• Published 5th Sep 2021
  • 1,873 Views, 18 Comments

The Bike of Aging - iAmSiNnEr

Celestia is eight thousand years older than Luna

  • ...

Is the Bike Even Important in This Story?

The Bike of Aging

By iAmSiNnEr

Idea Credit: SleeplessBeholder and Decaf

Legend says that there is a bicycle that makes you age every time you ride it.

The legends are true. There is indeed such a bike.

Passed from generation to generation, it eventually ended up in the possession of a white-colored alicorn we all know.

Well, this should be fun.

“Sister?” Luna asked nervously. “I have a question.”

“Yes?” Celestia asked, looking up from her paperwork. “Ask away, dear sister.”

“I, uh, used an age checking spell on you,” Luna coughed. “And uh, I found something very interesting.”

“That I’m a thousand years older than you?” Celestia asked lazily. “I already know. You didn’t age while trapped in the moon.”

“No,” Luna shook her head. “You’re eight thousand years older than me.”

“As expected. Now, if you have nothing else, I have paperwork-” the quill dropped on the table. “Repeat that, again?”

“Eight thousand years,” Luna repeated. “What have you been up to, sister?”

“Your spell is wrong,” Celestia blurted out. “There’s no way I could be that old-”

“And yet you are,” Luna pointed out. “I reused the spell six times just in case. They all turned up the same result. You are eight thousand years older than me.”

“Impossible.” Celestia shook her head in disbelief. “I was only born a year earlier than you. There’s no way I could be eight thousand years older than you.”

“There was signs of accelerated aging,” Luna mentioned. “Which is why I asked you what you had been up to.”

“Accelerated aging?” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “What would be the point? Alicorns are ageless. We can live forever. I mean, sure, if some pony out there cast some spell on me.”

“Those spells only accelerate your age by a few decades, sister,” Luna said seriously. “Think. What could have increased your age by that large of a gap?”

“I mean,” Celestia stretched. “I don’t remember anyone casting any spell like that on me. Have you ever used the age checking spell on me before today?”

“No,” Luna shook her head.

“Well, that’s helpful,” Celestia muttered. “It means it could have been from I was a filly till now.”

“You did grow faster than me,” Luna pointed out. “Could it have been something from our youth?”

“It’s very possible,” Celestia admitted. “We need to get to the bottom of this. If such a spell or artifact out there exists, it could be possible that it could kill ponies. I want no such thing in Equestria.”

“Understood,” Luna nodded. “Where should we begin?”

“The basement.”

“I didn’t know there was even a basement-” Luna coughed from the dust. “Ugh, when was the last time you cleaned this place?”

“Six hundred years,” was the reply. “I just stuffed everything I owned down here and never came back. Painful memories, you see.”


“Anyways, help me search,” Celestia gestured vaguely. “If anything I own is the cause of my age, it’s probably in here somewhere. I’ll search the dangerous artifacts section. You can try the filly section.”

“Filly section?” Luna raised an eyebrow. “You categorized an entire area for items from our youth? I see now why Twilight is so obsessed with neatness and lists.”

“No, she didn’t get that from me. She’s actually more obsessed with lists and neatness than me. You should have seen her on her first book shopping trip. She had a list twice the length of her and she still came home with two boxes of books larger than her. It was adorable.”

“Focus, sister. We need to find this foul artifact which has increased your age tenfold.”

“Right, right. But how can you resist cute Twilight memories? Aren’t you dating her?”

“She’d understand. Duty over- ugh, fine. What happened next?”

“She made a book fort.”

“Did she stack the romance at the corner as always?”

“She did! Cadence was so put off by that that she almost forgot to do their signature hoofshake thingy!”

“Hah! Take that, Cadence! Cheesy romance isn’t the best books!”

“She then proceeded to fall asleep in her book fort.”

“Do you have pictures? Sister, please tell me you have pictures.”

“It’s somewhere in that stack of albums,” Celestia gestured at a wobbling stack of picture albums.

“I thought you haven’t been down here for the last six hundred years?” Luna eyed her suspiciously.

“I made a copy and teleported it here. Just in case, you know? The castle could burn down, and the basement would survive. Basements always survive.”

“Always the forward planner. Anyways, why do you have a miniature windmill in here?”

“Ignore that. Doesn’t matter.”

“I fail to see how you acquired a windmill when you were nine, Celestia.”

“Blame Starswirl. He left his time travel spells lying around.”

“...of course.”

“Here! I found it!” Celestia exclaimed.

“You did?!” Luna rushed over. “Show me!”

Celestia flipped open the picture book to a picture of Twilight dozing in a mound of books that resembled a castle. “Aw, isn’t she just the most precious thing?”

“I thought-” Luna’s eyes widened. “Yep. You got any more of those?”

