• Published 4th Nov 2021
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Sirens' Hospital Beds - MorbidTheBrony

In this episode, we now present the Dazzlings in hospital beds! It may just prove to be one of the worst things to have ever happened to them as they're left facing with a pain far greater than broken bones...

  • ...

No mooore!

The resting eyes of the golden Dazzling fluttered open. Adagio Dazzle was met with, while her eyes had not properly began to focus yet, with a bright light that was held high above her head. It certainly wasn't a light in her van, they didn't even work anymore, and it certainly wasn't that kind of light because there's no way she's going there at this point. So, where was she?

Oof. Her head was pounding up a storm! What even happened yesterday? Trying to remember, she found that she barely has any memory of the night before apart from she and her sisters all leaving the Starswirl Music Festival.

Adagio moved her right hand to rest on her forehead, but she immediately was hit with something that was in the way of her hand. Getting a better look at it, she found it to be an arm cast. In fact, looking all over herself, something was definitely wrong. She had been changed into a light blue gown and only that. Her left leg was also suspended in the air with a cast of its own. Looking around, she also saw that she was placed in a bed that definitely wasn't her double mattress despite sleeping in it herself. In fact, this wasn't even her room. It was then that reality had hit her like a truck. She was in a hospital bed!

"What on earth...?" Adagio wondered. Out of the corner of her vision, she then saw her sister Aria Blaze on her left, and she didn't seem to be in much better condition, bearing a neck brace and multiple bandages wrapped around her head. Her eyes were still closed so perhaps she was sleeping. That, or she was really unconcious. That, or she was actually dead. So if Aria was there, that could only mean that on Adagio's other side would be...

Yep. On her right was the body of Sonata Dusk, who only appeared to have a broken left arm with also a number of bruises on her body and face. She was resting also, though she appeared to be waking up relatively slowly.

"Sonata?" Adagio asked quietly with no response. "Sonata! Wake up!"

This seemed to do the trick as Sonata began rubbing her eyes with her good hand. "Dagi...?" Sonata said with a yawn. She picked up on the new location pretty quickly. "Where are we? And why do I hurt so bad?"

"I don't know, but it looks like we've gotten into an accident of some kind. Aria might know, but she's still sleep-"

"ARIA! WAKE UP!" Sonata's voice boomed throughout the room, scaring Aria awake. Sonata was immediately sent into a coughing fit after raising her voice, which just show where her other injuries lay.

"Ugh! Mind keeping it down, Sonata? I'm trying to..." Now it was Aria's turn to realise something was wrong. "Hey, Adagio? Where are we?"

"The hospital," Adagio and Sonata answered in unison despite the latter not being asked.

Aria gave an annoyed groan. "I knew it was a bad idea to let you drive the van, Sonata."

This addition to the mystery sent a wave of something that Adagio hadn't felt in a long time. Possibly not since Starswirl had banished the three to the other world. Pure. Unbridled. RAGE!

Adagio's head slowly creaked towards Aria, giving her a stare of death unlike anything. "You did what? Aria, my lovely sister... WHY IN CELESTIA'S GREAT DERRIERE WOULD YOU LET SONATA DRIVE THE VAN?!"

Despite Adagio being physically incapable of moving, Aria still reeled back to stay away from her sister's wrath. It might not have been the smartest idea to let that out. "I-I was really tired after the festival! I though maybe she'd at least get us to the next gas station!"

"YOU COMPLETE IMBECILE!! IF IT'S ONE THING SONATA'S COMPLETELY INCAPABLE OF DOING, IT'S-" But suddenly, Adagio's rage phase came to an immediate halt as a familiar theme song began playing. She turned around and saw that Sonata had switched on the TV that hung on the roof above her bed. It was a show that Adagio absolutely hated.

However, Sonata loved it. "Ooh! Yes! The Big Boom Query!" The youngest of the sirens smiled with glee.

The other two sirens though had visible disgust. "Get that crap off, Sonata," Aria demanded.

"No! This show's hilarious!"

There were four present male characters on screen sitting on a couch, supposedly watching a TV of their own off screen.

"Wow! Look at that exchange of momentum and energy!" a character said.

"The elastic and inelastic collisions are very exciting!" a foreign character added on.

