• Published 9th Sep 2012
  • 862 Views, 13 Comments

A Test of Loyalty - KendallBunny

Rainbow Dash finally achieves her lifelong dream.

  • ...

The Best Birthday Ever

"Now Rainbow Dash, if you would please wake up, I mean, if you don't mind, that is-"
The cyan pegasus instantly bolted upright, interrupting Fluttershy's gentle prodding. Rainbow Dash then noticed the yellow mare huddled on the floor, eyes wide in shock.
"Heh, uh, sorry Fluttershy.."
"It's alright" she replied, standing up, "I just get easily startled sometimes".
Rainbow Dash just chuckled. "Yeah, so, what do you need?
"Well, um, since it's your birthday, all of us are having a breakfast at Sugarcube Corner, and-"
"Oh, Ponyfeathers! I forgot my own birthday!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly, causing Fluttershy to wince at the noise.

The two pegasi started towards Sugarcube Corner, flying over produce carts and groups of chatting ponies. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, but most of the residents of Ponyville liked to start their day off nice and early. Well, all of the residents except Rainbow Dash. She usually slept in really late, but today was her birthday, and she didn't want to waste an hour of daylight on her special day of the year.

When they arrived at Sugarcube Corner, Twilight, Rarity, Spike, and Applejack were waiting there for the two.
"Hey, uh, where's Pinkie?" Rainbow questioned.
As soon as she had asked, the pink pony popped out from the kitchen carrying a tray of food.
"I made some of your favorite super-duper-scrumptious haycakes for your birthday!" She exclaimed, setting down the pan.
"Aw, thanks Pinkie!" Dash sat down at the table with everypony else and began eating her delicious haycakes.
"So, this is like the best birthday present EVER!" The birthday mare said through a mouthful of food, "I mean, really guys-"
"You ain't seen nuthin' yet" Applejack smiled, winking at Twilight. The purple unicorn reached into her saddlebag and got out seven blue tickets.
"This is a gift from all of us" Twilight Sparkle smiled, setting them on the table in front of Rainbow.
"Tickets to the WONDERBOLTS FAll SHOW IN CANTERLOT?! You guys.. I can't believe it. This is absolutely awesome. THANK YOU!" Rainbow Dash cried.
Rarity stepped forward, holding a beautiful magenta sweater with white trim.
"I absolutely had to make you something to wear tonight" Rarity said, handing the sweater to Rainbow.
"Geez, guys, I-I can't say thanks enough, really.." The cyan mare stepped forward, tears of joy threatening to overtake her.
The day went by pretty fast after that. Pinkie Pie threw a huge party, and every pony in Ponyville was invited. They danced, played games, listened to music, and did what Rainbow Dash loved to do the most - hang out with her friends.
Soon, it was time to get ready. Everypony was excited, especially Rainbow. Rarity insisted she make everypony presentable for the trip to Canterlot, so they were all stuck at her Boutique for a good hour. Pinkie Pie was chatting with Twilight and Spike while the purple unicorn brushed her mane, Fluttershy was admiring the outfit Rarity had chosen for her to wear, Applejack was worriedly fidgeting with her outfit, most likely complaining about it being too fru-fru, Rarity was applying false eyelashes, and Rainbow was striking poses in the mirror.
"So, isn't it going to be cool seeing the Wonderbolts perform, Twilight?" Spike asked.
"Cool?", Rainbow answered him from across the room, "It's going to be AWESOME!!"

Rainbow Dash felt excitement bubble up inside of her. She was about to see the Wonderbolts perform! She'd seen them before, but that was long ago, and now she would see them in less than an hour!
"Pinkie Pie, keep still!" Rarity complained as she fixed the pink pony's hair. It had fallen out of her bun in several places.
Rainbow trotted over to Twilight and Spike. As usual, the unicorn was reviewing a checklist.
"Spike, do we have drinks?"
"Uh, umbrellas? In case it rains?

The stadium was huge. There was rows of seating for a few thousand ponies, and about five box seatings, most likely for the Canterlot Elite.
The seven found the place where they would sit, and settled down. After a few minutes of chatting, an announcer's voice echoed through the stands.
"Fillies and Gentlecolts! Welcome to the Wonderbolts' Fall Show! We are proud to present.... The one and only.. WONDERBOLTS!
Three pegasi - Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot - flew above the stands with lightning speed, and left a trail of smoke behind them. Rainbow gasped in awe. Her lifelong heroes were right there before her eyes, doing tricks, spins, dives, dodges, and everything in between. The noise of the crowd was automatically shut out of the cyan pegasus' mind as she focused intently on the Wonderbolts.
Applejack prodded Rainbow in the side. "Hey, you okay? You kind of zoned out there"
Dash sighed. "They're just.. so amazing."
"I agree" Fluttershy smiled.
Rainbow looked back to the Wonderbolts. They landed on the announcer's platform and whispered something into his ear. He nodded, and Fleetfoot stepped to the mic. She had a very soft, feminine voice. "We have a surprise. We heard of a certain pony who has been perfecting her flying skills and has an extreme talent for speed. We'd like to let her show her skills. So, we would like to step forward.. Miss Rainbow Dash!"
Dash was shocked. She didn't know what to say.
"Darling, you'll do amazing" Rarity reassured her.
The cyan mare flew up confidently. She'd never been so excited in her life. She shook hooves with Spitfire, and the orange Wonderbolt whispered into her ear, "Begin when you're ready".
Rainbow inhaled. She shot down the platform, and came up through the hoops in a record speed. She spun around a cloud to form a massive tornado of air, and shot up to the sky.
"I can't perform the Rainbow now, can I?" She asked herself nevously. The last time she accomplished the move she had been pushing herself to save Rarity.
"It's worth the try" She panted.
She got her speed going super fast. She could feel the wind zipping past her, the air forming around her.
"Almost there."
The air was becoming tighter, but she could feel herself slipping.
"Come on!"
She pushed herself forward with a surge of energy, and shot through the sky. She could hear the crowd's cheering. She turned right as she neared the stadium floor and jolted upwards. She landed on the platform she had started on.
Her friends were there, clapping their hooves and jumping in the air. Dash smiled. Without her friends, she would be nothing.
Spitfire trotted over to Rainbow.
"Wow. You're amazing!" She exclaimed, impressed.
"Thanks!" She replied, trying to keep her cool.
The Captain of the Wonderbolts went back over to Soarin and Fleetfoot, the three of them whispering among themselves.
Rainbow flew back to her friends. They were excitedly waiting for her.
"Dashie, you were like, ZOOM, and then, PHEW, and then, BAM! Pinkie exclaimed, running all over the place. Dash chuckled. After congratulating her, they started back towards home.
"Hey, we should have celebratory smoothies" Rainbow said, pointing to a smoothie shop.
"Okay!" Everypony exclaimed in unison.
"Wait," Twilight prodded Dash in the shoulder, "The Wonderbolts want to talk to you."
Rainbow turned around. There they were, right in front of her. Her heroes.. wanted to talk to her? She couldn't believe it.
"So.." Soarin said, looking at the other two, "We were thinking.."
"You're very talented," Fleetfoot spoke,
"Would you like to join our elite flying group, Rainbow dash?" Spitfire finished.