“Here,” Celestia flipped the book to a picture of Twilight wearing Celestia’s crown, the crown tilted slightly. “She snuck into my room and tried on my crown. She looked so adorable in it, I just had to take a picture!”

“I would have murdered you if you didn’t,” Luna murmured. “This is pure cuteness. It should be a crime not to capture this amount of adorable.”

“You know,” Celestia looked around them. “This is fun. We should do this more often.”

“I agree,” Luna nodded. “We may not find what we are looking for today, but I feel as if that it has been a very fruitful day.”

“I wonder…” Celestia glanced at the picture book. “Care for more Twilight pictures?

“Do you even have to ask?” Luna rolled her eyes. “Can I have copies? I’d like to threaten Twilight with them.”

“Of course!” Celestia beamed. “Here, take this. I remember there was another album which I had more Twilight pictures.”

“Show me, sister!” Luna demanded. “We must have all the Twilight pictures!”

“I think it’s this one,” Celestia pulled out a picture book, and flipped it open. “Oh. It’s not, but it’s just as good.”

“What do you mean-” Luna’s eyes widened. “Sister! How did you-”

“As I said, blame Starswirl,” Celestia grinned. “But it was too good not to.”

“You travelled back in time just to take pictures of us,” Luna stated flatly.


“Worth it,” Luna agreed. “Look at this one. I still remember the day you found out about cake. You wouldn’t stop stuffing yourself with them-”

“I didn’t do that!” Celestia replied indignantly.

“Oh yeah?” Luna smirked. “Then what is this?” She pointed her hoof at a picture of filly Celestia with frosting all over her mouth.


“You were so cute back then!” Luna smiled. “What happened?”

“Hardy har har.”

“We should really look for that artifact.”

“We should.”

“But we won’t.”

“We won’t.”

“Then we are in agreement.”

“That is indeed so, sister.”

And thus they spent the next six hours looking at pictures, their objective forgotten. I wonder, what was the artifact even?

Nah, I know the answer. It was a bike she rode when she was younger. Anyways, this is the end of the story. This is your mysterious narrator, signing off.

Author's Note:

ignore the randomness of this

dedicated to Bike

Idea by Decaf and Sleepless

Comments ( 18 )

its me im the bike that makes you old

Celestia flipped open the picture book to a picture of Twilight dozing in a mound of books that resembled a castle. “Aw, isn’t she just the most precious thing?”

I totally believe her. Twilight as a mare sleeping in a castle of books is adorable, but filly Twilight doing it has to be adorable+!

“Worth it,” Luna agreed. “Look at this one. I still remember the day you found out about cake. You wouldn’t stop stuffing yourself with them-”

Cakestia is best Celestia.

In all,10/cuteness.

“Right, right. But how can you resist cute Twilight memories? Aren’t you dating her?”

Twilunaaaaa~! :raritystarry:

This was a fun read, I’d totally get distracted if there were baby pictures of Twily too XD

Well that was silly. And funny. Nice little ditty here, Sin.

I liked this. Though, bit's of silence and a variation in tone just slightly would have made the humour stick a hair more.(for me, mind) Mostly because at times it was confusing rather them random. (Mostly in the dialogue and the odd shift's in conversation. Which could have been tempered by more fluctating tone and describing different bit's and focusing more on random bit's in the environment. (Only by say 3%)

Wow... that opening hit me with a bizarre kind of deja vu - one of my own stories deals with a very similar matter of age differences and how Luna aged or didn't on the moon and even includes some TwilightxLuna stuff, though where it goes with it is... quite different.

Not that I'm suggesting a connection between the two stories - it's a pretty natural idea and I'm surprised more people haven't done stuff with it - just wanted to note it gave me a really weird-but-cool feeling.

Anyway, fun story. My only major criticism is that I felt there could have be more done with Luna's relationship with Twilight. Not that it should have been a full-on shipfic or anything, it's just that I'm of the opinion that one should only include a ship if you're going to really do something with it. And, while I think this story does somewhat - using it to colour and contextualize Luna's viewing of the photos, I do think it's a touch close to the borderline and could have had more done.

That... may not have made sense entirely, but hopefully you can parse it at least a little. In any case, good job.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll make sure to keep it in mind!

(Tbh, the quality is rly low because I intended for this to be a shitpost then it somehow turned into this idk how)

Howdy, hi!

Here's a review from the mansion.

This is ADORABLE and I love it~

“Hah! Take that, Cadence! Cheesy romance isn’t the best books!”


Well that was cute af. Twiluna is best princesship.

A fabulous use of time. 10/9 ponies would stare at cute pics of Twi being adorkable and filly princesses.


well..... not dissapionted :pinkiehappy:

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