"Get a load of those spin stabilised projectiles!" a guy with a bowl haircut proceeded to comment on.

"What are you guys watching?" a blonde girl character asked as she walked onto the set.

"Football," a brown, short haired character finished the joke, following up with the characters sitting in an awkward silence as a laugh track was added in post production.

While Adagio and Aria just sat staring, completely unphased at the show's attempt at comedy, Sonata was found howling with laughter. So much so that she almost caught herself choking on her own laughter. If it wasn't the crash that killed her, it would absolutely be this show.

What made it worse was that there was nothing either Adagio or Aria could do about it, seeing as Sonata was the control master for some reason, and also they both knew she cherished her turn on the TV like a mother to her child. So, for their stay at the hospital, it looked like it was going to be filled with bad sitcoms and childish cartoons.

It was then that the nurse arrived at their room, momentarily saving the two most suffering sirens. "I see you're all finally awake now! I'm very glad to see that," the nurse said with joy.

"Yeah, great. Mind telling us how long we're going to be here?" Aria asked impatiently.

"Well, likely for a few days to a week at most. I'd say you three are very lucky with the injuries you've all sustained given the crash you were in."

"Is our van okay?" Adagio then asked.

The nurse's face then turned to one of uncertainty. "Well... you see, your van rolled off a hill and landed in a lake. The damages alone will have cost a fortune, but by the time it was pulled out of the water, the engine was already flooded. I'm afraid your van is no longer functional."

The Dazzlings all shared the same look of horror. Their van. Their pimped out ride. Their friggin' car. Gone. Adagio really couldn't tell who she was more furious with. Sonata being the cause for this, or Aria allowing her to be the cause for it.

The nurse, however, was not finished talking. "I mainly came in here to say that you have visitors. It's the people that helped pull you out of the van. I'll be letting them in now." Then she walked back out of the room.

The three injured girls waited in anticipation. Just who would bother to throw themselves in danger to save them? Let alone given the fact that it was them. After the Battle of the Bands, the Dazzlings name became a very disrespected one. And then it all became clear as they each all saw the very first person pass by their window. Or rather, they should say, the pony.

Then entered Sunset Shimmer and her band of misfits, otherwise known as the 'Rainbooms'. Needless to say whatever morsel of joy still remained in the Dazzlings bodies, regardless of how little it initially was anyway, had completely disappeared now.

"Oh great. What do you all want?" Aria snarkly asked.

"We just came to check on you three," Sunset Shimmer replied, rubbing the back of her head. "It really was lucky we found you so quickly after your crash." A silence then fell between the two bands, with each and every girl avoiding any awkward eye contact. Sunset decided to break the tension with a witty comment. "Heh. I see they finally got the TVs working in this place. Definitely could have used that the last couple times I was here. Hehe..."

"If we knew we were going to be rescued by you, I think we'd have preferred to just drown," Adagio moodily, and morbidly, said.

Rarity dramatically gasped in response to the siren leader's comment. "Well, pardon us for lending out a helping hand when it is needed!"

Sonata stuck her hand up. "Umm, I think it should be known that I appreciate your help."

"You're very welcome, Sonata. It was the least we could do," Fluttershy responded with a friendly nod.

Aria scoffed. "Oh course she's thankful. She won't want to miss the new episodes to her terrible shows."

"Now that is just uncalled for!" Pinkie Pie butted in. "The Big Boom Query is hilarious!"

"I know, right?" Sonata said, sharing the same excitement as Pinkie.

Everyone just looked at the two similarly thinking girls who just exchange smiles at eachother. Clearly, they were both in a world of their own and weren't going to contribute much to the situation at hand.

"I really don't understand why you're acting like this," Twilight Sparkle, the one the Dazzlings haven't gotten to know unlike the princess, now joined the conversation.

"Well, of course you don't. You weren't a part of this circus back when they ruined us," Adagio said. "We spent all our time afterwards trying to reclaim what you caused us to lose and now look what you put us in!"

Rainbow Dash pushed in front. "Hey! We saved your life!"

"You didn't save our life! You just let us suffer more!" Aria shouted back. A pinch in her neck forced her to restrain herself from attempting to turn her head because of her neck brace. "Why would you even save us anyway? Haven't we caused enough trouble in your life?"

"What? Ya think after attemptin' world domination we want y'all dead?" Applejack asked rhetorically.

