home but he quickly cried himself to sleep.

[A few months later]

Flarewing came back home only to find out they didn't even put up flyers for him (they did but unbeknownst to flarewing and the rest of his family star bright took them and destroyed them all) so he ran back to the cave and lived there ever since that day.
--end of flashback--
Blueberry cried then hugged flarewing from behind causing him to blush and handed him a piece of paper and the paper shocked him it was a missing paper with his young face on it and he looked at her surprised and on the brink of tears "your parents gave my mom one and i found it in the attic she told me that your parents looked everywhere for you but assumed you were gone", Blueberry said smiling at flarewing only to receive a hug and then he walked to the cave entrance and turned to blueberry smiling.

"Let's go reunite the cmc blueberry", flarewing said while him and blueberry smiled at each other leaving the cave to get blueberry's friends back together.