None of the Dazzlings answered. Instead they just simultaneously shrugged with blank expressions.

Applejack facepalmed. "Ay yai yai. Look, sugarcubes, yah have stirred up trouble before, but Ah think y'all have suffered quite enough for it."

"Yeah! In fact, you even said it yourself, Adagio, at the festival. You said you all paid the price for manipulating CHS with your magic," Sunset pointed out. That just caused for even more confused glares. Not just from the Dazzlings, but from all of her friends too.

"We never spoke at the festival," Adagio made clear, and now Sunset looked as though she had a realisation and awkwardly laughed, trying hard, but failing, to hide her embarrassed blush.

"So, what is it you all want? To rub in the fact you saved us or throw us a pity party?" Aria asked.

"Well, if it's a party you want..." Pinkie said as a balloon slowly began rising behind her head. It was immediately confiscated by Twilight who tossed it across the room with her telekinesis. Luckily, it floated towards Sonata who caught the string. She looked up at it as it read 'YAY! You lived!' in pink cursive with a small chibi Pinkie at the bottom right of the text.

"Is it that hard to accept that we're just worried for you?" Twilight asked back. "Haven't you ever had anyone to care for you in your lives?"

"No," Adagio quickly answered. "All we ever had was a mother who only kept us fed until we were grown up enough to fend for ourselves. We never had care then, so why should we expect it now? Especially from you?"

Twilight wanted to argue back, but she found that the siren's way of thinking was understandable. She was turning up completely empty.

"Well, maybe this can be a real turning point," Sunset said, now trying something new. "Perhaps if you give us a chance-"

"No thanks, Sunset," Adagio interrupted. "We know what you're trying to do and we're not interested in joining your little rag-tag team or whatever. We've got our own lives now without the worry for magic, despite how it led to us having broken bones and now no van."

Sunset was quiet for a moment as she processed what Adagio had just said. "So, is that it then?"


"Are you all for real?" Rainbow Dash asked.

It was now that each of the Dazzlings turned their heads, with the exception of Aria turning her entire body, towards the Rainbooms in perfect unison, each of them bearing the same blank expressions as before. And then, as if it was rehearsed until perfection, they each said with perfectly similar clarity and tone, "For realsies."

The Dazzlings were left alone in their hospital rooms again. It was later in the evening and the sun was beginning to set over the horizon, creating an orange hue in the sky. The TV was blaring children show tunes as Sonata continued watching. Meanwhile, Adagio and Aria had succumbed to the numbness of the shows' dumbness and just watched it with the youngest siren. At least one of them was enjoying their time.

"Hey, Sonata? Could you flick to the news quickly?" Adagio asked. "Mama needs to know if someone got into a worse accident."

Before Sonata could even answer, which Adagio was expecting to be a big, fat no, the nurse returned once again with something in tow. It was three pizza boxes, and given the fact that the three of them were the only ones in this room, it must be for them.

The nurse handed them each one box. "Someone bought you three dinner. They would have delivered it themselves but they had to quickly leave," she explained before leaving the Dazzlings to it.

The trio looked between eachother as they flow open their boxes, revealling three identical large cheese pizzas that were still piping hot. Inside each of the boxes read a message written in a black marker. It read, 'Let us try to take some of that suffering away. - The Rainblossoms'

Those girls...! Adagio hated nothing more than their stupid sympathy and dumb optimism. Thinking they can save so many lives with as little as a smile! While it certainly was never going to work on her, it would be stupid to turn down free pizza.

"Sweet! Free pizza!" Sonata excitedly exclaimed as she immediately began chowing down on a slice, not even thinking about its fresh heat which she paid the price for as she burned her mouth on the hot cheese!

Author's Note:

The Big Bang Theory parody exchange can be found here, provided by Sorrow TV.

From the result of a random thought finished in a night, followed up by a forced sequel during a slow month, I present the threequel that was more unneeded than the predecessor!

The "Hospital Bed" trilogy is definitely one of my stranger ideas, but it has seemed to strike quite a chord with quite a few people, so perhaps a better sequel is the least I can give, just to send off the trilogy with something that's nice, or at least adequate in comparison.

Anyways, I think I've had my fill on one shots for one year. Only two... Back to work on my bigger project!

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